
Penguin Problem

Kyungsoo looks at his watch, he’s been waiting for  Jongin for more than three hours now in front of the dining table. He keeps on sending side glances to the clock adjacent the wall.


“Nini, whats taking you so long? What happened to you? Why aren’t you answering any of my calls? Yaaa!!” he thinks to himself. Kyungsoo has been trying to call Jongin nonstop but to no avail. He even tried calling the office and his co-workers but they all said that he left the office earlier this afternoon.


Tonight, they were supposed to celebrate their fourth anniversary. He wanted to surprise Jongin when he came home so he cooked all his favorite food for him. He’s been worried sick and has been thinking nonstop about his boyfriend’s whereabouts. He thought that it was impossible for him to forget because he texted him twice that afternoon to leave the office early because he wanted Jongin to have dinner with him. 


He tried to call for the nth time that night.



Kim Jongin 🐻


The subscriber you’re calling is currently not available. Please try again later.


He was so getting pissed. He checked the clock again that read 10:00 PM. 


He no longer had the appetite despite eyeing the sumptuous food laid out in front of him. The food’s already cold anyway, he said to himself. After one last attempt at trying to call his boyfriend, he decided to stand up and start cleaning up the food.


Just as he was about to stuff the last piece of fried chicken in the container, he heard the door unlock.


He didn’t dare look up. He knew who was standing by the entryway and he was fuming mad. How dare he miss their anniversary? Moreover, how dare he stand him up? This was the first time Jongin did such a thing.


“Kyungsoo~” Jongin said in a hushed, sweet voice as he tried to get closer to said man and caressed his now stiff shoulders.


“I prepared a surprise dinner for you. For us. For our anniversary. How dare you stood me up?” Kyungsoo said flatly, void of any emotion on his voice and still not looking at the man at his back.


“I’m sorry.” Jongin said as he encircled his arms around Kyungsoo, his chest facing his back.


Kyungsoo didnt respond and continued cleaning up the table.


“Excuse me, i’m cleaning. Move away.” Kyungsoo flatly said as he moved past Jongin who was a bit taken aback by the action. 


“Okay, Soo. I’ll eat everything you prepared. Give me that. Don’t clean up yet.” He tried getting all the containers and placed them back on the dining table.


“That’s no use the food’s already cold. It isn’t delicious when its cold.” Kyungsoo answered bitterly.


“Never mind that. I’ll eat whatever you cook. You make the best food.” Jongin sweetly rebutted.


Kyungsoo turned his back and aimed for their room. Jongin was quick to react and grabbed the other’s arm.


“Hey! Wait! Dont turn your back on me.” Jongin was getting a bit upset already. 


“I’m having none of this Kim Jongin. I’m going to sleep. I’ve been busy cooking all afternoon for you. I’m tired.” Kyungsoo said with a bit of spite on his voice.


“Will you just listen to me please? Even for a second?” Jongin whined.


“One.” He counted. “Oops time’s up.” He sarcastically said. 


“I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry I was late. I was in the office doing important work that had to be rushed today and I lost track of time. I’m so sorry Kyungsoo. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”


“You’re lying.” Kyungsoo is now turning a deep shade of red from anger and Jongin does not miss the sight.


“What?!? I’m not!”


“Whatever your goddamn reason is, i’m not believing it. If you really wanted to celebrate with me, you would’ve come. Or at the very least stayed true to what you promised me. I closed down the restaurant for the whole afternoon just so I could cook you all your favorite dishes. I MADE TIME FOR YOU BECAUSE THATS WHAT WERE SUPPOSED TO DO NO MATTER HOW BUSY WE ARE. I have my priorities too, Jongin but I make it a point to make our ends meet. I’m not even asking for anything in return. I just want a part of your time if thats not too much to ask. But guess you couldnt even give that to me.” Kyungsoo was now fuming mad. His brows furrowed and his lips curled up. 


Jongin was smiling at this point. He’s staring straight into Kyungsoo’s eyes and couldn’t help but smile at the cute being standing in front of him. Kyungsoo looks so cute when he’s mad. He looks like a baby boy who’s candy got stolen away from him. Red as a tomato, he wanted to kiss Kyungsoo’s face so bad. He’s really an angel. 


Kyungsoo was taken aback by the sudden expression on his partner’s face. This pissed him off even more.


“I’m not kidding Jongin-ah! I’m mad! No! I’m hurt and so disappointed in you!” Kyungsoo was whining and looking oh so adorable while stomping his feet.


“Okay okay. I’m sorry babe.” Jongin was chuckling. Still struck by the cute angry Kyungsoo.


“Dont you dare call me babe! Look, like what I said earlier. Jongin i’m having none of all this bull. I’m sleepy. I just want to go to bed. Dont you dare sleep inside the room tonight. Goodnight.” The look of defeat taking over him. 


He went inside the room and slammed the door in front of Jongin’s face.


Jongin felt like a jerk. He was scratching the back of his head and felt bad about smiling in front of his angered boyfriend. But he couldnt resist his charm, really. He ate whats left of their supposed dinner, cleaned up and tried to get ready for bed. He was going to sleep on the couch tonight for sure.


