Chapter 5

I Just Found My L.O.V.E

A/N: HEY GUYS~~I passed my road test~~ :D I'm so happy~ On top of that I made 10 subbers~ To you guys that may be not a lot...but to me it is and I really appreciate it ^^ So~ To celebrate~ Double update~ :D

*Profanity will be appearing a lot more often now after this chapter."

          The guy standing in front of you is with only a towel to cover his bottom half. He doesn't take notice of you standing in your room. Or at least you THOUGHT it's your room. You continue to stare at him until he's at the other side of the room and he drops his towel...revealing everything. Your eyes get as big as saucers and scream while hiding your eyes. The guy also screams and instantly grabs the towel on the ground to cover his front.

          "HYUNG! HYESOO! WHAT'S WRONG?" Shinwoo comes running in yelling with a pan and wooden spoon in his hands, then hides his smile after seeing you guys. The others also come running in to see what the commotion is about.

          "YO! SHINWOO! WHY IS THAT THING," he points to you, "IN MY ROOM?"

          "GONGCHAN! WHY IS THERE AN EXHIBITIONIST IN MY ROOM?" you yell still covering your eyes. 

          "HEY! YOU BRAT! YOU'RE ROOM? THIS IS MY ROOM!" he then yells at Gongchan, "GONGCHAN! EXPLAIN!"

          "Er...I guess I forgot to tell you guys..." Gongchan scratches the back of his head, "You guys will be sharing a room together..." 

          "WHAT?!" You both shout in unison.

          "Heol(a sigh)...I'm jealous..." Baro says, which is then followed by a smack in the head by Shinwoo again with his wooden spoon, "Aiyah that hurts!"  

          "Hyung...Can you put some clothes on?" Sandeul asks, "I'm feeling embarrassed for Hyesoo..."

          The man looks down at himself and runs into the walk-in closet. 

          "Hyesoo, dinner is ready, you should come to the dining table now." Gongchan says as he walks out, followed by his hyungs. You then quickly followed them to the dining room. You have all sat down and the exhibitionist comes out 5 minutes later, sitting across from you. You roll your eyes in disgust.

          You guys all eat in peace until Gongchan decides to break the silence.

         " you guys introduce yourselves yet?" his eyes switching between you and the dude.

         The guy scoffs, "Please, do I need to? Everyone knows me." 

         You glare at him. 'Tch. Conceited little bastard.'

         "Er...Hyesoo...his name is Jinyoung..." Gongchan nervously says, "And hyung...that's Hyesoo."

          Jinyoung doesn't seem too interested since he's looking elsewhere. 'Ugh...rude .' 

         After dinner, everyone gets up to get ready to go to bed. You go to "your" room with Jinyoung following you. You could feel his glares at the back of your neck.

         "Jinyoung-hyung!" Gongchan calls out, "Can you come here for a second please?" Jinyoung stops and turns around to see what Gongchan wants. A few minutes later Jinyoung comes in to the room with your luggage and drops them on the floor. He again leaves the room and comes back with a sleeping bag, also throwing that on the floor. 

         "What the man!?" you angrily say while glaring at him in disgust.

         "You! Are sleeping on the floor," he says sternly, "No way in ing hell I'm letting you sleep in the same bed with me."

         "Can't we just use a pillow in between to separate us?" you say feeling annoyed, "I hate sleeping on the floor."

         "Hell no! It to be you then! If we do that, that means I'm still going to be in the same bed as you!"

         "Ugh...whatever ," you mutter.

         "What did you just call me you little ?" he gives you a death glare.

         "Nothing," you say plainly while setting up your sleeping bag a few feet away from his bed. You were about to change until you remember the bastard being present in the room. "Yo. Can you leave? I'm trying to change here."

         "Why? Just change here," he says on the bed while putting his arms behind his head to rest on them, "There's nothing to see anyway."

         "ing ert..." you growl while glaring and head to the bathroom.

         You come back into the room and hop into your sleeping bag. You jealously stare at Jinyoung laying comfortably in his bed. 'Aish...why do I have to room with this ?' ​you ask yourself, then lie down in your sleeping bag.

          A few hours has passed and you're still trying to fall asleep. You sit up and look at the clock on Jinyoung's night table: 2:26 a.m.

