She's Here!

Love And Heartaches (KNK X OC)

“Hi Ma.” I said as soon I entered the house. My mom was busy organizing the boxes we used for moving. I went to the kitchen first thing and open the fridge to look for something to eat.


“How’s school?” she asked, following me from the kitchen. I took out the chocolate spread from the fridge and grab the bread on the pantry.


“It’s alright, except for the fact that people keep pestering me saying that I’m cute.” I put a huge amount of chocolate on the bread. I press the breads together to make a sandwich.


It seems like half of the school population have heard about the incident in the bus. Some who just love to annoy people keeps on calling me cute whenever they passed by me. I don’t even know how they knew it was me


“Isn’t that cute?” not you too ma, I took a big bite from the sandwich I made. I offered my mom if she wants some and she just shook her head. I remembered that my mom is not really a chocolate person. Ever since she and dad broke up, she stopped eating chocolates.


My aunt said it’s because it reminded her of dad. My dad loves chocolate so much, like instead of giving my mom flowers, he’ll give her a boquet of chocolate, and of course they’ll eat it together. I guess I inherit my love for chocolate from my dad.


“Alright, suit yourself. I’m going upstairs.” I said while climbing up the stairs. I head to my room and it’s a mess in here. All my books are not on it shelfs. My albums are still on the boxes. My clothes are not on the cabinet, some of it is just idling on my bed.


I sat on my chair and finished my sandwich. I open my laptop and went for my messages. Wow, I got two new messages. Maybe they missed me that much.


From: Kim Sejeong

To: Kyle Park


Bee, you forgot your scarf here in my house. Shall I give it too him? Just to remind him that you still exist. Don’t you worry I’ll make sure no girls can get near him. Oh and by the way, I think I finally got Rowoon to fall for me hahaha. You should have seen Doyeon face when Rowoon sat with us during lunch! That’s all. Tune in next time for more Sejeong news! Love you, bee, you take care there. Mwah!


From: Kyle Park

To: Kim Sejeong


Don’t be a nut. Put that scarf on your drawer, you crazy. Don’t even think of giving that to him. By the way, I don’t care if girls go near him, just let them be, It not like his our property. I’m happy that your delusional crush on Rowoon is going somewhere, as for me it’s been an annoying day. People in this school keep calling me cute because of a guy who played a prank on me in the bus. Even in class, while I’m introducing myself, a girl even shouted “SHE’S CUTE!”


I don’t know what their problem is. Please pray that they’ll forget about it tomorrow. I cannot stand another day people I do not know calling me cute. That’s weird, I hate it. Aside from that, it’s alright in that school. The cafeteria is not dirty. The foods are alright, not great, but not that bad either. I haven’t met anyone yet so I’m always bored there whenever it’s my vacant. Miss you bee, bye!


I close my laptop and started tidying up my room. I put all the books on my shelf according to colors. I like the looks of it and it doesn’t hurt my eyes whenever I stare at it. I put my albums just above it. After that, I folded all my clothes and put them all in my closet.


Well, that was fast. I vacuum my floor casue it’s so dusty. All the boxes in my room, I put it in our basement. I saw my mom watching television. I decided to prepare our dinner. I’m no expert on cooking so I decided to just make a carbonara.


When I was done cooking it, I brought two plates and two forks in the living room, follow to that is the carbonara I cooked. My mom scooch a bit, so both of us can fit and eat comfortably in our small couch. Game of Thrones was playing on the television. Now this is what me and my mam call a superb dinner.


I’m supposed to be the one who’ll clean up the dinner but my mom insist that she’ll take care of it and I should just rest. I decided not to say no to her because, who doesn’t want to rest? I just put the dishes in the kitchen so I wouldn’t feel guilty not helping her


I went to my room and I did my night routine. Cleanse myself, put on pajamas and I’m ready for bed. I sat my laptop on my bed and decided if something interesting went up on the web while I’m gone.


Oh, there’s a message for me again, maybe it’s Sejeong, she never replies fast, even though she’ve seen your message.  It’ll take days or weeks before you get a reply from her so I’m surprised.


I open my mail, oh it’s not her. It’s him. I have two messages from him. I forgot to check his message to me a while back, and now he sent me another one, oh dear god. Oh sheez. I don’t know if I should open it or not. I could not open it and just go to sleep, or open it and not reply. Maybe you could open it and reply Kyle, you . I’ve decided. I’ll open it.


From: ****-min

To: Kyle Park



From: ****-min

To: Kyle Park

Sejeong said you replied to her. Hope you’re doing okay there. I miss you.


Well, I miss you too. I close my laptop, not sending the message and decided to sleep.


* * * * *




Kyle woke up early to prepare for school. It’s already been a week after her first day.It was not a stressful week as she thought it would be. Though there’s this one time where she got kicked out during a class cause she was caught dozing off. Oh, and add the time where she accidentaly entered the wrong room full of seniors. 


