Chapter 1

Jīngshén guójiā
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The year is 1053 ATW (After the war). It has been a thousand years since the bloody war that it soon became a myth that ancient spirits would tell children to scare them. While humans and spirits still co-exist with each other most spirits prefer staying in the Death realm and created an organization of soul reapers called Jeoseug Chasa whose job is to collect people who died to the Death realm where they can choose to move on or stay with the humans. People still have the ability to develop powers, most are content with being powerless and live on with their life. Many villages and towns have been rebuilt and have been living in peace for many years, some places became famous for being fabled spots of events during the war. Our focus is a small village fabled for being in the area where Xiumin met Alibaba for the spell and the people of our focus is a recently engaged couple, a soon-to-be village leader with control over water Suho and a beautiful man with powers over frost Minseok.

"You know when you said you would take me somewhere romantic I didn't think you meant a cave in the middle of nowhere," Minseok deadpanned looking at Suho with his nastiest glare he could conjure but the bright smile Suho gave to him in return immediately wipe the glare on his face. It was hard staying mad at Suho despite the fact the man can be a block head at times and The Nature Spirit knows how many stupid antics the man had put him through. Like when Suho heard that Minseok wanted it to snow sooner so he tried to perform a snowing ritual but replace snowfall with blizzard and it took him weeks to reverse the spell and Suho and him ended up shoveling all of the snow from the village but even then it was hard for him to stay angry at Suho. He was so sweet and caring and he just radiated love for him that Minseok couldn't help but love him back and one of the reasons why Minseok said yes to marrying Suho. Now newly engaged Suho had woke up Minseok early in the morning to a suspicious looking cave in the middle of the forest and let's say Minseok was not a happy camper.

Suho kissed Minseok sweetly on the forehead and told Minseok excitedly, "To get our fortune as a couple together." Before Minseok could protest Suho was dragging Minseok to the end of the cave. As they reach the end they both couldn't help but think.

'I don't know if we should get our fortunes told or rush back to get the village healer.'

The small lit candle on the table cast a dim illumination revealing a bony frail ancient lady sitting on a simple purple rug. She faced Suho and Minseok's direction but didn't seem to open her eyes at all worrying the two men even further about her health. However she open l

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