
when the time is right.
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 Yewon is contented with her life. She has a wonderful family whom she loves a lot although they can get on her nerves at some point of time, an awesome group of friends whom are like siblings to her but from different parents, a small job that has a fairly reasonable pay to help her with her monthly rent and daily necessities— she also never fails to give her parents some money every month— and lastly, a kind and caring girlfriend whom she is currently cuddling with at the moment. It seems surreal that everything is just perfect for her and Yewon wouldn't want to trade the life she's having right now with anything else.


“When do you think it's the right time for us to tell our parents and friends that we're officially dating? We've been hiding our relationship from them for two months now,” Yuna breaks the silence between them by asking a question that has been on her mind for weeks.


With her head resting on Yuna’s shoulder, Yewon nuzzles her nose gently against the crook of her girlfriend’s neck and tightens her grip around her waist before giving Yuna a reply. “I don't really know,” she mumbles in a sleepy tone. “I like things the way it is right now.”


“But you do know that we'll have to tell them sooner or later, right?” Yuna crinkles her nose before frowning slightly at the younger girl’s answer.


Glancing up, Yewon pouts when she sees the unhappy look on Yuna’s face. “Are you ready to tell them?”


Yuna’s expression immediately softens and she exhales a soft sigh as she looks at Yewon with conflicted eyes. “It's scary just thinking about it. Maybe… maybe, we should just wait until we're both so sure of telling them.”


Yewon giggles softly at Yuna’s sudden drop in confidence. Shifting from her current position, Yewon straddles Yuna’s waist and grins playfully at her girlfriend as she lowers herself so that their foreheads are touching. “Let's not think about that for now, hm? Let me help you clear your mind from all these thoughts,” she whispers in a gentle tone as she looks adoringly into Yuna’s eyes.


“Weren't you sleepy just a few minutes ago?”


“Sleep can wait. You're more important,” Yewon simply says before pressing her lips against Yuna’s own pair.




Sometimes, Yewon can't help but wonder how she managed to capture Yuna’s heart. The latter is almost perfect in everything she does although she can be a klutz at times. She remembers that the older girl has a lot of people confessing to her while they were in the process of getting to know each other better but Yuna rejected all of them by saying she had her eyes and heart set on someone already. Yewon didn't realise it was her that Yuna was talking about at that time. Oh how surprised she was when Yuna suddenly confessed to her at their favourite hiding spot one day. She had asked her girlfriend a question before out of pure curiosity— why she fell in love with her. Yuna’s reply was short but it did not fail to make her heart palpitate faster and the butterflies in her stomach to flutter wildly.


“Because you're Kim Yewon. No one else can be you and steal my heart like you did.”


Those words still make her smile every time she recalls the moment. ‘How did I get so lucky to have you?’ she thinks to herself as she watches Yuna’s sleeping figure with a soft smile. Guiding her hand up, Yewon lightly caresses Yuna’s cheek and bites back a laughter from escaping her lips when she hears Yuna mumbling incoherently in her sleep; something that occurs almost every day and Yewon is already unfazed by it. She then runs her thumb across the older girl’s lower lip slowly and it is taking Yewon every ounce of self-control to not place a kiss on Yuna’s lips while she is still in a deep slumber. It is tempting but she wants to wait until her girlfriend is awake to give her a well-deserved morning kiss.


Yuna soon stirs up from her sleep and Yewon quickly closes her eyes, pretending to be asleep with her back facing the just awaken girl. The latter feels her breath hitch in when Yuna snakes her arm around her waist and presses herself against Yewon before placing light, feathery kisses on her bare shoulder.


“You can’t fool me anymore, Yewon. I know you’re awake,” Yuna whispers in a husky tone before resting her forehead on Yewon’s back after pressing one last kiss on the younger girl’s shoulder.


“Why did I even bother trying?” Yewon sighs playfully and rests her hand above Yuna’s, intertwining their fingers together. “Anyway, I just remembered that it's our day out with the girls today. As much as I would love to stay in bed with you the whole day, we have to get ready now so that we can have a quick breakfast before meeting them at Sinb’s place.”


Yuna lets out a loud huff and closes her eyes once again as she tightens her grip around Yewon’s waist, signalling the latter that she's lazy to get out of bed. “Can't you call one of them and lie to them I’m ill? I just want to spend time with only you since we're both on our off day today which is rare.”


Yewon smiles at Yuna’s words. Her girlfriend is showing her childish side to her again and Yewon can only laugh softly as she lightly pats Yuna’s hand. “We haven't seen them for weeks, Yuna. I'm sure they miss us a lot after we've cancelled a few plans with them for the past weeks. Besides, we promised we'll come this time so we can't go back on our words now.”


“I shouldn't have let you take control last night if I didn't forget about the mini party Sinb is holding,” Yuna mutters under her breath before trudging out of bed unwillingly to head to the bathroom to freshen herself up since she knows well enough that she can't change Yewon’s mind.




