Chapter Three

If I Stay
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Chapter Three




Part of Jimin couldn’t stand these days-- the days where everyone was over and everyone wanted to talk to him at once, the days where everyone asked how school was going and when he would be applying to college or what college he wanted to go to in a few years. Another part of him enjoyed it. It was one of the few times Namjoon would rap and one of the only times he’d heard Seokjin sing once or twice. The feeling around the house was excited, yet peaceful. Anything that had happened during the week was forgotten during this time.


Jimin fixed his leather jacket over his shoulders as he descended the staircase behind his brother. He could hear Namjoon and Wonsik in the living room, both laughing at something the other said, while Seokjin resided in the kitchen with Taekwoon and Hongbin. Hoseok and Taehyung would there before long, Jungkook as well. The only one Jimin didn’t know about was Yoongi.


Yoongi, it felt like something had happened when Jimin turned him down. Beyond the anxiety attack, that was the only thing that made sense. Seokjin and Namjoon didn’t know about that. He never told them for fear he wouldn’t be able to hang out with or see Yoongi again. Jimin was allowed his own life, yet when anxiety came into the picture, something changed. They were suddenly protective, almost overly so at times.


"Jin-hyung, did you call the pizza guy yet?" His footsteps were thunderous coming down the stairs, and he entered the kitchen. "Last time you forgot and you know, we were hungry so."


Seokjin pursed his lips as he slowly crept towards the phone. "I didn't forget, I'm just calling to see how much longer."


“Right, sure hyung.” Jihyun walked over to where Taekwoon was sitting and draped himself over his shoulders, whining softly. "Hyung, Seokjin-hyung doesn't feed us and he makes us starve!"


“I’m sure you’re so underfed,” Taekwoon replied sarcastically.


“You eat more than all of us, Jihyun.” Jimin snorted, leaning on the island. “You ate a couple of hours ago.”


"That's not the point," Jihyun replied dryly, shooting his brother narrow eyes. "I need it because I'm still growing; unlike somebody."


“Yah!” Jimin lunged for his brother and slapped the back of his head. “You should respect me at least a little bit you know.”


"Why are you so mean to me?" Jihyun complained, holding onto Taekwoon. "Hyung!"


“You shouldn’t pick on your little brother, Jimin.” Taekwoon scolded. He glanced at Jihyun, then looked back to Jimin, fighting back a soft smile that made Jimin hide his face.


“Namjoon-hyung!” Jimin called out. His eyes narrowed at Jihyun as a small smirk tugging at his lips.


Jihyun narrowed his eyes at Jimin, "Don't you dare!"


“Jihyun is being disrespectful!”


Jihyun quickly shoved himself between Taekwoon's chair and the wall, ducking down to hide from the impending doom that he was certain was waiting for him.


“Jimin!” Namjoon called back. “Come here for a minute?”


Jimin glared at Jihyun and pushed himself away from his brother before exiting the room. He heard the others in the room laughing as he exited, though if it was at him or Jihyun, or the turn of events, he wasn’t sure. With a small, breathy laugh, Jimin pushed through the door to the kitchen and walked into the foyer.


“Someone swung around to see you, Jimin,” Namjoon spoke, kicking the door shut with his foot. Yoongi stood beside him, hands stuffed deep into his ripped, light blue jeans and a ghost of a smile playing at his lips. “Should we keep him?”


“H-Hyung,” Jimin stammered. “You made it.”


"Food was offered and I was hungry, so yeah. I guess I did." Yoongi spoke casually, meeting his younger friend's eyes.


Jimin felt his cheeks heat up slightly as Namjoon left the room. “I-I mean, the food isn’t, um, i-isn’t here yet but Seokjin-hyung just called to uhm,” he released a long sigh and closed his eyes. “Yeah.”


"You ordered food for a barbecue? Wow. You guys sure are different." Yoongi carefully walked up to his friend, a small smile crossing his face. "You're cute when you're flustered, you know."


“Th-Thanks, um,” he stammered quietly. He felt a smile tug on his lips as his blush heated up further and his mind scrambled for something else to say in return. “You--You have nice e-eyes.”


