


***Warning: This is a sad fic.***

She woke up from dreaming and put on her shoes
Started making her way past two in the morning
She hasn't been sober for days

Amber: My mind felt fuzzy. What day was it? Why didn't I know? My head was screaming in pain. I need some kind of pills. What happened? I stumbled down the steps of my apartment, into my kitchen. I grabbed a glass lazily and filled it with water from the sink. My hands grabbing blindly for the bottom of pills, opening it and taking two, sitting down at the counter. My head started to go through the events that had happened over the past few days.

Krystal: I boarded the plane, trying not to look back at the airport I was leaving behind me. The city I was leaving behind me and the people that lived in it. One of the most important people in the world to me I was leaving behind. I remembered why though, the fight they had the things that she has said to me. I was doing this for the both of our own good. It was Friday now, I hadn't seen Amber in five days. I walked onto the plane, finally deciding my choice. I needed to do this.

Leaning now into the breeze remembering Sunday
She falls to her knees, they had breakfast together
But two eggs don't last like the feeling of what she needs

Amber: Flashbacks begin to take over my mind. The fight. We had a fight. There was screaming and throwing of random objects at each other. The morning had started out perfectly. Everything was pleasant and wonderful. They had been acting like any other couple in love. Something went wrong. Something about me cheating on her. But I would never cheat on her. Why did she think so? Our anniversary was that day, I came home late because I picked something up for her, and she had shouted at me, claiming I was cheating on her. I stood up out of my chair quickly, knocking it down to the floor. I remembered her crying, before storming out of the apartment and slamming the door. I slowly slide down to the floor, leaning my head against my knees. I pick my head up, reaching into my pocket, pulling out the small black box. I flicked it open, looking at the engagement ring I had gotten for her. It was too late now though. I had lost her.

Krystal: I stare out of the window of the plane, the events replay in my mind automatically. I sigh, throwing down my book. How could she forget our one year anniversary? After everything that had happened with the two of us? And how could she cheat on me! Breaking up with me because no feelings were there was understandable. I thought there was a connection inbetween us! But I guess not. I guess Amber just felt that it wasn't strong enough, so she had to sneak around with other girls. I was enraged just thinking about it. Maybe some space between us would be good. Maybe some permenant space would be good.

Now this place seems familiar to her
She pulled on her hand with a devilish grin
She led her upstairs, she led her upstairs
Left her dying to get in

Amber: I walked through the apartment, finally noticing how messy it really was. Books and papers were strewn on the floor. Two vases were smashed against the wall. The small puppy Krystal had bought me my birthday was pouting with big eyes for food. I sighed, feeding her. I continued through, walking into our bedroom together. Drawers were thrown open, but most of Krystal's stuff was gone. They had been living together for a couple months now, or, were living together. Things had been going fairly swell. Well enough that Amber wanted to make it permenant because she loved Krystal with all of her heart. Amber picked up an abandoned sweatshirt on the ground. It was Krystal's favorite one. She lifted it to her nose, and knew it smelt exactly like Krystal does. How could she forget this?

Krystal: I stepped off of the plane, and it was unfamiliarly hot. I didn't like it. I immediately discarded the light jacket I was wearing, settling for shorts and a tank top. I grabbed my backpack, and starting walking through the airport. Part of me looked into the crowd, as if someone was waiting to pick me up, but I knew nobody was. I walked over to a taxi service, asking them to drive me to a hotel. The buildings were big, tall, and intimitating. I didn't like this city. I don't know why I came here. Maybe because she was from here? Los Angles, California.

Forgive me, I'm trying to find
My calling, I'm calling at night
I don't mean to be a bother, but have you seen this girl?
She's been running through my dreams
And it's driving me crazy, it seems
I'm gonna ask her to marry me

Amber: My mind has finally processed. I can't lose the girl I'm in love with. I asked all of her friends, and none of them knew where Krystal had gone. Our group mates had no idea either. Nicole, the girl I had gone to the jewlery store with, frowned when hearing the news. It wasn't her fault that I had choosen her to go get the ring with. This was my fault. But now Krystal was gone. It was like she disappeared out of South Korea. Maybe she left for the states? I questioned the thought for a second, before figuring it was ridiculous. She wouldn't move to an entirely different country. 

Krystal: Word had caught to me that Amber was looking for me. Well too bad for her. I was over her. Well. That was a lie. I wasn't over her. Not even close. But maybe if I can keep telling myself that one day I might actually believe it. I want nothing to do with her now. 

And even though she doesn't believe in love
She's determined to call her bluff
Who could deny these butterflies?
They're filling her gut

Amber: I don't care if Krystal never wants to see me ever again, I want, no scratch that, I NEED, to see her again. I plan to meet Sulli at a cafe. She's told me numerous times that she hadn't she seen or heard from Krystal. But I'm persistant. She has to know something about where Krystal has gone. When we are finally sitting across from each other, Sulli again begins to tell me that she hadn't seen Krystal or heard from Krystal in the past few days. And that's when her phone goes off, and Krystal's name and picture pops up on the screen. 

