One Shot (FINAL)

4 hearts


"Wendy? What happened? Are you alright???"

Upon hearing Wendy winced in pain, Seulgi who was at the living room rushed immediately to check on Wendy in the kitchen. 

"I accidentally spilled the boiling water on my hand."

Seulgi sighed and shook her head.

"Why were you so clumsy?"

Seulgi pulled Wendy to sit on the chair while she went to take first kit aid to treat Wendy's swollen hand. 

"I didn't know how it happened." Wendy said

"Next time, pay attention to what you do and be careful." Seulgi mumbled while focusing to take care of Wendy's injured hand.

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

Seulgi smiled once she was done.

"Just don't be careless anymore." 

That night, Seulgi decided to take over and cook for their dinner instead of letting Wendy continue.

"I can still help." Wendy said.

"No. You sit still." Seulgi glared at Wendy which caused Wendy to slump her shoulders in defeated.

Wendy watched Seulgi's back as Seulgi prepared the dinner. Wendy sighed in content as she smiled watching Seulgi. 

'Seulgi ah, thankyou for being by my side through my hard times.' Wendy thought.









"How's thing going between you and Wendy?"

Seulgi looked up at Joy who just sat down acrossed her. 

They were at their workplace's cafeteria at the moment. It was their lunch break. 

"Good. All good." Seulgi answered before continued to eat her food.

Joy looked at Seulgi for few seconds before she looked down on her plate and started eating. 

Ever since Wendy broke up with Irene, Wendy moved out from her shared apartment with Irene and Seulgi offered Wendy to live with her instead. 

"Irene was asking about her." Joy said out of sudden. 

Seulgi stopped eating as soon as the sentence coming out of Joy's mouth. 

Joy took note of Seulgi's expression before she continued.

"It seems that she misses Wendy." Joy said slowly. 

Seulgi didn't say anything and just continued finishing off her food. 

"I'm done. I'll head back to office now." Seulgi said as she stood up. 

"Don't get hurt, Seul." Joy said. 

Seulgi took a deep breathe then faced Joy who already looking at her.

"I know my limit. I know what i'm doing." Seulgi said then left.

Joy nodded her head and looked away. 

"I just care about you, and I miss you." Joy whispered to herself. 











"I'm sorry for coming late." Joy apologized to the other person and sat acrossed her.

"It's fine."

Joy observed the person in front of her.

"Smile a bit. Would you?" Joy asked and raised her right hand to call a waiter to order one hot drink.

"How was your day?" The other person asked after the waiter done taking Joy's order.

"As usual. Nothing interesting."


"Still thinking about her?"


"I'm curious. Why did you hurt her if you love her, Irene?"

The person, Irene, looked up at Joy with a sad face.

"It was a mistake. My stupid mistake." Irene answered. 

"Yeah. Your mistake give us all a heartbreak". Joy said and looked away at the window. 

Irene felt guilty. Guilty for hurting not only one person but two. Wendy and Joy.

Irene and Wendy have been in love with each other since high school. They got together during their final year until they got into a university. 

They broke up just a year after graduation due to Irene's stupid mistake. 

Seulgi, Wendy's best friend who has been in love with Wendy too came back to take her chance with Wendy once she found out about the two has decided to break up. 

While Joy, who was trying to win Seulgi's heart felt so down. She was close to win. Seulgi slowly melted for her but- after hearing the break up, Seulgi run to find Wendy and left Joy on spot. 

Joy even let go of her dream career just to get close with Seulgi and to work at the same place with her. Thus, she felt much more sadder. 

"I'm sorry." Irene whispered.

Joy turned to look at Irene and sighed.

"What are you gonna do now?" Joy asked her.

"I- I don't know. But I want to at least to be given a chance to talk and apologize." Irene answered.

"I'm not sure if I can help you with that, but I'll try to find a way." Joy said.

"Thankyou." Irene smiled weakly.









Wendy's POV


We used to update each other about literally everything we do in our daily life. We used to be so in love with each other. We used to be together.

I don't know what went wrong. We drifted apart from each other. I tried to understand her, that maybe, just maybe she was busy with something important.

I never got mad, nor have I ever doubt her. I trust her with my heart.

But somehow, I can't just stay still, living like I don't have a lover when I indeed have one. I tried to ask, what happened.

She said she was just busy and told me to wait. So I waited. Days became weeks. Weeks became months. Until I had enough.

