When Night Falls

It Would Have Been

As Dowoon took a step forward, Hye Jin took a step back almost instinctively, even though they did not break eye contact. It had been too long, too much had happened between them- they wouldn't be able to go back to how they were so easily, if ever. It had been a mistake to go to Sinchon, even if it was on the way home for Hye Jin, she had been too curious about Dowoon for her own good. She had been keeping up with DAY6 and their activities, but always secretly, never once attending their concerts or public performances. She should have kept to her own rule all the way, to make a clean break of things between them. Never would she have imagined that in this huge crowd of fangirls Dowoon would be able to spot her so easily, but then again, he always had a keen pair of eyes. Especially for her. As Hye Jin continued backing away, tears started to form in her eyes as she remembered how Dowoon had been such a considerate boyfriend. He was always watching out for her emotions, doing whatever he could to get that rare smile on her face. Little did he know that his efforts also placed a lot of stress on her, especially since she had been going through her own issues at the time. These were things she could never have told that young innocent Dowoon, and even less now that he was busy and considerably successful. He had such a future ahead of him, and she would just drag him down. Coming here was a foolish error, Hye Jin told herself, as she clenched her fists and turned her back to Dowoon. It was time to let him go, to let him move on. 

Dowoon watched Hye Jin turn around, and realising her intentions he quickly ran up to her and tapped her on her shoulder. She suddenly stiffened, shocked by the contact, but she still refused to turn. "Hye Jin ah, have you been well?" 

His gentle voice stirred up emotions that she had long tried to keep buried, and she swallowed hard to keep him from hearing the tears in her voice. Steeling herself, she finally turned to face him and with a hint of coldness she replied. "Do I know you? You're DAY6's drummer Dowoon and I may be a fan, but we're still complete strangers. Don't call my name so loosely like that. If we're done here, good luck with your future releases." Shrugging off his hand, she strode away, and this time Dowoon did not follow. Her words pierced deeply at his heart, especially since he knew every word from was insincere. Her honest eyes gave away the longing and sadness that was hidden from her speech, but the worst part was that Dowoon could not understand why she was trying so hard to pretend in the first place. They didn't part on the best of terms, but without even giving him a chance to apologise, she just disappeared from his life, and her cruel words betrayed the determination she had in disappearing once again. He couldn't bring himself to chase after her, seeing how much pain he had caused her once again simply by walking up to her. 

Dowoon clutched his throbbing head, the shock of the encounter and the ice-cold yet searing pain of watching her walk away once again overwhelming him, and then everything faded into darkness. 

Hearing the dull thud behind her, the tear-streaked Hye Jin couldn't help but turn around, only to see Dowoon collapsed on the now-snowy ground. "Dowoonie!" Before she could react however, a brown-haired man who also had a mask on rushed to his side. Wonpil shook the maknae in panic. He had come out after Young K told them how Dowoon had disappeared because he couldn't shake off a niggling feeling that something was wrong. And now, this happened. Dowoon had always been the strongest among them because he worked out the most, and even though he had just caught a cold a few days ago, it normally would not have been this serious for him to collapse. Dowoon trembled slightly as Wonpil cradled him and felt his burning forehead. "Hye Jin ah...don't go..." Dowoon croaked weakly. Wonpil frowned as he heard that familiar name. Hye Jin was Dowoon's first love, the one he dreamt about from time to time. Him collapsing out of the blue - could he have had a shocking encounter with her? Scanning the crowd that had gathered around, Wonpil spotted a woman who had turned pale in the distance staring at Dowoon stricken. He wanted to call out to her but she quickly turned and left, just as Sungjin came out with their manager after hearing Wonpil's cry. The members quickly moved Dowoon to their warmer dressing room and hooked him up to an IV drip that the managers carried around. 

Wonpil slumped defeatedly next to Dowoon, and while Sungjin and Young K worked with the managers to get Dowoon warm and to feed him some cold medicine, Jae took a seat next to Wonpil, who seemed excessively worried about the maknae (more than usual at least). "Yah, Dowoonie will be fine. Don't be too worried. He just must have been really tired from the schedules we've had lately." The rare words of comfort from the mat-hyung still weren't enough to ease Wonpil's concerns, but he decided to confide in Jae. The mat-hyung had lived in the US in the past, and had his fair share of relationship issues. "I think Dowoon saw his first love whom he had broken up with a while ago just now while we were busking, that's why he ran out all of a sudden to look for her." Jae stared incredulously at Wonpil, he had never thought that the blur and innocent maknae had ever been in love, let alone go through a breakup or act so rashly to try to meet her again. Wonpil continued, "Her name is Hye Jin, I think. I've heard him calling for her in dreams several times, and just now even while he was only half-conscious he kept calling for her. Something very wrong must have happened in their relationship, but Dowoon obviously still loves her. Why else does he act so uninterested about girls all this while?" Glancing at the sleeping maknae, whose fever induced flush had disappeared slightly, Wonpil's lip trembled as he concluded, "I don't know anything about this girl, but I want Dowoon to be happy and complete again." 

Hye Jin took off her boots and coat mechanically, her mind still focused on Dowoon collapsed in the snow. She had no idea that her meeting him would have such a horrible effect on him, and while she had initially been happy that he was doing well, her feelings of guilt had come back in full force again. Was her debt to him never ending? That's why she had run away from him in the first place, but now that they had met again by chance, she was once again feeling sorry towards him. She looked towards the moon that had now risen high in the sky as she finally gave way to her tears. I'm sorry, Dowoon. 

Wonpil lay in bed, unable to sleep as he watched Dowoon sleep, peacefully this time due to the drowsy effects of the medicine. He had woken up shortly after he was brought in by the hyungs, and had apologised for worrying them, but the dark look in his expression led Wonpil to believe that he was still feeling very upset. Stretching to reach the adjacent drawer, Wonpil quietly pulled out a black notebook from Dowoon's drawer. It was Dowoon's lyrics book, a book he had only ever shown Wonpil because he was still embarassed about his efforts and did not think they were good enough to show the other hyungs. Wonpil thought the fears were unfounded however, because Dowoon was actually quite the lyricist, and had many times given him advice on his own lyrics. Wonpil liked Dowoon's lyrics because they felt raw and genuine, albeit not being very poetic or clever. The maknae barely expressed his true thoughts, and these lyrics were one of the only ways he ever did so. Wonpil flipped to the last page, surprised to find a fresh new entry. 

When the long night comes
I get lost again, without you
I’m wandering in a dream I’ve never had before
In a place without you, who can wake me up
I’m here, waiting for you

They were a short few lines, but tears pooled in Wonpil's eyes and he quickly stifled a sob before he woke Dowoon up. The disconnect that Wonpil had often felt from Dowoon, the incompleteness to someone who in line with his loving and bubbly nature should have been living in bliss - they probably all stemmed from this deep hurt he had received from this relationship. What exactly had damaged the maknae's heart so irrevocably? Clutching the book tightly, Wonpil decided there and then that he needed to find out more about Hye Jin, and find a way to mend Dowoon's broken heart. 

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jelly888 #1
Chapter 1: The story is so good T.T Dowoon finding the girl in the crowd made my heart skip a beat. I like the concept of Dowoon being in love T.T If you ever decide to extend the story I'll look forward to it :)
jelly888 #2
Ooh! So much potential from the foreword itself. I'm looking forward to this ^^