
Paint the Sky for Me (GoldenExoFest'17)
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Rain is not only drops of water

It’s the love of sky for Earth.

They never meet each other

But send love in this way. (1)



(The sixth month of the year 1515, Maisan)


The Prince arrives at the temple with six of his ladies in waiting and his faithful attendant Eunuch Park early in the morning. It was a four-day travel from the Capital. Despite the warmth of the sun, the journey has been serene for the prince, though he doubts the same for his retinue. The heat has been intense for the past days and he's been apologetic to his stewards the moment they stepped out the palace gates. Despite suffering from the heat, all they did was make sure that the prince is comfortable.

A monk welcomes them and helps settle all the possessions they traveled with, guiding them through the small temple and into their temporary chambers for the next weeks. The prince is offered a humble, small room - quite different from the grandiose of his palace back in Hanyang. No bed, nor silk sheets, just a thin mattress lay neatly on the floor. Even windows, there are none, except for the door, plaid with hanji, already torn in some parts.

Yet, the prince likes it. It's not every day he can be in a place where no ministers would judge his every move, nor there would be the suffocating presence of his attendants. It is just too much for him even if he grew up and lived in the palace all his life. It’s not every day that he can be an ordinary man, not the Crown Prince of Joseon.

As his retinue finishes all the arrangements for their stay, the prince goes to visit the sanctuary where the rain ritual will be held. It surprises him as he pulls open its doors as it was empty, aside from the wooden altar at the corner where a porcelain vase stands, a branch with green and brown leaves dangling gracefully from its mouth. Covering the walls are windows side by side, lanterns hang in each corner.

“Your Highness, you have arrived.” A deep, yet gentle voice speaks beside him, and the prince finds a young man, bowing in courtesy. The prince only sees the top of the man’s hat but the striking hue within is obvious to him. The other lifts his head as he is acknowledged, and flashes the prince a smile, heart-warming and soft as he pulls off his hat. His eyes are the color of hazel, his hair, a ravishing shade of rose, one that surrounded Kyungsoo’s mother’s garden in the palace, where the prince used to play as a child.

The prince is amazed at how a man could be this… beautiful.

“Ah, yes.” The prince answers back, not before clearing his throat to distract himself from staring longer. The other flashes him another smile, the corner of his eyes crinkled by the stretch.

“My name is Kai, Your Highness.” He bows again. “I will accompany you through the ritual. Please be comfortable.”

“I am pleased to meet you,” the prince replies. “Kai.” Ah, this name. It’s a name he’s never heard of but still, it rolls off his tongue quite… nicely. “What an unusual name you have,” he adds, “but it fits you.” He sputters before he is able to comprehend his thoughts.

Kai chuckles softly. “Thank you, Your Highness.” The prince could’ve sworn he could hear birds chirping in his ear. “I hope you enjoy your stay in this humble temple and may your prayers be heard.” He says with a shy smile. “I shall take my leave. I will see you in the morning.”

Kai turns his heels and walks out the door, and the prince, struck by an unknown force he cannot describe, continues to watch the other’s retreating back, at the lavender hanbok Kai is wearing, donned with flowers fit for his beauty, dancing softly against the wind.

When the prince lays at his temporary chambers that evening, he dreams of a field of flowers bending and moving in the direction of the wind, each bud the color of Kai’s hair, covered in morning dew.



The prince is awakened even before the sun has risen in the east. The ritual should start in the second hour after light covers the sky completely.

Waking up in the shabby chamber for the first time feels surreal for him, similar to the strange feelings of his on the first morning after being crowned as Crown Prince. The palace was indeed a cruel place, a den of tigers and lions waiting to devour preys. By work of a miracle, he was spared from the mayhem and a curse that took his younger brothers' lives, and in turn of events, was crowned as heir to the throne, and sat where his elder brother, Prince Seungsoo, son of the late queen, sat almost all of his life.

It was never his intention to be more than what he could have been - just a young prince born of a talented court lady from the Royal Kitchen. Her mother found favor in the King’s eyes and was chosen to be his concubine, eventually his Royal Consort. He loves her dearly, and if only the King had his way, Lady Do would be queen. A new Queen ascended to the throne after the former was charged with treason for plotting the deaths of the other princes in the palace, to protect the crown on her son’s head.

Now the prince has duties to fulfill, and his only wish is that to make his mother and the king, as well as the people of the land, proud; or at least make them believe he is worthy of his place.

Many believe he is undeserving. While the former Crown Prince was from a powerful clan, he is not. But what made it worse is the drought that struck the land after his coronation. The young prince then was questioning the heavens as it seemed displeased of him as the heir. He feared the deposed queen’s words before her death sentence - that Kyungsoo will never be King.

Since then, the land continued to suffer from poverty and hunger, epidemics spread like wildfire in the provinces killing many - all the blame was put on the crown on his head.

Now the people, the ministers and the members of the Royal House expect him to prove himself, and that the heavens approve of his enthronement. They believe it is he who should appease the heavens with a ritual so that it accepts him as the heir to the throne; also so that the heavens send rain for the people’s crops to grow once again, for the land to flourish.

It is a desperate time for his people and their families. It is a desperate time for the prince.

So there he is in that chamber, humbled to his core, without the comfort of the palace and its extravagance of a life. He is a nobody here; not the Crown Prince - only Kyungsoo , the representative of the people to plead with the heavens to give life back to their dying kingdom.

“Your Highness, are you awake?” Eunuch Park’s voice echoes through the room the prince is in, like how it was back in the palace to begin the day. Kyungsoo hums in response, fighting off the sleep that’s still creeping through his senses, as he failed to succumb to it for the past hour because of the persistent thoughts in his head.

Myriad of thoughts fill his head since he woke up; and though he barely remembers the last of his pondering, the dream he had the night before is clear in his memory - the striking color of the flowers in the field. Somehow, the prince looks forward to the ritual as he would be able to see that beautiful shade of rose again.

The tall eunuch, still wearing the same green robes he wore in the palace, comes in with folded clothes on his arms, and waits until the prince stands, to clothe him and officially begin his day.

The prince dons a white ensemble of a hanbok, the simplest he’s worn since young, with its fabric not made of silk but a material thicker and rather simpler. The eunuch lets the prince’s hair loose for the ritual, tying only the upper section into a knot, and the rest combed straight down his back. After a while, Eunuch Park steps back and mutters, “You are ready, Your Highness.”

And Kyungsoo takes it as a signal to take his leave for the sanctuary.



When he steps inside the sanctuary, Kai is already there kneeling by the altar. His hair, braided loosely down his back, is decorated with small flowers, white and red, in contrast to the black ensemble he is wearing.

Upon realizing that the prince has arrived, he turns to his side to look at him somehow, and bows his head in greeting, “Your Highness,” acknowledging his presence.

Albeit hesitating, the prince walks to him and kneels by his side, taking careful glances, unsure of what he must do. The head priestess in the palace have rehearsed the ritual with him, but being with Kai strangely felt like it won’t be the same as he was taught.

