Even if it kills me to see you in that wedding dress.

It's Not Me

The red carpet streaming along the centre of the chapel was beautifully sprinkled with the red petals of roses and the green of long ferns. Along the pews were ornate baskets weaved by hand for the invited guests to slip their well wishes and congratulatory messages. Sitting down on the pews, family and friends alike chattered and a wave of anxiety and excitement swept up and down the jittery guests.

I stood leaning back on the post, wearing a black best over a white, button up long sleeve shirt with a red tie resting half tied around my neck, my hands tucked into the pockets of my denim jeans. It was time. I reluctantly sat down, and positioned my fingers on the grand piano in front of me , preparing to play the wedding march. Behind the altar stood the pastor, and to his side awaited the groom, dressed in a grey tuxedo and a striped, blue tie.

All eyes were drawn to the sound of the chapel doors being opened, and gracefully, you stepped in. Your gown was white, flowing down the red carpet like a cascade of water. A few girls trailed behind you, holding the fabric of the dress in their gentle hands to ensure that it was not stepped upon. The dress had ruffles of a light pink surrounding the shoulders as well as the stomach and the back. Translucent beads of pearl were attached to the frills of the dress by means of thin pieces of string.

The fascinated guests and the awestruck groom stood with their mouths half opened and eyes widened. You looked absolutely stunning.. No, that was an understatement. I could not find the right words to describe you at that moment. You walked down the aisle with elegance and approached the altar with your smiing father by your side, only releasing his grasp on your arm when you had walked onto the raised section of the floor where your fiance stood.. Where I should be standing. I dreaded every step you took down the aisle, still hoping like a fool, that you would not take his hand. 

''We have gathered here in this holy-'' His words became meaningless mumbles in my ears as I started to think of the past, the times we spent together, when I still had you by my side.

I recalled the time when you had a tiff with him, and came crying to me till your beautiful eyes became dry. As you were struggling to maintain your relationship with him, I became hopeful. Afraid that you might notice my hidden feelings, I feared that the gap between us would widen. I secretly prayed that one day, you would leave him for me. You never understood my feelings and I hated you for that, sometimes so much to the extent that I wished you would just die. But thinking back, I was the coward who hid my feelings for you. How could I possibly hate you now? Do you know that I have always prayed, day and night, for this day to never come? But it finally did.

I glanced at you, your attention focused solely on the pastor. I took a ring out of my pocket, more past memories kept flooding in my head. I've waited patiently for so long, but you never even looked at me.

Caught up in my thoughts, I just noticed that you approached me, still clad in that magnificent dress made of the most expensive of all silk and pure of all cotton.

I looked around. The music had ended. The wedding was over. It finally dawned upon me that you were his.. Forever. 

''Ji? Jingyo oppa?''

I looked at you.


''What's wrong? Hey, weddings are supposed to be happy, shouldn't you be happy for me?'' you joked, playfully punching my arm.

''It's not me.''

Please be happy with him, so that I can forget you. Dropping the ring that I was still holding onto, I left.

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Kiwa8D #1
Aww i remember imagining this from taeyang's song , it was so sad T^T Specially the ending
_stupidliar #2
This fic does use the ''Wedding Dress'' setting :) I know right! Should I write a sequel to this? From Chaerin's POV instead... And since this is just an edited fic from somewhere, I should probably write one on my own... Right?