At the hairdressers.

Fate: It's brought you and me together.

Kiseop’s POV:

“YAHHH! Get up! It’s timeee!!!” Kibum shouted from the next room, startling me awake.

“NO! It’s still too early! I’m not going!” Kevin yelled back.

I buried my head under my pillow, trying to get back to sleep. Geez, can’t they even leave quietly? At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if our neighbours came knocking on our door wanting to sue us for early-morning chaos.

Someone bolted up from the bed behind me with a whoop. Aishh, that would probably be Xander…I heard a desperate pattering of feet, before I nearly got squished by the guy running over me to get to the other side.

“Oi! You-“ I rubbed my stomach.

Xander wrenched open the door, barging out into the passageway and into the room across from ours. “KEVIN!!! Get your out of here and go to the hairdressers with Kibum! It’s 6:45am!” He yelled excitedly.

I felt so sorry for AJ, who shared a room with Kevin and Kibum. Luckily for Hoon, he was put in the same room as Xander and me, where, however noisy Xander can be, it was always a lot quieter than the other room. I tried to sit up, rubbing at my eyes groggily, before flopping back down. Ughh, I obviously didn’t have quite as much energy as the other three. I’ll just sleep for a bit more…or try to, at least.


Kevin’s POV:

I jumped when Xander suddenly barged into our room, yelling, “KEVIN!!! Get your out of here and go to the hairdressers with Kibum! It’s 6:45am!”

I gritted my teeth. Nyaaa, the hyungs were so annoying sometimes! I crossed my arms on my chest. “Exactly, hyung! It’s 6:45am! WAYYYY too early!”

I had forgotten that Kibum was trying to put me in a headlock, and obviously, he saw that I was distracted and lunged for my neck, closing his arm over it gently but firmly. Even so, it was so uncomfortable!!

“Hyunnggg!!!” I whined, trying to break out of Kibum’s headlock. I gave up. “Okay! Okay, I’ll go! Just let me go first!”

Xander and Kibum stood there with a conceited expression on their faces. What could I do? It was two against one – I was outnumbered. I muttered angrily to myself as I dragged on a jacket and pulled on some shoes. I tromped out of the room, making my way down the stairs, not giving a glance back. I knew Kibum would follow anyway.


At the hairdressers…

Ms Hairdresser’s POV:

I lifted my head with a bored expression when I heard a jangle of the bells hanging above the door, but woah! Who were these two good-looking men walking into my salon?? I stood up swiftly, smiling at them.

“Welcome! What can I do for you today?” I chirped.

The guy on the left looked at me weirdly, but didn’t say why. Instead, he said, “Please give Kevin the best girl haircut you have ever given!!”

It took me a moment to respond. “G-girl?! But he’s a guy! Why would-“

“Please just get it over and done with, miss!” Kevin said, looking like he just wanted to dig a hole and bury himself on the spot.

I shrugged my shoulders, trying to look as if I didn’t really care. “Okay, fine! Kevin, is it?” He nodded. “Kevin, come this way.” I led him to the middle seat and handed him a thick album with pictures of girl hairstyles. “Choose one from them.” I told him, and he nodded unwillingly.


Kibum’s POV:

It was just too exciting! I knew I had to choose Kevin’s hairstyle for him, because if I didn’t he would probably pick the most manly one out of the lot. And we couldn’t have that!!

I rose from my seat, hurrying over to Kevin and the hairdresser who was in the way. I gently moved her aside so that I could look over Kevin’s shoulder, and she frowned. Geez, women were sensitive these days…

“Kevin! Choose that one! Yes, the one with the side-bangs and curls. It would suit you the best.” I jabbed at a picture on the left-hand corner of the page.

“Fine, hyung.” Kevin huffed, and I laughed and ruffled his hair.

“He will need extensions for that one….” The hairdresser spoke up from behind me, and I turned and nodded, smiling brightly at her. Haha…she blushed.

I moved back to my seat, leaning back and stretching my legs out. Even though this was a lot earlier than I usually wake up, it was worth it to see Kevin get a brand, new haircut of the opposite .


Kevin’s POV:

There was a mental war inside me, and I wanted to do nothing but run out of this place. But…I had made a promise! And promises had to be kept, right? I watched gloomily in the mirror as the hairdresser chopped at my hair, transforming it into something I wasn’t too familiar with. Why, oh why, did I do that bet?


Kiseop’s POV:

Knock knock!!

I climbed out of bed groggily. I looked at Xander, who, the moment he returned to his bed, had fallen straight to sleep.Hoon was just lying there, not bothering to get up to see who it was. It didn’t seem like anyone else was going to get the door, so I trudged out of the room and down the corridor.

Bang bang!!

I had a really bad feeling that whoever was knocking, no, BANGING, was very angry. I wrenched open the door.

“What is it?” I said, rubbing at my eye. I gasped when I was drench from head to toe with a bucketful of cold water. “YAHHH!!! What the hell is your problem?!”

I pulled my wet hair out of my eyes, staring at the person. My eyes widened when I took in just how many people were standing outside. Was it ten? Maybe twenty? And what was worse, I recognized most of them.

Crap…they were our neighbours.

“XANNNDEERRR, KIBUMMM, KEVINNN!!!” I screamed at the top of my voice. I was going to kill them.


Hey everyone! :D

So this is the third chapter!!! Sorry for the late update. Just had to try and update my other ffs as well.

So what do you think? Is it good? Nothing seems to be happening much, but I hope to add interesting stuff and plot to this ff in a few chapters or so.

Thanks for reading! And pleeasseeee COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE if you likeeee! :D

Until I update again...


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imsimsz #1
Kevin is going to transform xDD
update soon :)
Don't worry, Vinny. I'm pretty sure that you'll look good crossdressing :3
Their neighbors? Why? What have they done that I don't know? /shock

Update soon!
imsimsz #3
How I find it? I was searching for UKISS fanfics and found yours :DD<br />
update soon ^^
-flaneur #4
Update soon!!
imsimsz #5
update soon :)<br />
it's interesting ^^