
Blind Date

They sat down on the bench, and she placed her bag beside her and opened it. Jung Min had removed his glasses and curiously tried to spy inside, but Sandra felt his glance and quickly put it out of his view. Jung Min pouted offended. The young woman smiled and his cheek softly. Jung Min jerked a bit, and she quickly pulled away, as she realized what she was doing. The singer leaned his head to the right side and eyed Sandra. She was now packing out a little red box out of her bag and opened it. Jung Min’s eyes widened longingly as he saw his favourite food inside. She smiled at his cute expression, took out some chopsticks and started to feed him.

“I wonder,” he then asked with full mouth, “are you a fan, or not?” he wanted to know. His voice was soft and deep and sent shivers down her spine. She avoided his dark brown, beautiful and deep eyes.

“I first saw you on TV… when you debuted.” He watched her, wanting her to tell more. “The day after my husband had passed away, we had been married for just a year.” Her voice broke, and she stared into the sky. She then turned back to him.

“You had the same attitude, the same eyes, the same laughter,” she sighed. “The laughter I loved most on the world. And now it was gone, and I would never hear it again.” She paused again, lost in thoughts. Her face had become serious and thoughtful, and Jung Min suddenly could see the mature woman of utmost beauty that she was actually.

“But then I heard your laughter on TV… it was as if my husband had come back to life, I was so … I was … ,“ she sobbed, tears glistening in the already red sunlight. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I became so sentimental,” she tried a weakened smile and shoved some food in Jung Min’s already empty mouth. “Be as it may, I promised myself to see that boy with my husband’s laughter, to talk to him, to share some time with him.” She looked up to him, finally smiling again. “And, thank God, he granted me my wish.”

“Was your … your husband Korean?” Jung Min asked carefully. Sandra nodded. “His name was Park Hyung Min. Astonishing, isn’t it?”

“Park Hyung Min,” he repeated. “Neh, truly astonishing.” He turned to her, eying her from the corners of his big brown eyes. “You don’t seem to be old enough to already be a widow,” he stated. “In fact, you don’t seem like you were already married.” Sandra smiled absentmindedly. Jung Min had eaten up and opened his mouth for her to feed him again. She chuckled and followed his wish.

“We got married when we were still in high-school. We married in 2004, when we were only 16 years old.” She sighed. “Our parents were very conservative and said either you marry or break up. They didn’t want their children to have a boyfriend or girlfriend without marriage. They ment it good, I now know that, but at that time I couldn’t understand. So we ran away to get married.” She saw his confused expression and explained: “My parents work as missionaries here in Korea, and … Hyung Min’s parents were priests. That’s how we met, and that’s why we weren’t allowed to date, you know?”

Jung Min nodded. That was all a bit too much for him. The simple reason ‘I am a huge fan of yours, that’s why I wanted to date you’ that he had expected seemed now so far away from what the real reason was. He felt guilty and sad for Sandra.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized. To his surprise, she started to laugh.

“You’re the last person to feel sorry about my fate!” Then she suddenly became serious again. “I am the one who should apologize. You were robbed of your free time you had, just because a selfish little girl wants to replay her past again by meeting a famous, busy K-pop idol.” She looked up into his face, memorizing his beautiful features.

“Kamsamnida, Park Jung Min.”


“For coming. For making me laugh again. For everything.” Jung Min was stunned. He couldn’t find the right words now. He didn’t even know what he should say.


Author's note:

Sooo, finally the next  chapter :) I hope u like it... it's somewhat a little strange and such, but I was a little in a hurry, so please excuse if it doesn't fit your expectations *hides under the stairs and collects dust*

Sooo, pleasseee telll me how did you like it??

love to alll subscribers and readers :)

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awwwwwww <3 the we got engaged thing <3
WOW! while im reading you kept updating ^-^
jungminbaby #3
the story is great! :)