Kai stares at the porcelain vase on the altar, eyes calm and soft. He looks at peace. It’s the second time Kyungsoo gets to see him and yet, the astonishment he experiences from looking at his features lingers for long. It feels like the first time. He notices the other’s neat, thick brows and hazy hazel eyes, the sharp nose and jaw, his plump pink lips and the sun-kissed skin that looks glorious on him. He could almost believe that Kai was from a different land, if not for the fact that he speaks their language fluently.

It’s a question for a different time because suddenly, Kai looks at him, muttering a question. “What are you praying for?” Kyungsoo realizes he’s been staring at the other as long as Kai did at the altar. A soft smile appears on Kai’s lips as he waits for an answer.

Kyungsoo breaks eye contact, feeling his cheeks flush from being noticed. Since when does he feel intimidated? He’s so used to intimidating his subjects but Kai seems different. All these feelings are foreign to him. Pulling his thoughts together, he confidently stares back at the hazel eyes that draw him in like a spell.

“That the heavens send rain for my people.” He replies. Kai nods at him before shifting his gaze back to the altar. Kyungsoo feels a little change in the air as if something shifted. The air feels thick.

“Is that all you need? Is it really the only thing you came here for?” Kai asks him again.

The prince only nods in response. By all means, it is the reason why he had to leave the palace and come all the way to Maisan, to this temple. “ The drought has been too long. ” He thinks to himself.

“I see.” Kai replies, the disappointment obvious in the tone of his voice; yet Kyungsoo doesn’t catch it, because he is already focused on the task in hand. He begins to stand up from where he knelt and kneels again, repeating until the sun has set, with one thought in his mind - a genuine wish for the heavens to send rain.

It goes on for days - the ritual, or however it must be called as Kai didn’t lead him through a ceremony he expected. On the second day, he stopped Kyungsoo from his prayer, and told him to just sit still, to ponder on the  reasons why he was there.

He kneels there in silence each day, from early morning until Kai says it’s over and lets him leave, with Kai left alone in the Sanctuary to finish the ritual.

They never talked following the first day, and Kyungsoo never met him outside the sanctuary, to his curiosity. When he sits there, he focuses on praying to the heavens silently, trying his best to not mind Kai’s presence. And though he tried his hardest, he would always find himself looking, staring.

And during these moments, these subtle glances, Kyungsoo finds himself being drawn to the other, to his mystery and his silence, to the peace Kai undeniably shares with him.


One day though, about three weeks into the ritual, Kai finally speaks to him again.

He doesn’t look at Kyungsoo, but he utters a very familiar question, “What are you praying for, Your Highness?”

His answer doesn’t change. “That the heavens send rain for my people.”

“You come all the way here, four days away from home to ask something as simple as rain, is that it?” Kai replies coldly. “And when the rain comes, then what?”

Kyungsoo stares at him in silence. He never really thought further than that. The land needs rain, but he never looked past it. For the first time, he tries to think harder, to come up with an answer that hopefully, would satisfy the other.

“I came here for the ritual - one that would send rain to the land. So that the people may be able to farm and feed their families. They can trade once again, the market will be alive, and the people will be happy.”

Kai shifts from kneeling to sit cross-legged, and faces him. “So what is it you ultimately want then? Is it the rain? Or that people have food? Or that they be happy?”

Kyungsoo finally replies with confidence upon Kai’s attention on him. “That they be satisfied with their life under my father’s rule. But more than that, I pray that they accept me as his heir, and they believe I was chosen by the heavens, too, or at least I did enough that the heavens listened to my plea; that I moved the heavens for them.”

Finally, after weeks of stoic and empty looks, a smile appears on Kai’s lips. Kyungsoo’s chest lightens at the sight of it, taking a deep breath. He swears he could smell the sweetest scent of flowers.

“I pray that the heavens hear your plea.” Kai mutters. He stands up from where he sits, and Kyungsoo notices a hint of uncertainty in his eyes, how the other softly bites on his lips and how he suddenly was struggling to look back at him. Kai manages to bow to hide the struggle, folding his hands together, hiding them in the sleeves of his black hanbok.

“Is there something wrong? Please tell me.” The prince asks, uneasy. Deep inside, he is afraid Kai would go back to giving him the cold shoulder. Kai shakes his head and instantly lifts his eyes to look down on him. Kyungsoo mutters breathless, “I’d rather hear your thoughts than be kept in the silence.”

Softly, Kai replies, “I was wondering if…” he stutters, taking a deep breath, “if you’d like to stay until I finish the ritual.”

With an invitation like that, the prince couldn’t say no. He does stay, of course, and he finds more reasons to be amazed; because that evening, when the sun is almost setting in the west and the sky got darker, Kai danced.

He danced like a delicate flower carried by the wind; like water running gracefully through rivers but as vigorous as it falls down violent waterfalls. His long arms extended like wings of a crane dancing for their mates, that the sleeves cannot hide the lean muscles within. His shoulders and back bend like that of branches dancing in the strong wind while his feet slid across the floor like he floated on air. The more he spins, the prince’s eyes focused more; the more he dances, the deeper he is drawn.

Kyungsoo realized the fact that Kai is more beautiful than nature, as if he is nature itself and that he can't help but be pulled into his presence.

Kyungsoo, in his trance, finds himself walking to the other, catching the extended arm mid-turn and when Kai stops in surprise, he pulls him close, not caring for anything. He traces his fingers from the roots of the other’s pink hair and let his fingers run down, the loosening the braids, the flowers decorating Kai’s hair falling to the floor. The prince notices now how the other is a head taller than he is and that in his most humble state, this man, Kai , his beauty, grace - all of him -  is beyond him.

Unbothered by the proximity, Kai whispers to his ear, “What are you praying for, Your Highness?”

Inebriated by his pull, the prince whispers back, “That I find happiness, too.” Kyungsoo stares back with glassy eyes, with his breath hitching and chest pounding, all the while Kai leans down, lips touching his in a soft, chaste kiss.

“The heavens shall listen to you, Your Highness.” Kai whispers against Kyungsoo’s lips as he pulls away. The prince stands there undone and is filled with such bizarre thoughts of longing and want; but what wakes him up from the  trance is the sound of soft drips and splatters.

In the serene sanctuary, the sound of droplets meeting soil echoes louder and louder as moments pass.

The rain has come at last.

Eunuch Park comes rushing into the sanctuary with joyful eyes, his hair and robes soaked in the rain they are all waiting for.

“Your Highness! It's raining!” The eunuch mutters as if it was not obvious by the view beyond the doors, where the attendants are already dancing in the rain, arms in the air and hands clapping in joy.

Kyungsoo, himself, can't contain his joy that he pulls Kai into his arms in an embrace, feeling the other chuckling, shoulders shaking against his body. “Your pure heart moved the heavens. Your prayers were heard, Your Highness,” Kai whispers against his ear, circling his arms around the prince as well, an arm flat on Kyungsoo’s back while the other pulls strong around his waist drawing him closer.

