you and me

The promise with the prince of demon

Onew's POV


"Do you have any other question, miss Jung?" I crossed my legs on the leather chair.


Her eyes were fixed on mine, shock and terror written all over her face. She slowly shook her head like an idiot.


"No....This can't be true. Tell me I did not work for you!" She raised her volume at last sentence.


"Well, Miss Jung, seems like it is a reality that you can't actually accept." I smiled, getting up from the chair.


"If you excuse me, I have class to attend." With that, I walked out of the class.


At the rooftop,


Nobody's POV


"I gotta go..." Jonghyun said to Key, standing up from the bench.


"Let's go together!" Key quickly stood up, followed behind the other to the staircase door.


When both Key and Jonghyun left~


"I can't believe he's this careless." A person smiled, picking up a blackberry phone from the bench that the two friends sat before.


Opening the lid of candy container, the person gulped down a piece of candy and his grin got wider.


In Home Economic Class,


"Ok, boys and girls, You're gonna make a italian dish called Spicy Chiptole Lasagna. Please pair up in two. Who would like to pair up with Prince On-Ehh...Onew Tepes?" Sister Lola asked, looking around the crowd for help.


"I will pair up with him." A boy raised his hand and volunteered.


Sister Lola sighed, thankful to the boy who just volunteered to pair up with the vampire prince. "Ok, Key. You will pair up with Onew. Now get to your own tables." She then continued giving instruction for the dish.


"Nice to meet you." Jinki grinned cutely and stretched out his hand.


"U-Uhm Hey.." Key smiled shyly as he shook Onew's hand gently.


"Sorry to have you pair up with me." Onew's smiled switched to an apologetic one, which startled Key and caused him to deny the statement quickly.


"Aniyo, it's ok :) Now let's start preparing the ingredients." Key said, dragging the cheese packs, beef, sauces and egg cart to the middle of the table.


Onew watched the ingredients, and stared at Key who was carefully taking the cheese slice away from the plastic pack.


Onew's POV


As soon as I saw the ingredients, I flinched in annoyance.It would be a fraud if I say I've cooked before! Seriously, I've never learned to cook before. =.= But who knows, the cooking might be fun ^^.


I stared at the boy beside me in awe. He looked skilfull in removing the cheese from the plastic pack. It's awesome! (A/N : Jinki ah =.= every human knows how to do it =.= oh, may be vampires don't? XP )


"Onew ah, can you help me crack the eggs and put them inside the bowl?" The boy said, as he tossed the egg cart and a bowl towards me.


I beamed in joy, finally I will get to try cooking!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Imm!! Araso!" I pick a egg up, it has a shell! So may be I have to use force to crash it? @.@


Then, without having second thought, I raised the egg into the air and stomped it onto the table with great force.




"What the hell is happening???!!!" I pouted, feeling all sticky stuffs on my face and uniforms.


"Oh my gosh, Onew ah, I forgot you might not have cooked before!!!" My partner dropped all the things that he was doing and shifted his attention towards me.


"Are you okay?" He said, bringing tissues from the tissue box and helped me wipe off the egg on my uniform and face.


"I-I am sorry...."I stuck out my lips, feeling guilty of not even knowing how to crack the egg, I am that useless =.=.


"It's ok, Onew ah, I will show you how to do it, ok?" He smiled, demonstrating how cracking egg should be done.


"Hey, you haven't told me your name.." I said to him, while trying to crack the eggs in the way he taught me.


"Oh! I am Kim Kibum..But I prefer Key :) so yea! Call me Key!" He said, chopping the italian sausage and dipping them into sauce.


"Key!! I like that name." I squealed in excitement, I hated the typical names because my name is not one of them!


"Do you like cooking this weird lookind dish?" I said, pointing to the picture on the recipe and he chuckled softly.


"Yeah! you know it's tasty, beside my friend, Jonghyun's favourite dish is Lasagna."


My eyes sparkled when I heard his last words, Jonghyun's favourite food? But at the same time, I felt jealousy rising in my body.


He knew Jonghyun's favourite dish, and he's only his friend. How come I did not know???!!!!! It made me realise I know not many things about my own lover. *pout*


"I want to learn it, Key. You will teach me right???" I shook his arms like a little child asking mommy for sweet.


"Ok, Ok, Onew. I'll teach you!" He said, half laughing at my childishness may be??? XD


Can't help about that though :-> Childishness is Prince's Onew's trademark XP




Jonghyun's POV


I was about to go to chairman office when I saw Key popping out of the classroom window.


