Keep calm and BALI on.

Hold me and never let go
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While buried in the final preparation and draft for the Bali trip, it was soon sunrise, only realizing when the light hits Moonbyul's face. She winces due to the sudden change in lighting, turning her attention to the two girls. They are still soundly asleep and seeing that puts a smile on Moonbyul's face. She checks her phone for the time and learns that it is 7.45 am. She fought back internally to wake the both of them, knowing that they are very tired, but they need to go home and take their luggage for the trip. Before she woke them up, she went down the Wheein's cafe to get breakfast for them. 

As she walks into the cafe, Wheein greets her with enthusiasm. Moonbyul thought to herself 'How is she so hyper this early in the morning?' while smiling towards the pup. Wheein notices that the lady boss is still in the clothes she was in yesterday. "Late night?", raising an eyebrow in question.

"Yeah. We were preparing for a trip and there was a lot to be done, Hyejin and Solar too. They are up there sleeping now.", chuckling under her breath.

"Wow, so you are here buying breakfast for them? Where can I find a boss like yourself?", sighing while at she looks into Moonbyul's tired eyes. 

"Tell me about it. Would you like a job at Moon Investments?", smirking while teasing Wheein. 

Wheein is actually shocked. She frantically shakes her hands in front of her face to hide her embarrassment. "No, no! I'm not for office work. I still prefer this cafe.", laughing shyly.

Moonbyul burst out laughing, seeing that the poor girl has been teased enough. "I prefer your coffee too, so don't.". 

"Ahh.. Messing with me again. What would you like, unnie?", rolling her eyes childishly. 

"Hmm.. I shall go for 2 cups of hot chocolate and 1 ice americano today. 3 croissants too.", Moonbyul said while passes Wheein her card for payment. 

"2 hot chocolate for the sleeping beauties I supposed? You really love them, don't you".

"Of course. I can love you too if you let me", touching Wheein's chin a little. 

"Wow, what's this?! You really are greasy as yongsun unnie said.", Wheein exclaims while stumbling backward. 

"So she has been talking about me huh? I hope it's only the good things.", blushing while scratching the back of her neck. 

"Oops. I have said too much. Here's your breakfast, please leave before I spill all beans.", chuckling while shooing Moonbyul out. 

Moonbyul chuckles, happy that Solar has been talking about her to her best friend. She must be on her mind. She gently shakes the both of them up, presenting them with the breakfast she bought from Wheein. "Hot chocolate?", questioning Moonbyul, slightly angry because Hyejin needs coffee badly. 

"Yup. After breakfast, I'm sending the both of you home to rest. So, no coffee.", smiling, feeling proud of herself for buying hot chocolate instead of coffee, at the slightly pissed Hyejin. 

Hyejin pouts while Solar smiles warmly, seeing that Moonbyul really cares for them in her own ways. They dug into breakfast happily and soon pack up to leave. Moonbyul drops Hyejin off first because Solar lives in the same building as her. "The flight is at 6 pm. I'll pick you up at 4 pm ya? Sleep well.", waving to Hyejin through the rear mirror.

There was a mixed up with the flight seatings and the first class seats were over-booked. Instead of 3 first class tickets, one of the tickets is bumped down to business class. Hyejin saw this as an opportunity for Moonbyul and Solar to spend some alone time, even if that means she has to settle for the business class seat. Business class isn't that bad, it's still comfortable no doubt, but it's not first class. It's going to be a 7hr 30min flight and comfort is a must for long flights like this. She immediately agrees to switch flight, seeing that they can't be late for the preparation over at Bali too. Moonbyul and Solar feel bad so they volunteered themselves for the business class seat, but Hyejin insisted. 

"Ya, I'm sacrificing myself for you here to spend more time with Solar. Don't let me down.", whispering into Moonbyul's ear, making sure Moonbyul is the only one that can hear her. 

"Ya, this brat. Thank you.", Moonbyul blushes while she pats on Hyejin's head. 

Once they settled into their respective seats, they check out all the in-flight amenities. Since this is Solar's first time taking first class, she can't hide her astonishment. "Oh my God, Byul ah, are you seeing all these?! Since when does airline give you kits like this? And Pajamas?! Come on!", hitting furiously on Moonbyul's shoulder, who is beside her.

"Ya! Stop hitting me! Are you going to do this every time we fly? You are sleeping in the toilet.", giggling as she defends herself from Solar.

The assigned senior cabin crew came over to greet and settle them into their seats. "Good Evening Miss Moon and Miss Kim, here on a business trip again? Thank you for choosing SK Airline. Feel free to look through the amenities and the complimentary Pajamas. I assume you know where the toilet is already Miss Moon?", smirking at Moonbyul.

"Hey, Serene. Yea and I guess we are flying together again. and yes, I know where's the toilet, I'll bring her to it later.", Moonbyul said smiling.

Seeing the two interact causes Solar to turn sour, more than she cares to admit. She doesn't know why she felt jealous when the air stewardess flirted with Moonbyul, but she hated the sight of it. It is as though Serene noticed the very slight change in expression on Solar's face, she decided to end it there. "Alright then, I'll leave you two to it. Please let me know if you guys need anything, I'll be happy to help. Just press this button over here and I'll be right with you.", pointing towards a call button in front of Solar. 

After Serene left them alone, Moonbyul turns towards Solar and chuckles. "Aww, is someone jealous? Don't be, no one is more special than you.", putting away Solar's loose locks of hair behind her ear.