The prince has never been embraced like this his whole life until now. He is royalty after all; but in this man's arms, it didn't matter - he was no prince.

“Kyungsoo. My name is Kyungsoo.” The prince whispers in joy and a grateful heart, embracing Kai tighter. “Thank you, Kai.”



The two continue to spend time in the sanctuary for more days, for one, one night of rain is not enough. They have to continue praying for more. The second reason would be the prince growing fond of watching the other dance as the light outside fades away until it is only the fire flickering from the lanterns that lights the room. By then, Kai’s silhouette dancing in the dim lights offers the prince solace; the prince wanting to bask in that special moment a while longer. They sit there morning until afternoon, until Kai finishes the day with the dance Kyungsoo already grew familiar with.

On the seventh day since the first rain, the prince walks out of his chambers only to find Kai standing outside the door, dressed in a blue hanbok, a shade that is similar to the colour of the sea. Kyungsoo felt underdressed as he only wore the ensemble for the ritual.

As if hearing his thoughts, Kai chuckles. “You may want to wear something else, Your Highness. I was thinking of taking you to see the nearby town. I think we deserve rest after six nights of rain.” He looks excited as a child even under the shadow of his hat, yet his features look more mature than his own, Kyungsoo notices. He used to think that he looks strong and regal, but next to Kai, he looks rather common.

Kyungsoo can only nod in response, albeit feeling an unusual excitement. He hastily walks back into his room, calling for Eunuch Park to ready him more suitable clothes. Once done, he is just in a slightly darker shade of blue than of Kai’s, his hair tied into a topknot, with his hat secured with a knot on his chin.

When he walks out again, Kai is already atop a horse, fingers clutching onto the reins.

“Shall we go?” He asks with a sheepish smile. Kyungsoo looks around and waits for an attendant to bring him his horse but no one seems to be coming. “Come on now, Crown Prince,” Kai teases, “The sun isn't going to wait for us.”  He offers his hand with a slight grin on his face. “Hop on.”

The unexplainable feeling bubbles once again in Kyungsoo's chest. Without a second thought, he takes the other’s hand and lets him pull him up. Back against chest, an arm around his waist while the other hand holding on the reins, it feels too intimate.

He feels Kai’s breath on his nape as they go on their journey, and the warmth against his back makes him even more conscious of the heavy feeling in his chest being this close to Kai. He is unsure of what to make of it, but one thing is for sure, Kyungsoo is happy like this, close to him, close to Kai.

They ride down the mountain and arrive at the outskirts of the nearest town, and the prince notices the smiles on the people's faces as they greet each passerby. It becomes livelier as they go further into the town proper. Kai leads them to one stable run by some noble in town, and there have their horse taken care of so they can walk around the town for a while.

They walk along the streets, not as crowded as those in the capital, but still as busy as the markets back in Hanyang. Children play happily in the puddles of water from the rain of the night before, and men walk through the streets with baskets on their back filled with herbs. Kyungsoo watches merchants’ faces light up seeing the mass of customers stopping by their stalls. Not a week has gone but the immediate effect of the rain is already obvious.

“My Lord! Please take a look at my things! You may find something you like!” One merchant screams happily at the two while waving his hand; and Kyungsoo, seeing the colourful variety of items on the said merchant’s cart, pulls Kai with him to the street corner where the merchant is.

“Ah, my Lord, you don't seem to be from here.” The merchant mumbles. He looks at Kai with a slight bow and his eyes widen in surprise. “You visited, my Lord. How long has it been?”

Kai chuckles at that, nodding casually to the merchant. “It's been a while, yes. My friend here is from the capital.” He says as he looks at Kyungsoo. “We are seeing the town for a while. How's business in the last few days, Minseok?”

“It's been great, my Lord.” Minseok beams. “The previous years were rough. I had to stay in the capital for months in a year to sell, to be able to feed my family. This town was almost deserted but thanks to the rain, we were able to run back here with our families. The market ran two days after the first night of rain and all the people are so happy, my Lord.” The merchant replies excitedly.

Kai nods with a satisfied look on his face. “That's great to hear, Minseok. Anyway, what do you have for me?” He eyes the items on the cart and the merchant does as well.

“My Lord,” the merchant winces, “what can I offer to a man like you? You have everything.” Minseok shyly murmurs then looks at Kyungsoo, “but for you my Lord, I have items for you to remember this place by when you return to the capital.”

He looks down his cart and ogles for a while, probably contemplating what would he offer to someone like Kyungsoo, having no idea what kind of a man he is. His cart is filled with ornaments made of shells and pearls bracelets and chain rings that women would definitely love. On one side, pouches and brooches are displayed and on another, colourful hair pins, ribbons and pendants. It's funny how this merchant sells items only for women but still he ponders hard what he would give Kyungsoo.

One that catches the prince’s attention though, is a strip of red silk cloth with strings at the end. He suddenly remembers his mother back when he was younger, before the crown and all. She used to cook for him the most delicious of meals, even preparing a banquet on her own in honour of the prince’s birthday. She would always use that specific ribbon to tie her hair and it looks almost the same as the one in the cart.

Instantly, as if hearing his thoughts, Kai reaches down to the hair tie he is eyeing, tracing a finger over the soft fabric and then, handing it to Kyungsoo.

“Do you like it?” he asks, pointing at the ribbon in Kyungsoo’s hand. The other smiles, letting fabric glide over his palms as he pulls it with his fingers.

“My mother used to wear something like this,” he explains. “This reminded me of her, that's all. She asked me to keep hers after my younger brothers died, a remembrance that I lived.”

“How about this one, my Lord?” Minseok interrupts, handing him the same item but in a different shade. It is in a lighter shade of red much like Kai’s hair, rosy and pale.

“Something to remember me by, I guess?” Kai adds, smirking as he eyes the piece of cloth in the prince's hand. He chuckles lightly as he hands the merchant a silver or two. The prince is about to argue about him buying the item but Kai’s hand is already waving in the air. “Take it as a gift from me, Your Highness.”

He casually looks at Minseok for the last time and slightly bows his head with a finger on his hat and then walks away. “Thank you, my Lords.” The merchant says as he bids goodbye. Kyungsoo quickens his pace to match with Kai’s long but slow strides ,and they walk through the street a little longer, stopping by a few more stalls. They walk side by side in comfortable silence. Be it his imagination, but sometimes, the prince would catch Kai’s hazel orbs looking at him, but more often, unknown to the prince, it is him being caught looking at the other.

When the breeze started to grow colder and blow harsher, making their robes flutter, Kai suggested they travel back to the temple.



It is almost sunset when the two reach the temple in the mountains, and a horde of uniformed men are loitering in the temple grounds, talking among themselves animatedly. Court ladies are there as well, talking among themselves, smiling as they talk to Kyungsoo’s personal attendants.

Kyungsoo jumps down from the horse as Eunuch Park runs to them, grinning, not before bowing to greet Kai as well. “Your Highness, you have returned. You are summoned back to the palace.”