          'Ugh!'  you plop down on your back, 'I. Can't. Sleep. For. . The floor is too uncomfortable!'

          You suddenly sit up and look at Jinyoung. 'He won't mind if I sleep in his bed for a few hours right? I mean...what he doesn't know won't hurt him...besides...I'll wake up before he will.'  

          You crawl towards his bed and raise your hand and start waving it in front of his face, making sure he is sound asleep. You quietly get up and walk to the other side of his bed. You again make sure if he's asleep by waving your arms in the air. You gently pull back the covers and carefully climb into bed.

         'Ah~...much better~!' you sigh in relief and drift off to sleep.


          You hear someone scream, causing you to snap your eyes open and fall out of bed.

          "Why the are you in my bed?"  Jinyoung glares at you while folding his arms.

          You hear running outside the room. Sandeul and Gongchan bursts open the door.

          "HYUNG! WHAT'S WRONG!?" they shout in unison.

          "This little slept in my bed!" he points at you.

          Baro pokes his head through the doorway. "Hwa~ I'm jealous~," he says playfully then pouts.

          "Why does she have to sleep in MY room?" Jinyoung complains.

          "Because," Shinwoo says as he strolls in, "we live in a small dorm, all our rooms are filled, and you have the biggest room. Right Gongchan?"

          Gongchan nods nervously. 

          "Yo...Gongchan...Shinwoo...can't she just sleep in the living room?"

          "Hyung..." Gongchan says, "The living room gets too hot at night. She won't be able to sleep."

          "Ugh..." Jinyoung groans while throwing his head back, "we need a better paying job."

          "Speaking of jobs, we better get going," Shinwoo adds while looking at his watch, "I don't want to get scolded by the manager again. Jinyoung get ready and grab something to eat."

          "Yes, 'Mom'," Jinyoung rolls his eyes and walks to the bathroom that is connected to your room.

          "When will you guys get back?" you look at Gongchan.

          "Um...not sure, it depends if we are busy or not."

          You nod, not knowing what to say, so you head to the dining room to have breakfast.

         'Hwa~ Shinwoo is the best at cooking~' you thought while shoveling food into your mouth. After you finished eating, you hear the group heading out the door and shouting to you. 

          "BYE HYESOO~" Gongchan shouts. 

          "I'LL SEE YOU LATER!" Sandeul calls after. 

          "BYE BYE MY WIFE~" Baro bellows. You then hear a smack, probably by Shinwoo again, "OW! HYUNG! STOP HITTING ME!" You laugh to yourself.

          "See you later Hyesoo," Shinwoo calmly calls out, "Take care of yourself and be careful here."

          "Bye guys~~" you call out to them. Of course, you didn't hear anything from Jinyoung. 'Well I didn't want to say bye to you anyways.'

          You head to your room and got undressed to change into a fresh outfit. You didn't hear anyone come into the room until you hear someone say something.

          "I was right...there IS nothing to see." 

          You turn around and see Jinyoung leaning on the doorway smirking.

         "YAH! YOU ERT! I THOUGHT YOU LEFT!" You grab a pillow and cover yourself with it while using your free hand to throw random objects at him.

         "Tch, it doesn't make me a ert if I don't like what I see," Jinyoung retorts and starts walking towards you.

         You back up away from him while throwing objects at him while cursing until you hit the night table. Jinyoung is only a few inches away from you until he leans in. You feel your face starting to get red. He then reaches his arm behind you, your heart beating faster.

         "Why are you getting all flustered?" Jinyoung pulls back from you and shows you something in his hand, "I just forgot my phone."

         "YAH! GET OUT!" you push him away with your free arm as he smirks and leaves. 'Aish...ert...'  You then thought about what Jinyoung said. 'Yeah...why DID I get flustered?'  You shrug off the thoughts and got clothes on.



A/N: Yay~ Chapter 5 done! I hope you guys like it. Please  subscribe and/or comment~ I love you guys~ Also, how is it so far? Is the plot too slow? ^^   


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nice story (y)
Chapter 5: Omg she has to be in the same room as Jinyoung
Chapter 5: I love this! The beginning (First 3 chapters) is a bit boring, but as the story progresses, it's hilarious ,entertaining, and interesting! Will be waiting for more of your updates! *Subbed*
Update soon pwz I like it it's very interesting
Chapter 1: Please update soon :3