Chapter 10

Endless Tears

Chapter 10

“Hoya, did you met her?” Dongwoo hyung asked as he entered the room.

I shook my head and sighed, while staring at the picture that Hyojin nuna gave me.

“The guys are worried. They wanted to know,” he said as he closed the door.

“Hyojin nuna said she’s not in Korea. She said she’s studying in France,” I told him.

“That’s too bad. I’m sorry that you can’t meet her, dude,” he said, patting my back.

“Am I stupid if I said, I don’t believe Hyojin nuna?” I asked him, placing the picture onto his lap.

He examined the picture. “Well, I don’t know. But, there’s real Eiffel Tower behind them,” he said, uncomfortably.

I sighed as I lied on the bed.

“Dude,” he called while lightly slapped my arm.

I sat up. “What?” I asked.

“Your girlfriend here, is she sick or something?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. “She looked different from the one in your wallet,” he commented.

I took the picture away from his hands and analyzed it again. I was right about her being all thin and pale. I took out my wallet and compared the two pictures.

“See?” Dongwoo hyung uttered as he pointed his fingers on both pictures, respectively.

As I realized the differences, I was hit by some memories of hers.

“Hyung, to think of it, she fell and stumbled quite often, she was so clumsy that she dropped and broke anything in her grip and sometimes, she looked like she cramped or something,” I said as I recalled the moments of us together. “Do you think something was wrong?” I asked, worriedly.

“I don’t really know but that could be symptoms of something,” he explained.

“I need to know where I could Hyojin nuna,” I said, rubbing my face, in frustration.

“I’ll try to ask Sungkyu hyung to talk with Jungyeol hyung,” he said, patting my shoulder and walked away.

I was walking back and forth in the dorm, while waiting for Dongwoo hyung and Sungkyu hyung.

I heard the door cracked open, that I ran to it.

“I got it,” Sungkyu hyung said and lifted a piece of paper.

“Thanks, guys,” I said and looked at each of them. “I’ll get going,” I said, as I got my shoes.

“Hoya, if anything happens, call us, right away,” Dongwoo hyung said.

I nodded and ran all the way.

I reached the address. I saw Hyojin nuna, in front of her house, locking the door. That was it, I was going after her. If she would not tell, I would find out on my own.

She walked down the street, from her house, with only her hand bag and still wearing the same expression.

I followed her like some sort of stalker. I knew she hid something about Hyemi from me, and I would do anything to know it.

I followed her from the house, all the way to a hospital, a private hospital, to be exact. She walked through the entrance.

I was still following her lead as my mind was occupied with my conversation with Dongwoo hyung.

… Your girlfriend here, is she sick or something?...

… I don’t really know but that could be symptoms of something…

That time, I was praying with heart, truthfully. Please, I hoped what Dongwoo hyung said weren’t the truth.

I saw her, walking the door of a ward, 2602. My hands were trembling, as I tried to wash away my bad feelings. Then again, I saw Hyojin nuna, got back out from the ward, pushing a wheelchair. As I tried to recognized the girl, I was disappointed, also at the very same time, I was happy.

It was indeed Hyemi, the one who was on the wheelchair. She was thin and pale, but it was her, without any doubt.

For a moment, I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know what to feel. I didn’t know, how to react.

I ran to the front desk, keeping my head down.

“May I know, who is the patient for ward 2602?” I asked, keeping my head down low, trying to not draw any attention.

“Can I know why, sir?” the nurse asked me back.

I stuttered. “I entered, but there was no one. I’m Miss Shim’s friend,” I said and cleared my throat.

“Oh, yes. 2602 is ward for Miss Elaine Shim,” the nurse said and smiled. “You may waited at the ward, she maybe at the rehabilitation department,” she said as I nodded and walked away.

It was all proven, it was her. I walked back to the ward. I turned the door knob and opened it.

I was literally over the place. It was like barging in some fan girl’s room. I touched the posters, to confirm its existence. I saw many collections of our albums, photo books and stuffs.

Shim Hyeyoung knew about me. That was what I thought that time. I smiled to myself. She cared about me.

I walked around the room, there was the familiar scent of Hyemi, mixing with the smell of medicine and aroma of the hospital.

I touched every single thing that I saw with my eyes. Everything had Hyemi’s familiar scent, which I longed to smell.

I saw on the desk beside the bed, a series of pictures in frames. Started with picture of her with Hyojin nuna, picture with Grandma Kim, picture of her parents’ wedding, and lastly, the picture of her with me, on the stage in school’s hall.

She was so happy that time. The feeling of regret hit my heart. What did I do? Why did I left you? I wanted to go so much that I only think about myself. How selfish I am? I took the picture frame, and stared at it, as if time would turn back.

“Who are you?” I heard a voice, right after the door cracked opened. I turned my head, in an instant.


I really hope this is enough to make up my disappearance, lol xD I'll be back on Tuesday or Wednesday next week and I'll update, right away. Bye <3 :'D

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naznew #1
Chapter 16: Oh my..its so sad..i crying when hoya read hyemi's diary and letter..
moustache #2
Oh, I am reading this with endless tears coming out from my eye too! \o/ YOLO.
nabi_devi #3
Waahhhh the story is over :( I loved it! thanks for writing this!!!!!
your song sounds like a real song. seriously <3
It ended :( but I'm glad Hoya is strong ^^ And on to Endless Tears 2 I go! :)
beyond_facts #6
@huili21: Ohhh, thankyu so much! Don't cry, I'm sorry for making you cry ;___________; Yeah, it's the end! <3 Thankyu ^^v
:) aww I got to say you write about sad stories really well! :D It makes me want to cry everytime I read the sad parts :'( as for me, well I haven't find what type of stories I'm good at... aww next chapter is the last?! :o noo :'( but there is still Endless Tears 2! yay! :D
beyond_facts #8
@huili21: D'awwwwww, thankyu <3 I'm speechless really >.< Thankyu again :'D
I felt like it is a real wedding too so touching :'( Hoya really love her very much :) It's the most sad yet romantic wedding I had ever read about!