The Aftermath

Falling For You

AN: Hi everyone I decided out of pure boredom to just put up the whole update!!! I hope you enjoy this sad chapter of mine !

After realizing what he had done Henry had immediately pulled back and the two of us turned our heads towards the doorway where we hear breaths being drawn. All squeezed into the doorframe was Leeteuk, Shindong and Eunhyuk. Their faces contorted into expressions of shock at the scene they just witnessed.

“Hyungs, th-this is not wh-what you think” Henry began to ramble on before being cut off by the three idiots.

“Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!” The three idiots began congratulating Henry on the recent development of our relationship. Wait … what I mean by our relationship. Henry and I are just friends right? I mean yes I do find him attractive but who wouldn’t. Also I’m supposed to be his managers we can’t be having that kind of relationship. We need to professional with no feelings. Yeah that’s right no feelings! Plus I don’t even want to think what would happen if the press gets a whiff of this. This could ruin Henry and his career for good. It’s hard enough for him with the only13 ELF’s but being in a relationship with another guy that just can’t happen, I won’t let it happen!  Realizing the situation around me I had no other options.

“Will you guys STOP?” I turned and yelled at them immediately halting their actions. “There is nothing for you guys to congratulate us about. There is nothing going on between Henry and I. That kiss was a spur of the moment type of thing. It was a mistake. Right Henry?” Putting my face on I practically glared at Henry to answer yes. I’m sorry Henry but this for the best for you and for your career. Despite this Henry just continued to stare at me like I just grew another head. I slowly watched as the color slowly drained from his face and his demeanor slowly changed from his usual bright and bubbly self to something colder and distant. I could plainly see the hurt I his eyes from what I said. I’m so sorry Henry for doing this to you. I added more venom into my voice and asked him once again. “I said it was a mistake right Henry?” He took a gulp before he said. “Yes, you guys it was just a mistake.” Satisfied with his response I my heel and walked towards the door. I stopped right under the door holding my stuff in both my hands. “Now, if you could I will be waiting for you all in the van.”

 With that I left the room and proceeded to exit the building and I made way towards the car. Prince Manager caught up to me in the lobby and bombarded me with question ns as to why I was acting like this. I ignored his questions and just continued to make way to the van. Once I got there I discovered that the van was still locked and I turned to Prince Manger. “Open the van doors.” I said with gritted teeth. But, instead of listening to what I said but Prince Manager chose the hard way. “I will if you just answer my question.” The longer I thought about the sadder I felt about the situation and before I knew it I felt my eyes begin to water. I turned and glared at Prince Manager while yelling “I SAID OPEN THE VAN DOORS!” after that little outburst I felt the tears overflow and begin to stream down my face. This has always been my problem I whenever I am overwhelmed by emotions I always start to cry and that . Clearly off set with my outburst Prince Manager opened the doors to the van and I got in and slammed the door behind me and sat in one of the single seats. I fumbled around in my bag for earphones and my phone. Once I found them I put the earphones in and pled my slow songs playlist. I sat their listening to my music with my tear streaming down my face thinking to myself … “What have I done?”


It wasn’t long till the members and Henry piled into the car. But, even with their presence I wasn’t able to quell the stream of tears coming from my eyes. This resulted in one of the most awkward car rides in the history of car rides. With the current situation van was completely quiet except from the sounds of sniffles and hiccups as I try to stop myself from crying. I could feel it though all 5 their eyes were trained on me as I stared out onto the streets of Seoul. I couldn’t help but feel the irony as we pulled out of the station. I could see the sea of ELF’s holding up banners for their favorite oppa’s. Surprising enough I myself had my own banner. But, despite this I still couldn’t control my emotions if anything it added onto my feelings by only increasing the pressure I felt from the fans. Mainly because I realize that they actually trust me with their oppa’s. And if there is one thing I am not willing to do is betray the trust given to me the ELF’s. We would still need to return the next day to finish the second part of the episode. It would probably be the hardest as it would require me to talk about the accident the night before. But, even that is completely eclipsed from my mind because that means I would need to interact with the members again as if nothing ever happened. Soon enough we arrive at the dorms and we entered through the back. But it was as if the fans knew that we were so even once we arrived at the back they were still waiting for us. Not wanting to alarm the fans I searched my bag for my sunglasses and my press powder. I fixed myself so that it looks like nothing happened. I held my breath and my tears and put on a smile on my face. I got out of the van and was suddenly rushed by the fans. All of them asking if I was okay or what was it like living with their oppa’s.  I assured them I was fine but that didn’t stop their onslaught of questions. Once again as if it was his sixth sense Henry realized that I was distressed and over whelmed by the fans. So instead making a bee line for the door was and he went around the back of the van making his way through the fans to me. He wrapped one of his arms around me effectively shielding me from the fans and steering me into the safety of the lobby. Once inside he let go of me and whispered to him.

“Thanks for saving me back there…again.” He answered me nearly immediately in a very monotone and cold way. “No problem.” I could still clearly tell he was still very much hurt about the situation before. Soon enough we got into the elevator and we were making our way up into the dorm. Once inside I was greeted by explosions coming of left and right. I saw streamers and glitter flying through and the boom of “CONGRATULATIONS!” from all the members. Seeing their happiness for me only made me feel worse inside for what I did earlier. The sudden rush or emotions caused me to break out into tears. With a loud sob ripping out from my chest I ripped off my sunglasses and ran with tears streaming down my face again into my room slamming the door shut behind me.  I threw myself onto my bed sobs wracking my chest as I wondered and thought about what will happen once they found out about what went down between me and their beloved maknae Henry, especially my harshness to him after the kiss. Soon enough there was a knock on my door.

“Go away I don’t want to talk or see anyone right now I want to be alone!” After my request the knocking stopped and I thought that whoever it was had gone away. But, I was wrong as I heard my door open and close.

“I SAID I DON’T WANT TO SEE ANYONE RIGHT NOW!” I said as I turned around to face off the person that had entered my room but as soon as I did I saw my Fishy hyung Donghae standing with a worried and slight scared look on his face. “Raphy-ah I think here something we need to talk about.”

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Chapter 21: Hooo Leeteuk umma is here !! glad Henry and Raph are now together :D
update soon author-ssi
gatau-- #2
seems interesting
Chapter 20: Omg omg omg omg. I just found this and I'm dying.
Chapter 20: oh my sweet moses, I loved it :D....-happy tears-...^^
Chapter 20: awe, I loved it :D...please update soon!
Chapter 20: Henry got the wrong idea poor babe ... raph should explain X[ <3
Chapter 19: I think raph should have just said what he was thinking and not tell Henry all those harsh words cuz he was the one who made Henli fall for him XDDD , so he ended hurting both of them ... I think donghae is someone you can trust so Raph did the best thing when he opened up to him , I think raph should listen to whatever hae will say cuz ... he knew better ?? don't know X] thanks for the update <3
Chapter 18: NOOOOOOOOORaph ... why ? *sad* juste tell Henry what you really feel .
can't wait for the whole chapter :'(
Chapter 16: Ohh Henli ... did you .. did you just kiss raph and leave ?? that's so cute I really want to read what would happen next , can't wait !!! x)
Chapter 15: Oh my!!!! I can't wait 4 the next update!!!! Ohh who's "Him"?!! And will 'he' make henry jealous?! Kyaa update soon!!