"Hey, Jonghyun! I'll make the dinner for you today so come to my house to eat, ok?" He said, waving his hands to get my attention.


"Araso, Key!" I raised my voice a little bit so that he can hear me. Then he disappeared into the classroom. I sighed, continued walking until I reached in front of the door with a tag saying "Chairman's Office".


I opened the door, hoping to see Prince's delightful face but only to be greeted by Minho Hyung.


"Hey, Jjong. Prince just left for the class. Why are you so late?" He said, his eyes still glued to the screen of the laptop while his hands was typing like a machine.


"Sorry, Hyung. I had something on. If he's not here then I shall take my leave. Don't wait for me after school." I said and exited the room.


At Tepes Mansion,


"Prince, are you sure you don't need my help?" Tiffany raised her eyebrows, looking at her master busy counting the ingredients in the kitchen.


"I am just going to do it myself, Fany. Just go and rest somewhere!" I said, clapping my hands together when I realised all the ingredients were actually here.


Tiffany sighed, walking to a distance where her master won't see her and watching her busy his highness chopping and frying this around.




Tiffany instantly ran towards the young prince to take a look.


"What happened, your highness?....You cut your fingers!!" She held onto the prince's finger and turned the tap, letting the water run on prince's wound.

"It stings!!!" Onew made a face, pursing his lips in a dangerously cute manner.


"I told you I will do it for you, your highness." Tiffany nagged as she opened the kitchen drawer to find plaster.


"I want to cook jjongie dinner by myself!!!" Onew yelped in pain when Tiffany wrapped the plaster around his wound.


"You should be careful, Your Highness!!" Tiffany sighed, knowing the stubborn master won't give up.


3 hours later,


"Done, done, done!!!!!!" Onew yell happily as he finished decorating his Spicy Chipotle Lasagna and placed it on the huge dining table.


"Fany, what time is it now? Is Jjongie back??" Onew asked, skipping back to his bedroom to change clothes followed by his personal maid running along behind him.


"It's almost 8:00 pm, Prince. I will go and check whether sir Jjong is b-" When both of them passed across the entrance, the door cracked opened.


"Sir Jjong!" Tiffany called, causing the young prince to grin ear to ear.


"Jjongie! Why are you so late?" He said, jumping onto the taller male with his arms wrapped around the latter's neck.


"My deepest apologies, your highness. I went to my friend Key's house to have dinner since he cooked Lasagna today." Jonghyun smiled at the prince as he explained the reason of being later.


Tiffany's eyes widened when she heard the word "Lasagna" and she eyed at the prince.


Onew looked a bit disappointed but he hid it and smile widely. " Really? I see! It's quite late already, Jjongie. I'll go take shower before bed. See ya later, Jjongie.." Prince Onew quickly pecked on the werewolf's lips and ran up to the stairs.


After Prince left, Tiffany approached the other man. "You're done for, my lord." She said, shaking her head gently.


Jonghyun looked confused, not understanding the prince's personal maid's intention.


"You will know if you go to the kitchen with me, sir." She said walking back to the kitchen with Jonghyun followed behind her.


"T-This is..." Jonghyun stuttered, seeing an appetizing lasagna dish lying peacefully on the dining table.


"He cooked this dish since he came back from school, my lord. He did not even let me help. Even injured himself while chopping the sausag-" Before Tiffany ended her words, Jonghyun was already running up the stairs, which make the girl smile and shook her head again.


"This two love birds..." she giggled and got back to her work.




                             Hey, readers ^^ here's the next chappie ^^

                             I apologise for not updating yesterday =.=

                             I had an A-maths test so I needed to study.....:)

                             How's the story so far???? XD

                             Thank you, subscribers and readers :)

                              Thanks for the comments as well ^^ *wink*

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Chapter 5: Oh, please update author-nim..
Chapter 5: plz update
wikita12 #3
Chapter 5: Please update soon.This story is nice to read
Chapter 5: waaahhhhh.... love this story
can't you update please >_<
arianijongyujungli #5
i really want to know what happen nexttt??? can u please update????
onewalex #6
SJiaSHINeeJing #7
Chapter 5: Aish, my heart somehow aches for Onew~ hardcore jongyu shiiper's heart is pretty weak~ hope to see update soon...
I just read this story of yours and kyaaaaaaa~ I really like the way you make onew so cute here! XD that cutie~ *sigh
Onew is so cuuuute >< bad jjongie! Our little onew made him lasagna but he' having dinner with key xD
This story is soooo good. Can't wait for the next chappie :3
Why's Onew so cuuuuutee??!! I can't stop smiling reading ths chap!!!
Update soon.. ^^