Yunho x Jaejoong

DBSK Drabbles



Yunho and Jaejoong were cuddled by the bonfire, a blanket wrapped around their shoulders. Jaejoong’s head was resting on Yunho’s shoulder when he threaded their fingers together, holding it out in front of him.


“How would you propose to me?” Jaejoong asked.


“Hm?” Yunho asked smiling. “Is that an invitation Kim Jaejoong?”


“Shut up. Just tell me how you’d do it.”


“Well, I would make a really grand gesture. Like we go skydiving and I push you out of the helicopter and as you’re falling and thinking you’re going to die, you see ‘Will You Marry Me’ written in flowers in a field. Would you say yes?”


“Yes, I would definitely say yes. When the officer asks me ‘Is this the man you’re pressing charges against?’ I’ll say yes”


Yunho laughed and wrapped both of his arms around his boyfriend. “I would take you somewhere really special. Like Paris. It would be just us, in the city of love, and I’d take you on top of the eiffel tower, get down on my knee, and ask you to be mine forever and always.”


Jaejoong smiled as Yunho kissed the top of his head. They were quiet for a bit until Yunho asked, “How would you do it?”


“You know I like it simple. Just somewhere where it’s just you, and me, and us. The time and place doesn’t matter to me, because I made my decision a long time ago.”


Jaejoong was confused when Yunho removed their blanket and sat in front of him on one knee. Yunho stared at him and smiled, then reached inside his pocket and pulled out a ring.


Jaejoong gasped as Yunho took one of his hands. “I made my decision a long time ago too. I love you so much. Will you marry me Kim Jaejoong?”


“I…I…yes, yes! Oh god yes!” Jaejoong screamed as he launched himself at his boyfriend, almost toppling them backwards.


Yunho laughed as he slipped a ring on his now fiance’s finger and pulled him in for a kiss.


They both smiled as they pulled back and rested their foreheads against each other.


“Does this mean I have to cancel our trip to Paris?” Yunho asked.



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Chapter 84: What does that mean? Hahaha!
Chapter 75: What :(
turyka #4
Chapter 85: OMG so many updates..ʕ•ٹ•ʔ❤❤❤
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