Last Night - The Equinox Part 1

Affinity - Ephemeral Feelings
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         The music was blasting throughout the whole campus; the neighborhood was probably able to hear it as well - The famous fall school party.

        The last school day had come to an end about three hours ago. Now it was around 6 p.m. and every student, who hasn’t yet left the campus for the vacation, was now on the school grounds again. The party is held at the sports fields, all round the cafeteria and the backyard of the school, including the sports hall. The lights were , all different colors, shining brightly at the ceiling, on top of the trees and even on the ground. Everywhere you can see speakers standing or hanging around, so the music would reach every corner of the school ground. Everyone should be able to hear the music that the students had chosen so wisely. Even if the summer had just ended and fall had started, the weather was still quite nice, only the sun was already going down sooner than expected, which wasn’t really displeasing for the students. The only thing that mattered to them was the vacation they had ahead of them, even if it only were two weeks of no school stress.

         Many different bars with different offers were built for this special day, some teachers were even around to look out for their students since a lot of students also stayed at the campus over the holidays rather than going aboard, back to their families. Now everything was decorated in a summerly atmosphere to say goodbye to the hot days and greet the upcoming colder seasons, including the winter and the autumn. The new sports hall had been renovated for the next school year, so the sports classes wouldn’t have to suffer under the renovation of the gym; even the pools got newer equipment much to the students’ bliss. The students were allowed to use the pool for the grand party too, they should have as much fun as they could since the school year had been depressing enough. It was a nice way of thanking the students for their hard work. The school just wanted to reward the students and what is better than an annual party? Nothing if you are a student.

          May Green and Dawn Violet Scott are two of the students who live at the school’s dorms, resulting them to stay at school over the two-week vacation. Since their families live aboard, they decided to not visit them over the holidays; they only had been with them over the summer vacation which wasn’t far behind them. Much to their friends’ felicity since now they are able to spend the vacation together with them. Everything was already planned and set, May and Dawn weren’t able to turn down their friends’ plan which has been thought through a hundred times. But that wasn’t their worry now, at the moment only the fall party mattered. The end of the school year party, which would follow soon after this party at the end of each school year, is called Escape, while this party, in the begin of the fall, is called Equinox. While the Equinox had already begun, the girls were more than excited to leave the campus, many good and bad things have happened over the past weeks. It was more than perfect to have some holiday now so they could leave the school stress behind.

         “Hey, wait up! I didn’t mean it like that!” He tried to persuade her to stop walking and sensing that, she immediately started to walk faster to escape his funny antics. Still a smile could be seen on her face, he had previously tripped over his own words resulting her to grin at his foolish behavior and yet he felt embarrassed by his sudden outcome.
She on the other side was happy that he led it slip out like that, things like that had to be said some time. And she was flattered by it of course even though she was aware of the fact that the guy who was running behind her was her best friend. Finally he could take a hold of her arm, stopping her midway.
           “I meant-..." His hand swiftly turned her around, so easily since he was way stronger than her fragile frame. The sudden stop made her look up at him. Seeing her innocent features got him tongue tied in just a second. Her expression was so calm and her smile was almost softer than any other mien he had ever seen. He had to admit it made his doubts melt within seconds. His dumb, confused face turned into a grin as well.
         “What?” She urged him to continue what he wanted to say but somehow he had forgotten what even happened. And that was the kind of impact she had on him.
           “You’re driving me crazy, May Green, do you even know that?” He sighed, ruffling his own hair as she could only giggle at the sight. So cute. How desperate he seemed while making such moves at her.
They were coming closer to the music which could be heard even by the dorms of the school and the parking lot from where the two were coming from. A lot of people where already seen from their position, they both didn’t mind any of the others around them though as long as they were together.
           “You’re the one who is driving himself crazy. Like really, what do you mean by saying that you want to marry me in this outfit, Bobby, get a hold of yourself. I’m wearing casual clothes.” She chuckled once again, turning around so he stared at her back. This time she pulled him by his hand though. He broke out into a grin too, following up by her side now. He was her date to this party and he enjoyed every second of it.

