Capter 3 - The pool

You Make Me Smile!

"Yah! L.joe hyung! What are you doing?! Lets go!" a guy with brown hair yelled. The guy that helped me turned around and shouthed back

"Chill, Niel! I'm comming!" He turned back to me "I have to go. Try not to fall next time" he smiled and I looked at the ground and nodded. I was really embarrassed. He walked over to his friend and left the mall. Yui walked up to me and laid a hand on my sholder

"Well... That was awkward!" she said. I glared at her and I swear, if eyes could kill, she would have dropped down dead right on the spot!


"Shut up!" I told her and she stretched her tongue at me.

"Don't wanna!" She said and started walking "Come on! We have to pick up our schooluniforms from the dry cleaner!" I ran after her and grabbed her arm. 

"Okey~ Lets go~" I sang and we started walking.


When we were halfway to the dry cleaner Yui suddenly stopped.

"Waeyo? Why did you stop?" I asked her

"I just thought of something..." She said and looked at the sky. 

"Thought of what?"

"I just thought of what happend in the mall before... That must have been really awkward!!" She started laughing. I hit the back of her head

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?!" She continued laughing

"Didn't I tell you I didn't want to?" She said between her laughs "This is seriusly funny!!" I started to hit her arm, trying to stop her from laughing but it only made her laugh harder. She laughed for about 10 minutes, she laughed so hard that she couldn't move! 

"Stop laughing for god sake! It's not that funny!" I told her

"Yes it is!" She said "It really is!" She cept on laughing for 10 more minutes

"Can you stop laughing and be serius for a second now?" I asked her

"Yeah, sorry..." She said and fixed her hair a little bit "But seriusly, I think I've seen that guy somewere... I think he's a   sumbae at my school... "

"HE'S A WHAT?!" I yelled at her. A couple of old ladys stared me  as if I was crazy "Oh no I'm dead..."

"Kimiko chill. I'm not sure if he goes to my school! But if he does, he probobly won't remember you!"

"Yeah, you're probobly right..."


It took us 20 more minutes to get to the dry cleaner. When we got there, they where about to close. 

"No! Don't close! We have to get our uniforms!" Yui shouthed. 

"Don't be so rude!" I told her and turned to the man that just where going to look the door to the dry cleaner "Ajussi, please let us pick up our schooluniforms before you close." he looked at us as if it was the hardest thing in the world to do but then he sighed

"Okey! You where lucky that you didn't get here five minutes later!" 

"kamsamida ajussi" I said and bowed a 90 degrees bow

"No problem, miss" he said and smiled at me, he seem to like that I was so was so well mannered. Our school uniforms had a black and red skirt, a white shirt, a black jacket and a red tie. 

"I love the school uniforms!" I said while looking at every little detail at them. "who designed the ?"

"Some girl that used to go to the school's  mother. She's a cloth-draw-painter-something...."

"A designer Yui. It's called a designer." I signed "That is why you say that they DESIGNED the clothes!"


"Yes..." I sighed. It's not that Yui is stupid, always, she just have her moments.

"Come on, Kimiko-ah! Let's go! I'm going to melt if a stay in the sun any longer!" Yui shouted to me, she was all ready hundred meters away

"Wait~ let's go together~~" I said and ran after her.


When we reached the house, Yui said

"Since it's hot outside, let's take a dip in the pool!"

"Good idée" I said and smiled "I'll just run up and get my bathing suit!"

"Last one back has to buy chicken!" She said and started running

"YAH! YOU CHEATED!!" I shouted and ran after her. She was not that far ahead and I was soon right behind her. She looked back at me and started to run faster and of course, because she's Yui, she fell over the carpet edge. I stopped to look if she was okey before I started running again. I was not going to buy chicken, I'm a vegetarian for god sake! I dashed into my room ran into the closet... DOOR!! I was running to fast to see that the door was closed. This was the second time I fell on my today...  At least this time no one saw me. I rubbed my nose  and thought that it might get red but then I remembered the competition and I quickly got on my feet and dashed into the closet. I started to look for my bathing suit.  "Darn this big closet!" I said to myself and hit one of the shelves and, just like if the closet heard me, my bikini fell down from the top shelf. 

"When did I put it there?" I asked my self, but then it hit me "Yui! She was the one unpacking my clothes. She planned this!" I quickly changed into my bikini and ran out of my room. Just when I stepped out I saw Yui with her iPhone in her hand, she was just stepping out of her room. We looked at each other for a second and then we both headed for the stairs. I don't know how but Yui some way managed to get in front of me in the stairs. We ran out to the backyard and we both saw the chair that where our goal. Yui started to run faster and I followed her, all most able to grab her shirt. Yui was just one meter away from the chair. I was not going lose this! I threw my self against Yui and pushed her into the pool. I looked at her, everything was under water except for one of her hands that was holding... HER PHONE!! Oh my god, I forgot about her phone! Ottokae?? My eyes grew big.  She stood up and coughed, her phone still held high over the water. 


"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Jeongmal mianhae!"

"Yah! What are you?! If my phone had gotten wet, I would have killed you!!" she shouted at me

"I'm so sorry! Really!" I said and helped her out of the pool "That was a nice save though!" She suddenly smiled

"I know! I'm a freaking ninja!" She started laughing. Now she laughing, two minuets ago she was mad... Mode-swing much?

"Where is your phone by the way?" she asked

"Ehh... It's over there... Why?"

"Good!" she said and then she PUSHED ME INTO THE POOL!

"YAH! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" She looked at me with high brows

"Yeah.. Right... Sorry..." I got out of the pool and pulled of the big purple t-shirt that I had put on over the bikini, it was soaking wet, and laid down on one of the sun-bed. Yui did the same and laid down on the bed  next to mine.

"That was fun" she sighed "But... Who's gonna buy the chicken?"

"I don't eat chicken" I said and looked at her

"You don't?" she asked me

"No.. I'm vegetarian, remember?"

"Ooh! Yeah, I knew that!" She said and scratched the back of her head.

"You forgot, didn't you?"

"No! Of course not!" I looked at her and she looked down "Yes..."

"Well now you know" I said "so let's eat fish!"

"I don't like fish!" she said, Yui can be a real child sometimes. It was about to turn into an other argue between us but just then a voice sounded in the backyard




Ahh another chapter <3 hope you liked it ^^

I will be alot better on uppdating from now on :) I hope you don't hate me :))

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Chapter 26: Awh. Poor LJOE you must not let then know what happened.
Mjkwang #2
Chapter 22: At last they are together...yaaaaa!!!!!!!!! :D
i hop onew and yui will get togthr soon..
update soon..
Mjkwang #3
Chapter 20: Update sooooooooooooooooonnnn...<3<3<3
Hanna_zz #4
Uniee you're bad at keeping promisess! >~< You said you would update often, but i've been wating forever :O Please continue with this fanfic! It's fun!^~^