Chapter 5 - The Accident

You Make Me Smile!

But just as I stepped at the stairs that led up to the porch the ground disappeared under my feet and I could feel a burning pain in my leg.

"Kimiko-ah!" I heard HaeYeon's voice somewhere far away


"Omo! Kimiko!" Shin said and ran up to me, or at least I think she did. All I could se was her contours, I was going to pass out from the pain in my leg. I felt two pair of hands that tried to drag me up on my feet, but it was useless

"She's to heavy!" I heard HaeYeon's voice say

"We can't get her up" Shin said, she sounded a little bit scared "We need to get help, we need to call someone!" 

"Someone that can get here fast..." Yui said "Call Taemin! He got a motorbike and he's with Key and JongHyun, they got motorbike's to!"

"Call him, Shin-ah!" HaeYeon cried out, she started to panic. She then sat down beside me and held my hand "Kimiko... Hang in there, Taemin and the guys will get here" 

"Where am I?" I asked them "What happend" But just as I asked that question I heard Shin's voice

"Taemin-ah!" Shin sounded like she was going to cry "We need your help!"



I was at the park with the hyungs. Onew and Key was sitting at benches looking at JongHyun and Minho who was driving in circles with the bikes.

"Minho! Be careful with my baby! It's new!" Key shouted at Minho who was driving his motorbike. I sat down on the bench at Onew left side, where Key wasn't sitting. Than I got an idée! 

"Oh, Onew hyung! What did you do today?" I asked him

"Oh, today... I was in the mall!" he answered, and he was trapped!

"Oho! You where in the mall? And who did you meet there? By any chans, Park Yui?" Onew looked at me as if wanted to kill me

"What!? You met Park Yui in the mall?!" Key almost screamed at him. Onew  quickly put a finger in front of his mouth, but it was to late

"So you met Yui in the mall..." Minho said and smirked

"Park Yui... Isn't that the girl you like?" JongHyun asked with a evil smile

"I don't like her, or... I don't likelike her! We're just friends" Onew said "And how do you know this?!"

"I delivered Sushi to Oh Shin and she was at Yui's place. I also met her cousin, Kimiko."

"Park Yui's cousin..." JongHyun said "Is she cute?"

"Flirty" Key coughed and Minho and I started laughing. Just then my phone started vibrating. The caller-ID said 'Oh Shin'

"Oh Shin... Why is she calling me" I said to my self and the hyung's looked at me with curious eyes. I pressed answer "Yeoboseyo?"

"Teamin-ah!" something in her tone told me that something was wrong "We need your help!" she sounded like she was going to start crying. 

"Wait a second" I said and took the phone from my ear, I pressed speaker "You're on speaker, Shin-ah! Tell me what happend!"

"Kimiko-ah!" she said and I could hear on her voice that she was on her way to panic. 

"Shin-shii! Take a deep breath!" Key said "Tell us what happend to Kimiko." Shin took a deep breath

"The stairs to Yui's porch collapsed! And Kimiko is stuck! She is to heavy for us to lift, we don't know what to do, come fast! She's starting to get unconscious! " Shin cried into the phone.

"Does anyone of you know first aid? " Key asked "I think Yui do..." Shin said, her voice sounded shaky

"Then put the on the speaker" Key ordered as we ran to the bike, he closed the speaker on my phone and started talking to Yui about what she was going to do. Key's father is a doctor, so I trusted that he would tell the girls what to do in a good way 

"Minho drive!" key told him "I can't talk and drive at the same time "

"Seriously?" Minho asked him but he gave him no time to change his mind. Minho started the motorbike and Key sat on the back and of we go, way over the speed limit



Shin told Taemin what happend while I was holding up the brick that was almost crushing Kimiko's leg, trying not to panic but what could I do when the new build STONE stair collapsed over my cousin and she was on her way to pass out? I was scared as hell! HaeYeon was talking to Kimiko, trying to keep her conscious. 

"Yui-ah talk to Key-shii!" Shin said and gave the phone to me

"Do I look like I can hold the phone?!" I snapped "Put it on speaker!" she quickly put it on speaker and I heard Key's voice say;

"Yui-ah! How is she, can you take her pulse?"

"I don't know! I'll try..., Shin, HaeYeon hold here" Shin and HaeYeon took hold of the stone brick and manged to lift it a little bit but not enough for me to be able to pull Kimiko out from under it. I took the pulse at her wrist, I know how to do that since my mom has been a nurse almost her whole life before she started working for appa

"Her pulse is stable and the leg..." I felt a stone in my chest when I looked at her leg and saw the red fluid running down her leg "Crap, she's bleeding!"

"Poor Kimiko..." HaeYeon said to herself "This must hurt a lot..." Just when she said that a thought hit me

"She's not hurt!" I told Key

"Isn't that a good thing?" Shin asked

"No! Key-shii! Do you hear me!?" I shouted at the phone

"Yeah I'm here" Key answered

"Key-shii, she's not hurting. She's hurt but she isn't hurting!"

"Minho! Drive faster!" Key orderd "Yui-ah, you have to lift the block higher! Put something under it to hold it up! We're there in one minute. You cant let her pass out, hang in there Yui-ah!" We did as he told us and rolled in an other stone under the other, which made it a lot easier to hold it up. I kept on asking Kimiko questions like 'What is your name?' and 'How old are you?' just to keep her conscious. One minute seemed like a year to me and I have never been so scared in my whole life. I was going to track down the bastards that build this stair and kill them! Just than I heard the sound of motorbikes in the driveway. 