“Shall we wear something matching today?” Yuna asks as she goes through every piece of clothing in the wardrobe and stops when she finally found a perfect matching outfit. Pulling out the two hoodies of different colours, she smiles brightly and brings them to Yewon who is seated on the bed, busy replying to the active group chat after asking Yuna to help her pick her clothes out.


Looking up from her phone, Yewon furrows her brows slightly as she looks at the red and green hoodies. “Wouldn't it be too obvious to them if we were to wear matching hoodies?” she asks cautiously, afraid that she might hurt Yuna with her words. It's not like she isn't ready to come out to her friends but Yuna is just as afraid as her and she didn't want to pressurise her.


“Don't best friends sometimes wear matching outfits too? I'm sure they won't know we're dating unless we start doing inappropriate things in front of them,” Yuna snickers, an amused smile forms on her lips upon seeing Yewon’s cheeks turning into a light shade of pink.


“Fine,” Yewon gives Yuna a playful glare and takes the red hoodie from Yuna. Even if the latter hadn't made a point, she would have agreed with the couple wear anyway. Kim Yewon can never say no when it comes to Choi Yuna. It has been that way since they started dating.




“I don't remember texting the group that I’m throwing a Christmas party today. Heck— Christmas is a few months from now. What's with the matching green and red hoodies the both of you are wearing?”


“I don't think that's how you're supposed to greet your friends after not meeting each other for so long, Eunbi,” Sojung clicks her tongue and pulls the said girl into a headlock before smiling apologetically at the pair in front of them.


While Yewon looks at Sinb being headlocked by Sojung in amusement, Yuna has confusion written all over her face as she glances at her hoodie followed by Yewon’s. “I don't see anything wrong about—”


“I was just messing with you two,” Sinb deadpans.


“Okay, that's enough of arguing,” Sojung shakes her head and releases Sinb from her grip, only to pull the couple into a big hug. “I miss the two of you soooooo much. I'm glad the both of you can make it today.”


“Why am I not invited for the group hug?” a voice can be heard from the living room.


“Did someone say group hug?”


Yewon emits a soft giggle as her other two friends, Yerin and Eunha, walk hurriedly towards them and join the hug. Sinb, who has been watching the whole scene with her fingers all curled up, soon joins them as well. Glancing at Yuna, Yewon smiles warmly when she sees that Yuna looks genuinely touched that their friends had missed them a lot. She knows that her girlfriend misses them just as much as they miss her although she doesn't say it out loud whenever the both of them are alone.


“I think we should pull away from the hug now. Yuna looks like she's going to cry at any moment,” Yewon teases when she catches Yuna sniffling silently.


“Let’s start the party now then!” Yerin exclaims excitedly and drags both Eunbis along with her to the living room with Sojung tailing right behind them.


“Can I get a kiss before we join them?” Yuna asks with a pout as soon as their friends are out of sight. “You didn't give me a morning kiss earlier on.”


Turning to face the older girl, Yewon instantly melts at the sight of her cute girlfriend. She looks around to make sure that none of their friends are around before wrapping her arms around Yuna’s neck. “Just one quick kiss,” she mutters softly and Yuna lowers herself slightly to meet Yewon’s eyes, her hands resting loosely on the younger girl’s waist. Yewon flashes Yuna a shy smile before connecting their lips together.


“Yah, Kim Yewon, Choi Yuna! When are you coming over here to join us?”


“C-Coming!” the pair shouted simultaneously after quickly pulling away from the kiss, their hearts beating way too fast for their liking.


Neither of them knew that keeping their relationship status from others, especially their closest friends, would be this hard until now.




Yuna finds it extremely hard to keep her eyes off Yewon. Her girlfriend looks cuddly in the hoodie that she badly wants to go to her and pull her in for a hug. However, before she could move, Yerin had chosen to sit beside her and Sinb on her other side. It would be suspicious of her to suddenly change position and settle down beside Yewon.


Yuju. Sinb. Sojung. Yewon. Eunha. Yerin.


That is how they are seated in a circle in the middle of the living room after having lunch that Sinb’s mother had prepared for the group before she left for work. Yuna initially suggested that they should watch a movie after eating— an excuse to cuddle with Yewon honestly— but Sinb recommended for them to go on a Harry Potter marathon since it's her apartment, so it's her rules to pick what they will be watching and things didn't turn out well after. Sojung and her kept on arguing between a Harry Potter marathon and an Insidious marathon that went on for about ten minutes before Yerin managed to break the fight by suggesting to play a game of truth or dare instead which everyone but Yewon agreed to play. Majority wins so Yuna gave her girlfriend an apologetic look for joining in.


“Truth or dare, Yewon?”


The said girl looks at her friends blankly when being asked that dreaded question. An hour has passed since they started the game and it’s supposed to be Eunha’s turn but why is Eunha asking her to pick instead? Looking at Yuna, the older girl can only shrug as she looks as equally confused as Yewon is at the moment.


