17 and in love with my 23 yearold babysitter!!!

17 and in love with my 23 year old babysitter?!?! Kyumin fic for NomNom

 Kyuhyun's POV

"Mom do I really have to go to HIS house?!?!" I kinda screamed at my parents. Well you can't really blame me. I'm 17 years old and my parents STILL don't think I'm mature enough to stay at home alone so they hired a BABYSITTER. Worst day ever.

"Yes sweetheart, for the last time, you HAVE to go. No ifs. No buts. That is final young lady." My so called mother 'demanded'. You know mother, if you knew what I wanted and needed you wouldn't be hiring a babysitter. Gosh she's impossible but I guess I love her since she's getting me into an are school. "Are you listening to me Cho Kyuhyun?" Damn it! The full name card. I'll get you back one day mother you'll see.

"Yes I am mom. Can we just get this over with so that I can go play Starcraft without interuption.. Again." I reply back annoyed. Like I said. You can't blame me. "Oh yeah and can you please stop it with the full name card. It's so annoying..."

"Good. Now get ready, we're leaving in a few minutes." Finally walking away so I can get changed I sighed in relief. Well, I better get ready so then I can go to the BABYSITTERS. To tell you the truth, this isn't my first babysitter of this month. I'd say it's my 11th babysitter. All of them older guys. And by older I mean in their early and mid twenties. I'm glad I didn't get . But I almost got eaten by a big babysitter. I think his name was Shindong. I'm scarred for life because of that day.

I quickly got changed and met my mom in the car to drive me to the babysitters. Let's just hope she picked a normal sensible person to look after me.

After a gruling 15 minutes of driving, we finally arrived at the house. It was a clean and descent looking house with plants and trees in bloom.  We walked up to the house and my mom kissed me goodbye, leaving without checking to see if my babysitter is in. Damn her and her work scheduals.

So, after knocking on the door and waiting for what seemed like forever, a guy opened the door. "Ah... So you're the kid I have to look after huh?" he looked me up and down, a light smirk playing against his lips.

"You're my babysitter? You look like a 12 year old! Hahahaha!" The look on his face was priceless once I announced that. His once smirking face, now fallen to a pout. Haha er~!

  "Whats it to ya? I'm Sungmin, and you are?" Holding out his hand for me to shake. "Hmm.. You're going to be hard to tame. I can already tell. Well, it will be easy for this lion tamer to calm this pretty kitty.. Hmm~ meow."

"I'm Kyuhyun and who says you'll tame me. You hardly know me at all. Oh and by the way, stop flirting you pedobear. You'll never get a girlfriend that way, especially if you look at a girl like that." Shaking his hand slightly, and walking into the house, I notice that there is something very odd about it. Ah yes now I know. It's very.. Feminine? Oh my!

  End Of Pov

Sungmin's Pov

Ok so I meet this kid who thinks I'm a kid? Fiesty! I like 'em fiesty. I hope she relizes that she has to do EVERYTHING I say. -cue (kyu lol :3) evil laugh in 3. 2. 1. Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!-

"So.. Aren't you a bit old to be babysat?" I question the girl who is now sat watching cartoons boredly. Ok how can you be bored watching cartoons?! Aigoo... I think the world is ending right at this moment.

  "Blame my mom not me. I'm not the one who decided all this bull crap. Ugh... Why can't she see that I'm old enough to be left on my own." Kyuhyun whined. Well I now know a few things;  

1) Shes fiesty

  2) Her mom must think she is 5 years old

And 3) Her voice is so goddamn annoying

"Ok so all you have to do is be good ok?if you do that we'll be on good terms, if you don't then I'll just keep staring at you through all day. You got that?" I told her. I can't be bothered to really watch her. I'm just doing this for the money her mom is paying me. And that my friends is alot of money just to look after a kid.. I I mean teenager. Phew great come back their sungmin!