Krystal: I know that Sulli has to be worried about my being. I told her I was leaving for the states, and not to tell Amber. So I figured it was in my duty to call her, and let her know I had arrived safety. I look at the time, translating it, and knowing its only about four in the afternoon in South Korea. I smile, dialing her number. I listen as our debut song plays as her ringback while I wait for her to answer the phone. She answers it slightly out of breath, which confuses me at first, but I shrug it off. I tell her I landed safety, and before anything else happens, a very familiar voice booms in the background and it sounds like a chair is falling on the floor.


Waking the neighbors, unfamiliar faces
She pleads though she tries
But she's only denied
Now she's dying to get inside

Amber: At first, I sat there in shock. There Krystal was, calling Sulli. Sulli gave me an innocent look with a shrug, and picks up the phone. How long had the two been in contact? Was Sulli lying to me? Did Krystal tell Sulli not to tell me? Or did Krystal just contact her out of the blue? My head finally snapped out of it, as Sulli answered the phone. I could hear Krystal faintly, my beautiful Krystal and her soothing voice. And that's when I lept across the table, arm stretched out reaching for the phone.

Krystal: I hear wrestling it sounds like. I hear Amber picking up the phone, stating in a very smooth voice that she needed to talk to me. I wait anxiously, unsure of what to say. She calls my name, wondering if I'm still there. I bring my phone down to my face, and click the end call button. I clutch my phone tightly, knowing I needed to cut off all communication. Otherwise I would crawl right back to her. The phone rings again, and I stare at it. Rage takes over my mind. How dare she try to talk to me after what she had done. My arm rasies, and the phone is flung against the wall, before smashing into a million little pieces on the floor.

Forgive me, I'm trying to find
My calling, I'm calling at night
I don't mean to be a bother, but have you seen this girl?
She's been running through my dreams
And it's driving me crazy, it seems
I'm gonna ask her to marry me

Amber: I tried calling her back. I tried, and I tried and I tried. No answer. Just continous ringing. I looked over at Sulli, who was sitting in a chair, looking at me slightly frightened. I sighed, knowing I must have scared her. I sat down, pulling my chair closer into the table, and resting my arms on the table. I stared at it for a second, before finally pulling my head up and looking at Sulli in the eyes. I asked her where Krystal was, and she shook her head no. I stand up, angry at her, shouting, asking her why she wasn't telling me. She shouts back that I hurt Krystal by cheating on her, and that I shouldn't be trying to find her to hurt her more.

Krystal: I don't feel the need to buy a new phone. I could live without it. It was not necessary. All Amber would do is try to contact me on it, and that's the last thing I wanted. To be hurt even more. I sigh, finally unpacking my luggage into the hotel room. I look around, knowing it was just starting to get dark here, I figured a nice peaceful walk on the beach sounded nice. I step outside, thankful my hotel was right next door. I kick my flip flops off, feeling the warm sand from the day in between my toes. It was a feeling I missed. I walked slowly, before finding a nice spot to sit down and stare at the sunset in front of me. What could she have possibly wanted to talk to me about anyway?

There's a neighbor said, she moved away
Funny how it rained all day
I didn't think much of it then
But it's starting to all make sense

Amber: Sulli believed Krystal. Sulli doesn't believe I'm innocent. I sit back down in the chair, entirely baffled. That's why she didn't tell me we were talking. I bring my head into my hands in frustration and unhappiness. I look back up, tears pratically in my eyes.

"Sulli. I promise you. I wasn't cheating on her. Nicole and I were out together that day to look for engagement rings. She was helping me. I was going to propose." I said, holding out the small black box I have had in my pocket the past couple days. Sulli's mouth drops, looking at the fairly expensive ring in my hand I had saved for a long time. She finally recatches her breath, before meeting my eyes. She nods.

"She's in Los Angles." Sulli replies. I jump up, hugging her and whispering thank you in her ear, before running out of the cafe to the closest airport.

Krystal: When it begins to get too dark, I make my way back into the hotel. A shy boy watches me from afar, giving me a small wave. I notice he's slightly older than me, with a bright smile. I wave back, before entering my room, collasping on my bed. Why wasn't I out there with him, trying to flirt with him? Any other break up I would be right back on my feet. Why was Amber affecting me so much? Why was I letting her?

Oh, I can see now
That all of these clouds are following me
In my desperate endeavor
To find my whoever, wherever she may be

Amber: I walk back and forth impatiently, not liking the fact that my plane was delayed to Los Angles due to a storm. I was frustrated. They had been flying planes for years and years, they can navigate through a stupid silly little storm. My pacing was pratically burning a hole in the rug. Finally, they call our flight, stating that it was ready to be boarded. I make a quick call to Sulli, telling her what plane I was on and that I was departuring. She gave me a good luck, and I sat down in my seat, staring out the window. I felt the small black box in my pocket, knowing that the very first thing I was going to do when I saw her was propose. Whether she said yes, no, or spits in my face. I need for her to know that I love her.

