2nd Chapter

A Beautiful Cliche
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Chanyeol and Baekhee's friends started teasing them. They said they look good together, but. He was dating CL that time. yet he still does things for her.

Like one time, Baekhee's bag was heavy so she asked him to trade bags with him. He immediately obliged.

Other students look at them as if they were a couple when they walk side by side at school. 

Chanyeol would always initiate eye contact but would lose anyway. Baekhee would always laugh at him but on the inside, she was dying. Her heart would always go crazy with those petty things. It was sad she can't tell anyone about what she feels.

One time, there was an event at school. Baekhee waited for her friends, including Chanyeol, to finish their practice so they could all go home together. Lol, her other friends were just her excuse. She just really want to be with him as they hadn't seen each other all day because of each rehearsals. Chanyeol finally came out of the room they were using for practice and he went to where Baekhee and the others are.

“Let's go guys, Chanyeol's here,” Baekhee said while organizing her things.

“Hold up. Chen's not here yet,” Suzy said and that's when she remembered about her other friends. Way to make yourself obvious, Baekhee.

“Guys, I'd go home with Sir Paul,” Chanyeol suddenly said which made Baekhee frown. They asked him why and he replied: “Sir Paul is gonna give the event's invitation to the principal. Her house is near so I'd rather go with him.”

Baekhee's frown even became bigger. In a sarcastic way, she said, “Go on. It's okay. We waited here for you and you're just gonna leave us here. it's okay.” 

The giant was about to turn his back when she said that. He came back while laughing and told her, “I'm gonna make it up to you next time. Bye, I gotta go. Love you,” and pinched her cheek.

Baekhee was left unmoved, with the “ayie's” she got from her friends. Thankfully, it was already past 6 pm so it was dark, they couldn't see her cheeks blushing. 

It was almost romantic. Almost. If he wasn't really just a big jerk.

At that same night, the two were talking through Messenger when he suddenly said, “Hey I'm gonna call you. Answer your phone.”

Baekhee didn't want to asnwer at first because she thought he's just gonna say s about how handsome it is.

Thankfully, she did. They had an actual conversation. Too bad it was only up for 12 minutes. But that 12 minutes? They were the best minutes of her life.

The next morning, Chanyeol blurted out how they were talking on the phone last night. He told their friends, “Baekhee and I were talking on the phone last night. I’d already replaced her with CL.” And laughed. 

He even added, “Hey, I will call you again later.” But he didn't.

How could you even laugh? You thought it was cool when I am here hurting, trying to take in your words. Stop saying things if you’re not capable of standing them. Don't give me false hopes anymore. Please.

If only she could say those things, she already had.

It was Friday. And Friday is always PE day, so they were wearing their PE uniforms: jogging pants and a shirt. It was recess time and they were eating at the bench provided for the students. Baekhee and Chanyeol were sitting across each other, with Baekhee's legs spread, not that much though, out. With Chanyeol's eyebrows creased, he said:
“Can't you sit properly? You're a lady, Baekhee.” 

Baekhee was stunned for a moment but recovered quickly. She was trying to provoke him and said, “What's wrong with how I sit?”

“Don't sit like a man,” he replied with a frown.

“What's wrong when I am wearing this jogging pants? Duh,” she said, yet she already sat properly to make things easier for everyone. Lol. 

Before every moving up ceremony, there is always a Thanksgiving Day in SMU. It is an event for the students to thank the school for the year. In this day, the graduating class makes this scene that they write on each other's clothes messages because they were about to separate from each other. And guess what Chanyeol wrote on Baekhee's uniform? “I love you very much -Chanyeol.” What is Baekhee supposed to do now?

To be honest, Baekhee doesn't even know anymore if Chanyeol is only leading her up or if he actually likes her. Baekhee doesn't want to risk their friendship by asking him. Because once she does, it would be game over for them. The feelings she hjd all those years would all be washed away. 

After some time, it's time for them to move up to senior high school. This is what Baekhee doesn't want to happen the most: the possiblity of Chanyeol to meet new people and to completely forget about her. 

But luck is on her side this time. They happened to study at the same school: JYP University. Baekhee, Chanyeol, Krystal, Chen, and two of their classmates all are enrolled at the same school. They may not be classmates, but Baekhee would rather like that than not seeing the guy she wants for months.

She thought nothing would change. They would still talk like they used to. They would make interactions when they see each other. But they didn't. things have turned upside down since they became senior high school students.

Chanyeol barely talk to the poor girl now. Well, maybe on the first month, they would always send each other messages. But soon after he found friends, who are irritatingly as playboy as he is, he does not message her. Not like before.

He became even more ful

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