"Yeah whatever~... I'm going to play on my psp for a while so don't bother me."  Kyuhyun replied back to me, boredom evident on her face.

End Of Pov

  No ones Pov


Her unconsiously watched her flip out her psp and play Starcraft. It was a kind of strange thing to do since he was a good 6 years older than her and seemed a bit pedo-ish, but in all honesty, he had never seen a girl take so much interest in gaming. It was all alien.

  'Hmm... I wonder what games I have. Maybe I'll play against her... Hmm...' Sungmin thought, still unconsiously watching Kyuhyun. 'I know! I have the nintendo wii! We can play mario kart now!! Woot! Go me for my smart brains!!'

"Umm.. Hello?! Sungmin!! Were you listening to me? Why are you staring you creeper? Hey! Hey! Stop it~!" Kyuhyun's whining snapped him back to reality. His heart beating faster than normal.

"Huh? Ack! Mianhae Kyuhyun, I was just thinking about something and I just happened to be staring at you." Sungmin told the girl, a blush on his cheeks.

"You know, you look kinda cute with that blush~" Kyuhyun confessed (?) quietly, a blush slowly creeping up her own cheeks, bringing a pop of colour to her pale face.

"Wait? What did you just say? D-did you just say that I looked CUTE?" He blushed more and hid his cheeks, the heat from them warming his hands up. "Yahhhh you made me look like a tomato now~!"

Trying not to meet his gaze, Kyu nodded, her hair falling into her eyes.

Kyuhyun's POV

What have I got myself into now? Why did I say he is cute? Why? Why?Why~?

'Don't deny it Kyu~ you think he is cute~' My conscience chimed in my head.

'Shaddap conscience! I don't need to hear from you at the moment! B-but.. He is kinda goodlooking.. What am I saying?! What's happening to me?"

'You're falling for him~ hehehe omo omo omo!!!! Finally you fall for someone!! Hehe I'm so happy!' 

'Hold on there conscience. I can't be falling for him. I only just met the dang guy! I might have a crush though...'

''EVEN BETTER!! If you have a crush it can blossom into love! Woot! I'm a genius!!!'

'Don't you mean I'M the genius. Not YOU.

'Nah, I meant what I said Kyu. Deal with it.'

'=_= It's pointless to argue with you.. You know that?'

  'Yeah.. I know. Kekeke!'

End of POV

No ones POV

  After a few hours of Sungmin looking after Kyuhyun, it was time for her to leave. At first Kyu resisted in leaving, but after her mother reasoned with her and 'blackmailed' her into it, she left.

Days and many babysitting sessions later, Kyuhyun learned alot about Sungmin. Like how Sungmin was actually quite feminine, that his favorite colour is pink and that his best friend is a manly thug type of guy (LIKE A MAN!! ;] ).

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Kyuhyun, now nearing her 18th birthday, was finally old enough to not be babysat anymore, much to Kyu's dissapointment.

She had finally fell for Sungmin, just like her conscience had predicted and taunted about, and had been taking her freedom in very little steps. Fortunately though, she had Sungmin's phone number so she could call him anytime!! (wahoo!)

Sungmin's POV

  "Huhuhu... It's been ages since I've seen Kyuhyun. I mean, she calls and texts me often, but it isn't the same without her actually being here.." I had finally broke down in Kangin's arms, as he tried and failed to comfort me. He had told me, after some persuasive techniques, that I had fallen for her. Well.. I won't deny it, but I actually agree with him. I think I love Kyuhyun.

"Aww don't worry Minnie. She'll be here soon enough. Hmm.. Hey! Why don't you ask her out on a date? You have her number and you have been talking regularly for the past,I don't know, 12 weeks... Nonstop." Kangin told me, slapping my back playfully, only to earn a cough and a glare in return.

"Kangin, I know you mean well but you're physically making this situation much, much worse.. Wait.. Hold on! Did you just say to ask her out on a date?! That may be the GREATEST idea you have had in years!!" Quickly whipping my phone out, I sent a text to Kyu.