This made an even bigger smile cross Yoongi lips as he laughed. "Uh thanks, I was born with them, so."


Jin poked his head into the living room and he gave Yoongi a warm smile. "Make yourself at home, Yoongi-ah! Drinks are in the fridge and food is almost ready. Play your cards right, and we might make you a regular.”


“Yes, sir.” Yoongi nodded.


“I’ll introduce you to everyone, I guess.” Jimin rubbed at the back of his neck with one hand while the other fanned at the hot cheeks. “Everyone’s moved into the kitchen and Hoseok-hyung and Taehyung aren’t here yet. Jungkook will be here eventually.”


Jimin led him through the rest of the living room and walked back into the kitchen where he left his brother with everyone. Wonsik and Namjoon had moved to sit at the island together while the rest remained where they were before, Jihyun having pulled up an extra chair next to Taekwoon. Namjoon smiled at him slightly as everyone’s attention turned to the raven-haired newcomer.


The doorbell rang and Wonsik slid off the stool, "I got it, I got it." he made an odd yelping noise as he narrowly dodged Jihyun's chair sliding backward, and he slid passed Jimin and Yoongi. "Hello, and excuse me!"


“That was um, Wonshik,” Jimin pointed to the retreating male, then nodded to the group sitting at the table. “Then we have Jaehwan, Taekwoon, Hongbin, and Jihyun, my little brother.” he looked past Yoongi to the door as Taehyung and Hoseok entered the room. “Then Hoseok and Taehyung.”


Jin didn't even look up from the cutting board, but the threat was in his words, "Honorifics, Jimin-ah."


“Right, sorry, hyung.” he fiddled with his hands. “Everyone except Taehyung and Jihyun, they’re hyung.” Jimin chuckled at his words and looked down at his shoes. “This is Yoongi-hyung, he’s a friend of mine.”


"You've got a nice little gathering, don't you?" Yoongi spoke softly, giving everyone a slight smile and a bow as he took in the room. “Hi.”


Wonsik came back in a moment later carrying five pizza boxes, a slightly confused smile crossing his face. "Uh, so the pizza is here, I guess."


Jin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he stared at the boxes. "I just called them ten minutes ago. How are they already here?"


Jihyun, who had gotten up a minute earlier, took the boxes from Wonsik and set them on the island. "Oops, I guess I forgot to tell you that I ordered already. By the way, thank you hyung! You just bought us five extra pizzas!" Jihyun grinned devilishly as he stuffed a pizza slice in his mouth.


“Jihyun!” Jimin glared at his brother.


Yoongi watched as Jin chased a squealing Jihyun around the kitchen with a wooden spoon, "Are things always like this?"


“Ah,” he stepped back as Jin almost grabbed Jihyun by the shirt collar, “kind of. The only ones who probably won’t run around the kitchen like this is Namjoon-hyung and Taekwoon-hyung. Sorry if it's too chaotic.”


"Hyung, you know that beating Jihyun to a pulp will only lead to more problems than solutions!" Wonshik struggled to hold Jin back, trying to reason with him as Jihyun hid behind Taekwoon.


Yoongi had to purse his lips to keep from laughing at the scene unfolding before him. "It's cool. I think I'll be able to manage."


“They’re definitely different.” Jimin chuckled.


“You don’t wanna go to prison, right?” Namjoon pried the spoon from Jin’s hand and held his hands up. “No weapons, no fists. Just, uhm, shout at him, yeah? I’m not taking Jimin and Jihyun to visit you in prison.”


Jimin covered his face with this hands. “I’m sorry you came over today. My brother does stupid things most times, but not with other people around.”


"Prison food is nasty too." Jaehwan chimed in, stopping mid-chew to look at everyone with widened eyes. "Not that I would know."


Taekwoon raised an eyebrow at Jaehwan. “Are you sure?”


Yoongi smiled, casually leaning against the doorframe opposite of Jimin. "Seriously Jimin, it's fine."


Jaehwan scoffed, feigning offense. "Hyung, why would you think that any such thing happened?" He started to cry dramatically. "Why are you always so mean to me?"