“Is that so?” Kai murmurs, pushing himself to the side, to jump to Kyungsoo’s side. Kai looks at him, waiting for any reaction.

Kyungsoo doesn’t know what to do, or to think. Still, the smile on his eunuch’s face disturbs him. “You look more excited than I should, Eunuch Park. I didn’t expect to go back too soon.” He says with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Noticing the prince’s troubled voice, Eunuch Park quickly bows in apology. “Your Highness, this place doesn’t suit you.” He explains. “The Crown Prince must be in the palace where he belongs. You have done your task well in this temple, Your Highness. The King orders you go back.” The Eunuch finally retreats and goes on his way back to the prince’s chambers, completing the arrangements for their leave.

The prince sighs. Going back to that chaotic place would be much more dangerous for him now. Through the rain, he has proven he is worthy of his title, but it only means that his life is much more at risk. His position as Crown Prince may have strengthened because people will believe that the heavens approve of him, yet the more power he has, the more people would threaten him.

If not for the responsibility on his head and the greater future ahead, he would opt to stay there in the temple, where it is serene. He was never at peace in the palace.

Besides, if he leaves now, he’d leave Kai behind. There’s just no place for him the capital, and it will endanger them both if word gets out that the prince favors a shaman in the mountains of Maisan. It would ensue chaos. He just can’t do that to this Father.

Strangely, Kai pulls his hand and warmth seeps through the gaps of Kyungsoo’s fingers, and only then the prince realizes that the other has intertwined their fingers. “I knew our time will be short, and that you won’t stay for long. Please remember me when it rains.”

“I’d like to stay longer.” The prince mutters. “If only it would rain, just for a few hours to delay my journey.”

Kai chuckles as he nods, telling him he wishes the same.

The prince remembers the first night it rained. He remembers Kai in his black hanbok, hair braided with flowers, dancing beautifully. If only-

“Will you dance for me then? Before I leave?” The prince inquires. “Maybe the heavens would answer my wish one last time.”

“Of course, Your Highness.” Kai lets go of his hands and begins to make way for the sanctuary. They walk through the crowd, while the prince follows, earning bows of greeting from the royal guards and the court ladies, but the prince’s mind is concentrated on the man whose back is slowly getting further away, almost gone as Kai opens the door to the sanctuary.

“Your Highness,” a man suddenly kneels in front him, halting Kyungsoo from his dazed walk. “I am General Kim. My men and I will you back to the capital.”

“Give me an hour before we leave. Wait until I come out of the sanctuary and let no one in.” He commands.

The general bows, “As you wish,” finally retreating back to his post.

Kyungsoo’s chest tightens with varying emotions of fear, joy, and sadness. Somehow, learning that he will part with Kai made the air in his lungs feel thick and heavy. For the many reasons why he wants to stay longer, he cannot just point which one is the main motive to stay. Figuring he won’t find answers anyway, he reaches down the ring handles of the door and helps himself in, and closing them behind him.

Kai stands there waiting.

“Your Highness.” He greets, bowing, with a playful smile ever on his lips. With the time the two spent together, the prince only wishes for Kai to treat him like this - like he is no royalty, like a friend. Knowing that Kai is only playing with him with the fake formalities, he chuckles.

Feeling comfortable, albeit the pounding in his chest, Kyungsoo walks to the other with heavy steps, realizing that every step would mean time is getting shorter for them. His hand reaches to the ribbon on Kai’s chin, pulling them loose, taking his time to take off the hat, and finally dropping them unceremoniously to the floor. Kai turns around and lifts his head, that the prince can reach up to the headband around his head, inviting the prince to untie it for him. Unclipped, the cloth falls down to the floor, and his hair falls down his shoulders elegantly.

It is breathtaking. Being so close to Kai, Kyungsoo notices the strands of his hair are thick as a horse’s mane, but it is soft to touch. Each strand is a different shade of rose, from pale to red to almost white, but collectively, the shade is that of the petals of the flower peony. With deliberate movements, the prince takes comfort in running his fingers through Kai’s hair, untangling some.

Kai suddenly turns around and looks at him with hooded eyes, taking him by surprise as he is pushed down to the floor. Kai leans down on him, his hair falling over his shoulders as Kyungsoo lays uncomfortable with the position and helpless under him. Their gazes fall into each other’s lips and then back to the eyes, but Kai just kneels there, staring and staring, taking in every sight.

“Please, don’t forget me.” He whispers as he leans closer to the prince’s ear. “When the rain falls, I pray you remember me.”

When the first drops of rain echo from the roof, lips found one another, and Kai is kissing him, full of passion and heat, fingers caressing Kyungsoo’s cheeks and down his neck as he deepens the kiss. The prince surrenders as he knows what his body wants, despite his consciousness screaming at him for letting Kai touch him. More than him being touched, he cares for Kai, that if anyone sees, Kai would be killed in an instant. Kyungsoo pulls him closer, not minding the persistent thoughts in his head.

He doesn’t mind. He chooses not to mind. He’ll be leaving. Why should he hold back?

“When will I see you again?” Kai whispers as he breaks the kiss, pulling away just enough so that his hazel eyes can meet Kyungsoo’s round ones.

“I don’t know.” The prince whispers. “Will I be able to see you again?”

Kai, slightly disappointed of his answer, pulls away and sits back down on the floor, pulling the prince up to sit in front him.

“I can’t promise you anything.” Kai murmurs.

“But I will see you again, right?” Kyungsoo asks, hopeful.

Kai, instead, answers with a familiar question. “What are are you praying for lately, Your Highness? Will you plead the heavens that we meet again?”

Kyungsoo isn’t sure. He is hopeful, but at the back of his mind, looking past what they have, there’s just no place for Kai in the Crown Prince’s life. Yet, he answered, “yes,” despite the uncertainty; even if he isn’t sure if he was willing to ask the heavens if he could be with this man and sacrifice so much. “I hope we meet again.” He says.

“Then I will hope so, too, Kyungsoo.” Kai smiles softly, fingers tracing the other’s cheek gently, stopping at the corner of his lips. Kyungsoo notices that Kai just called him by his name. The rain outside suddenly stops falling even before Kyungsoo can ponder, and a knock comes from the outside. Eunuch Park announces that they are ready to leave.

“Thank you, Kai.” Kyungsoo quickly mutters, taking Kai’s hand. They both stand up, before Kai once again kneels in front of him to bow, palms flat on the floor. It is the highest form of respect.

“It was an honour serving you, Your Highness.” He says. He stands up and walks past the prince without a second look, leaving the baffled prince alone, feeling empty and confused.

That night, Kyungsoo began his journey back to the Capital, with no goodbye from Kai.





The leaves are falling,

And they’re falling like

They’re falling in love with the ground. (2)



(The ninth month of the year 1515, Hanyang)


“Hyungnim!” The young prince Sehun beams at Kyungsoo when he arrives at the Queen’s palace, where Sehun and his mother lives. Since Kyungsoo came back months ago, the palace has been peaceful, albeit his doubts. The ministers have kept mum about the rain and the heaven’s will upon his crown. For now, the court is busy rebuilding from the drought that brought the land to poverty and famine.

