
From Farmer to a Gucci Boy

December 30, 1995, the most memorable in Mr. and Mrs. Kim's life. Their first child were born. Their son, their everything. 

"Aww my baby, you are so cute." Mrs. Kim is playing with her son. 

"Come to mama. Mama's gonna take extra care of you, arrasso? "

"What's my grandson doing, dear?" Grandma came to Mrs.Kim's room with a basket. 

"Playing with eomma." 

"Give him to me. He'll have enough time to play with his eomma. Let him play with his grandma" Grandma carried his and snuggled him. 

"What's in the basket, eomma?" Mrs. Kim asked with curiosity. 

"Ah these, these are some gifts for my grandson. I've been saving these for so many years" 

"So many years?" Mrs. Kim couldn't understand what her mother-in-law was saying. 

"These are some cloths that I made when Kim was born. He used to wear these clothes. He looked so cute back then. " 

"Really eomma, these are really his clothes."

"Hmm, now I want my grandson to wear these clothes. Your father-in-law used to ask me why am I saving these clothes for so many years. "

Tears started falling from grandma's eye. 
"He would have been very happy to see his grandson." 

"Eomma, jebal don't cry. " 

Grandma wipe off her tears. " Dear, I want my grandson to wear these clothes. I saved them for so many years for my grandchildren. Would you let him wear these?" 

"Eomma, I'd love to. I can tell how cute he'll look when he'll wear it." 

"Hmm" grandma kissed his forehead with blessed him. 

"Eomma, don't you think it's time we give him a name. "

"I was going to talk about that with you. Did you think about anything?" Grandma asked. 

"Eomma how about Jin Soo. Kim Jin Soo"

"No" grandma said with a sad face. 

"Then how about Dong Woo" Mr. Kim said and hold on to his son and snuggled him. 

"Honey, you know I don't like this name. Why are you always saying this name, huh?" 
"Why don't you like this name, dear" Grandma asked. 

"Eomma there was guy who used disturb her. His name was Dong Woo " Mr. Kim told his mother. 

Grandma burst out in laughing. "Really" 

"Eomma don't tease me. I don't want talk about that guy" Mrs. Kim said. 

Everyone was laughing with Dong Woo topic. 

"Oh, I got a name. How about Taehyung. Kim Taehyung." Grandma shouted out. 

" Hmm I like the too. What the meaning of this name, eomma?" Mr. Kim asked. 

"I want our grandson to become very happy and prosperous in his life. Taehyung is the state of being prosperous. " Grandma said. "What do you think? It'll be good for our baby." 

"I really like it. I think we should use this." Mrs. Kim said. 

Mr. Kim said with a teasing manner "I really the name but I think Dong Woo is better. "

"Honey, stop taking his name, jebal." Mrs. Kim said with a cute and angry face. 

"Ok,ok. I think Taehyung is a very good choice. I also like it." Mr. Kim said. 

Grandma carried her grandson and kissed his forehead. "Our Taehyung, Make us very proud. Don't ever feel lonely and sad. We will always be their for you. Promise. " 

Everyone gave little Teahyung a group hug.  But Taehyung started crying. 

"What's wrong ? Why is he crying?" Mr. Kim asked. 

"Dear did you feed him?" grandma asked. 

"Aaa, I forgot. I was only plying with him. " Mrs. Kim said with worried face. 

Grandma gave little Taehyung to his mother's arm. 

"Oh, sorry dear. I promise it woulfmd never happen again. Sorry" Mrs Kim went to her room while taking to her son. 

Author's note: Sorry for the mistakes. Enjoy.

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