
28 Days

"We're gonna go soon... I just have a present for you." He cocked his head to the side.

I bit my lip and held my breath.

"What's the present?" I nervously asked.

"It's right inside my jacket," Jungkook answered.

He begins reaching inside his jacket and I close my eyes.

What could it possibly be? Food? Money? Or perhaps a... gun?

Was he gonna finish off what Namjoon originally wanted to do? Was he gonna shoot me?

"P-please don't kill me," I squeaked, barely audible.

Bravely, I finally opened my eyes. Instead of seeing an assassin pointing a gun at me, I confronted a confused Jungkook looking at me strangely.

"Kill you? Why would I want to do that? I only want to thank you," he simply chuckled.

He finally pulled the mysterious object from the inside of his jacket pocket.

I squeaked and covered my face with my hands.

Jungkook sighs.

"Y/n, chill it ain't a weapon."

Slowly, I lowered my hands from my face. Jungkook was holding a small box.

"Uh, what's in there?" I pointed at the container, wrapped in a bow.

"It's what you deserve...for being brave."

He opened up the box and there was a glimmering item. He took the object out and I was mesmerized by its beauty.

"It's a necklace..." I whispered in awe.

"Yup. It's a gift from the jeweler at the mall... when you risked your life to save all his money. Still can't believe you outran all those robbers and led them straight to the police."

"Ehh, that was all luck though." I modestly shrugged like it was no big deal.

Jungkook nodded. "Yup, luck, bravery and stupidity. You got it all."

"Hey!" I playfully punched his shoulder.

I took the necklace from Jungkook's hands. It was really so beautiful. It was a simple pendant with a bright blue crystal. It would fit well with my outfit so well.

"The jeweler has fantastic taste..." I️ admitted.

"Well, it was me who picked it out. I originally intended to get it for my mom, but I found another important woman in my life. One who's alive. And although annoying, she's a source of light for me in my dark mind."

I was wordless from his confession. It was really heartwarming to hear, after all the pain he admitted to me. I️ was so glad that my presence had a positive impact on his life.

After awkwardly not saying anything for a few seconds, I wrap the necklace around my neck, but I couldn't fasten it.

"Do you need help?" Jungkook came closer.

Without my response, Jungkook used his hand and lightly pushed all of my hair to one side. While he was fastening the necklace, I felt his warm fingers grazing against the back of my neck, with his chest lightly pressed against my back. I shuddered against his touch.

"There...done." He finally fastened the necklace. His fingers were still touching my nape and I quickly jumped away, after realizing he wasn't going to move himself.

Peering into the dresser mirror, I observed the figure before me.

      "I️ look..."

       "Beautiful," Jungkook finishes the sentence for me.

       It was such a cheesy and cliche thing to say, yet my cheeks burned anyways.

       "Thanks. You also don't look ugly." I️ shyly glanced down after my comment.

        Jungkook snorts. "Wow, thanks for the compliment of the century. Ready to go?" He takes his arm out, gesturing for me to take it.

       I️ nod and lock arms with him. "Yup. Let's do this thing."

      We walk outside and Jungkook points to a limo.

      "Damn, son. We riding in style." I️ whistle in admiration.

        "Well, I only get the best for my fake girlfriend." Jungkook opens the back door for me and I️ sit down.

       "Ahh..yeah I'm your fake girlfriend for tonight..." I️ nervously fumble my thumbs.

               "Don't worry.  Haven't you done this before with Taehyung? You've got practice." Jungkook assures me as he sits down besides me and shuts the limo door.

         "And look at how great that turned out. You found out that we weren't dating anyways," I️ replied.

       "Well, we just gotta be more careful than you and Taehyung were. But don't worry we got this." He clenches his fist and raises it towards me. I️ fist pound him.

        "Yup, we do," I️ say, unconvinced with my own words.

      We stay mostly in silence for the car ride, until Jungkook grabs my hand and rubs his thumb against mine.

      "Uh, Jungkook what are you doing?" I choked.

      "Honestly, I'm a bit nervous, so do you mind if I hold your hand?" He asks.

      "Uh, sure. And it'll be good practice for the party." I nod and interlock my fingers with his.

      Jungkook looks down at our hands and gulps. "Of course. That's why I actually grabbed your's all practice for the party."

      After about twenty minutes, we finally reach the location. The driver opens the door and I let go of Jungkook's hand and step out. Jungkook exits the luxioxrious limo right after.

      I look around at my surroundings and immediately recognize the location. We're at Busan Town Hall.