Prince Sehun is about ten years younger than Kyungsoo is, born from quite a family of stature. His grandfather is one of the higher ranking officials in the court and his clan, one of the richest nobles in the capital, making them a formidable clan of power. Sehun may be a young boy now, but given his mother’s ties, he is a prince of power, one that can contest Kyungsoo’s eligibility as Crown Prince. Kyungsoo tries not to think of him that way, but as he always believed, the palace is full of hungry wolves, ready to devour unknowing preys. He was and always will be at risk.

Kyungsoo can only wish that Sehun grows much older before anything happens, that he is old enough to understand the workings of the palace. He wishes for the politics and power struggles in the palace not taint his brother’s innocence and purity of heart.

“How are you, Sehun? Where’s the Queen?” Kyungsoo greets the young prince, ruffling his hair. In return, the boy catches the hem of his royal blue robes and tugs its end, pulling playfully. He and Sehun have always been close. Sehun would always look forward to his elder brother visiting.

“Mother is in the…” He contemplates, “She’s in the Bureau of Music. She’s already preparing the songs for Hyungnim's birthday. You know of the banquet, am I right? I was watching but Master Kim is already waiting for me.” It’s still four months before the Crown Prince’s birthday and yet, the Queen takes participation in preparations. He cannot blame her, as this is the Queen’s specialty, preparing the banquets for the royal family.

“You can go there, hyungnim. You can tell her what music you don’t like so she won’t pick them. Besides, she called for dancers for the banquet. You might want to see some pretty gisaengs!” Sehun teases with a sly grin. A court lady walks to the siblings and announces the arrival of the young prince’s private tutor. “I have to go, hyungnim!” He shouts as he runs away hurriedly, “I don’t want Master Kim to punish me for being late!”

Eunuch Park leads the way to the Bureau of Music, and even from afar, Kyungsoo can already hear instruments being played. One of the officers welcomes them and ushers the prince into the hall where the musicians are rehearsing. The officer, Lord Lee, carefully explains to the prince the frequent visits of the Queen, confirming Sehun’s story about the preparations.

The music halts when he steps out the office to the open hall, and all the musicians and the dancers bow in greetings. Even the Queen turns to greet him.

“What brings you here, Crown Prince?” She mutters as she walks closer, hands kept inside the flap of her striking red hanbok.

“I’ve come to visit you.” He replies, smiling. “Besides, I heard that this is for my birthday. I should come and see. I’m grateful that you are personally involved.”

The Queen gracefully nods and chuckles elegantly. “Ah, yes. Did you see my little Sehun on your way? He would’ve stayed if he can and watched with you. He very much enjoys watching performances as these.”

“I will watch with him when we get the chance.” Kyungsoo replies. Seeing the number of heads still bowing to him, he continues, “By any means, please don’t let my presence bother you. Continue with your rehearsals. I just wanted to visit you.”

“You flatter me, Crown Prince.” She shyly smiles. “But, thank you for coming all the way here. Would you like to see the performances we are preparing?”

“If I may, I’d like to.” He replies. The Queen leads him to a corner and lets him sit with her behind one of the tea tables. One of the court ladies offers the prince a cushion to sit on. The queen speaks loud then, cueing the performers to begin.

The music begins and the hall is filled with undeniable synchronization of the instruments. The musicians play with finesse and mastery, their skills only proper for a court musician. The song continues on, seamless to the next, and at one point, ladies walk in and begin to dance. The prince watches intently, swaying his head to the music, enthralled as the ladies twirl across the floor, arms waving in uniformity.

After the ladies’ performance, the Queen stands up and moves to sit in the front line of the musicians, asking one of her attendants to hand her a Gayageum , and cradles it on her lap. She begins plucking the strings, and plays a much more delicate, solemn tune compared to the previous songs.

The prince is so immersed in watching her graceful fingers dance along the strings until another dancer steps forward to perform a routine. This time, it is a woman in a plum pair of floral hanbok who steps in the middle.

She begins to move - one step to her left, and another to the right, arms and slender fingers extended to the air. Her movements are fluid, in perfect sync with every strum of the instrument. When the woman spins, Kyungsoo finally notices the details of her movements. It is graceful and very familiar. Even the build of her body is familiar, albeit being feminine. She continues to dance, until finally, the prince is able to catch a glimpse of her face, even with the mask that covers half of it.

It is undeniable. She even looks like him . Kyungsoo had fit the memory, yet seeing her feels quite different at the same time. Her long hair, neatly combed and tied behind her, is a dark shade of brown. Her eyes are deep and black, like that of a charcoal ink. But her movements are exactly Kai ’s, Kyungsoo is sure of it.

Memories flood his mind as he continues to watch her dance, seeing himself back in the sanctuary where Kai danced. He remembers the color of his hair and his hazel eyes staring back at him. His movements are still clear to him. He can remember every detail, how he spins or points his toes, or how he smirks when he gets into a momentum. Kyungsoo can remember him clearly, his warmth and his silence, his smile. Still, seeing this woman dancing in front him exactly as how Kai did during their time together, feels like a haunting memory.

Yet the mystery lies in the open - this dancer is a woman; and Kai was clearly not.

Kyungsoo barely notices the song finishing as his eyes follow the dancer’s retreating figure. “Crown Prince, are you alright?” She muttered worriedly, “Don’t you like the piece? I can always change the music to your liking.”

The prince shakes his head profusely as he looks back at her. “That’s not it, Your Majesty. I very much enjoyed the music, but the dancer… She seemed familiar.”

The Queen looks afar, at the ladies outside who are around the said dancer, praising her for a wonderful performance. “Ah, Jongin? She’s good, isn’t she?” She mutters proudly. Somehow, the name she speaks of disappoints the prince, learning that it wasn’t Kai, and that all there were are vague similarities.

“Can I meet her?” Kyungsoo requests, still eyeing the dancer outside. The shock is obvious in everyone’s face, and the whole band of musicians. The ladies outside are still murmuring among themselves, until they notice the silence from inside the hall. Even Jongin looks inside.

“I believe summoning courtesans into your palace will bring more harm than good to you. I cannot grant your request.” She replies calmly before turning to face the court musicians. “We shall continue in the morning. Leave us.”

Everyone shuffles out the hall and the next moment, the prince is already alone with queen, except for their own attendants. She once again sits by Kyungsoo’s side with a confused look on her face.

“I cannot just grant your request in front of the people. I never expected you to give the honour to accompany you so openly. I had to deny you of your request.” She explains. “What is with this woman, then? I assume you have a reason why you’d like to meet Jongin?”

“Like I said, she’s just familiar, like she’s someone I’ve met before. Let me see her once. It is out of curiosity, that’s all. Even if it’s outside the palace, to not stir up unpleasant rumors, I’d like to see her.” Kyungsoo mutters back without even thinking twice.