"In here!" I shouted and I heard male voices coming closer. The guy's ran up to us.

"Minho-shii, JongHyun-shii" Shin said "Help us lift the block" they did as they where told and Key and Onew helped me to carefully lift drag Kimiko out from under the block. As soon as they lifted the block, she started crying. I sighed in relief and Key did the same

"It's gonna be okey, Kimiko-ah!" I told her. Minho, JongHyun, Shin and HaeYeon dropped the block and helped us lift Kimiko inside the house. We walked inside the living room and put her down on the sofa. Key looked at the cut, it wasn't that deep...

"Yui-ah, get the first aid kit" Key told me, I nodded and went out in the kitchen to get the kit. I brought it back to Key. Kimiko was now fully conscious but she was crying a lot, complaining at the pain in her leg. Seeing my cousin, the cousin that always had been the strong one in our relationship, lying there crying made something snap inside of me. I grabbed my phone and walked to the kitchen. I dialed the number that was written on the business-card that was lying on the table.

"Annyeonghaseyo! My name is mrs. Lee. How can I help you?" a lady asked

"Nae, annyeonghaseyo! My name is Park Yui and some of your guys fixed a stair for my family last week!" I said

"Yes, miss. Are you happy with the stair?" mrs. Lee asked. I laughed a little bit

"Well you can't really call it happy..."

"Is there any problem, miss Park?"

"Yes it is!" I was starting to get annoyed "It's a big as problem with the stair!"

"You bother tell me what it is?" mrs. Lee asked

"Your so called stair collapsed, AT MY COUSIN!!" I almost screamed into the phone "The people you sent to build the stair was clearly incompetent and now my cousin is hurt!" it was silent for a while, after about a minute mrs. Lee said;

"I looked threw the journal for the building and everything seems to be build the right way..." when she said that, it was over for me, I could not hold it in any more

"IF EVERYTHING WAS CORRECTLY BUILD IT WOULDN'T HAVE COLLAPSED ON MY COUSIN!" I screamed at the lady, I let all the emotions I felt the past 30 minuets get out in the form of rage.

"Okey I understand, miss Park. We will pay for whatever reparation the stair will need and..." 

"You think that I will let you build the stair again, after you almost killed my cousin?!" I cut her of "No, I just called to tell you that I will sue you! I'll make sure that no one else will get hurt just because you don't know how to build a stair!!"

"Wait, miss Park..." that was all she managed to say before I hung up. I threw my phone on the table and sat down on the floor and put my forehead on my knees. I felt like I was going to cry. Someone sat down next to me, I looked up and saw Onew. 

"You okey?" he asked  


"Didn't sound like it" he said and looked at me

"You heard that?" 

"Yeah... Sorry... I didn't mean to eavesdrop..." He looked really sorry "But are you sure that you are okey?"

"No... I though she would die.." I felt the tears running down my face as I thought about that. Onew put his hand over mine and smiled

"But she won't! She's okey now" he said "And the cut wasn't that deep, she'll be okey!"

"Than why did she pass out, why couldn't she feel the pain?" I asked him

"Key said it was the chock" he said and I dried my tears

"Thanks, Onew oppa! Thank you for coming here here so fast, I don't know what I would have done if you didn't..." I said and looked at him

"It's nothing! What's friends for?" he said and looked back at me. We staid like that for almost a minute until;

"Have you seen.. Oh sorry" Minho walked into the kitchen. I quickly broke the eye contact with Onew and looked away. "eehh... I didn't mean to disturb but Key's looking for you, Yui-shii" Onew stod up and I did the same. We walked into living room and saw that Kimiko was sitting on couch with a big bandage on her leg. She looked up at me and smiled

"Kimiko-eonni! Kwenchana?" I asked her

"Yeah I'm okey but can you tell me what happend and... What are you two doing?" I looked down on my hand just to see that it still was tightly held by Onew. We quickly let go and I felt my face heating up. 

"Okey than.." Key said and broke the awkward silence"We'll get going!"

"No pleas stay!" I said a little bit to quick "Just a little wile... We can watch a movie and I need help to get Kimiko upstairs and I don't want to go in the stairs alone with her again and what if someone gets hurt again and..." I was talking really fast until Key cut me of

"It seems like your still in shock, Yui-ah." Key said "We'll stay  little wile if you want us to and also... Minho JongHyun hyung, go jump in the stairs a little bit!" they did as they was told and the stair didn't budge

"See! The stair won't brake!"

"Okey... Thanks..." I said

"We'll stay here to, Yui-ah!" Shin said and HaeYeon nodded "We'll be here all night if you want"

"You will?" they nodded "gomawo, eonni" I walked up to them and thay gave me a hug. Kimiko cleared her trot. I laughed a little bit and than I gave her a hug to

"I'm glad your okey, Eonni!" I said and I felt than I was crying again  "I don't know what I had done if you weren't!"


An other chapter ^^ hope you ike it :3

I'll uppdate soon again ^^

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Chapter 26: Awh. Poor LJOE you must not let then know what happened.
Mjkwang #2
Chapter 22: At last they are together...yaaaaa!!!!!!!!! :D
i hop onew and yui will get togthr soon..
update soon..
Mjkwang #3
Chapter 20: Update sooooooooooooooooonnnn...<3<3<3
Hanna_zz #4
Uniee you're bad at keeping promisess! >~< You said you would update often, but i've been wating forever :O Please continue with this fanfic! It's fun!^~^