I eventually asked for a break up. Without looking at her, I said "I'm sorry. Let's break up." That was the hardest words for me to say.

Letting go of someone I am still in love with. It wrecked my heart pieces by pieces.

She begged, asking me for a second chance when in fact, there's no more second chance. Because she wasted the second chance I gave her when we broke up or almost broke up once before.

I was about to take her back when she cried but no, my heart can't take it anymore. I don't want to go through another heartbreak in the future. So with my heavy heart, I walked away. Leaving the place I used to call home.


'Bae Joohyun, what exactly happened to our forever?'









"Wendy, do you want to go out tonight?"

Seulgi's voice woke Wendy up from her silent thoughts. 

Wendy looked at Seulgi who was looking at her with her happy smile. 

'Seulgi, who never leave my side. I know, I know she doesn't see me just as a best friend. Sometimes I feel bad for letting her suffer to love me, a broken soul.' Wendy thought.

"Sure. Where to?" 

Seulgi's smile widened more once Wendy agreed to spend time with her.

"We could have our dinner outside tonight! Also, let's take a stroll at the park too! I heard there will be fireworks!" Seulgi said excitedly.

Wendy chuckled at Seulgi's excitement.

"Alright. We should go then."


They both went out to grab a dinner together. They talked about many little things and had a good laugh. 

After dinner, they went to the park as planned. 

"Cold?" Seulgi asked when she saw Wendy was shivering.

"A bit." Wendy chuckled.

"See. You are stubborn earlier. I told you to bring your jacket." Seulgi scolded her softly.

"Sorry." Wendy grinned.

"Aigoo. Come here."

Seulgi took both Wendy's hands and put them into her coat's pocket. Seulgi then cupped Wendy's face gently. 

Wendy closed her eyes to feel the warmth that Seulgi gave. 

"Feeling better now?" Seulgi asked.

Wendy opened back her eyes and nodded. Seulgi smiled, feeling satisfied. 

Wendy moved her hand to hold Seulgi's hand instead.

"Let's find a place to sit." Wendy said.

Seulgi glanced at her and Wendy's holding hands before she grinned and nodded happily.

The two of them walked ahead to take a sit on an empty bench.

unknown to them, a pair of eyes were watching the whole scene with a shattered heart. 

"Do you love her that much, Seul? You can't even see me who's always looking at you, only you." 

Joy chuckled bitterly. 

"I wish I can unlove you." Joy whispered to herself, taking one more glance at Seulgi before leaving the park. 









There goes my heart beating,

Cause you are the reason,

I'm losing my sleep,

Please come back now.


There goes my mind racing,

And you are the reason,

That I'm still breathing,

I'm hopeless now.


I'd climb every mountain,

And swim every ocean,

Just to be with you,

And fix what I've broken.

Oh cause I need you to see,

That you are the reason.


There goes my hands shaking,

And you are the reason,

My heart keeps bleeding,

I need you now. 


If I could turn back the clock,

I'd make sure the light defeated the dark, 

I'd spend every hour, of every day,

Keeping you safe.


I'd climb every mountain,

And swim every ocean,

Just to be with you,

And fix what I've broken.

Oh cause I need you to see,

That you are the reason.



"Listening to this sad song won't do anything for you and for sure it won't help as well."

Irene snapped back from spacing out and looked at Joy who took off her coat before she slumped onto the couch next to Irene.

"When did you come in and how?"

"Stop spacing out too much, Irene. I've knocked few times and you didn't hear. So I just use the spare keys under the doormat." Joy replied.

"Why are you here this late?" Irene asked.

"Oh come on. I need company. Let me be." Joy groaned and took Irene's phone to stop the sad song. 

"Yah." Irene hissed but Joy couldn't care less.

"Why are you my friend again?"

"Because I am Joy. I will bring Joy into your life. Be thankful." Joy said calmly and Irene just rolled her eyes.

"Urgh. I'm going to bed. You can use the guest room if you want to stay the night here." Irene said as she stood up. 

"Heeeeey. Don't sleep yet!"

"I'm tired. Entertain yourself."

Joy pouted but Irene just shook her head and proceed to go to her bedroom. 

"Poor you Park Sooyoung. Living this sad, sad life. Tsk." Joy got up lazily to go to the guest room. 









Loving someone too much, can really hurt too much. Loving someone too much, makes it hard to love anyone else.

That was what Wendy have to face currently. 

