

Jae laughs and shakes his head; thinking about having fun would be a crime in his family, his goddamn pureblood royal family, being in the most prestigious asian family in wizarding world is many asian wizards and witches dreams, but not him.


Jae – Slytherin

Brian – Ravenclaw


Based on their MBTI x Hogwart Houses. Jae is ESTP – Slytherin & Brian is ENTP – Ravenclaw, and well most of the JK Rowling HP addict knows that the scariest houses pair is Slytherclaw, and look what we have here! Hahahah. (cunningness and brain, duh)

And by my own analysis, this chart is like probably the most accurate,

Jae is like a hybrid of slytherin and hufflepuff, he’s somehow witty also a bit cunning but he’s thoughtful and kind but he ended up in slytherin because he value his slytherin traits more, he like being witty and cunning, also he likes to hide his weakness and don’t like to lose.

While Brian is Slytherin and Ravenclaw hybrid, he’s ambitious and resourceful, but also creative and logical. He ended up in Ravenclaw because he value the traits more, he value originality and creativity also he is quite perfectionist his passion.


And let me remind you (or inform you), that your house is not based on your personality, it based on what you value the most. People often mistaken about how the sorting hat sort the kids into the houses, true, they were talking about personality traits, but it’s clear that the sorting didn’t sort the kids by their traits, or else the weasley twins would ended up in slytherin, ron in hufflepuff, Hermione in ravenclaw, petter Pettigrew in hufflepuff, cedric diggory might ended up in Gryffindor.

I just need to set this straight, before you go all “jae doesn’t look like a slytherin to me” “brian should be in Gryffindor by his personality in this” “jae looks so hufflepuff” on me and bashing me and my crap of a writing ;__ ;



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I seriously hope i can upvote this twice.... Good job author-nim
hongbinee #2
OMG this is so beautiful :') i love you so much please i need a sequel <3