BFF, Nicole

We Got Married

It's your 1st year debut anniversary and you've decided to celebrate yourself, again. But this time, your manager doesn't let you off and brought you to a steak house with some company staffs and your boss.

"You've worked hard for this year ~~~~, I know it's a hard time when you first debut but you're actually gaining more attentions from the others. So, congratulations on your 1st anniversary and I'm pretty sure there will be more anniversaries waiting for you in the future my dear." you boss gave out a 'speech' and that makes you feel good. This is the first time your boss ever praise you.

"Thankyou sahjang-nim and I'll work more harder in the future. And manager oppa, thanks for taking care of me for this pass year. I really appreciate all your love given to me." as you replied.

The dinner was over on 10pm. You've tweeted a picture of you and the company staffs, your manager and boss, then wrote a caption 'My D-365 of debut, thanks for all my lovely fans. I love you all and let's walk til the infinity end together <3'.

In a short while, you saw many replies from your fans all over the world. You're really happy and thankful. But then, you noticed someone replied you 'Happy 1st anniversary girl! You finally did it! I told you so. :P'. You looked at the Twitter name and saw it was written 'Nicole Jung'.

Nicole was your first and best friend in the entertainment industry. She took well care of you in the fact of you're just 17 when you first came in.


You were so shy and cool. Your manager told you to be friendly but seems like you just couldn't break through the wall in your heart. "Nevermind, we'll take this easy, she's just 17 though, and she'd lost her parents..." your manager told your boss. "But she's really talented. She can sing well. She started to work part-time when she's 10, helping out at her relative's shop to earn the payment of her piano fees. Although she live with her wealthy grand-aunt and grandma but she made it here all by herself, without any help of them.." your manager helped you explained while the boss listened patiently.

"Do you really want to be an idol?" the boss asks you. You nodded with confident but still don't say a word.

"Why do you want to be an idol?" the boss asks another question.

"I want to be famous to let my family be proud of me being in the family and watches me as I succeed." you finally speak up.

"Well then, show me your talents." the boss said as you showed him your flexibility, a little dance moves, and mostly your voice. The boss was impressed by your voice.

"~~~~-sshi, you sure have a nice voice... I'll cast you and think about signing you into my company. Please wait for my confirmation letter patiently. Thankyou and you can go now." he finally cracked a smile.

Your manager was a talent scout and he found you have potential to be an idol. So he helped you to look for companies to take you in. A few days later, the confirmation letter was received and you skipped the casting, which means the company signed you in straightforward. You were so relieved and started to work hard as a trainee.

But one day, your heart has sank into the deep ocean as you heard the information—your grandma was dead in a car accident which the driver was your grand-aunt. You are completely shock and depressed. You couldn't continue the road to your future and feels like there's no hope anywhere, until someone appeared.

You were sitting by the bench in a small park which was just beside your company's office. You cried every night cuz your grandma really took good care of you even though you're taking care well by yourself. She's the one who encourage you to accept the offer of your manager's. Without her, you don't have your nowadays. You loved her but you couldn't express it out, that makes you feel guilty and regretful. She's dead and you didn't get a chance to prove yourself and tell her you loved her. As you were thinking deeper and deeper, someone pats you on your shoulder which makes you back to reality.

"You must be ~~~~-sshi, I'm Nicole Jung from Kara. Nice to meet you." Nicole held her hand out, wanting a handshake. You didn't feel like talking to anyone so you didn't do anything but sitting like a statue.

"I've heard about your story lately and I felt sorry for that. I was actually informed here to be recording a duet with you but since your condition wasn't that well, I guess we will just have to do it later." she took a seat beside you and smiled. You faced to her and can feel that she was trying to be close with you. *Unnie is friendly*

"Are you ok? You didn't look fine. But we can be friends right?" she asked politely. You slightly nodded and smiled a bit.

"You finally smiled. I guess you'll need to take time to recover, so call me if you're bored or needed someone to talk with, I'll be at your side." she showed her eye smile and took a pen out from her bag. She wrote her number on your palm and waved before she leaves.

On that night, you've been staring at your palm for a long time. You really needed someone to talk with and Nicole is the only friend you've met so far. You dialed to your manager and tell him to bring you to Kara's dorm. And so, he did.

You're standing at the main gate of their apartment. You dialed to Nicole.


""Yoboseyo, is this Nicole unnie?"

"I'm sorry but who are you?"

"I'm ~~~~."

"~~~~ ah! Finally you're speaking! So what's up?"

"Unnie, I was just thinking are you free to come down from your dorm? I'm at downstairs."

"Oh, your here? Don't you wanna come up? I'll introduce you to my members."


"Don't think already! I'm coming down to bring you up, wait a sec!" then she hung up.

Then you saw a familiar figure walking towards you. It was Nicole.

"~~~~-ah! Im si glad to see you here. Come and follow me!" Nicole huggeg you and smiled brightly.

You were in Kara's dorm and they are all nice to you. It seems like they already know what had happened on you.

"~~~~-sshi, have you eaten yet? Me and the other members will go outside to buy some food back, do you want anything?" you refused Gyuri's offer but she heard your tummy grumbling.

"I guess your tummy just answered it for you~ hehe~ so what do you want?"

"Err... Jajjang-myeon?"

"Alright, one jajjang-myeon for ~~~~! Hara, Seungyeon and Jiyoung come with me, Nicole you'll take care of ~~~~ here okay?" Gyuri told Nicole.

"No prob unnie!" Nicole replied and they soon went off.

"~~~~-ah, you need someone to talk to, right?" it seems like Nicole can read your mind and so, you nodded then told her your story. You broke into tears when your just starting to tell. She hugged you tightly *poor little girl*. You soon continued telling when you're feeling better. You're done telling your pass to Nicole and was tearing all the time.

"Don't cry don't cry... I'll be at your side okay? I'll take care you just like you're my sister... Shh~ don't cry." she kissed you lightly on the forehead.

Soon, the members are back with food and you had your dinner with them. You went home after the dinner and slept immediately, without crying. Kara is really taking good care of you since Nicole told them about you, especially Nicole. She trained you exercising and so you've got your slim waist and firm body. She cooks porridge for you when you're sick even when she's busy. She encourage you and lead you to the road of your future. She's been treating you like her own sister.

~~end of flashback~~

*I'm so glad to have a BFF and a sister like you, Nicole Jung.*

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Chapter 32: Update soon ! :)
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