After three nights of contemplating on whether or not to personally look for this Jongin, and well, planning on how to leave the palace without anyone knowing, Kyungsoo finds himself in the streets of the capital heading to the Gisaeng house owned by the queen’s distant cousin, where the courtesan apparently stays.

“Welcome, my Lord.” A young man guarding the entrance post of the said gisaeng house greets him. “Please come in.”

The place is buzzing with laughter and loud voices of women and men alike. Gisaengs are walking around in groups, animatedly talking with finesse. There are men who are holding trays in their hands with bottles of wine, coming in and out of the private quarters. Kyungsoo notices one officer from the palace come out of one of the rooms, drunk and holding onto one of the ladies for support.

One of the ladies walking around suddenly notices him and quickly runs to him, circling her arm around his, clutching tightly. “Hello, my Lord! Is it your first time? I am Soojung, this house’s best courtesan. Let me accompany you, my Lord. My night has been lonely.” She whimpers.

Kyungsoo, taken aback, quickly pulls his arm from the woman’s hold. “No, thank you.” He politely declines.

“Perhaps you already have someone in mind?” She pouts.

“I am looking for Jongin.” Kyungsoo replies, eyeing the other gisaengs walking around.

Soojung sighs, disappointed. “Always the favorite, Jongin.” She grunts bitterly, rolling her eyes. “She should be in the room at the end of the hall, my Lord, but I doubt she’ll accept you. She doesn’t entertain anyone.”

“ Looking for me? ” A familiar voice speaks behind them, and Jongin is seen just entering the gisaeng house. Kyungsoo instantly registers her voice too similar to Kai’s, but still it is a woman’s voice. As he turns around, confusion strikes him harder.

Jongin’s hair was tied above her head, her headpiece is that of a haengsu , a courtesan of the highest rank within that house. Jongin gives him a knowing look, but before the prince is able to utter a word, she’s already walking towards the building, letting Kyungsoo follow her through the corridors, and to the room at the end of the hall, where Soojung directed him to earlier.

She slides the door panels of the room close and turns around to face the other, staring at him for long minutes before speaking.

“What can I do for you, Your Highness?” She mutters softly. Kyungsoo is relieved she recognizes him, at least, maybe from that one time in the palace, even in his casual clothes.

Kyungsoo stands there unmoving, taking his time to finally look at her in the light. She looks rather exotic compared to the common courtesan, and the way she stood gives an aura of a woman who’s been doing this work all her life; and that she’s obviously good at it. Her face looks dewy, her lips are red and plump from cosmetics, and her eyes, mesmerizing. Kyungsoo notices the dull glaze in her eyes, but doesn’t ponder on it for too long.

“I believe this is not a place for you, Your Highness.” Jongin speaks again. Kyungsoo can’t help but stare, still fascinated by Jongin’s appearance. It irks him to see the outline of her slim torso and the top of her plump chest in the almost see-through top of her elaborately designed hanbok; but what he finds more perturbing is her face, because it is Kai’s , no doubt. Kyungsoo has no words. He watches as her eyes resign from the silence, and she takes a deep breath, bowing.

“Is there anyone there?” She mutters calmly. A voice of a man echoes from the outside in reply. “Get us tea, please.” She commands. When the shadow left, she walks further into the room and settles on the floor by the table, and invites the prince to sit with her. Gathering his clattered thoughts, Kyungsoo follows, questions and confusion rushing through his head.

Jongin sits there, silent and waiting.

“How long have you been here?” He finally asks.

“Just a few weeks back, Your Highness.” She replied, eyes leaving his, anxiously looking elsewhere.

Noticing Jongin’s uneasiness, the prince speaks again. “I’m sorry for coming unannounced. I’m sure you’re busy tonight.” It is awkward for him to sit there and see Jongin’s features that close. He doesn’t know how to feel, isn’t sure how to act. He didn’t even plan on how to confront the woman once they meet.

Kyungsoo came out of pure curiosity. He reminds himself that.

Jongin chuckles. “It’s not as you imagined. I do not entertain guests, actually. I only train the courtesans in dance and music, until I have to leave again.” She explains. Just then, the doors slide open, and a man approaches the two with a tray in hand.

“Jongin, you have a guest.” The man says arrogantly as he puts down the tray to the table. Kyungsoo recognizes him as the relative of the queen who runs the gisaeng house. When the man shifts and turns to look at the prince, his eyes grew wide in shock, instantly bowing down on his knees, recognizing who he was, his previous facade gone. “Your H-Highness!” He stutters. “I was not told you’d come! I would have prepared something for you.”

“Of course.” Kyungsoo grunts. “Why would I tell anyone I’m visiting such a place? People will start talking, and I’ll be in the center of a baseless rumour. Isn’t that so?” Kyungsoo stares at him, wanting for his point to get across.

The man shuffles and bows again furiously. “Of course! O-Of course!” He stutters again. “Rest assured I will not say anything. I’ll pretend it was a young Lord who came to see Jongin. I apologize for interrupting, Your Highness. I shall take my leave.” He leaves the room scrambling on his feet, giving another bow before he slides the doors close.

Jongin, unbothered, takes a cup and places it in front of Kyungsoo, and pours him tea. “I apologize for Lord Oh, Your Highness. Like I told you, I do not entertain guests. He would want to see for himself who the lucky man is.” She chuckles.

“Should I leave then? Will this be trouble for you?” He asks as he watches Jongin does everything elegantly. She shakes her head, placing the teapot back on the tray.

“Of course, not.” She murmurs before taking a sip of her own tea. “I may be unworthy to be in your company, but if you’d like to stay, who am I to push you away? Though, it is unclear to me why would you search for me and come to see me.” Jongin mutters, eyes cast down, her hands busy with the tea pot and another cup.

“I came to see you,” Kyungsoo murmurs, testing his reason if it would sound right, “because I was curious. You remind me of someone.” He explains honestly.

Jongin finally looks at him with a smirk she covers with her slender fingers. “I remind you of someone.” She recites, “like I look like someone? Or is it the way I carry myself? You had to see me so you can see this person again? What is it, Your Highness?” She looks aghast, her voice almost fuming with sarcasm. Kyungsoo wonders if he offended her with the truth.

“Everything that I’ve seen from you reminds me of this person, like he’s right in front of me, but yet, he’s not you. I just wanted to see for myself. Did I offend you? If I did, I apolo-”

“Of course, not, Your Highness!” She shakes her head again. “It’s not me. I’m not offended, but the person you wish to remember, probably.” She gives him a knowing look, one that the prince has no idea what it means. “I mean, it’s sad to be remembered and be sought after just through a familiar face.” She continues.

“I’m sorry but you really look alot like this person. Your composure, the way you talk, everything is similar. One thing is clear though, he was a man, and you’re not.” Kyungsoo explains further. “I was just curious becuase it’s been awhile since I saw him, and seeing you… I felt like I was splashed with cold water. I don’t know really. Given that he’s a man, and you’re you, makes it impossible unless-”

“Unless I dressed up as a man?” She laughs, joking. “That’s absurd, Your Highness. It is against the law.” Jongin mutters, seemingly enjoying the conversation. Her shoulders have loosed and she looks comfortable, even shifting his stance as she sits with a leg folded in front, her arm resting comfortably on it -  a stance common for a gisaeng.