Krystal: I wake up the next morning, and everything is oddly quiet. I wasn't used to other people not being around me. I was so accustomed to dorm life, that it seemed kind of lonely to just be by yourself all the time. I pack a few small snacks, and throw on a bathing suit, figuring it would be a nice day to just relax, hit the beach, and finally take my mind off of Amber. I choose a nice spot on soft sand, sitting down and watching the peaceful waves in front of me. Before I can help it, my mind wanders to Amber. What was she doing right now? Was she still looking for me? Or did she give up? What would she want to show me in this big city of her's?

I'm not coming back, I've done something so terrible
I'm terrified to speak but you'd expect that from me
I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt
Now the rain is just washing you out of my hair

Amber: The airplane dips, and for a second, my heart skips a beat. It levels out, and I sigh in relief. I hated airplanes. It was just a bump. Just a bump. But then it happens again, and again. I'm starting to get nervous. Why was this happening? The seat belt light came on, but I already had my seat belt buckled. Other passengers exchanged nervous glances. Was this plane safe to be on? Suddenly, a huge boom happens just to my right. The fabric, the metal, the interior of the right side of the front of the plane was gone. It was ripped. I felt the plane dip more, except now at a more fierce angle. The plane begins to spin, and I try to scream but I can't find my voice to due so. Objects, people and airplane metal are flying everywhere. It was quiet, like I couldn't hear anything going on around me. I clutch the small black box in my right hand, as if it was going to save me. My entire body feels as if it is on fire, and all I can see is white as we wildly descend. Krystal...

And out of my mind, keeping an eye on the world
So many thousands of feet off the ground
I'm over you now, I'm at home in the clouds
Towering over your head

Krystal: It had been a few days since I have heard from anyone. Nobody was trying to contact me. I figured now might be a good time to buy a new phone. Amber must have stopped trying to contact me by now. Its nearly been two and a half weeks. Sulli must have been worried. I finally get my new one, and as the phone number reboots, all the messages I've missed begin to flood my inbox and I have 43 missed calls.

From Sulli: Krystal, It's Amber. Please. Answer your phone.

From Sulli: It's not what you think! -Amber

From Sulli: Krystal, please!

From Amber: Please Krystal, answer your phone. You're beginning to get me worried.

From Sulli: Krys? Are you alright? You haven't called me in a while. :/

From Victoria: Amber's really worried about you right now. 

From Amber: Krystal, I love you. Please stop doing this. Let me explain.

From Luna: Krystal?

From Sulli: Kryyssssssssss. :(

From Sulli: Call me when you get this. ASAP.

I look at the last one weird. Sulli usually doesn't text like that. I'm confused, so I call her now, even though it was ridiculously early morning their time. Sulli answers right away.

"Turn on the news! NOW!" She states before I can even say anything to her. I jump at her urgency, what the heck was going on with this girl?

"What? Why? What's so special about the news?" I asked, picking up the remote off of my night table. 

"Just do it!" She shouts again. I jump, before flicking through the channels on my TV. I see a helicopter, flying around water. Something huge was in the water, but I couldn't tell what it was. Was that part of an airplane?

"Unfortunately we are unsure of what the death toll number is on this horrible flight, so far nobody alive has been found. Mechanics are now looking into the cause of the tear in Flight 143A, but it is said that it is most likely from misproper checking, the tear then caused an explosion. All flights by the Korean Airline have been cancelled until further notice."

"An airplane crash?" I state confused. Sulli sighs. What was going on?

"Amber was on that flight. She was going to find you. She was going to propose. That's why she was with Nicole that day. Nicole was helping her pick out an engagement ring." 

Well I guess I'll go home now
I guess I'll go home now
I guess I'll go home now
I guess I'll go home

Krystal: My phone drops out of my hand. My knees land on the floor, and I stare at the television screen in front of me. Amber, was somewhere in that huge pile of reckage. Somewhere, and most likely not alive. I could hear Sulli's shouting on the phone, but only faintly. I continued to stare at the screen, not wanting to believe what was said. I didn't want to believe what Sulli said either. Was her story true? Was Amber even on that flight? My Amber. My beautiful handsome perfect Amber. Was gone. Because she was trying to find me, because I was stupid, thinking she was cheating on me. This was all my fault. She was gone because of me.

End. Sorry if it's a little sad.

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YourSmile-I #1
Chapter 1: Sad.....but thanks
Stressssss #2
Chapter 1: i love it!!!
twosheart #3
Chapter 1: I think this story needs a sequel. I don't know if you made one but you totally should. Make it so that Amber somehow survived and is on an island or something. This story deserves a sequel. Please think about it ^~^
KBwayback #4
Chapter 1: T________T
NeZuMiLiU #5
Chapter 1: I can't stop to crying... I can't...
fxAsha #6
Chapter 1: Damn it. I think i'm dead now. It will be sad if it was true. I cant bear losing someone that i love in that way. :(
Anakyl #7
Chapter 1: wa...this really good! I'm tearing up! duh~
SkyLauria93718 #8
...... :o ....... I dont even know what to say!!! ㅠㅠ I can't cry cause my mom is by me and she'll be like "y u cryin?!"
*FLIPS THE TABLE OVER* arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh D;
1ll1ll9oo #10
Awwww? >_<