
Angelic ( NaMo )

It all started out with that spark of emotion. The sensation of butterflies within her newfound stomach as the opposite compliments her choice of a vessel.

" You of remind me of a winter hare... I like it. "

Those were the very words that Park Ji Hyo said to Im Nayeon that made the lower-classed angel realize that she was a Cupid trapped in an angels body. 

Like most Angels, ( excluding cherubs- also known as " cupids  " by mortals, ) Im Nayeon struggled to process or produce emotion and empathy. It was just how angels were. They were servants of god himself, made to complete tasks that the " big boss " simply did not have time for, they had no other purpose. 

Yet, despite this; Nayeon found an odd attraction to a Seraphim Angel, Park Jihyo. The lower angel did not understand this, though. Very few angels who weren't cherubs could experience the " pleasure " of emotion— and those who did often spend most of their time down on Earth, wheras Nayeon had little to no experience or knowledge of the human lifestyle whatsoever.

Soon after the first taste of emotion entered the angel, Nayeon soon found herself spending more and more time residing within her vessel aside from her true form; Constantly checking up on its appearance and making an attempt to appear the most " attractive " when her angelic sister was around. Frankly, the ravenette had no idea on how fashion and style worked when it came with beauty, seeing as the only pieces clothing she owned were the items the original owner of the vessel had left behind ( which consisted of a simple white dress shirt and a long black skirt— She assumed it was church clothing. ) Nonetheless, Nayeon had evolved an attachment towards her vessel. Without it, she simply did not feel like herself. And of course, if Jihyo found a liking towards the young, feminine body she was inhabiting; it was sure as heaven itself that she will continue to reside within it. 

Dahyun; a childish and somewhat young cherub— who still had the decency to wear clothing, unlike most Cupids— soon picked up on the newfound fondness emitting from the taller angel, and wasted no time in teasing her about it. 

" Say.. That Jihyo Seraphim... She sure is pretty isn't she? " The pale skinned brunette would constantly comment.

As per usual, the older angel would simply reply with, " I find her rank on the angel hierarchy and vessel's physical traits quite admirable. But I'm unsure if ' pretty ' is the correct word to use. "

A groan came from the Cupid as she falls back into Nayeon's lap, causing a few puffs of clouds to fly into the air as she pouts childishly at the opposing ravenette, who Blinks confusedly, unable to process what was wrong with Dahyuns face. 

" Why is you're face all like... that? "

The brunette rolls her eyes as she looks up at Nayeon, poking her cheek, enjoying the slight chubbiness  and roundness of it. She found it hard to believe such a cute and childish face hadn’t even cracked a smile before her. " You've got a lot to learn before you even stand a chance with a seraphim, of all angels! "

Nayeon furrows her eyebrows as a slight pout unknowingly forms upon her own face, " And what do you know? You're just a mere cherub angel. The lowest of class. "

Dahyun rises from the lap of the angel, face flooded with countless over dramatic facial expressions as she the side of Nayeons face with a warm hand, " Oh dear Nayeon. You may be higher classed, but you don't know half as much as I do. You don't even know how it's like down there. " she gestures to Earth down below, her tone of voice suddenly running cold," Don't tell me I don't know anything until you've experienced living. " A cheeky grin breaks out upon the brunettes face, completely dumbfounding the ravenette with the mass expression of emotion within the other's performance.

" Look, I can tell you like Jihyo. Don’t try to deny it, I’m the literal embodiment of love and affection. If you wanna continue living another hundred thousand years wondering what is it that your feeling right now, having that dreadful pain of unknown love eat you up from the inside out, then go ahead. But if you really want to spice up your boring ‘life’ and actually do something with it, then go down to Earth. I heard summoning angels is the new hip trend. Gain knowledge behind the lifestyle of a mortal. Learn to love. " she held the opposites large freezing hand within her small, warm palms, " Do it for her. "

And that's how Nayeon ended up in the messy room of a desperate-looking blonde Japanese girl, some canine-like creature barking viciously at the door. Honestly speaking, Nayeon wasn't expecting her first angel summoning experience to be so... informal. The blonde barely looked like she knew was she was doing, and seemed to have completely ignored the silhouette of fully feathered angel wings the ravenette batted behind her back. Not only were these wings a sign of Nayeon's health and species as an angel, It was a sign of power; respect. Yet this mortal had to audacity to ask,

" A-Are you a demon? "

It was probably one of the most unintelligent questions the angel had ever heard in her entire two hundred ninety six thousand five hundred years of angelic form, but she let it slide, seeing what poor condition the opposing female was currently in. 

" I am the last thing from a demon.  " her voice spoke smoothly and coolly, but something was lacking within her tone. Something human. " I am an angelic being sent up from the heavens. You summoned me. This couldn't possibly be a mistake. " 

A laugh mixed with both embarrassed sheepishness and late night hysteria erupted from the blonde as Nayeon was taken slightly aback, brows furrowed in confusion. Humans are quite the... Unique specimen.

" Oh my god. Angels are real. I just summoned an angel. " The mortal falls back onto the wall as she dryly laughs, running a hand through her hair. " I was supposed to summon a demon for s and giggles but I got an angel instead. I'm going crazy. This has got to be a dream. "

Nayeon towers over the curled up blonde on the floor as she shook her head, looking down upon the mortal before her. " I'm afraid you're not going crazy. Angels and devils exist. And just about any other creature from any other religion exists as well. " she stated bluntly, which ended up with an even more hysteric laugh from the girl on the floor in response. She truly was a mess.

Nayeon frowns, " What is your name, mortal? "

It took the blonde a moment to regain her breath ( and whatever saneness she had left ) before she responded, " Hiram— I mean— gah— M-Momo. Hirai Momo. " Dark, slightly terrified eyes met the superiors cold, emotionless ones as Nayeon squats down, coming down to eye level with the human as she inspects her features. 

It was apparent that this " Momo " hadn't slept in a while, or eaten. From what Nayeon could recall, that was vital to an organism's survival. The blonde was a pitiful sight, even the most cold-blooded of Angels would feel a pang of solace when brought upon the female. 

A sigh left the angel's lips as she stood up, taking one last look around the mess of a room. A slight twinge of benevolence appeared within her tone as she spoke, " I will see myself out then. Mortal life seems very... Interesting. I'm looking forward to experiencing it. I'll be keeping an eye on you, Hirai Momo. 

The ravenette turns around to make her exit- until the frantic voice of Momo interrupted.

" Wait! "

Momo freezes as Nayeon meets her hesitant gaze. Nayeon could sense the fear and hesitation within the girl. 

" What- What is your name? "

A soft, almost emotive smile curls upon Nayeon's lip as she turns away, back facing the blonde as she prepares for her descent.

" Im Nayeon. “

And then she vanished.

She figured it was about time she explored the life of a mortal. For both her own, and Jihyo’s sake.

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GaH Chapter 2 is up and it kinda , im sorry:,) I promise the future chapters will get better! I hope you guys all had a great New Years, by the way~


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multiply17twice #1
Chapter 2: wow yessss for an angel nayeon. this is nice! looking forward. :)
Pohakuponyo #2
Chapter 2: Haha this is really good and funny too. Momo situation is really relatable since I'm a senior too... anyway good job with the first two chapters:)
Chapter 2: I loveeee it!!!!
Chapter 2: Really good! Keep updating please ~
ShibaSana #5
Chapter 1: i love itttt
Chapter 1: i love this story so far! good job authornim, its really nice to read ❤