That Was Close!

Let The Chips Fall As They May


[The corridors were empty. Did the bell already go? Damn, I'm late! Even though I am fluent in English, I still don't want to be late to my first class! Once I reached the room, I knocked on the white door 2 times. Let me tell you, I was surprised by the teacher who opened the door!]

Present Time

Am I at the right classroom?

"I knew we were having a new student but I honestly didn't expect it to be you," the teacher said.

"Sorry I am late, I will try not to be late next time," I replied then bowed 90º.

"Did you think I would just let you come into my classroom late without a punishment?" he asked.

". . ." I didn't know what to say.

"Of course I wouldn't! Now go and introduce yourself to the class in English," he said.

"You should be nicer to me Brian," I replied.

"Don't you dare talk down to me! You will address me as Mr Joo, okay?" he asked.

I walked past him and stood in front of the class ready to introduce myself. I began to feel nervous seeing 30 beautiful faces staring intently at me, waiting for me to speak. My palms were beginning to feel sweaty. I slowly scanned the classroom from left to right looking at the students friendly faces. My eyes landed on a familiar face and he smirked. Well, I guess I deserve that!

"Everyone, we have a new student called Son Jae Li, she is now going to introduce herself," Mr Joo said.

"Hi everyone, my name is Son Jae Li and I love fashion and modelling. I hope to become friends with you all. It's a pleasure to meet you all," I said then bowed.

"You can choose an empty seat to sit in," Mr Joo said.

A friendly girl motioned for me to sit next to her. I walked over to the seat next to her which was positioned in the middle of the classroom. I looked towards my right and saw the familiar face from before smirking at me. I was so creeped out that I tripped on my own feet. How embarrassing! I landed flat on my . I slowly stood up and walked towards the seat and sat down. 

"Are you okay?" the girl next to me asked.

"Yes, I am fine, thanks for asking," I replied.

"My name is Seohyun, do you want to be friends?" she asked.

"Yes, I would love to be your friend!" I replied.

English was very fun! Mr Joo taught us about adjectives. We then had to describe something or someone in a descriptive sentence with an adjective, noun and verb. We went around the classroom listening to sentences. Some were great, some made absolutely no sense and some were ridiculously funny! My sentence was 'The abstract flower bloomed in the bright sun.' Before we knew it, the bell for recess rang. I quickly packed away my equipment(pencil case and book) and stood up. I was really excited to spend time with my new friend but a girl called Yuri motioned for Seohyun to hang out with her.

"Do you want to hang out with us?" Seohyun asked

"No, it's okay but thanks for offering," I replied.

She nodded then walked out of the classroom with Yuri. To be honest, I didn't want to be a third wheel. I realised that everyone had left the classroom except for Mr Joo and I. I started walking towards the door when he called out my name. I walked towards his desk. We always talk in English to each other.

"Sup, Brian?" I asked.

"YAH! I told you to stop talking so casually to me!" he replied.

"But, I'm used to calling you Brian," I replied.

"Fine, but only when it's just the two of us, you can call me Brian," he replied.

"So, how have you been Brian?" I asked.

"I've been fine. You haven't changed at all since the last time I saw you," he said.

"Thanks Brian, you are still as cool as ever," I said.

"I know right! Don't you think that as I get older I become more attractive?" he asked.

"I am going to go and enjoy my recess. It was nice seeing you Brian," I said. 

I walked towards the door. When I opened it I sighed. I started to feel a bit heavyhearted. I am at a humongous school and I don't really have any friends so I have to spend recess by myself. My mother woke up really early to prepare a bento for me. It's 'Hello Kitty' themed! It looks delicious. 

I walked around the school looking for a place to sit and eat my food. The sound of beautiful melodic music filled my ears. Involuntarily, my feet walked towards the source of the enchanting music. I stopped outside a door. It was labelled auditorium. I wasn't really sure what to do at that point. I could go inside and listen to the music or turn around and look for somewhere to eat. I think I should tell you now, that I have a love for music. I feel happy listening to music! The music that was coming from the auditorium was extremely addictive. My hand reached up to the door and pushed it slightly open. I peeked inside and smiled. A guy was playing the piano. He was playing one of my favourite songs. 'Set Fire To The Rain' by Adele. I walked inside and sat on one of the back seats of the auditorium. The auditorium is huge and the sound quality is great!

I felt like singing along but decided that I should just watch. He stopped playing mid way through the song. I was really enjoying the song!

"Go away please" he said.

Is he talking to me?! I ducked behind a chair.

"Yes, I am talking to you, now please go away and let me practice peacefully," he said.

Can he read my mind or something? I didn't want to be rude so I was about to stand up and exit the auditorium. When I heard 3 girls talking.

"Oppa, don't you want us to listen to you play the piano? We'll be quiet, I promise!" one of the 3 girls said.

"Please, you say that everyday, go bug someone else," he replied.

"Fine, we're leaving oppa," she replied.

WOW, that was close! He must be really popular to have so many girls come and listen to him play the piano. But, I bet he scared most of them away! I laughed to myself.

"I know you're here," he said

Damn, why did I laugh?!

I hoped that he was talking to someone else.

"No, I am talking to you, you're in the back row, so it should be easy for you to get out," he said.

He seems really rude!

"If you don't get out of the auditorium in five seconds, I will force you out," he said.

LOL, what could he possibly do to me?

"5, 4, 3, 2 . . .1," he counted.

Nothing happened, I started laughing and my laughter echoed through the auditorium. I heard footsteps coming towards me at an alarming speed. I started running to get away from him. He is really fast! I felt like I was playing a game of cat and mouse!

We ran around nearly every part of the auditorium. I am quite fit so I didn't feel tired. I turned around for a second to look at the guy that was chasing me. Can I just say that he is extremely attractive! While I was staring at him, he had shortened the gap between us. He was extremely close to catching me so I jumped over a chair. I saw a green exit light sign. I sprinted towards it.

He was about 20 metres behind me.

I stopped in front of the door and said, "You're great at playing the piano!"

I opened the door and sat behind it, catching my breath. Damn, that was close!

"Next time, I won't let you get away from me," I heard him say from the other side of the door.

A few minutes later I heard loud music. I must have made him really angry because he was pressing the piano keys very hard. I just laughed to myself. That guy seems really funny! I realised that I was still sitting on the floor so i stood up and wiped the back of my skirt. I saw the three girls from before in the auditorium glaring at me. Uh Oh . . .

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