       "Why are we at Busan Town Hall? Any person who gets invited here has to be an extremely rich or important person...or related or friends to one."

Jungkook nervously plays with his collar. "Well, my dad's got connections..."

"Oh...well, cool." is all I️ can say.

He gestures for me to grab his arm and I do. As we approach the entrance of the building, there's paparazzi snapping our pictures. Huge bodyguards hold them back to prevent them from mobbing he guests. Finally, we're at the entrance. Jungkook provides his name and ID. The bounder standing in front of the huge door bows and allows us to enter.

A waiter takes our jackets and leads us to a gigantic ballroom. There's celebrities, politicians and businessmen of all different races and nationalities.

"Oh my Beyoncé....IS THAT BEYONCÉ? AND JAY MOTHER FREAKING Z?" I️ point to a glamorous couple with matching, dark sunglasses. They're sitting at a table, surrounded by their friends and secuirty. Besides the couple, is an adorable child wearing a designer dress which definitely costed more than my entire existence.

"Yup...and the famous Blue Ivy. But please stop pointing at them. And put your phone back in your purse. They didn't come to this party to have you freak out and invade their privacy," Jungkook commands me, assertively.

"Oh, right...." I️ put my phone down and pout. There's so many different famous people that I️ just wanted to fangirl over- at the cocktail table, I️ saw CL shoving shrimp into while talking to Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook. Entering the room was Aishwarya Rai cracking jokes with The First Lady of Japan.

And yet I️ couldn't take any pictures and had to act "chill". Jungkook could have warned me about how upperclass this party actually was. But no, I wasn't informed and felt like a fool.

All the women in the room were wearing dresses that costed more than my college tuition, yet I️'m wearing an outfit that costed less than their weekly groceries.

       All these ladies were so glamorous meanwhile I️ was average. Their faces were probably painted by professionals, meanwhile I️ got my makeup at a dollar store. Their necklines revealed extreme cleavage, meanwhile mine wasn't even an inch below my neck. Their dresses were short meanwhile I️ was wearing leggings to completely cover my legs.

I feel so pathetic...

"All the girls here are dressed so nice. I feel like a nun," I️ confessed to Jungkook. I'm embarrassed and look down at my modest outfit.

      Jungkook grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him. He tilts my chin so I️ look up and face him.

    "Well I️ have a confession to make..." he admitted.

      He places a strand of fallen hair behind my ear and his hand slowly settles low on my hip. Jungkook leans in. He moves his mouth so close to mine that I️ could feel his warm breath on my face.

      His voice is dangerously deep as he says something I'd never hear him say in a thousand years.

"You're covered in the most clothes, yet you're the iest one here."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry for the late update I'm mad busy with school. OH YEAH IM WORKING ON IDEAS FOR MY NEXT FANFIC :D the male lead is prob gonna be taehyung (second lead gonna be another bts member) and it's either gonna be historical or mafia..I️ really want to try historical (was highly inspired by Hwarang and Tae's cute character) but idk if I️ can pull it off. If I️ do make it historical, the main girl is gonna be a badass warrior girl who pretends to be a guy when she fights. Cliche idea, but I️ really wanna try it. Hopefully I'll have the first chapter for that up soon and I️ hope you guys will support it :DDDD

Also this fanfic is NOT over yet, I'm pretty sure there's gonna be at LEAST twenty more chapters lol. This ff was only supposed to be like 25 chapters only but a lot of the scenes that I️ write end up being a lot more longer than I️ intend. Thanks for being loyal readers though and keeping up with my random plot twists, Love y'all 💝💝💕

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I also put this story on wattpad: search “28 days” by drawfavs. I sometimes include pictures in between paragraphs, which I think makes it more entertaining to read, haha.


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Versatus05 #1
I'm back after so long. Sorry for not keeping up with this story but I'm so happy to see it still as amazing as where I left it. Best wishes to you always.
lucyg_1630 #2
Chapter 43: Please update soon, I love your story sooooooo much!!!
Minderic #3
Chapter 43: Yesss she said action incomingggg
Leah_Black #4
Park Jimin!! This it’s getting better n better.
wonderdream #5
Chapter 37: This is nice.. Thanks for updating:)
wonderdream #6
Chapter 36: This is adorable. >.< I love this sooo much. Thanks for writing this:)
nana199296 #7
Chapter 36: oh sorry .haven't read last update's offten do you update?interesting fic
nana199296 #8
Chapter 36: aren't you updating?please update
jackie99 #9
Chapter 36: oh my gosh aww Jungkook!!