Chapter 5

Endless Tears

Chapter 5

“Lee Howon, what is this?” my dad asked me, as he throw a letter, which landed on my lap.

I analyzed the letter and found my name, with the dance academy’s badge on the letter.

“You’re applying for that without my permission?” his voice hit my ears. I looked down as I had no courage to face him.

I had been the attention as my mum, with my two brothers were staring at me, being scolded by my dad.

“There’s no way you’re going to go. I’m not going to let you to this third rated academy and let you chase your stupid dream,” he said, made me really mad with his words.

“Honey, don’t be angry. Maybe this is what he want to do,” my mum said, tried to calm my dad’s down.

“I have nothing to say but if you’re really going after that stupid dream of yours, go out of my house,” he said before went to his room and slammed the door.

Jiwon hyung walked to me and patted my back, telling me to be strong while Hojin was staring at me with sympathetic gaze.

I went out of the house, walking towards Hyemi’s house, with the academy’s letter on my grip.

I saw her, outside the house, with her sister, Hyojin and Grandma Kim. I walked across the street, towards them.

“Grandma, Hyojin nuna,” I greeted them.

“Oh, Hoya. Do you need anything?” Grandma asked me.

“Can I borrow Hyemi for a while? I need to talk,” I said to Grandma Kim and she nodded with a warm smile.

“What?” Hyemi asked me. I showed her the letter. She shocked but I shushed her.

“Let’s go somewhere,” I said to her as she nodded. “Bye, grandma, Hyojin nuna,” I bid them goodbye.

I dragged her through the street and I handed her the letter.

She took it. “Oh my god, Lee Howon, you nailed it, big time,” she said, while laughing crazily. “Is this letter real?” she asked, poking the letter.

“Oh thank you, Shim Hyeyoung,” I said, ruffled her hair. “Stop being crazy, we’re in the middle of road,” I said, grabbed her shoulder.

“Oh, wait up,” she said, stopped her steps. “They knew about this already, aren’t they?” she asked me, wearing the worried expression.

“How did you know?” I asked her back, raising an eyebrow.

“Big man, I told you that know everything about you,” she said, rolling her eyes. “And, don’t answer my question with another question,” she continued, as I dragged her shoulder, wanting her to continue walking.

“Yeah, they knew. My dad found this letter, as the postman, literally gave this away to him,” I explained.

“Your dad?” she asked, turning her head to face me. “You were scolded by him. And, you screwed, big time,” she said, spreading her arms.

“He said something to me, that I think I’ll do it,” I said as I remembered the earlier conversation with my dad. “And, I’m telling you,” I continued.

“What is it?” she asked. “Man, stop delayed your words and tell me. You’re making me curious,” she scolded, crossing her arms.

“He told me if I continue with my dream, he wants me to get out of the house,” I told her.

“Oh my god. Your dad sure didn’t think while talk,” she said. “You’re thinking of going out of the house, didn’t you?” she asked.

“What are you? Mind reader?” I freaked out at her sentence. “Yeah, you’re right, anyway,” I nodded to her.

“When?” she asked me, with worried face. “Actually, I don’t know what to think, I know it’s wrong to support someone who attempted to run away from house at the age of 15, but I want you to do well,” she said while shrugged.

“You’re the only one who think that way, you freak,” I said while laughing, hoping that it would wash away her worried face.

But, it didn’t worked. “I’m going tomorrow, the faster, the better,” I decided.

“Fine, but even if you’re planning on going silently, you have to tell me your departure time because I want to send you away,” she said, facing me, still wearing that sad face of hers. “I want you to know, you’re never going to be alone,” she said as she walked away.

And, I was grateful to have her. So, that night, I packed my things, I broke my saving box and attempted to run away the next morning. I wrote a letter and left it on the dining table.

I had a good night sleep and I went out, in early of morning, when everyone was sleeping soundly.

“I’m sorry, mum,” I whispered as I saw her shoes when I was putting on my shoes.

I made my way to the bus station by walking. I stayed there, until the bus was ready to go.

“Wait up! Lee Howon, don’t you dare going yet,” a voice yelled out my name, furiously, I assumed.

I saw Hyemi, running all the way towards me. “What the hell? Can’t you at least throw stone on my window?” she asked, while catching her breath.

I grabbed her shoulder and found out that her chin was bleeding. I bet she fell down on the way there.

“What happened to you?” I asked, worriedly. “Why aren’t you go to clinic first?” I asked again, sighing.

“I fell down, nothing’s new. And, clinic can wait,” she said and hit me on the arm. “What did I told you yesterday?!” she yelled.

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to wake up you,” I said, with my hands closed together.

“Never mind, the bus is leaving,” she said as she handed an envelope to me. “Take this,” she ordered.

“What is this?” I asked, staring to the envelope, which I thought a bit thick.

“Nothing much but hope that would help,” she said, ruffling my hair. “Now, get going,” she pushed me to the bus.

“Fine,” I said while putting the envelope in my bag. “Go to clinic and take care,” I said while climbing the bus’s stairs.

She waved to me. I opened the window. “I’ll write to you every week,” I shouted as the bus moved. She was still there until the bus made its turn.


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naznew #1
Chapter 16: Oh my..its so sad..i crying when hoya read hyemi's diary and letter..
moustache #2
Oh, I am reading this with endless tears coming out from my eye too! \o/ YOLO.
nabi_devi #3
Waahhhh the story is over :( I loved it! thanks for writing this!!!!!
your song sounds like a real song. seriously <3
It ended :( but I'm glad Hoya is strong ^^ And on to Endless Tears 2 I go! :)
beyond_facts #6
@huili21: Ohhh, thankyu so much! Don't cry, I'm sorry for making you cry ;___________; Yeah, it's the end! <3 Thankyu ^^v
:) aww I got to say you write about sad stories really well! :D It makes me want to cry everytime I read the sad parts :'( as for me, well I haven't find what type of stories I'm good at... aww next chapter is the last?! :o noo :'( but there is still Endless Tears 2! yay! :D
beyond_facts #8
@huili21: D'awwwwww, thankyu <3 I'm speechless really >.< Thankyu again :'D
I felt like it is a real wedding too so touching :'( Hoya really love her very much :) It's the most sad yet romantic wedding I had ever read about!