Who is the "Sugar Daddy"?

Who is What?

"Guess what es!" Lay pulled up a chair from the table next to them.


The group —excluding the new couple who were on their way, and Yoona who had class at this time— were in their favorite boba shop, Koala T. Cafe. Luhan had discovered it on one of their first weeks at the university. Though he wasn't pleased that there were so many white people that took up all the space with their hipster life style. But, him and Lay being their adorably handsome looks and still perfect Chinese, the owner had remembered them, always making sure the booth in the corner was always empty on the days they'd usually show up.


Chen tore his eyes away from his coffee to glare at the Chinese boy, "What you ?"


"Well... this gets the first point because I found out Who is the Driver —or should I say the chauffeur— in the relationship,"


Kai let out a displeased sigh, grumbling about how he wanted to figure that one out, "It's Luhan, he loves his Beamer and loves to drive it,"


"That may be so, but doesn't mean he's the one driving the beauty," There was a mysterious glint in his eye.


"He lets Sehun drive the BMW!?" Xiumin gasped. Whenever one of the asked to take it out for a spin, or use it for groceries since their car was parked too far, it'd take less than a second for Luhan to say no. He loved that car and the fact that he allows Sehun to drive it speaks miles on how much he trusts him.


"I saw them walking together in the parking garage; Luhan tossed him his keys before sitting in the passenger seat," he yanked Xiumin's bubble tea from his mouth earning him a look of betrayal as he began taking a sip, "I've known him since before puberty; so basically, before he met any of you guys. He doesn't even let me start his car... I just want to drive that beautiful thing,"


Kai was about to question his friend's credibility since he didn't come with proof, but all was proven when Luhan walked with Sehun walking in ten seconds later, while shoving Luhan's car keys in his pocket.


"Damn it," Kai almost slapped the table. Taking out his phone, Kai messaged in the group chat a picture sectioned off in five, labeled with their names. Currently, Lay, had the only tally.


The two sat down in the booth, greeting all of them. Chen passed the taro and chocolate Boba to them while Sehun handed him the cash for the drinks.


"So, what's up?"


Xiumin flinched at the vibration of his phone. Glancing over his boyfriend's shoulder it was a message from Yoona in the group chat. He stopped reading after the second word since it was mostly profanities directed at Lay. The competitiveness was boiling in him. He couldn't let Lay win.


"Chen and I are going shopping tomorrow,"


"We are?"


"We are," he confirmed without giving him a glance, "you guys want to come?"


Luhan look towards his boyfriend, "I'm good after my Econ class? You babe?"


"I'm free after Orgo, so yeah I'll come,"


"But we have to be back before six, Yoona and I have the dance studio for an hour and a half,"



"Min, you sure you wanna start off with this one?" He handed his boyfriend the remote, "You can't follow Luhan's blueprint with this,"


"It's simple, we just have to go shopping with them, consider it our first double date," Xiumin shrugged nonchalantly. He needed to figure out who was the "sugar daddy" in the relationship. This was two points and he refused to lose to Lay.


Turning to the two pointer page in the "Who is What?" notebook, he skimmed for the Sugar Daddy line, "Fine, place your bet; is it Sehun or Luhan?"


"Both are rich... but I'm betting Luhan is. Have you seen his watches? That guy's so high maintenance,"


Xiumin remembered the time he asked Luhan if he could borrow a dress shirt for a job interview and when he had brought him inside his closet, he just didn't know what say. He had an entire shelf dedicated to accessories ranging from Rolex to Givenchy. He'd ask why he lived in the Grove instead of skyscraper apartment. His friend had replied with a simple, "I gotta work my way up to that,"


"But they could also be gifts... from Sehun, so I'm putting my faith in my tall lanky amigo,"

Chen recalled the beginning of their second year, everytime they went out Sehun would always offer to cover his meals, or parking meters, almost everything. He was a sweet boy who knew how to take care of people.

“God damn rich people man,” Xiumin shook his head. He couldn’t really complain about rich people since his dad was a CEO of an entertainment company back in Korea while his mom is an anesthesiologist in Santa Monica. He just wanted some distance and independence. But he was thankful for them when they’d transfer money into his account. They’d play it off by saying they didn’t do such a thing; but he knew better. He always checked in bank account (a factor his parents forgot he was able to do).



