


- Lee Jia, 15 is a serious girl but become cheerful went it come to the cute thing and children. she always play with her brother Lee Sung Yeol and his friend. she is a tomboy girl and hate girly thing. everyone thought that you are LB because you never like to talk long with guys or your teacher except your brother and his friend.your great enemy are the kingkas


Sung Yeol

-youre brother, he has girlfriend name jiyoung but you hate his girlfriend because she was lair but you brother dont believebout it. he has 6 friend.



- Jonghyun, Onew, Key, Taemin and Minho. they call them self as shinee.



- your brother friend



-your brother girlfriend, lair, always act cute infron of your brother, she actualy a player who couple with any kind of guys.


sorry~ no foreword for now i hope you guys comment my story and subscribe my story...i hope i wont end up to delete this story like what i did with my first story...




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zwooyoung #1
Chapter 1: wow i dont think it will be like this, but i think it good...