She gave her all for loving Irene too much until there was no more space for someone else to enter her heart. 

After thinking properly, Wendy came to a conclusion that she could never give a chance to anyone. That she can never be able to love anyone else as much as she loves Irene. 

So she decided to do what she supposed to do. 


Wendy looked up and her eyes met with Irene's eyes. 

Wendy could sense how nervous Irene was so she gestured her to sit acrossed her.

When Wendy sent a text of saying that she wanted to meet Irene at the usual cafe where they used to go together, Irene literally dropped everything behind to rush to meet Wendy.

"Did I disturb you or was it a wrong timing for me to-"

"No! Not at all. I'm free." Irene said quickly and cleared .

Wendy gave a small smile and nodded her head.

"W-Why did you want to meet anyway?" Irene asked. She could feel how her heart was racing so fast inside. 

"I heard, about you want to meet and talk." Wendy said.

"I... Yes." Irene admitted.

"Well. I'm giving you a chance to say what you wanted to say now." Wendy said. 

Irene looked into Wendy's eyes. The eyes that always look at her lovingly, full with care and passion. Irene bite her lips when she noticed that Wendy never change. Wendy's stare is still the same.

"I want to apologize properly." Irene started to speak.

"...", Wendy nodded.

"For everything. I'm sorry. I hope you will forgive me and... and maybe... if you agree, I want to fix this. To fix us." Irene said slowly, afraid to look Wendy in the eyes and clasping her hands on her laps.

"You're forgiven. I can't stay mad at you for long." Wendy replied. Irene lifted up her head to look at Wendy.


"Yeah. But..."


Wendy looked at Irene.

"I don't think we can fix us. Not right now. Not anytime soon." Wendy said.

"But Wan ah... I-"


Irene looked at Wendy with teary eyes.

"D-Dont you love me anymore? Do you hate me now? I'm sorry, please. T-Take me back." Irene sobbed.

"Oh, Irene." Wendy got up to move and sat next to Irene instead. 

Wendy grabbed Irene's hand and squeezed it gently. 

"I never hate you, Irene. Never will."

"..." Irene just continued to listen while she sobbed.

Wendy let out a heavy sigh.

"I still love you, I always do." Wendy said which managed to make Irene to look at her again.

"But I don't think we can go back to how we used to be for now."


"I'm leaving."


"It is the reason why I asked you to meet me. I wanted to see you for one last time before I leave."

Irene held Wendy's hand tightly and shook her head.

"No. Please don't go. I'll do anything for you. Just please, stay." Irene begged. 

"I'm sorry. I can't." Wendy replied.

Irene's tears rolled down more and she couldn't find any words left to say. 

"I'm here to tell you to take a good care of yourself. Even if we're not together anymore, I can't deny my heart and how I still care for you." Wendy said.


"I'll leave. I don't know for how long or if I ever come back. But I believe in fate. If we're meant to be and if this heart still loves you, by the time we meet again one day, I'll give us one more chance."

"D-Don't... leave..." Irene whispered and cried. 

"I have to. I need some time. Please take care, ok? Live well, be well..." Wendy smiled and her heart was hurting to see Irene cried.

"Wendy ah..."

Wendy hugged Irene and sighed.

'I'm gonna miss you, Irene.' Wendy thought.

"I love you. This is goodbye, for now." Wendy whispered.

Irene found it hard to let go of Wendy's hand but eventually, she lost. Wendy pulled her hand away and gave her one last smile before she left Irene frozen there.

"I love you too. Please..." Irene wanted to go after her but she knows, she can't.

She saw it from Wendy's eyes. No matter how much she love her, Wendy won't stay and will still go. Irene have to accept the fact that she really lost the love of her life. Wendy finally left, to go far away from her. 

With that thought, Irene burst out in tears. She cried her heart out, ignoring all the stares of other customers giving her. 

'Wendy Son Seungwan, I'll wait for you no matter what.'




While at the other side, 


Joy just came back to her office room after she went to have her lunch. 

She saw a letter on top of her desk. She took it and frowned.

"Who gave this?"

Joy wasted no time and opened it to read the letter.


Hello Joy,

By the time you read this, I'm on my way to leave the country. I'm going back to where I come from.

I want to apologize for any wrong doings or words that might have hurt your feelings. You are a good friend. 

I'm sorry, I never intend to take Seulgi's attention from you. I know Joy, you still love her like how I still love Irene. 

