The Beginning

Our Precious Love

{Chapter 1}


31st October 2017, 8pm (The day of incident)

Mina’s POV 

“Mina we have to leave right now, take care of yourself on the next few days, alright?” Nayeon and Jeongyeon said as they wave goodbye to Mina. “What’s the big deal of Joongki’s wedding? Everyone is going to Seoul just to take part in it.” Mina thought. It’s okay I can finally cut some slack while my parents are away, she hopped a little due to the excitement. Just when she was about to go to bed, she heard something weird from across the street, as if someone was screaming. Her curiosity got the better of her and she decides to check it out...

As she walked across the street to her neighbour’s house, she hesitated for a moment and decides to turn back remembering what her parents said earlier. “AHHHHHH!!!” another scream came from inside of the house. This time, she ran straight to the frontdoor of the house without any second thoughts. The door creaked open as she pushed it. She opened the door and gasped.

End of Flashback

29th October 2017 (Two days before the incident)

Mina’s POV

“Awhhh mom, not again!!”  she pouted. Mina’s mom Nayeon arranged another blind date for her and this time Mina plans to skip the session. Nayeon knew her daughter well and that she would probably lie to her about going to the blind date so she drove Mina there instead. Upon reaching the cafe, Mina tried to run away but Nayeon pulled her back and instructed her to get into the cafe right away or she would rearrange another session on a separate day. Poor Mina had no choice but to obey her mom so she walked in the cafe. Inside the cafe, she saw a young man with a rose in his hands. He’s probably the one, she thought. She walked towards the young man showing no interest in him. She gave him a handshake sloppishly and immediately placed some money on the table. She said “I have no interest in doing blind dates, its my treat.” 

Chaeyoung’s POV

On the other end of the cafe, Chaeyoung watched all this drama going on. She heaved a sigh of relieve, at least her parents don’t do that to her. She quickly drank her coffee and prepared to leave the cafe. When she stood up from her seat to leave, she banged into Mina and dropped her confidential files from a case she was recently researching on. Mina caught a glimpse of the content and quickly picked up the files on the floor. Chaeyoung snatched the files from her hands and turned to walk away without thanking her at all. Chaeyoung had to meet the person involved in the case, she entered her mini cooper and drove away to her destination. 

Tzuyu’s POV

Finally after what felt like forever! Tzuyu was released from the prison, she took a deep breath of the fresh air outside the prison as she walked out. “Those people shall pay for making me spend 3 years of my life in the prison” she thought as she kicked into the air. She dialled a certain number and started a conversation. “Hey wassup Sana! Did you miss me a lot? I’m just released from the prison, could you give me a ride out of this deserted place, I don’t even see a single soul here.”  Sana agreed to what she said and drove her car to pick Tzuyu up outside the prison. Tzuyu was shocked by the sudden horn from Sana’s car. She entered the car and received some tofu from Sana. “Eat this up, hope I don’t have to pick you up from the prison again friend” Sana said. With that, Sana passed Tzuyu some cash to spend for the rest of the week. 

Mina’s POV

Mina rolled her eyes at the girl that left her. She checked the time and decided to go shopping since its still early to go home. On the way to the mart, she met the rude girl once again encountering some problems of getting a parking ticket. She smirked and walked up to the girl. “I know there is a stall that sells parking tickets nearby, but you’ll have to treat me a drink after that.”  Chaeyoung who was currently helpless nodded her head and followed the other girl to the stall. As they entered the stall, Chaeyoung saw someone familiar, it was her assistant, Sana. Chaeyoung stared at Sana as she went to buy some tofu. Chaeyoung didn’t ask anything more, only about where Sana was heading to. Mina passed Chaeyoung the parking tickets and told her to meet her at 6pm after Chaeyoung settled what she had to do. 

Chaeyoung’s POV

Chaeyoung peeked into the window of the Ketchup restaurant as it was called to look for Mina. She jumped at the sudden appearance of Mina near the window. Mina was gesturing for her to come into the restaurant, as she had waited for a long time. There was a full minute of awkward silence as Chaeyoung sat down. She wanted to open to speak but was interrupted by the waiter. After ordering their food, Mina asked Chaeyoung on the files earlier out of curiosity. Chaeyoung didn’t give any details that were in-depth. When the food arrived at the table, they were both eager to gobble up their food, so both of them reached for their dining utensils. While doing so, both their hands met and Chaeyoung gave a fake cough as she felt a spark. The silence went on. They finished off every single bit of their meal and was about to leave the restaurant. “Thank you for the meal today.” Mina thanked Chaeyoung and gave her the brightest smile. For whatever reason, Chaeyoung’s heartbeat sped up as Mina smiled at her, she was glad that they had this meal together. 

To be Continued...









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To take note: I kind of mixed up Momo and Sana’s role. I have already corrected it. So sorry haha, this was written at midnight ㅠㅠ


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I can’t wait!! It sounds good with Tzuyu being a ex Mafia ?