Chapter 11 - the garden

You Make Me Smile!


I suffered a minor heart as I had my phone right by my ear when the alarm went of. I slowly got out of my bed and walked into the closet. I took out my uniform and threw it on the bed. I walked into the bathroom to take a shower and after that I put on my uniform and walked down to the kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen I saw imo cooking. 
"Come and eat!" she said and gestured to the table "I didn't have to work today so I cooked for you, I made lunch to!" she seemed really proud of her self
"It looks great! I'll go get Yui!" I walked upstairs again and into Yui's room. She was still sleeping, half out of bed. I opened the window and let the sun hit Yui's face. She pulled the blanket over her head.
"Okey, that didn't work..." then I suddenly got an idea. "YUI! ONEW IS HERE!!" I shouted and Yui flew out of bed and into the bathroom. Five minutes later she came out with full makeup and her school uniform nicely on. 
"Oh you're done! By the way, Onew is not here!" with that I ran down stairs. When Yui got what I just said she ran after me on full speed with a LAMP! 
"IMO!! YUI IS TRYING TO KILL ME!!" I shouted as I ran into the kitchen
"Don't look at me, she probably have a good reason." she said and winked at me
"well, yes! But still! I don't wanna die!"
"than I can't help you!" she said. Just than Yui came into the kitchen with the lamp in a tight grip in her hand.
"Yah! Yui!" Imo said, yes she's gonna save me! "Fight like a women, use this" she switched Yui's lamp to a frying pan! 
"IMO!!" I whined.
"thanks mom!" Yui smiled at her mom but as she turned to the smile changed into a evil smirk. She held the frying pan over her head but just as she was about to hit my aunt snatched the frying pan out of her hands
"That was fun!" she said "But I seriously can't let you hit your cousin!"
"Oh, thank god!" I sighed in relief 
"Why don't you tell me what happened instead?"
"She said that-" Yui started but I cut her off
"Are you sure you want to tell her?" I whispered to her. Yui glared at me, she knew what I meant. If she told her mom that I used her crush's name to wake up she would never forget that and use it against her. Yui quietly sat down.
"Nothing..." she mumbled. 
I smirked for myself. Yui looked at me and whispered "You scare me!" I just ignored her and continued eating. After eating I put my lunch in my bag and me and Yui started walking against the school. Yui didn't talk to me the whole way to school and I didn't care much, my mind was somewhere else, or rather, somebody else... I held the pink bear in my hand inside my pocket all the way to school. When we reached the school the gate was almost closed.
"Yah, Palli!" I told Yui and we ran against the gate. We just managed to get through before the gate closed. We walked to our lockers and I took my books out. I had history as my first class so I bid Yui goodbye and hurried to class. I was about to walk inside the classroom someone called my name.
I turned around to see who it was. 
"Oh Ricky-ah!!" I replied and smiled at him "Palli, we'll be late!" we went inside and sat down on our seats. We sat there for about ten minutes but no teacher came... 
"Where is mr. Lee?" I asked the girl sitting in front of me.
"I think he's sick. We're waiting for the substitute teacher."
"Do you know who it is?" she was about to answer the question when the substitute teacher walked in. 
It was mr. Han.
I sighed, this was going to be so boring... Mr. Han was the most boring teacher in the whole school, he takes in the same tone for a whole hour and makes it impossible to listen. I took out my notebook and wrote on a peace of paper and gave it to Ricky.
To Ricky:
Why is he here?! T-T I actually thought history was interesting... 
He's going to ruin the subject!
From Ricky:
Yeah I know!! 
But I think it's a big test coming up so we have to listen anyway... -.-
I looked at Ricky but he just shrugged. I sighed and started taking notes. After something that seems like 100 years, I heard the sound of the bells.
"Finally!" I said out loud and earned a glare from mr. Han. I walked out of the classroom with Ricky and headed  for the lookers. 
"What's the next class?" I asked him. He just looked at me and said
"You didn't hear? Next class is off!"
"It is?Awesome! "
"Yeah... Awesome..." He looked at me "But anyway! I'll be meeting up with the guys in the school garden, you wanna come?"
"Yeah sure! I'll just text Yui to meet us there!" I said as I picked up my phone and wrote;
To: Yui~
I'll be in the school garden with Ricky and his friends, meet me there!