I left for good, for everyone. I want you to do me a favor, please take care of both Seulgi and Irene for me. Make sure they eat well and continue their life as usual. 

Sorry and thank you for everything.





Joy frowned even more and dialed Irene's number.

"Where are you?" Joy asked right away once Irene answered the phonecall.

Joy sighed in relief hearing Irene said she's at a cafe but she could feel that Irene have been crying.

Then Joy heard a door slamming and Seulgi's scream. 

"Seulgi." Joy gasped.

"Irene. Please don't do anything stupid. Ok? Take care!"

Joy hung up and rushed outside. The staffs told her that Seulgi left while crying. Joy then decided to go to the airport because she know Seulgi will go there to stop Wendy.

As soon as reaching the airport, Joy quickly pressed the brake and got out of her car. 

"Please please, where are you?"

Joy kept running here and there, her eyes searching for Seulgi. 

When she got tired, she stopped for a while to take a breathe.

Just then, Joy saw a few crowds and squints her eyes.

'That's her!'

Joy ran as fast as she could to the spot. 

And there she was... kneeling on the floor, crying in a mess. 

Joy took a deep breathe before she stepped forward slowly to approach Seulgi. 

Joy's heart also hurt and she felt like she just got shot by a bullet when she saw Seulgi's tears. 

Feeling like someone standing in front of her, Seulgi looked up and her crying eyes met with Joy's sad eyes. 

Joy sighed softly, looking away and bite down her lips.

'Why did you have to cry like this, stupid' Joy said in her mind. 

"Hey." Joy called her softly and reached out her hand.

Seulgi was hesitant but Joy insisted "come on, get up."

Eventually, Seulgi took her hand and let Joy pulled her up. 

Joy then pulled Seulgi into her embrace to hug her. Seulgi cried even more and hugged Joy tightly. 

Joy felt like her heart being squeezed.

"Shhh. It's alright. I'm here." Joy whispered and rubbed Seulgi's back gently.

"What am I lacking of? Am I not enough for her to stay? I'm willing to love her all my heart but she still left." Seulgi cried.

"You are perfect, Seul ah. Don't think otherwise. You're pretty and have a good heart. It's fine, let her go. It's her loss." Joy replied.

While letting Seulgi cried in her arms, Joy's tears fell down unconsciously as well. 

'And I am willing to break my heart all over again for loving you, Seulgi.'

Joy knows, she will put her heart in a dangerous situation again. But she would take the risk, just for Seulgi. 

'Wendy. I hope this is really the best decision for us all.' 




And with that . . .


Irene cried, because Wendy left for real.

Wendy cried, because she left the love of her life.

Seulgi cried, because she realised she never have Wendy's heart.

Joy cried, because Seulgi's tears made her feel hurt too.


In one time, 4 hearts have been broken. 









I don't know what was I writing o.o

Well. But whats done is done.

I apologize for any grammar mistakes or any errors. Not doing a double check. XP

I finished up the story while listening to You Are The Reason by Calum Scott ^^ 

Hope you enjoy this simple story of mine. It's boring and kinda make you feel sleepy, I know :P because I'm sleepy too while writing this. Hahahaha XD

Aight. Till next time.





Corngirl a.k.a Liz,




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Chapter 1: It hurts author-nim :( but thanks for the story ..
Chapter 1: I love Wendy. I really do. I can never hate my bias.. but my Wenrene heart here is hurt. I thought at least my secret ship Wenseul would end up together but I guess nahh

I also feel sorry for Joy who did nothing but give her love to Seulgi. I hope this will have a sequel though hahaha cause the story has potential.
Chapter 1: I love Wendy. I really do. I can never hate my bias.. but my Wenrene heart here is hurt. I thought at least my secret ship Wenseul would end up together but I guess nahh

I also feel sorry for Joy who did nothing but give her love to Seulgi. I hope this will have a sequel though hahaha cause the story has potential.
Kenlys #4
Chapter 1: FUll of emotions T.T
Chapter 1: Damn... I cryied so hard :(( very good story lizzy <3
Rae_Park #6
Chapter 1: Sequel please???
frostoka #7
... *cries*
cjmoo_ #8
Chapter 1: So many broken hearts all around~ What a complicated yet interesting relationship between the four of them.
Chapter 1: Finally ive time to read your update ^^ really did broke all of their hearts like you tell me.. T_T
huhuhu *cry in the room's corner*
18 streak #10
damn the feels