My Girlfriend

My Bestfriend

"oppa do you like me?"

Chanhee laughed. "you babo..i would'nt have kissed you if i didn't"

"ahhh,just wondering"

"i love you" he said out the blue.

You took the phone off your ear and squealed into the pillow.

"___ are you there?" "uhh,sorry i shouldn't ha-"

"i love you too" you interrupted.

"now im going to sleep,see you tomorrow?"


You hung up and held the phone to your chest.

"i can't believed this happened". 


Your phone kept ringing non stop.

you sat up and reached for your phone,placing it on your ear.


"yah! it is 2 in the afternoon..get up!"

You rubbed your eyes a little and layed back down.

"i dont wanna get up!" you whined.

Chanhee chuckled and walked up to your door.

"fine then,ill just go home~"

You immediately jumped out of bed and ran to open the door.

your ended the call on your phone and pulled Chanhee inside.

"oppa? what are you doing here?"

He ruffled your hair and walked with you to your room.

"i came to pick my girlfriend up"

"g-girlfriend?" you looked up at him.

Chanhee smiled and kissed your forehead gently.

"yes,girl friend"

You smiled and pushed him out the room.

"wait oppa,ill get changed."

You finally came out and Chanhee held your hands.

"i want you to meet my parents."

"parents?" you said confused.

"yeah,there flying down here to visit as we speak"



i havent updated in like....forever!

im so sorry you guys!

had a whole bunch of tests one week

and 3 of my friends passed away so yeah...

but im back now so look forward to updates ^_^

this is a short chapter,or more like paragraph lol

will update a real chapter next tuesday <3

Sorry again!

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Chapter 6: hey i really like your story it amaz me
Sorry >.< you can go finish the chapter now^_^
i had to 'update' first bc my computer was about to die!
Thank you! i update this story every Tuesday :D
I'm liking this a lot! Update soon please! (:
*nods* whu yes,yes it is:D
kekeke I will tomorrow ^_^
@casimi<br />
Thank you :')<br />
Im glad you like it!
scoobie #6
i enjoy this story so much!!!!
Lol I'm glad you like it ^_^<br />
Updating 2mrw as well!