"Who's jealous? Because of you? Crazy!", blushes as she pulls away from Moonbyul's touch, stunned as Moonbyul was spot on. 

After the plane took off, Moonbyul brought Solar to change into their PJs. "What the?! The toilet is bigger than our apartments.", thinking nothing could amaze more on this plane while scanning around in awe. 

"Good! Then you have no problem sleeping here then.", teasing the silly girl. 

"Ya! Don't be mean. This is my first time after all.", pouting while she finishes changing.

"Awww.. I'm just joking unnie ah. Why would I allow such a pretty girl to sleep in the toilet?", Moonbyul chuckles as she pulls Solar in for a hug.

Flustered, Solar accidentally knocks down a bottle of facial wash and rushes to clean it up. "Wow, you are a fool, aren't you?", as Moonbyul reaches down to help Solar.

Suddenly a thought hit her and she cannot be more proud of herself. "Omg. You are a pretty fool, a YEBA!!.", Moonbyul giggles as she punches Solar jokingly. 

"Ya! Don't call me that! I'm not a fool. Now help me clean this up before someone comes in and scold me.", pouting as she rushes Moonbyul to help her. 

Soon it was time for Dinner and Serene came by to take their order. Solar couldn't decide between the chicken or the steak so Moonbyul does what she does best, being sweet. "We will just have both, one roasted chicken and one prime waygu. This way you can have a little bit of both.", smiling as she looks towards Solar who is surprised and touched at her little sweet gesture.

"And oh, do you have tteokbokki by any chance?", Moonbyul asks, turning towards Serene.

"Yes, we do. But I don't remember you like to eat tteokbokki.", raising her eyebrow, questioning Moonbyul jokingly. 

"I'm starting to like it now.", smiling cheekily, avoiding Solar's eye contact. 

"I see. What would you like for dessert?", smirking as if she's teasing Moonbyul while flipping the pages of Solar's menu to the dessert section. 

Moonbyul turns to Solar, waiting for her answer. "You decide.", grinning with her nose muscles.

"Hmm.. Tiramisu and Cheesecake please.", passing the menus back to Serene.

"Alright! Any drinks ladies? We just brought in the Chateau Lafite 1865, I'm sure it will suit your palate, Miss Moon.".
"Sure, we'll have 2 glasses. Thanks, Serene.".

Waiting for Serene to leave, Solar turns to Moonbyul, hitting her lightly on their shoulders. "Ya, I can't drink!".

"Just try a little, I'll drink the rest.", snuggling up onto Solar's side while she removes the middle armbar, "This is annoying, I'm taking it away.".

After dinner, Serene came over to make the bed for them. They watched the latest movies and without realizing, Solar slowly drifts to sleep. She fell asleep on Moonbyul's shoulder, who is still wide awake. Moonbyul stares at Solar's parted lips as she smiles warmly. She slowly moves closer to Solar, putting her arm behind Solar's neck to let her sleep comfortably. Solar snuggles up into her chest unconsciously, giving in to the warmth. Moonbyul swears she can stay in that position for the rest of her life. She admits she's falling harder for the girl more and more every day. Moonbyul gives a peck on Solar's head before she drifts to sleep herself. 

When it's time to land, the captain's announcement woke Solar up. She then realized she fell asleep on Moonbyul's chest, who is asleep while hugging her. Solar was kind of shock, not knowing whether to pull away, though she loves the smell and warmth of Moonbyul. I mean, Moonbyul is still her boss after all, and they are on a business trip. But she didn't after noticing Moonbyul's eye bags and the fact that she didn't move when the captain made the announcement. Knowing that she's dead tired these few days, Solar decides to let the poor girl sleep a little longer. However, due to landing safety, she has to return to return to their own seats since the armrest is down. Serene came along to make sure everything is ready for landing, including the partitions and seating positions. 

Solar jumps upon hearing the knock on her partition door, causing Moonbyul to stir from her sleep. Solar quickly reaches for the door and was greeted by Serene. "Sorry to wake you, but you will have to return to your own seats. We will be landing in 15 minutes.", smirking as she realizes what she interrupted. 

"Ah. Yes, sorry about that.", as Solar quickly returns to her own seat, pulling down the armbar, blushing red hot. 

After Serene walks down the aisle to check on the other passengers, Moonbyul yawns as she checks on Solar. "Slept well unnie?", stretching with her hands in the air. 

"Yes, sorry. I must have fallen asleep on your shoulders the entire night, must be because of the red wine yesterday.", Sola

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Sorry guys. I most probably will not be posting today. I forgot I got the earlier shift at work today and didn't write much in the morning. Will try to update by tmr


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Astrae_17 #1
Chapter 11: Please continue this story…it’s really good and I would love to know what happen next! Thanks for your hard work!
Chapter 11: I know its been 3 years, but still hoping for you to continue it authornim <3
Chapter 11: Please update soon authornim, this story is really good~~
chonganna #4
Chapter 11: This is very good author-nim hope u can update again, although I don’t think u will. Thx for the story so far though!
kimshishoshu #5
Ive been deactivate for a year and the authornim still have not updated the story.. Where are u, authornim? Hope u doing well n able to update yr great story. Im still waiting. :)
Lonalornd #6
Chapter 11: Author nim... Wohoo please continue this fic..
aila123 #7
Chapter 11: Knock knock, author nim?
Chapter 11: -still waiting-
adeline7 #9
Chapter 11: Author-nim ??? when will you update?? ??
Chapter 11: author-nim~
where are youuuu