'Hey Kyutie <3 (see what I did there? ;3), would you like to go see a movie with me sometime soon? Looking forward to seeing you again soon! Love ya lots ;) from you-know-who (Sungmin) x'

Kyaa! I hope she replies soon.. I'm feeling like a ton of butterflies have ate my stomache... Hmm.. Oh wow, what a weird visual.. O_e...

I just got a new message... Oooooh and it's from Kyuhyun saying that she would love to see a movie. Omo! I better get changed quickly and set off.

-After getting changed-

"Hey Kangin! I'm going out! Feel free to raid the fridge like you always do! I'll be back in a few hours!" I called to him as I ran out the house and straight to the cinema.

As I arrived at the cinema, I bought 2 tickets to this romantic comedy and waited for Kyu to arrive. Gosh, I wonder where she is. Hmm... Oh I see her now. Omo omo omo!!!! She looks gorgeous!!

"Sungmin~! Hey! Long time no see! How are you? And thanks for inviting me out, that was really sweet of you." She looked at me and blushed, the colour on her cheeks making her look like an angel.

"Hey Kyutie~! I know right? It's been too long. . I've been good, have you? You're very welcome and if I may say so, you look really stunning today~" I tell her, smiling sweetly and sincearly to her, a small blush of my own rising to my cheeks. "Oh, by the way, here is your ticket for the film. I just picked the romantic comedy because I thought you might like it."

"Ahh thats good~ I've been good, hehe... Oh a romcom? Cool, can't wait to see it." Smiling at me, she took the ticket and headed to the screen room. Aigoo.. She left me. Darn! Oh well, she isn't far keke.

-About 2 hours later-

"Awwwww~ Why can't things like that happen in real life?" I came out of the screen room, a few tears trailing down my cheeks because of how sweet the film is. Unlike what Kyuhyun came out as. She came out laughing at how the main characters in the film fell in love at a cafe. Honestly, I thought it was cute how they reached for the same coffee at the same time, only for the guy to give it to the girl, knowing that it was probably his.

"Really? You actually wish life was like that? Ha! Unfortunately, life isn't like that so deal with it and move on." Ouch.. Her comment hurt.

So, being the natural cassanova that I am, I scooped her up, dipping her and kissing her. She wouldn't be able to handle this. Kekeke!

End of POV

Kyuhyun's POV


After releasing me from his goddamn luscious lips, I.. Well.. Blushed. Bright red. Great.

"S-Sungmin?!" I stutter, looking into his eyes to see warmth, kindness and.. Love? H-he loves me! Omo!

"Kyuhyun, I've been wanting to say this for a while now, but... Will you... Will you be my girlfriend? I have loved you for ages now and this feeling hasn't wavered since last time I had spoken to you." His hand reached for mine, grasping it gently.

"Yes. Yes. A million times yes!" Hugging him tightly, a few tears falling from my eyes, happy to finally be his after so long. "I love you Sungmin. I love you.. Haha.. This is weird isn't it? A 17 yearold girl has fallen in love with her 23 yearold babysitter. It's like those romantic comedies you love so much~"

"Haha~ I guess it is.. But I like this so much more." He leaned down again and captured my lips for another time.

You know. It really isn't so bad having a babysitter at my age.



Hey lovies! BabymooKpopluvver here~ So, how do you like it? My first oneshot (well straight since I made Kyuhyun a girl lol) :P

NomNom saengie I hope I haven't ruined this for you :3 I'm not really good at writing fics. :) but still, it's the thought that counts huh? Keke ^_^


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Lol! Yay! I Iove pedobear Sungmin!
You did an awesome job! :D
I would've taken a picture for you but I temporarily lost my camera! XD
So.. Maybe Monday? (Sunday will be taken up by Church. I have been told I am worse then Siwon.. xD)
Thank you so much! :3