           The party committee announced that it would be more fun to come to the party with a date since it would make everyone a bit calmer and relieved, and not to forget happier. Since this wasn’t really taken seriously by anyone, May and Dawn decided to go to the party with their roommates. And for Bobby it was a safe way of feeling comfortable and not having the need to go around and ask any girls for a date.

          It had been a while since he took any girl out romantically as his life somehow revolved around his best friends. In May’s case it was one of her best friends, Kim Jiwoon or Bobby, a pretty cool, yet funny and hilarious male. Well-built and his height was just fine as well. The only thing that had to be considered was, that he would be talking non-stop when he is hyped and yes, he is always hyped when it comes to May and Dawn or parties. Yet, that was the reason why the girls loved him so much. When Bobby is around, the atmosphere gets calm and pleasant. He just has this behavior that makes everyone around feel good relaxed. His charm was just the most special one that May and Dawn ever encountered. He has a serious side to his character too, making him more and more lovable.

            “Sorry, I am just so happy that you went with me and not with Mino.” He emphasized for the third time since they left their shared dorm. Mino is her other roommate, not to mention that Bobby thinks that Song Mino is way more handsome than Bobby. He is such a fool, always thinking too much or too little about himself. And as much as I wish, I can’t change that about him apparently. May shook her head signaling him that everything is fine and there was no need to be sorry. Today shouldn’t be the day to feel bad and honestly May didn’t want to think about Mino right now, even if he keeps appearing on her mind, her best friend Mino. She just couldn’t seem to get him out of her head. Not that she actually wanted that to happen.
           “Don’t be like that, Bobby; I wanted to go with you. Your company is way more pleasing than his right now and you are my best friend in this whole wide world.” It sounded a bit more enthusiastic than it should’ve sounded. May didn’t really want to talk bad about Mino but he just had been acting different again for a few weeks and he didn’t want to tell neither of his best friends why he was acting up so much. No one wanted to force Mino to talk about it either; he should come and talk when he is ready to. And May already sensed why he was being like that.
            “Right, Mino seemed especially negative today. I hope we can both cheer him up!” He exclaimed and May wasn’t sure why he practically just screamed that and pulled her forward by her hand making her stumble after him. The other students, who were near by the parking lot, were of course looking at them in a weird way, a little judging as well, yet Bobby did never care about that. He was almost jumping too enthusiastically towards the party and May was now wondering why she didn’t go with Dawn and her date, maybe then Bobby would behave like a less insane idiot. What am I thinking? With Dawn and Bobby this would have been even more hyped. Bobby is enough for me to handle, I don’t wish for any more people right now. She grinned as she sprinted up next to him, only hearing his laughter, rather than the music that was currently blasting through the evening air. It was a song which they knew way too well.



► song recommendation: Real Life - Catch me I'm falling ♫



              Dawn’s phone rang minutes ago, playing her ringtone that made her realize who was calling her. Catch me I’m falling... Her ringtone wasn’t suiting her mood currently.
          “Okay, fine.” Dawn answered wanting to sound happy, but she couldn’t just act positive right at this moment. After this week of so many ups and downs she wanted that at least today would be more special and happy before the holiday starts. But fate and luck weren’t on her side.
The person who she was talking to, seemed to notice her behavior as well, as he let out a quiet sigh. He knew her through and through, and could sense if something is up directly. But he didn’t want her to be sad or down and he was sure that even without his company it would be possible for her to be feeling content.
          “Dawn, please don’t be like that.” He started off, but Dawn knowingly cut him off, which may be a bit too fierce for his liking. Even if he fell for that fierce side of her and he loved it just like the rest of her personality. 
            “Sehun, I’m fine and I’m not mad at you. The Equinox is simply no fun without you. Just let me sulk for the next few minutes until Hoseok cheers me up, would you?” She paused for a few seconds, hearing a chuckle from him. She was calmer than he thought she would be after he had announced the circumstances to his abse

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