My temporary flirt

In Jungs House

The quiet and peaceful morning of Jungs house hold got destroyed when ..


Mrs. Jung shouted. Frustrated to her sleepyhead husband and daughters. 

(Ohh goddd.. Why my family is like this>_<)

Minutes later Krystal and Mr. Jung came running down the stairs, stumbling on the way . With their clothes not properly wear. Mrs. Jung could only shook her head.

" Where is Sooyeon? " 

" You know our daughter "

" Unnie is probably still sleeping " 

( Aishhhh this kid ←_←) Mrs. Jung thought

" Soojung go and wake up your sister- "


Mrs. Jung got interrupted by their doorbell ringing.

" Thats probably Tiffany, Soojung open the door"

( Whyy alwayss meee-_-+ sigh... )


" Yes mom"



In Hwangs Residence

Contrary to the Jungs, Hwangs are already a wake and ready to go. Specially Tiffany, who is done on her breakfast and ready to go on the Jungs house.

" Mom, Dad got to go "

" Wait Miyoung , why so early ? "

" Because im going to Jessi's house first then to school " 

" Ahhh .. Okay take care" Mrs. Hwang sent her daughter a teasing smile. Tiffany not knowing why her mom is smiling so wide just shrug.

"  Mom you're so weird , byee Dad"

Daddy Hwang could only smile at her daughter.

 " Our daughter really cares to Sooyeonie isn't she? "



Tiffany's POV


Hi! Im Tiffany ^.^ 
Im a Senior Highschool student at SOSHI HIGH.
Soshi high is school for students thats have passion for singing, dancing, acting, and playing different kinds of instruments. Im also a member of the singing group taetiseo. Not to brag but we're popular, all guys and even girls turn heads when we walk in. 

Some people said that I Tiffany Hwang is a BIG flirt!>_< but im not , im just really sweet hihihihi^o^. They just misunderstand my sweetness.

Anyway, enough about that hahahha I am on my way to Jessi's . My cuteee bestfriend.. Jessi is probably sleeping until now -_-||




Author's PoV

Reaching the front door of Jung. Tiffany press the doorbell and wait for someone to open the door.
While waiting Tiffany remember when they first meet ...

( Jessi is so adorably awkward back then, always shy to talk , always fidgeting cutely ^o^ ) 

" Unnieee!!! "

" wha..whatt do you say baby jung? "

" aigooo.. -_-# i said whatcha doin here? Its so early. "

" Im here for jessie^_^. We're going to school together. "

" ahh come in then , Unnie is still sleeping thought so you probably have to wake her. "

( I know krys thats why im early ^ω^)


In Jessica's Room


Our princess Jessica is already a wake but too lazy to get up.

(My bed is so comfyyyy~♥~ )

Jessica got startled when someone knock on her door.

" Jessi.. Im going to enter.."


Quickly Jessica hide under her blanket and pretend to be asleep.

" Aishh this Jessicat is so sleepyhead ( ̄3 ̄) "

Now how i am going to wake this girl? I don't wanna use Cucumber , coz hellsica is scaryyyy( ̄へ ̄)


Tiffany thought while staring at Jessica, who is still pretending to sleep.


(Waaaaaw, Jessica is really beautiful even when she sleep . She looks like a princess^.^ )




" Yahhhh Jung Jessica wake uppppp!!!!!!! " Tiffany said while poking Jessica .

*poke* Jessssiii
*poke * sooyeonniee
*poke* my jessiiieee~

Getting frustrated Tiffany climb on the bed and sit on Jessica's tummy. Jessica being startled to Tiffany's action peek at her best friend. Unfortunately Tiffany caught her. 

" Jessi stop pretending I caught you hahahahha" Tiffany said while laughing 
to her silly jessi. Jessica being stubborn did not listen to Tiffany .


" Oh you dont want okayy then ." Tiffany said while smirking. 
" Jessiee~". Whisper Tiffany seductively while blowing hot breath on Jessica's reddening ears. 
" Whaaaat ???" Finally Jessica respond to Tiffany.

" hahaha Go get ready! We're going to be late jung " Tiffany said while still on top of Jessica.