He prepped for bed and fixed his bag. He brought out his supposed gift for Kyungsoo, a medium sized Penguin stuffed toy. Really, it was the main reason why he missed out on their dinner celebration. He got so amused wandering around the mall waiting for the perfect gift for his perfect boyfriend and lost track of time.


He told himself that he will just leave it on the bedside table tonight with a note. Hoping that come morning, Kyungsoo will no longer be mad at him.


He wrote a letter that night for the love of his life.




I’m sorry I didn’t make it to dinner with you tonight. I promise to make it up to you. I know this gift will not be enough compensation for what I’ve done but really, I was busy thinking of you too much that I lost track of time. This gift holds the key to my heart because you remind me of it. Please accept it.


I love you.




Meanwhile, Kyungsoo was tossing and turning in bed. He couldn’t sleep either. Although he was hurt from what Jongin did, he still catches himself worrying about the other. It’s already the start of winter and Jongin doesn’t have a blanket with him. The heater was on in their apartment but he just wanted to make sure that Jongin wouldn’t be left in the cold. But as expected, his pride obviously got in the way and was winning over him. He wouldn’t dare exit the room and check on him. 


He isn’t even that mad anymore. Whatever’s Jongin’s reasons were he’s sure they’re valid but how come he dared lie in front of his face? He was so confused and although still hurt, his heart was already beginning to soften. He knew he couldn’t stay mad at the guy. He loved him too much.



Its already 2 in the morning, and finally after hours of thinking and battling with his pride, sleep has finally taken over Kyungsoo. 


Before Jongin slept, he sneaked inside their room,  careful enough not to wake his sleeping boyfriend and placed his gift and letter on the bedside table. After doing so, he immediately went out of the room and slumped his body on the couch. He was asleep after a few minutes. Outside the room,  he’s getting a bit cold. He tried to unconsciously use his blazer as a blanket but he was just too tall. He knew he deserved to freeze outside the room after what he’d done. 



Its 5 AM, and silence was enveloping their whole house. Kyungsoo suddenly jolted awake from his light sleep. His conscience was getting the best of him. He turned to his side and noticed the stuffed animal and note on his bedside table.


He read the letter and hugged the stuffed penguin that was in front of him. Jongin was too sweet. He felt bad for lashing out in front of him a few hours ago. So he finally picked up a blanket and a few extra pillows for his boyfriend and went outside to check up on him.


Jongin was all curled up on their couch and sleeping peacefully. He looked so innocent- like an angel. Kyungsoo didn’t notice that he was staring for far too long when reality suddenly hit him in the face. His boyfriend was freezing in their living room. 


He walked to the couch and put on a blanket to cover up his freezing lover and put on pillows beside him. He was about to go back to bed when a hand suddenly caught his arm and pulled him straight onto the couch- on top of Jongin. He thought that he was already awake as his lover whispered “Kyungsoo-ya, i’m sorry. I love you.” but after a few seconds, he heard him snore. The guy was probably dreaming. He cant help but put on a smile on his face.


He was on top of Jongin now, his face to his chest and arms wrapped around him. He just stared at his lover’s sleeping face. Void of all hurt in his heart, he kissed Jongin’s lips and whispered goodnight to him. Sleep finally came to him and there they were wrapped in each other’s arms like nothing happened that night.



It’s 8 in the morning, and Jongin fluttered his eyes open at the sound of the bustling cars outside. He’s definitely going to be late for sure. But upon seeing the guy on top of him sleeping soundly, he didn’t dare move. Kyungsoo looked so beautiful wrapped around him like this. He stared into his face, gently caressing his hair. He stopped for a while to appreciate what’s been given to him. He loved him so dearly. Jongin kissed the top of Kyungsoo’s head and whispered, “I’m sorry I had to disappoint you last night. It had to happen. I love you Kyungsoo, you own the key to my heart.”


Little did Kyungsoo know that the real reason why Jongin didn’t make it to the dinner was because of the penguin. He rushed inside the mall but his contact did not meet him right on time. He was on edge the whole time.


Inside the stuffed penguin holds the most important thing to him- the key to Jongin’s heart and a promise. In one of its pockets contains a shiny gold band and a question that would seal their love for a lifetime.


Jongin could only hope that he would say yes.





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Chapter 1: This is so cuteeeee💕
Chapter 1: How cute! Kyungsoo is so cute at all times I would struggle not to smile either :p
Chapter 1: jsshhzhshsj TJIS IS SO CUTE I NEED MORE OF THIS
Chapter 1: (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و So cute!!! I loved this fic
Chapter 1: Where's the part where Jongin go down on his knees and pop the question???

Omg!!! This is soooo cute tho. I WANT MORE~~~~ I NEED MORE~~~~

yeollieeomma #6
Chapter 1: Omg!!! So fluffy my heart cant take it!!!
norichipi #7
Chapter 1: aaawwww super cute ♡♡♡
Shyne_ #8
Chapter 1: Omg so cute
Chapter 1: (≧◡≦) awhhh this piece of fluff requires a sequel!!
latestTMMT #10
this is so beautiful and fluffy <3 asking for a sequel would be too much but if author nim have time to write please write a sequel for this...
thank uuu