"Do you think they're playing Who is What?" Sehun asked, parking in the mall's garage.


"They're our best friends, of course they're playing!" Luhan swung the car door open. "They're like vultures when it comes to money,"


"But you take their money all the time?" Sehun pressed his index finger to the smaller's forehead, pushing him a bit.


"Yeah, but I think it's funny when they 'randomly' find twenty bucks in their pockets,"


Both Luhan and Sehun really had no need to bet with money. Their families were extremely well off. Sehun’s mom is an immigration lawyer while his dad was an accountant to a large firm. Whereas Luhan’s dad was a psychiatrist and mom was a neurosurgeon. Both their parents had wanted them to go to an Ivy League school like Stanford or Duke, but it wasn’t their cup of tea. Neither of them enjoyed how expensive tuition was at Ivy Leagues, though Sehun had gotten into Brown while Luhan was offered to commit to Yale. Their parents had always said money is never an issue. But it was mostly since they still held onto their promise with Kai, Xiumin, Lay and Yoona their freshman year of high school. To stick together so they could be that one family where nobody is related except for one, and they keep their bond forever.


Their friends were far from being “broke college students”. All were upper middle-class families, but their situations were all different. Yoona has two older brothers and a single dad. One was almost done with med school at Columbia University while the other flew back to Korea to teach. Her father, (Sehun’s uncle) is a pharmacist in Beverly Hills where Sehun, Lay and Luhan used to live as well. But she'd wanted to lighten the load, so she stayed in-state, shared rent and worked at their beloved Boba shop.


Kai and Chen both had pediatricians for parents. His dad has a clinic in Korea Town while his mother was a veterinarian in central LA. But since his sisters had the idea of starting a business, he had to come up with some quick cash due to the fact they wanted to open it down in San Diego of all places. His parents had to chip in for their rent in their apartment and for the lot they were using, on top of Kai’s tuition and apartment. So, he did dance lessons and videos at Millennium Dance Complex where he got some sponsors on YouTube for having three million subscribers since he appeared in a couple of famous dancers –Matt Steffanina and Minzy— videos.


Then there was Chen's parents. He was the only one they didn’t know from high school. He came down from San Francisco where his dad is a business lawyer and his mother is the pediatrician. His parents weren't too thrilled to hear that their son was gay. His mother had thrown a fit, wanting to cut him off from the family, how it’s a shame to have a gay boy in the family. His father had been a bit more compassionate. They had officially cut him off after his freshman year of college, but every month or two, his father would take a "business trip" from San Francisco to "Santa Monica" for a weekend. When in fact he'd make a two-day pit stop in the university area. He'd sleepover at his son's place, spend some time with him and his very lovely boyfriend drop off some cash that'd be sufficient until the next visit (he made sure it added up to how much the hotel would cost. He didn't enjoy tricking his wife, but her hatred wasn't going to stop him from seeing his only son). He’s reassuring him that he’s trying to get his mom to meet Xiumin, to see what a nice boy he was and how there was absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. He also mentioned how thankful his son found a Korean who knew how to speak actual Korean.


Lay on the other hand, didn’t have those kinds of luxuries. Since Luhan's and Lay's parents immigrated together, and Lay's family wasn't as well-off as everyone else, they rented an apartment owned by the Lu's near central Los Angeles. That is, until after he graduated high school, his parents had moved back to China to take care of his grandparents, sending him money every month. Though all of them were academically gifted, they didn’t have to rely much on scholarship and financial aid. Where Lay had applied for as many scholarships he could, in hopes that financial aid could cover for the rest so he didn’t have to take out loans. Luckily, he had enough financial aid and scholarship money to take care of most of his costs. Luhan's parents offered to help since he was basically a son to them as well; it just didn't feel right for him to take the offer. But he needed to still save so he worked at the Boba shop with Yoona as well as part-timed at the school’s bookstore.


But to an extent, all their friends were piggy-backing on the "broke college student" title. So whenever one of them lost a bet to Luhan, Luhan would then take the money and either slip it back into their wallets, shove them into their jeans on laundry day, or stick them between the couches or in a messy pile. He enjoyed seeing their excited faces when they'd find the loose cash, especially if it was higher than a five.