"What jessi ?"
"Wou..would you minddd? "
"Huh??" tiffany said confuse. Jessica point at their position while blushing.
"Sorryyyyyy " Grinning innocently .


Jessica's POV

We're on our way to school now. After the akwarddd moments a while ago . I start to get ready and here we are almost reaching our school. Btw Im Jessica Jung  that goes to SONE High across from Tiffany's school. Im a soccer player, captain to be exact. My best friends here in this school are Yuri, Yoona , and Sunny .
They are also soccer player like me. We're quiet popular in our school but I dont like the attention thats why im always hiding at the back of the school hahahha I love to be alone and I hate being disturb.


In front of SOSHI and SONE High

Many students have gather around the gate of both schools. Standing together are the SNSD they are taeyeon,hyoyeon,sooyoung,seohyun, sunny, yuri, yoona, and krystal. They are the most popular students of both schools.

" kyaaa!!! They are here! "
" All of them are so beautiful "
"Goshh and jeti is still not here"
" Marryyy meee "
" Nooo meee"
" Guys keep hoping hahahha "


The SNSD girls are getting impatient. Jessica and Tiffany still not there the bell is going to ring soon.


" Where is sica and fany???"
Ask taeyeon while looking at her watch .
" Yeah where is that Jeti couple ? " 
" Oh Unniesss they are heree! " Jeti arrive infront of the girls finally.
" why did u guys arrive just now!  ? " taeyeon said.
Suddenly screams got louder when jeti arrive .

" Guyss ! Look jeti's heree"
" Well what do you expect? "

Jessica's POV

Sighhh... Thats why I always want to be late. So that students is gone when I come. Seriously I hate attention. 

" Relax Jessi.. Im here."
I got startled when Tiffany hold my hand.
" thank youu..." I said not looking at her because Im afraid she will see my face thats blushing. 

( arrgghh .....Whats happening to me ? Whyyy my heart is beating fast..)


"Guys lets go." I said quickly not making eye contact to Tiffany...

" Byee Drama queens hahaha " Yuri said while laughing.
" Same to you charcoal" sooyoung said while running away laughing. 
" Why you shikshin!!! "
Yuri was about to chase sooyoung but got stop by Jessica
 " Yuri thats enough! Bye guysss lets go." 
While walking away they got stop by Tiffany.

"  Yahhh Jessi aren't you forgetting something ? " 
Tiffany said while pouting cutely at me. 

( WHAT THE HELL JUNG?! Really ?! Cute? Arrghhh )

" Huh ? "
" My goodbye hug! , you forgetful person!" Tiffany said causing the jeti shippers to roar!!!


" Jeti is so sweet"
" Look at our ice princess blushing kyaaaaa!!"
" Jessica is melting hahahah"


Aishh.... I forgot we will start doing this hug thingy today when we part ways. Tiffany said, so that I get use to skinship. I bet that just her excuse to hug me hahaaha.

" Come here then Stephanieeee, you clingy pinkmonster." Tiffany came running to me while smiling so wide.

" Steph...Stephaniee!! Cant breath "
" Sorryyy" Tiffany said grinning  at me innocently.

" Yah Jeti !! Lets go! Enough flirting ..."
























A/n : sorryy for grammar and spelling mistakes hahaha 


Hindi na kaya ng utak ko mag english >_<

Juskoo ang hirapp gumawa ng fanfic hahahhaa

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Hyacinth_93 #1
Chapter 2: gagi kinikilig na ako tas Di Pala tapos😭😭😭
Chapter 2: New-found JeTi ph writer! Hello kababayan, hays I know your struggles po hahahaha fighting!
Imjessica #3
Chapter 2: So cute, i'm like this
hahaxixihehe #4
Chapter 2: i sbould told you this is awesome authornim. keep update and i will wait fighting
thanks for the story
Chapter 2: This was funny please come back soon!
megumiyuki #6
Chapter 2: Omg! Hahahaha gusto ata nila ung isat isa pero hindi pa rin nila narerealize??? Ang ganda ng story na to.
Chapter 2: Fluffy all the way :))
2azness #8
Chapter 1: Lol Sooyoung s description: too tall for Taeyeon and Sunny xD
Chapter 1: Interesting! I am waiting.... XD