“Yah, why are you always so annoying?” Taekwoon groaned, rolling his eyes.


“Jihyun, you better bet your you’re going to regret this! You better pay me back, punk!” Jin shouted, pointing an accusing finger at the young male who was peaking over Taekwoon’s chair. Wonsik still had his arms wrapped around him tightly, unsure if it were safe to let him go yet. “You do that again I swear I will make you starve! Just watch what happens when I stop cooking for this household!”


"Hello hello! I have arrived with drinks and sugary things!" Hoseok belted as he entered the kitchen, taking in the whole scene. "You guys already started the party without me?”  He sighed as he set the grocery bags on the counter. “Wow, I'm so offended!"


"Hey, guys." Jungkook put a hand on Jimin and Yoongi's shoulders, peeking his head in. "The chaos has already started, I see."


“Jihyun started it, again.” Jimin crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. “Jaehwan-hyung is putting on a show as well and Taekwoon-hyung could punch him in the face any minute now.”


"Wow, you guys are really laying it all out there, aren't you?" Jungkook pushed his way into the kitchen to fix himself a drink.


“I expected them to be a bit more civil with a guest,” he commented, glancing over at Yoongi. “Sorry, again.”


“Jimin-ah, you gotta stop apologizing.” Yoongi started, raising an eyebrow at him as he smiled, “Besides, where’s the fun of being civil?”


Yoongi got along with his family, his friends, better than he would’ve first hoped when his new friend arrived. The chaos slowed down for a while as everyone ate and became familiar with Yoongi—Jungkook beat him to tell every one of Yoongi’s skills as a rapper. It made him happy, knowing that Yoongi, someone he was becoming close with, was becoming someone that his family and friends liked as well. It put him at ease for a few hours.


If anything, the air felt freer the longer everyone stuck around. They hadn’t had one of these dinners in a such a long time, it seemed; everyone got caught up taking care of their own lives. Yoongi was one of the stars of the night with the mystery he held about himself, yet he fit into their puzzle as if he’d been missing the entire time.


Namjoon was extremely impressed with Yoongi’s knowledge pertaining to the history of rap and hip-hop and even more so that he knew a lot of the rappers who went un-named in social media. Both them and Wonsik practically talked non-stop amongst themselves, almost in another language that Jimin couldn’t understand. He didn’t mind it, watching Yoongi converse so easily with the people he knew so well.


Somewhere in between conversations and laughing, Namjoon moved everyone to the living room. Jimin followed in behind everyone as the conversation continued through the group and found his place on the ground in front of where Yoongi was sitting on the couch. He didn’t allow himself to listen to the conversation much and absentmindedly leaned back, using Yoongi’s legs as his backrest. Yoongi went rigid behind him, though didn’t say anything for a few minutes until he slowly relaxed.


"Do you dye your hair, Jimin-ah?" Yoongi quizzed quietly, reaching his fingers out to casually mess with some of the strands.


Jimin jumped slightly at the sudden contact. “No, I don’t. Why do you ask?”


“Just curious mostly.” He continued to silently mess with the small strands, twisting them around and brushing his fingers through them. "I think blonde would suit you really well."


“You think?” Jimin glanced up to meet his eyes. “You get yours done, don’t you, hyung?”


“Every once in awhile, yeah.” Yoongi murmured, leaning his head back against the couch. “Probably too much, but it’s nice sometimes.”


“Hyung,” he whispered, closing his eyes as he leaned his head back into Yoongi’s touch. “If I decide to dye my hair blonde, will you come with me and get yours done too?”


A small smile spread across Yoongi's lips. "Sure. I'm probably due for a new color soon anyways."


“Promise?” Jimin held his pinky up for Yoongi and smiled.


Yoongi rolled his eyes, “What are you? Five?” He reached out his hand anyways and wrapped his pinky around Jimin’s, smiling down at his younger friend. “Yes, I promise.”




It wasn’t the sound of Seokjin shouting down the hall to Jihyun, or Namjoon’s loud plea for their silence while he worked that woke him up. The soft sound of a vibration on his bedside table, the device that vibrated the books that were stacked next to it forced his eyes open slowly. Jimin blinked up at the ceiling, sleep laced deep within his dark eyes, before he leaned over and lazy grabbed his phone from the nightstand.