Meeting the other couple in front of the food court, they found the two sharing a cup of pretzel bites. Exchanging their greetings, the quartet decided to head to Urban Outfitters.


While Chen was busy, actually shopping, Xiumin was preoccupied with watching both Luhan and Sehun pick up articles of clothing or shoes to show each other.


“Bub, what do you think of this flannel?”


“Not now Dae,”


As if he’d been insulted, he lowered the shirt to give him his “What the did you just say” look when he saw what his boyfriend was holding. “Idiot. You’re holding a women’s blouse,”


Quickly throwing it back on the rack he finally faced him when Luhan shoved Sehun inside a dressing room. “We are here to investigate! Not enjoy ourselves!”

“It’s a mall! I’m surprised you aren’t looking at anything,”


“Urban isn’t my style,”


He heard Chen mumble “then why the hell are we in here” as he shifted through records. After a couple of minutes Sehun came out with just a pair of jeans before the duo headed towards the register. He took note of Luhan taking the jeans and paying for them. Xiumin had thought they were onto something, until they went store to store.


Xiumin began realizing that the two was taking turns buying each other things. They went into Uniqlo after Urban outfitters and Sehun paid for the clothes Luhan were going to buy with his purchases. Even at the food court, they went to separate food kiosks but ended up trading their food –they bought each other food!


“This is enraging,” Xiumin stabbed his orange chicken as he watched Luhan hand Sehun a napkin.


“Us?” Luhan scrunched his eyebrows, “Is it because Sehun chews with his mouth open?”




“It’s true!”


“No, it’s not that,” Chen intervined, “It’s just because Lay’s birthday is soon and we haven’t found anything to get him,”


“Oh we got him a hundred dollar gift card to Starbucks and new Beats since someone stole his last month,” Sehun smiled, “You guys should get him a bunch of Christmas sweaters, he loves those,”


Chen tried to surpress a laugh while Xiumin banged his head on the table simultaneously saying, “God damn rich people.”



"An entire freaking day with them," Xiumin swung the door open to Kai, Lay and Yoona's shared apartment where Lay was currently raiding the fridge.


After Luhan and Sehun left the two at the mall, they continued to shop since they actually needed to buy Lay’s gift, so they stayed longer than they were supposed to, getting back to the apartment complex around eight.


"Shopping was a bust?" Kai asked.


"Yes! They split everything! When someone buys something for the other, the other buys something else for them! There's no winning!" He threw himself on the floor before lifting his head up to look at the only Chinese in the room, “By the way, they got you a hundred dollar giftcard to starbucks and new Beats,”


Lay dropped the Twinkie that was in his mouth, “No ing way! I ing love coffee!”


“How did I not guess he’d be happier about coffee than the headphones,” Xiumin shook his head. “But today was just a waste.”


"Because you guys are stupid," Yoona declared stepping out of her room.




"," the only girl rolled her eyes. Pulling out her laptop from her bag she opened up a video file. She motioned everyone to gather around her, as if she was ready to tell a fairy tale. A video popped up revealing both Yoona and Luhan in the dance studio going over some moves. When the music stopped Yoona had dropped to the floor while Luhan leaned against the wall.


"That was good..." Lay whispered to nobody in particular.


"That was a good run," Luhan tossed the water bottle on her stomach, "Maybe ACA can learn it fast enough before competition,"


"Get Kai or Taemin to help with it. It's hard when Lay's at work man," she held her hand out for assistance, "not everybody can pick it up after two times. ing show off,"




"Was I lying?"


When Luhan grabbed her, and yanked her up she held his wrist and began examining it; more specifically, what was on it.


Jaw dropping and her eyes bulging out, "Is this a Cartier?"


"Yeah, I've had it for a while, I bought the set. Sehun has the other one,"


"You guys are really serious... especially since you got Sehun to wear a bracelet,"


"I don't think he's realized it, but every piece of accessory he has, I've bought him," Luhan scoffed, "The guy is so high maintenance with his clothes and what to wear, he barely had any sort of accessories. So slowly I bought him some ray bans so he'd stop using knock offs. Got him a watch for his birthday,"


"What are you gonna get him for Christmas?"


