Not a wall

Markfluffson Universe
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“Why aren’t you talking to me?” Mark just clicked his tongue in annoyance at the question. “Mark hyung, talk to me, what happened?” Jackson was losing his mind over this. He didn’t know what he had done wrong and Mark hadn’t talked to him all day. To top it off Jaebum had also given him the cold shoulder for being ‘insensitive’. Jackson didn’t know what being insensitive meant. He was told that he was the most sensitive guy in the world, too good to be true and too much to take in one go. Then how the hell had he been insensitive? He just couldn’t understand what he had done wrong. “Listen hyung, just tell me what I did wrong. I will happily say sorry. You know I don’t do anything on purpose,” he pleaded. “Doing something once may be a mistake, but doing the same thing again and again is definitely not. That’s called doing something on purpose Gaga,” Mark replied and walked away.

Now they didn’t even share rooms so there went the chance to find out what was really wrong with Mark. Frustrated, he followed Mark towards his and Youngjae’s room. “Please hyung,” he pleaded again just as Mark was about to get into the room. “Leave me alone,” he yelled and Jackson stumbled on his step. He stood there in shock because Mark never reacted like this no matter how mad he was. That only meant one thing, Jackson had messed up pretty bad. Mark had shut the door on his face and he took a moment to just swallow the lump that had formed in his throat. Mark could get really brutal when pushed too far but Jackson was a bit mad now too. He had genuinely meant to find out his own mistake and immediately apologize to Mark but Mark hadn’t relented. Dejected and pissed off, he walked towards his and Jaebum’s room.

Jaebum was busy checking his phone and didn’t pay heed to him when he climbed up the bunk. “Hyung, can you tell me what I did to upset Mark hyung so much?” he asked in a small voice, fearing this hyung would also yell at him. Jaebum sighed. “Seriously Sseunie, you can be such a sometimes, you know that?” he craned his neck up and waved at Jackson to come down. “Okay let’s rewind. Now, what did you say about hyung in today’s broadcast?” “I said a lot of things. I don’t know what you mean,” he scratched his head in confusion. “Oh God, you called him a ing wall again,” Jaebum whacked his head. “Seriously, do you have a little sense? This is the second time you called him a wall. Who likes being called a wall? He is a quiet person, who does he harm? Not everybody wants to be as talkative as you Jackson,” he sighed yet again and realization dawned on Jackson. He hit his own head in frustration. “Oh . I meant it as a joke, I swear. Now that you mention it, he had sulked about it when I had called him a wall the first time as well.” “Of course he did. I don’t like you hurting hyung’s feelings like this Jackson. You need to start thinking before letting your mouth go off. He was really hurt,” Jaebum rubbed his eyes and almost slumped on the bed.

“Okay hyung, I will apologize to him first thing in the morning,” Jackson got back up on his bunk and tried really hard to sleep. ! What had he done!


The next morning, they had all gathered for breakfast and Jackson was itching to just say sorry to Mark and end the weird tension between them. If there was one thing he hated, then it was upsetting any of s. He absolutely hated upsetting any of them. And Mark was precious, he was too close to hurt. Jackson had relied on him a lot when he vented about his insecurities to him in the middle of the night and Mark had always been a patient listener. He had never given Jackson a reason to feel like he wasn’t being heard, never once. And Jackson had gone ahead and called him a wall on broadcast without thinking it through. Once they were done, he rushed to Mark to say sorry but Mark completely ignored him.

Their schedules did not allow him to talk to Mark freely but it did allow him to convey his feeling through subtle touches and actions. Again, Mark didn’t respond to any of those. Jackson was quickly losing patience and now he was getting restless to the point that Jaebum had to warn him.

Late in the evening when they got back to the dorms and everybody made a beeline to the showers, he held Mark’s wrist. “Yien, please,” he used his last defence which always seemed to work. “I am sorry I called you a wall but you know that’s not what I think about you,” he said softly in Chinese and for once Mark didn’t push him away or yell at him. “I promise to never talk like that about you, please don’t be mad. I cant take you being mad at me, please,” his soft tenor seemed to have calmed Mark down a bit. “Okay. Now can I please go take my shower?” he freed his wrist from Jackson’s grip and walked away.

At least he had accepted his apology. He wasn’t satisfied but Jackson could always try again. He went to his room to freshen up and not think about the situation much.

Yugyeom and Youngjae were busy watching some animated movie on the TV while Jinyoung and Jaebum were busy cutting fruit. Their dorm was being renovated so there was stuff lying around in their living room, making it look smaller than it already was. Ply boards rested against the wall and created a sort of partition in between the kitchen and the living room. “Be careful of the boards, there’s also glass around there,” Jaebum yelled as Jackson almost hit the boards right in the face. He almost missed getting his knee hurt by a sharp edged glass sheet lying flat on a small table. “Why hasn’t manager hyung asked them to clear this?” Jackson whined. “They cant take this and bring this back every day. Anyway, just a day’s worth work is remaining. It will all be gone by tomorrow,” Jackson was barely listening as he

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Chapter 1: OK Now i know what you mean by Markfluffson! That's so damn cute!! LoVeD it !! <3