It's Still A Dark Night

It's Still A Dark Night
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Taeyoung zips across the cold autumn streets of Busan on his rusty bike. His hood falls back after a tight swerve as he tries to dodge a rattling truck, and his black hair ruffles against the chilly breeze, falling into his eyes.


It’s a cold night.


He makes a few more turns around the blocks and the deserted roads, squinting his eyes against the freezing wind. It is dangerous to be out alone on such a night, but Taeyoung is more than desperate.


One last turn and he’s in front of the brightly lit, warm and inviting convenience store.


He hears angels sing as he pushes the door open, ducking his head slightly. His bike lays haphazardly by the road side, but it’s safe. It isn’t worth more than a party hat, hardly worth stealing.


Taeyoung is the only one in the convenience store, not a surprise since it’s 3am. The cashier, a lanky noodle-like dude, is playing Candy Crush on his smart phone. Once in a while, Taeyoung hears the “Ding” of him hitting a combo.


He heads straight to the back of the store, and practically sweeps half the rack worth of snacks down into his arms. A poor college student needs to survive.


He has been rushing papers all of last week and hasn’t slept for three days. It’s time for a glucose boost.


He carries this all over to the counter and dumps it, and the lanky noodle as a cashier looks up at him for a fraction of a second.


“Paying by cash?”


Startled, Taeyoung drops a packet of Oreos.


“Oh,” he clears he throat, “no. I mean yes. I’ll pay by cash, but I’m not really done yet.”


Taeyoung mentally slaps himself; He’s a cashier: there’s no reason to freak.


He can still feel the tip of his ears burning, and he stumbles a little on the way to get more junk food.

The bell on the door chimes. Someone else is here.


Taeyoung looks up at the CCTV screen that shows all corners of the convenience store. A couple of boys in their highschool uniform enter, and suddenly the convenience store is filled with their chatters.


Ah, youth.


“Ahjumma, my card isn’t… it isn’t working?”


He frantically swipes his card on the machine again, but it only beeps lazily at him with a blinking red light.


“Boy, there’s no money in that card, stop trying. Move along, there’s a queue behind you.”


Taeyoung’s breath catches in his throat, and he walks away with his head down. He can still hear the whispers of his classmates down the hallway, following him throughout his entire highschool life.


His hand halts over a bowl of ramyeon as he was caught momentarily in the memories o

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Chapter 1: AIGOOOOO this was BLISS. I need more of these types of fics TAT
Chapter 1: This is such an amazing story. I really felt like I was inside Taeyoung, body and soul, feeling the cold of the night, his initial relief at the light and warmth of the convenience store, his automatic insecurity and flashbacks to being demeaned by his bullies, and then his frustrated courage and regret when he stood up to Shikyung. His tentative happiness when Shikyung gives him back the ramyeon was so deserved and felt so good for me as the reader. Thanks so much for writing and posting this for us to read!! I really enjoyed it!
Chapter 1: You just had to hurt him, didn't you?? Why does my baby Soo always get slapped around, WHY. Every stinkin role. Ok so technically it's Taeyoung getting smacked in the face, but still. STILL.

This was super cute and r e l a t a b l e, so kudos to you dearie. ♡♡♡ I love the note you ended it on. Boys can't see the forest for the trees... probably bc they're too busy with their eyes on each other ;) yay for characters crossing genres ^^ thanks for sharing!
Kaiss #4
And I can imagine both of their feelings so well like Shikyung being a dummy and then realizing Taeyoung is bothered and he can't articulate his feelings well but the gesture was still sweet<33 and Taeyoung is so relatable, I want to fluff his silky black 2014 locks
I hope you'll grow more confident w your writing bc you have so much talent<333