"Umm..." Luhan's ears turned a bit red, "I was you know, it sounds intense but I swear it's not. I was going to get him a Cartier ring,"


Yoona stared at him for almost a minute without uttering a word, "Hey Lu can I be your girlfriend,"


"Yoona I'm gay,"




Rolling his eyes he threw his towel at her, "Anyway, I wanted to get him one since I have one. It matches well with the bracelets,"



Closing her laptop, she smiled, "So you were right Xiumin, but I get the two points for finding out,"


All were completely speechless. Cartier. Love. Bracelet. How have none of them seen that on either of them. Chen whipped his phone out, swiping through his photo album to sure enough see all the pictures and videos with the bracelets on each them for about a month.


“Why are they so ing loaded?” Lay finally broke the silence.


“God damn rich people,” Chen mumbled.


“I knew he had a ring; but not a bracelet from them!” Xiumin pressed his face further into his palms. He couldn’t believe he wasted two hours with them when all he could of done was look down and see their matching bracelets and ask where they go it from. That simple.


“Updated!” Kai tossed his phone on the couch, “Now! We have Yoona with two points in the lead with Lay following behind with one and the rest tied with a big fat zero.”


Chen poked his boyfriend’s head to see if he’d move. “Great, you broke him,”





no response.




Sehun rolled his eyes before reluctantly peeling himself off Luhan’s couch to find his missing boyfriend. He discovered him rummaging through his desk drawer. His head popped up with a little ‘aha!’ and a notebook in hanf. Wrapping both arms around his waist, he slowly pulled him away from the floor –with little sounds of protests— to his bed, tipping them both over to where Sehun was on top of Luhan, but Luhan’s face was pressed against the mattress. Adjusting themselves, Sehun rolled over propping himself on one elbow to look down at the smaller while he flipped himself over to glare.


“I was looking for something,”

“What were you looking for that’s more important than me, popcorn and Furious Seven?” He teased.


Mimicking Sehun’s position he gave him a serious look, “They’re playing Who is What and I want to make it as hard as possible for them, and so I can keep up with how transparent we are,” waving the notebook in between them.


“Lu, you can’t beat them at a game you can’t play, that’s not how it works,” Sehun looked at him as if he just wanted to hold and love him forever because of how precious he was, but he couldn’t so he just settled with a smile, “Just let them figure us out; it’s fun finally being on this side of the game.”


Finally standing, Luhan held out his hand for him, “Fine, we’ll just make it more challenging like we did today,”


With internal cheers when both settled on the couch, Sehun asked, “Who do you think will win?”


“My money’s on Yoona, she’s the only one who has a brain,” He shoved popcorn in his mouth.


“Really? I was thinking Lay or Kai. I want to say Chen, but whenever he tries he’s dragged along with Xiumin and that never ends well,”


“Wanna bet? If I get to buy you the Comme Des Garcon button up and cardigan,”


“And if I win, I’m buying you the Gucci jacket,”


As confusing as their relationship is, they hate it when they get each other expensive things. They don’t mind giving their friends and family gifts of that nature, but with each other it turns into a competition. Since they can buy it for themselves already, they didn’t see the point in the other giving it to them. So, whenever Luhan gets him something, he tries to get him something in return since Luhan never returned anything he told him to; except for an MCM bag that Sehun promised him he would never need. It was his only successful return.


It was love; it may seem shallow from the outside perspective, but between the two of them, it was just a little gesture to each other that show that “Hey look! I saw this and I thought of you because it’d look amazing on you and you deserve the best!”


It also maybe because Luhan discovered Sehun was allergic to fake jewelry. They once tried on bracelets at Disneyland, within five minutes, Sehun’s arm was swollen and covered in hives. Thus, began the “God damn rich people” jokes between them. Lay had been cracking up in the hospital while Xiumin was mumbling on about how rich people can’t even touch fake jewelry or else they’ll die.


Flipping through the pages of the notebook, Luhan gave him a small smirk, “You’re so on.”



First Chapter up with some back story! Hope it was good! 

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Chapter 1: This is cute >< i want to join the bet as well