I put away my phone and walked with Ricky to the garden. 
"Kimiko~" Chunji beamed as he saw me "Come sit here with me!" he patted the spot in the grass between him and L.Joe. I smiled at sat down. Just as I sat down a cute voice said 
"You got a message!"
"Cute message tone" L.Joe said and my face flashed in a shade of red as I picked up my phone. 
From: Yui~
Okey eonni~ but if L.Joe sumbenim is there, try not to fall!
To: Yui~
Yah! Not nice! Is that your revenge for this morning, or what?! o.O
From: Yui~
Nope~ it's not~ my revenge will be a lot worse >:D Oh, and also, can Onew sumbenim and Key sumbenim join us?
To: Yui~
What happened to the 'oppa'? ;)
Ok, I'll ask ^^
I turned to Chunji and said;
"Yui wonders if Onew sumbenim and Key sumbenim can join us. Is that okey?"
"Of course it it! Right?"  he said and all the guys nodded in agreement
"Great!" I said and took up my phone agin. One unread massage
From; Yui~
NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!! I'm still mad at you!!!!!
To: Yui~
Whatever :P
Yeah you can bring them :)
I giggled a little as I put away my phone, ignoring the, probably angry, replay. I looked at the maknaes as they argued about who really was the maknae of the group. Ricky said he was the cutest and there for maknae and Changjo said that was stupid since he was younger. This went on for about five minutes before Ricky said;
"Let's let Kimiko decide!" they both turned against me and stared at me with big eyes
"Oh no, don't drag me into this!" I said and looked away. Ricky and Changjo pouted. The conversation continued until someone shouted;
"Eonni-ya~" she came walking against us with Key and Onew behind her. I waved at them and they came and sat down. Yui stared evilly at me.
"What?" I asked her
"I thought of a revenge now!" she said and smirked 
"What kind of revenge? Should I be scared?"
"Yes you should!" she smirked again
"Wait... What? Revenge?" Niel asked
"Yeah! Why the hell would you need revenge on Kimiko?!" Key asked Yui
"Well..." she started and looked at me "Should we tell them?"
"Why not? It's a funny story!" I said 
"Okey... BUT NO NAMES!"
"Deal!" We told them the story not missing out on any detail. After we where done, Niel sat on the grass laughing his as of and so did Key. Onew on the other side, he just looked a bit lost in thoughts. 
"So..." Changjo started "Who do you like?" Yui looked away to avoid the question
"I know~" I said
"You do?" Ricky asked 
"Well  of course she do! She woke her up by calling her name remember?!" Chunji said 
"Than who is it?" Changjo asked
"I'm not gonna tell you! If you wanna know ask Yui, she is the one that decide if you should know or not!" I said 
"Please Yui-ah, let us know!! Is it someone here?" Yui looked at away again
"No, it's not!" I lied and Onew looked up. 
"But please~" Ricky begged "Why can't you tell us?" he looked at me with big watery eyes. I didn't know what to do...
"It doesn't matter who I like..." Yui than suddenly said. She looked at the ground with no expression on her face but her eyes was screaming hurt "Because he doesn't like me back!"
It was a complete silence for about two minutes before Chunji said;
"Sorry for pressing you, Yui-ah..."
"It's okey!" she said and smiled "I try not to think about it, even though it hurts me everyday to know that he only sees me as a friend when I see him as so much more!"
"You told him that you liked him?" L.joe asked. I almost forgot he was here, he's been so quiet. 
"No, I haven't..."
"Than how can you know?"
"I just know..." the sad expression in her eyes was back.
I hate to see that hurt expression in her eyes... She's so much more beautiful when she's smiling! I hate that she is hurting over some guy that doesn't even care for her, when I'm doing everything I can to make her smile! Why can't that guy be me?
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Chapter 26: Awh. Poor LJOE you must not let then know what happened.
Mjkwang #2
Chapter 22: At last they are together...yaaaaa!!!!!!!!! :D
i hop onew and yui will get togthr soon..
update soon..
Mjkwang #3
Chapter 20: Update sooooooooooooooooonnnn...<3<3<3
Hanna_zz #4
Uniee you're bad at keeping promisess! >~< You said you would update often, but i've been wating forever :O Please continue with this fanfic! It's fun!^~^