Kyungsoo smiles, eventually realizing how ridiculous he sounded. “He was a man, I was sure of it, and I don’t seem to affect you that much, so I deduce you’re an entirely different person.” He murmurs. “But you look alike, except for the color of your hair, and your eyes. You even dance like him. I wonder, maybe you have a brother?”

“And if I did, I have already lost to him as you obviously favor him.” She kids. “But I do not have a brother, Your Highness, unfortunately, at least one who looks exactly like me. And the time in the palace was the first time I have seen you. I hope you don’t mind I pry, Your Highness, but I am curious. Who is this man to you, then?”

Kyungsoo wonders. He’s never pondered long enough to gain answers. He was so busy with keeping himself safe and alert at all times that it was all he did in the palace - stay alive. He had no time to go back and wonder how was Kai. But then the attraction he had for the other was a blaring truth in his mind.

“I’ve never really thought about it, but he’s special.” He expresses his thoughts as they come. “It was a difficult time for me. I had to leave the palace for a ritual in the mountains. He led me through it. We succeeded. He accompanied me during my stay. We had our moments. I wasn’t sure back then what was it, but I knew I found peace in him. But as the Crown Prince, I cannot be swayed by my feelings, more so, for a man. That kind of confusion isn’t for me so I tried not to think of him, until you .”

Kyungsoo could have sworn seeing the woman’s eyes water when he explained the situation, but then she’s a courtesan, and that means she’s trained to look sympathetic to her guests. Kyungsoo isn’t sure what to think of her, as even if she was sincere, it’d be difficult for him to read her. Jongin ponders a bit, tracing her finger around the rim of her cup, before frowning.

“That’s quite sad, Your Highness.” She murmurs under her breath. “Don’t you feel sad for him? You intentionally forget, and yet a mere sight of me had you coming to a place where you are least expected. I would dare say you’re not confused, only in denial.”

The prince thinks she is right. “More than being sad, I’m quite perplexed. I know of the consequences, the uncertainty. I told myself it’s futile to search for you. I knew he wasn’t you, but here I am. I’m not sure myself why I’m here and what I expect to take from this meeting.”

“I infer he’s really special to you, Your Highness.” She mutters calmly. “Even if you tell you opt to forget about this man, he still affects you that much. You still long for him after months of not seeing him, and that no matter how hesitant you are about how you feel, you just want to see him. Finding me is almost a good as seeing him. I don’t understand, Your Highness, but I am glad I was of service to you.”



Loud noises of a child whining wake him up from slumber. Cold sweats cover Kyungsoo’s body, and his chest, like the previous days, feels heavy when everytime he wakes up. The Royal Physician found no illness when he was called for the other day, yet the prince feels weak all the same.

Kyungsoo hasn’t gone out of his chambers those days as the weary feeling troubles him more often than not. He had Eunuch Park report that he is unwell, that he may be laid off from his duties for a few days. Maybe it isn’t a physical ailment, Kyungsoo thinks, but rather a matter of the heart and mind. He just felt a little empty the past days.

The wailing grows louder from the outside, echoed by Eunuch Park’s calm and deep voice as well; hushed but still loud enough that it disturbs his sleep. Curious, the prince sits up from his bed and asks, “Is there someone outside?”

The bickering halts immediately, and a loud squeal follows.

“Hyungnim!” It is Sehun. “Are you awake?”

Kyungsoo assumes as much that the eunuch is blocking the young prince from entering his chambers, to prevent him from waking his older brother abruptly, but fails anyway with Sehun’s persistence. “Let him come in.” Kyungsoo commands. The doors open as Sehun, excited as the prince imagines him to be, runs to his brother’s bedside and throws himself to the other. Kyungsoo can’t help but grin at him as Sehun clutches on his shoulders, happy and relieved from the uncomfortable feeling he had just moments ago.

“Hyungnim! The King granted me a wish!” He beams, laughing.

“Is that so?” Kyungsoo mutters back, showing the boy his full interest.

“Yes he did.” Sehun replies with pride in his voice. “Master Kim reported to the king that I am doing well in my studies, and Father came to our palace this morning to see. I recited poems I learned from the Classics and he was so happy!” He basks in the memory of their father’s pride, and Kyungsoo can imagine the king smiling down at Sehun. Their father has always been loving, but always fair.

Even so, Kyungsoo is curious. “So what did you ask of him?” He asks.

“I’ll have to show you, hyungnim! Come out quick! I’ll wait for you outside!” With that he runs out, screaming in excitement. He rapidly barks orders at his brother’s attendants, to prepare the Crown Prince as fast as they can.

Kyungsoo is prepared leisurely, with his attendants all smiles because of the younger prince. Without a doubt, Sehun’s character and child-like innocence always bring joy to anyone he meets. Eunuch Park apologized to Kyungsoo for the commotion earlier while he dressed him with his royal robes, but Kyungsoo ignored it, telling his eunuch to let Sehun be if he comes again.

When he steps out of his chambers and to the morning sun, Sehun is already hand in hand with a bashful court lady, his nanny, pulling her as he spins them around and around in a dance. He is giggling while the other court ladies watching them are laughing as well. There are musicians playing in the corner, and as they notice Kyungsoo arrive, they stop to greet him. Kyungsoo has to only wave his hand for them to continue.

Sehun quickly runs to him and takes his hand to pull his elder brother to where he just stood. “What do you think?”

Confused, Kyungsoo asks what is happening and what it is all about, pointing at the musicians who are continuously playing.

“I asked Father to give me twenty days,” Sehun explains, “a day for each of the poems I recited, to be an officer in the Bureau of Music to accompany my mother. I can ask anyone to come so I can hear them play, or let dancers perform so I can watch!” He beams. Kyungsoo can imagine little Sehun with the dark red robes only officers get to wear in office. He swears Sehun would look good on it, and all grown up with it.



The young prince’s temporary appointment to the Bureau has most of the ministers in distress. Not just because of the king openly favoring him, but also due to the influx of people given permission to enter the palace for the duration of Sehun’s office. They are adamant to make the King rescind his order, but as a good father, he had to keep his word to his son. They say it’s a security risk, but rumor has it that they are just embarrassed to meet familiar courtesans within the palace walls and be recognized.

It’s another day, and Kyungsoo arrives at the Bureau to visit the Queen and Sehun for the day. She is talking with two women, who Kyungsoo doesn’t recognize, when he walks into the office. She quickly closes the book in front her, and sends the two ladies away when she noticed him. Standing up to greet, she smiles warmly.

“You’ve come, Crown Prince. Is there anything I can do for you?” She asks. Kyungsoo shakes his head as he walks closer, taking a seat in one of the chairs. She sits as well.