He winced and closed his eyes again as the bright light illuminated his face. Jimin didn’t bother checking the time-- he was much too groggy and tired to care why someone was texting him at such an ungodly hour. He figured it was Jungkook realizing he’d forgotten his math textbook in his locker and was pleading for the answers to whatever homework they’d been assigned Friday afternoon.


Yoongi: Don’t go out on your balcony


Jimin groaned and wrapped his blankets tighter around his shivering body. It was cold outside, it was cold inside his room. He pushed a sigh through his lips and reluctantly slid out of his bed and shuffled over to the balcony doors. A gust of a cold breeze made him curse under his breath with each step he took toward the edge of the small balcony to peer over the edge. Yoongi stood at the bottom when he looked over, finding a confident smirk playing on his lips.


“You’re kidding me, right?” Jimin spoke, rubbing his face. “Please tell me you’re not actually down there right now.”


"Believe what you want," Yoongi spoke quietly, but enough for Jimin to hear him. "I'm coming up! I gotta tell you something, and it’s too ing cold to just stand out here."


“Whatever, okay.” Jimin returned. He stepped away from the edge of the balcony and trailed back inside to wait for his friend to make it up and inside the warmth of the house. Yoongi appeared a few moments later, the confident smirk from before now faded. “Oh, so you weren’t a figment of my imagination.”


"I am as real as your math grades, Jimin-ah." Yoongi retorted, a smirk of his own playing at his pale lips. "I got lost on the way home and didn't feel like driving around."


“It's like,” he glanced at the time on his phone, “two in the morning.”


Jimin ran a hand over his face and through his hair, brushing past Yoongi to shut and lock the doors to the balcony. He could remember Jihyun wanting the room just because of the balcony, especially when Seokjin bought Jimin things to decorate it with for when people came over. Jimin himself didn’t understand what was so special about it.


Yoongi took the liberty to sit on the end of Jimin's bed, his hands tucked deep in the pockets of his thin jacket. "Yes, well sometimes your brain doesn't pick the best times to run a marathon," Yoongi mumbled.


Jimin’s expression softened. “What’s wrong?”


"Nothing," Yoongi started, scoffing softly. "And everything." He bit his lip, blinking slowly as he thought. "I had fun today. Like, I actually enjoyed myself for once. You guys are like an actual family." He smiled sadly. "I don't think I've ever seen one of those up close before. It's impressive."


“You know--” Jimin sighed, gently seating himself next to Yoongi. He looked up at Yoongi through his tired eyes, then forced his lips up into a delicate smile. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”


Yoongi turned his puffy dark eyes to meet Jimin's, softly swallowing to allow the words to leave his lips, "What do you want to know?"


“You said you’ve never seen a family up close,” he whispered. “Tell me what that means so I can fix it.”


"Fix it, huh?" Yoongi whispered, turning his eyes to his newly exposed hands. He intertwined his fingers, gently rubbing them together for a little warmth as he searched for the proper words to say. "I don't think it's something that can ever be fixed, honestly. My parents died in a train accident when I was little." he swallowed. "Which is why I've lived with my uncle for most of my life. He's a complete , but it could be worse. He's usually always gone due to either getting evicted or running from someone he owes money to. I haven’t seen him for a few months, to be honest."


Jimin didn’t want to say that he was sorry, it wouldn’t fix what had already happened. He knew Yoongi didn’t want sympathy or charity, Jimin himself never liked the looks he received when others asked why he lived with Namjoon and Seokjin. He knew what it was like, having n

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littlelamb86 #1
Chapter 10: Its soooo sad that they died.....TT ... great that Jimin and Yoongi had a second chance......wonder what caused the accident actually
JiminieChimChim #2
Chapter 4: I read the book and watched the movie prior to discovering this, so I had a feeling of how this would play out, but damn, I bawled reading this.
ellie_yemm #3
Chapter 4: Loving this!!!
ellie_yemm #4
Chapter 3: I freaking love this!! The car accident got me on my toes.