Eversince yesterday, she decided to go to school early than usual so that she’ll avoid being on the same bus as Jihun and his friends. Last time that happen, unexpected things happen. She just hoped that Jihun doesn’t change his schedule.


She also was thankful because her “cute” incident died down immediately. Yesterday, when she entered her new school, she expected people to call or again but instead, no one gives a about her, and that what she wanted.


She went to school wearing her favorite band shirt and jeans partnered off with her blue chucks. Good thing this school didn’t required them a uniform. Back at her old school, they wear a uniform which is irrating to wear cause its so damn long and it’s make her all sweaty.


Since it’s still early, Kyle decided to roam around school and found a neat place to crash. It was just under a shade of a tree, and a bench that only two people can fit sits there. She was trying to get some sleep when she heard a loud thud.


Her eye shut open and is shock to see a girl and what seems like to be a soccer ball, on the grass. She then looked up at the soccer field, just in front of them. A guy was running towards them. The guy grabbed the ball and just said a meaningless sorry to the girl it hit. He didn’t even help her up which annoys the hell out of Kyle.


‘Are guys really this disrestpectful on this school’ she thought


Her attention went to the girl again and she sees her gathering the books clustering around her. Without second thought, Kyle helped the girl on collecting her massive books. She hand it to her.


“Thanks.” The girl said. Kyle looked at her with a smile. She’s a short girl with long blonde hair. She’s wearing a cute dress and a flat shoe. She looks familiar to Kyle, she’s just not sure where she’ve seen her


“No problem. Uh, those boys are rude.” Kyle said while looking smuggly at the soccer team who was practicing


“Well, not all of them, but I guess some of them.” She answered


“I’m Wendy by the way. Wendy Son.” The two girls then exchanged handshakes


“I’m Kyle Park”


“Kyle Park? Oh, you’re the new student. I’m in your class, though I doubt you’ve remembered me.” Kyle now remembered. She is in her class and she’s the girl who always has an answer whichever the teacher asked.


“I do remember you.” Kyle obviously lied so that Wendy would’t feels dismay. Wendy then sat beside Kyle which took her by surprise


“Uh, aren’t you going anywhere?” Kyle asked. Kyle thought she may be going to the library cause of all the books she’s carrying. She’s hoping Wendy wouldn’t take it as an offend


“I’m actually going to our class but my knees kind of hurt so that’s why I took a sit. Hope you wouldn’t mind me sitting here with you.” Wendy said while rubbing off the dirt on her knees, and indeed there was a small scrape on her knee.


“Does it hurt? You should go to the nurse.” Kyle worryingly said.


“Nah, it doesn’t hurt much but does it look ugly? I know I shouldn’t worry about that but as you can see I’m wearing a dress” Wendy said. Kyle giggle a bit and answered “It looks normal, don’t worry no ones gonna even notice that little chip.” Then both of them just laughed at the situation they’re in. They weren’t sure whats laughable about this whole thing, maybe they were both just crazy. Wendy then stood up ang grab all her things


“I’m going to class now, bye.” Wendy said. Kyle then stood up to and decided to go with Wendy. But once again, a soccer ball was insight and almost hit both of the girls. Kyle, who was so annoyed, picks up the ball. The guy looks at her and motioned her to throw the ball towards them.


Kyle did throw the ball hard and hit the guy on his senstive part. Kyle was aiming for his arm but it’s not her fault she’s not an ace on aiming. “Oh My God” Wendy exclaimed. Some of the members of the soccer team cam to help the guy and the others just can’s stop laughing. People were around and saw what happenned so they circle around the guy taking videos. Ooops, Kyle and Wendy looked at each other and laugh so hard


“Time to run” Kyle said and both of them run for their lives


* * * * *





“I still can’t believe you did that!” Wendy said while we enter the cafeteria. I look around for some vacant sit and found one on the far left corner of the room.


“It’s not my fault I don’t know how to throw. He asked me to throw it, I throw it.” I just said to Wendy and she laughs it off. Though to be honest, I feel kind of sorry, because he’s probably not the one who throws the ball and he’s just fetching it.


We grab some food and put it in the table and sat.


“So, why you moved here?” she asked


“Cause of my mom, she has work it. You know what they say; you go to a place where they give you money.” I answered as I took a bite off my burger.


“Who said that? Thy majesty they called; Kyle, the girl who can’t throw a ball?” she added


“How did you know?” we giggle at how stupid our conversation was. It’s only been half a day since I’ve known Wendy, but I already like her. She’s not that girl who buried herself on books. She’s the kind of girl who balances fun and priority in her life. Turns out, all those books she was carrying around are books she forgot to bring back in the library for the last four months.


So we did stop in the library and bring all those books. She of course has to pay the penalties and almost got banned from the library. Luckily, this boy came in and talks the llibrarian out on banning her.