“You should really join us for a round, Yewon,” Eunha adds when the younger girl doesn’t say a word. “It’s not fun that you’re the only one not playing.”


“Eunha is right,” Yerin agrees. “One round won’t hurt. We promise we won’t ask you anything inappropriate or dare you to do something too extreme!!”


Yewon sighs softly as her friends look at her in anticipation. The last thing she wanted to do is to dampen their spirits. It is supposed to be a joyous occasion after all. Though, she doesn’t fully trust Yerin when she said that they won’t ask her any of those kinds of questions. She knows them too well already. Sometimes, they like to go back on their words and most of time, they’re accidental.


“Truth,” Yewon finally speaks up. “I pick truth.”


“Geez, you’re no fun,” Sinb scrunches her nose up slightly, earning a light nudge from Sojung who is subtly glaring at her. “You’re only playing for one round. You should at least pick a dare to make things more exciting, you know?”


“Let Yewon—”


“Fine,” Yewon cuts Sojung halfway. She just wants to get this over with so that they can finally end the game. “I’ll pick dare.”


“That’s more like it,” Sinb grins in satisfaction with a glint of playfulness shown in her eyes. “I dare you to call your crush now and put it on loudspeaker.”


Silence takes over the whole room once Sinb says out the dare. Yewon’s gaze immediately falls on Yuna and she feels her heart drop when Yuna has a stoic expression on her face. Is this finally the time to come out to their friends? Is Yuna even agreeable on this? She waits patiently to see if there is any change in reaction from Yuna but unfortunately, nothing changed. Yuna still has the same expression on even after making a short eye contact with each other.


“We don’t have all day, Yewon. Don’t be such a chicken,” Sinb snickers. Sojung can only shake her head and sighs in defeat at the younger girl, having given up trying to control her.


Not wanting to disappoint, Yewon fishes her phone out from the pocket of her hoodie and starts scrolling down her contact list. Her thumb stops right above Yuna’s contact and her heart rate doubles up as she finds herself hesitating to tap on the dial button.


“Come on,” Sinb groans impatiently, making Yewon jump from her position and accidentally press on the number just above Yuna’s name. Her eyes widen and she knows she’s screwed. Extremely screwed. Knowing that she can’t cancel the call since everyone saw her press on the number, she hesitantly puts it on loudspeaker before placing her phone down on the floor, ready to deal with all the teasing from her friends. Honestly, Yewon doesn't mind the teasing. What she does mind, though, is the possibility that Yuna might ignore her throughout their way back home.


Yewon puts her worry aside for a brief while when she hears her same age friend laughing out loud upon seeing the caller ID. “You still have a crush on Sunmi sunbae!? Really, Yewon? Why am I not even surprised?”


‘I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to play,’ Yewon sighs inwardly.


She really feels like hiding at that very moment. While the rest of her friends have an amused look on their faces, Yuna has an obvious scowl on her face. Will Yuna even believe her later when she tells her that she called her high school crush by accident?




Yewon finds herself unable to speak up when she hears Sunmi’s voice over the line. It's not like she still has feelings for her— she never did, actually. Yewon figured out what she felt for Sunmi was only pure admiration when she finally realised she was slowly falling for Yuna.


“Hello? ...Yewon?”


The troubled girl takes a few breaths in and out to calm her nerves down. She then glances at her friends and everyone except Yuna is trying to hold in their laughter. It scares Yewon that things might change between her and Yuna once the call between her and Sunmi ends. She hopes she can clear things up fast before they get even worse. She knows very well how Yuna can overthink at times and she doesn't want that to happen when it's supposed to be a memorable day for them.


“H-hello.” Yewon curses at herself for stuttering. “I— I’m sorry for calling you all of a sudden.”


“It is definitely so sudden but it's nice to hear your voice after a long time, Yewon.”


Sinb’s face has turned extremely red from holding back her laughter and Yewon can only glare at her as if saying she's dead meat after the call.


“Say… would you like to meet up tomorrow, maybe? You know, just to catch up? I can't really talk now because I’m busy.”


Yewon’s surprised. Sunmi has never been this direct before in the past. Or maybe she has always been that kind of person but Yewon doesn't know because she kept avoiding her whenever they walk past each other.


“Sure,” Yewon answers. Nothing can go wrong with just a catching up session, right? She doesn't want Sinb to think that she's a coward by turning down Sunmi’s offer. “Tomorrow is fine since I’m not working.”


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Chapter 1: This Yumji AU is awesome!!
eunhas_btch #2
rahayunita #3
Chapter 1: woah yumji ?? hope u can write more yumji fic
Chapter 1: I liked it, it was very entertaining to read ~~~
trashfgx #5
Yumji ~~~~~ <3
Chapter 1: awwwwww <3 i ship Yuju and Eunha but this one is cute <3