“I came to visit you, that’s all. I’m looking forward in seeing Sehun in his uniform.” He responds, and not for long, Sehun’s eunuch announces the young prince’s arrival.

Sehun walks in clad in a dark red robe, adorable as he mimics how a grown man walks, hands behind him, and his chin up. The Queen dotes on him, and the young prince winks at her, going back to the playful boy he is.

“How do I look, hyungnim? Do I look good in this?” Sehun asks, taking a seat across his mother, flapping his arms up and down to show him the dangling sleeves of his robes.

“Of course you do.” Kyungsoo assures him.

“Oh, by the way, Mother has allowed me to learn music and dance. My lessons begin tomorrow!” He mutters excitedly, eyes darting back and forth between his mother and brother. She suggests Kyungsoo to try to learn as well, and even before the prince even gets to decide, an ecstatic Sehun is already pulling him to the hall, where the musicians are rehearsing, announcing the search for a tutor to the Crown Prince.

Kyungsoo expected that the musicians won’t even look up to them, opting to stay out of harm’s way in involving themselves with a prince. In the palace, anything can happen. In the sea of faces cast down, only one stood out, a pair of black eyes that belongs to a woman who sits with the other dancers by the corner.

It is Jongin, eyes weary, but still, staring intently at him.

Disappointed, Sehun pouts, but regains composure as he realizes the authority his office entails. “Nobody wants the honor, it seems. Should I have the guards punish you for disobeying orders?” He shouts, taking everyone, even Kyungsoo, by surprise. The young prince clicks his tongue in frustration. He quickly turns to his mother, fuming.

The Queen quickly crouches down to meet her son’s gaze. “You have to understand the risk they have to take to do as you wish, Sehun.” She explains calmly. “They are afraid to be involved with a royal like you, more so with the Crown Prince himself. One wrong move and it may lead to their demise. You know that.”

“But mother, what could go wrong? What could go wrong in teaching hyungnim to play an instrument? Or to dance?” Sehun pouts even more.

Suddenly, a voice echoes around the room, snatching everyone’s attention. “If it would satisfy the young prince, Your Highness, I would dare teach the Crown Prince.” It is Jongin who speaks. She makes way to the front of the musicians, before bowing. “I dare not brag my experience in the field, but I am more than capable of teaching the Crown Prince.” Everyone looks at her in shock.

Kyungsoo watches as the Queen frowns and looks back at him, waiting for a response. Sehun beams a smile, obviously excited that his wish is almost granted. “She is one of the best. She’s gone to a lot of foreign lands to learn, and she comes here to teach the young.” The Queen assures him.

“Very well,” Kyungsoo mutters. “I’ll do my best then. Don’t sulk, Sehun, I’ll do this for you.”



Eunuch Park’s already wide eyes grow even wider when the prince arrives to his palace with Jongin strolling behind him. An assistant of hers carries a Gayageum , handing it to the eunuch when they reach the entrance to Kyungsoo’s chambers.

The court ladies immediately open the doors to let them in, with the eunuch looking bewildered at the sight of the courtesan, eyes not leaving her when he blindly places the instrument down on the floor, carefully watching as she sits by it. Kyungsoo notices the surprise in his eunuch’s eyes, understanding how he must’ve looked like when he saw Jongin the first time.

“Are you the shaman in Maisan?” He asks suddenly, eyes still glued to Jongin. He is obviously pertaining to Kai. She consciously looks at the prince, as if asking to be saved from the situation, but the eunuch insists that she answers. “That was you, right? But your hair is a different color and-”

“Eunuch Park.” Kyungsoo calls to him, interrupting him. “Please leave us.” He says for the third time before the eunuch finally moves an inch. He nods quickly at the prince and leaves the room, not before giving Jongin one last look.

No day in his life has gone as quick as this.

One moment, he is sitting there, watching and listening to the melody of her instrument; and the next she’s already bidding goodbye and taking her leave.

They share not a single word since they arrived, or at least what he can call a conversation, except for the time she says she is to play and perform instead of teaching him immediately. She plays the Gayageum relentlessly, and while she rests, she writes poems and reads them to the prince.

She plays beautiful melodies, from a peace filled with sorrow to the music of feasts; one after another. Kyungsoo watches as her fingers moved with grace, mastery and technique, the room filled with the sound of her strings. Her arms and shoulders are relaxed in the music, head swaying in the melody, dancing even in the least movement she could.

It is only when Eunuch Park calls him for supper when he realizes that the day’s almost over and the sun has set. Jongin finally says she she’ll leave for the night. Kyungsoo feels regretful, but the soft smile on her lips carries a promise of return - that he will be seeing her again.

“It was an honor serving you, Your Highness.” She murmurs while bowing down. She stands up and without a second look, walks out the room, leaving Kyungsoo alone in the cold and silence of his chambers. The familiarity of her words makes Kyungsoo’s head spin, and though he has decided to look at her with new eyes, the memory of Kai on his knees still lingered where Jongin knelt.

Her presence lingers for a while.

When Kyungsoo lays to rest that night, he could still hear her music, smell the faint fragrance of rose and sandalwood still floating in the air like a butterfly, coming and fading. He knows it’s Jongin’s scent. It lulls him to sleep, and the next morning, a much stronger scent lingers and wakes him up from his sleep, with a frantic Eunuch Park almost screaming for him to wake up and get ready as soon as possible, as the King and the Queen have come to visit and are already waiting for him.



“I cannot stand this, son.” Lady Do whispers in a calm and composed voice, yet her face shows otherwise. No amount of years of practicing a facade of a timid and poised Royalty can hide the struggle her eyes are expressing unconsciously.

“Sooyoung, calm down.” The King commands, gently tapping on her hand as she sighs in disappointment. Kyungsoo’s mother nods her head once before looking at her son with worry. The prince knows what it entails, and yet he cannot bear to comfort his mother at this time. He’s still unsure of what he’s done to warrant a visit not just from his mother, but the King as well.

Kyungsoo, still intimidated by the joint presence of the most powerful man in the land and his mother, continues to hang his head low, staring at the intricate patterns on the table in front him, unsure how he should address the issue his mother is currently worrying about.

“Crown Prince,” the King mutters sternly, right hand in a tight fist over the table, “I

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Chapter 1: One of the best Kaisoo fanfics I ve read.... Just a marvelous story in general... Will come back to read it again very soon <3<3<3
Chapter 1: This is awesome..... Suprised is an understatement.... This is a beautiful piece that takes a rather unthinkable turn and gives a happy ending to us... I would love to read more... Nd the characters are so easy to relate with real kyungsoo and Kai.
Jar-of-hearts #3
Chapter 1: This story is so beautiful, a lot of people need to appreciate this more. From the plot to the way the scenes are written, everything is perfect. Also let's not forget how complex the characters (Kyungsoo and Jongin) are, their developing relationship, each aspect makes the story very interesting.

Tl;Dr the story is so interesting that it feels really short despite how long it is, thank you author
I loved this when I first read it.
I can't wait to do it again and even more fics from you ?❤