“SHE'S HERE!” a guy shouted. I looked up and saw Heejun, and behind him is Seulgi, Seungjun, a guy I don’t kknow, and of course, Jihun. I lowered my head, Wendy notices it.


“What are you doing? I know your hungry but you eat food with your mouth not your face” she said, I didn’t say anything and instead I keep whispering “Don’t pass by me”. Wendy just looked at me weirdly.


“Are you hiding from someone?” she asked. I nod my head, she asked who and I look at the direction where Heejun is coming from. Wendy eyes widened “Oh, yeah you’re the cute girl, this must be so awkward for you.” She then grabbed her blazer and covered me up. I removed her coat instantly


“What are you doing?” I ask


“Uhh, covering you so they won’t see you. That’s what you want right?” She replied, I just gave her back her blazer


“It’ll be too obvious that I don’t want them to see m-..”


“HI!” and there it is, I heard Heejun and I was baffled so I just turn around and looked at this group of people. 


“Hi” I said back


“Can we seat here?” Seulgi asked and Wendy just answered with a “Yes”, I really want to punch my self right now.


“What you did to Leo was amazing!” Heejun exclaimed. I look at him confusingly.


“Oh, because I hated that guy, he’s too proud. I’m in the soccer team too if you wanted to know.” He added


“No, I didn’t wanna know.” I uttered. I turn my gaze on the guy who’s in the back and just like the last time, he’s cat like smile and uneven eyes gets me. I immediately looked away. All of them then sat down.

 “Youjin hyung, move!” Seungjun said. So the guy I didn’t know name was Youjin. He sat next to Wendy and beside me is Heejun. Heejun introduced himself to Wendy and the other followed suit.


“Looks like you already made a friend here, cute.” Seulgi stated out of nowhere.


“Don’t call me cute.” is all I said. The silence in this table was so unbearable. I could even feel Wendy being uncomfortable. I ate all my food as fast as I can. I don’t care if I choke. I need to get away from them


“So Wendy how did you two meet?” Seungjun suddenly asked probably to break the silence that’s around us. Wendy looks pretty startled when Seungjun asked her.


“Oh, we met just this morning. I was hit by the soccer ball, she helped me out and we’re in the same class, as it turns out so yeah. We decided to have lunch together and here we are.” She said with a smile.


“Did you get hurt?” Youjin asked. Wendy looked at him and shooked her head


“I just got a scrape in the knee. It doesn’t hurt much so I think I’m good.” Youjin then took something from his bag and pulled out what seems like a band aid.


“Since that idiot right there always get hurt from playing soccer, I always carry around one of these. Here, take it.” He handed her the band aid. Wendy thanked him and puts the band aid on her knees.


“I’m done.” I whispered enough for Wendy to hear. She looks at me and realaized I was talking about the food. It looks like she’s done too so I mouthed “Let’s go now.”


“We’re gonna go now. She still has to help me finish this homework I forgot to do last night. Okay bye.” Wendy lied which surprised me cause all I said was ‘let’s go now’ and not ‘you get us out of here’, but what she did is amazing. We both grab our things and walked our way out.


Author P.O.V


Back at the table, the boys are busy discussing things from an event they were about to enter. Seulgi was just there busy with her food. Then a guy came to their table and sat on the vacant chair. Seulgi was the only one who noticed him while the other four was busy giving out ideas for what they should do.


“So how’s your day so far?” the guy asked


“Not much. Jihun was supposed to say sorry to this girl he called cute which I still don’t understand why he has to say sorry. But then they both left even before Jihun can utter any words.”


“Well, if I was the girl I’ll need the sorry after all those people who kept teasing her about this cute thing.” He bickerd


“Well, that explains everything.” Seulgi just casually said. “How bout you? How’s your day so far?”


“I feel like a hero today.” Seulgi almost burst out laughing after hearing what the guy said.


“What? For your information I saved a girl today from getting banned from the library” he stated defending himself. Seulgi swallowed the food she’s eating cause she cant contain it anymore, she needed to laugh.


“OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Inseong oppa, can you meet my cousin? He doesn’t believe in superheroes and since it seems like your one, can you teach him some poweful superhero attacks?” Seulgi teasingly said to Inseong


“Shut up.” Inseong fired back while laughing with Seulgi. The other four was disturbed and just stared at the both of them


“They’re crazy” Heejun voiced out.


* * * * *

I realized Seulgi is probably older than Inseong cause she's born in February and Inseong is July. But who cares hahaha. Thank you if you read it. I'm so sorry if this . Can you probably guess who ****-min is? He's very very very handsome. 


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BlingerBabyInspirit #1
Chapter 2: I really enjoy the story so far :) but I actually don't know who ****-min is gonna be... I can only think of Taemin xD I'm really curious now :D