Shy boy

Shy boy

We find ourselves in a high school located in the middle of Seoul, a place filled with hormones, badly paid teachers and rich, often snobby, students. Compared to other private high schools though this one was known to be fair and wasn't easy to be threatened or bribed with the money of the youths' parents. They had to learn and comply to the rules as in every other normal high school as well.

Every day was the same for students and teachers likewise. There was always someone to be swooned over, specific groups standing in their corners, couples holding hands and there was always someone to pick on. Unfortunately, in this school it was always the same young boy. He was often called a nerd, if you looked at his rather good marks and, probably the reason why he got picked on, if you took a look at his outfit; thick black-framed glasses, messy chestnut-coloured hair and clothes most of the students found out of date or not a good combination.

But he didn't care. Looks never were something he looked at but the heart and character of someone were important to him.

He went by the name Jung YunHo and was quite a withdrawn 17-year-old boy.

You would find YunHo often inside of the school's library, sitting in a corner with an open book in his lap. He was a passionate reader and always had a book in his hands whilst walking down the hallways in which other students often tripped him up, ran into him on purpose until he fell down and would just throw nasty comments at his face. He ignored them as well as possible despite the fact that some of them were really hurtful every now and then.

The other students often picked on him because he just wasn't like them. His family wasn't rich as theirs and YunHo just got the chance to visit this school because of a scholarship. But his character was strong and he wasn't the type to give up because others were making fun of him.

He was shy, yes, always quiet and insecure about his words but except for the teachers and the nice librarian there wasn't really anyone else who wanted to talk with him. Though there was one who treated YunHo differently, normally. Around him YunHo was always the shy type and couldn't say a word without stuttering.

He made YunHo nervous, not just because he was the kind of guy everyone wanted to be friends with, but because he had feelings for the lad. It was the romantic type of feelings, and he found himself often staring at the other. YunHo was gay, his family knew, but he didn't dare to blurt it out in his school. On this matter he indeed feared the reactions of his fellow students.

He admired his crush, yes, he called him that but no one knew. How would it look like if the nerd of the school was standing in the circle of admirers the young black haired boy of 17 years always had around him? Kim JaeJoong counted as the most popular kid in school, beautiful in everyone's eyes and no one cared that he was indeed openly gay; people said he was biual as they saw him flirting with girls as well but YunHo had heard it himself that JaeJoong preferred .... he blushed at the memory.

He hadn't meant to eavesdrop back then, but he just had happened to be in the restrooms when JaeJoong had talked with his best friend about such really personal stuff. The friend happened to be a girl and YunHo was indeed embarrassed to step out of the cubicle so he just waited until the two had left.

Ever since then YunHo was even more anxious when he happened to run into JaeJoong out of whatever reason. The latter always left him speechless and a nervous wreck when he just greeted him casually with a small smile on his plump lips. He was the only one that actually really noticed his existence that it made YunHo uneasy.


It happened on a Wednesday that YunHo found a book inside of the library that didn't belong there and sported a name written inside. It belonged to Kim JaeJoong and YunHo gulped. It was best someone gave him the book personally as it seemed to be very personal. YunHo didn't mean to read it and so he shut it again once his eyes fell onto the indeed written words Dear Diary.

With nervousness and hesitant steps he walked over to where he knew he would find JaeJoong. If classes were taken over by the short breaks he and the cluster around him would always be found at the benches under a big and old maple tree gracing the schoolyard. However, this time he wasn't as lucky. The benches were empty, just a few boys standing around and chatting. He caught a few words though that weren't nice at all, “The is wrong with him? Panicking because of a stupid book as if he were a girl or something!?”

“Come on, you don't really care, do you? All you want is a piece of his .”

YunHo was angered beyond control yet he was too scared to face the two bastards badmouthing and laughing at JaeJoong. Yes, he knew they were talking about the kindhearted boy as he had often seen them accompanying the black haired.

'Wonder where he can be,' YunHo thought whilst making his way to the classroom he knew JaeJoong had classes in. He shyly looked around the door frame when he reached it, eyes widening when he indeed saw his crush inside of it, rummaging around in search of something. 'He's probably looking for his diary,' he assumed and wanted to step inside when he heard someone's voice.

“Jae, calm down. You'll find it sooner or later.” It was JaeJoong's best friend. MiKyung was her name and she and JaeJoong had always been together. At least YunHo never had seen JaeJoong without MiKyung.

“I can't calm down! What if someone reads it?!” JaeJoong's panicked voice vibrated in YunHo's ears. He gulped, collecting his courage before he slowly stepped into the classroom. He cleared his throat, eyebrows furrowed in nervousness when he gained the attention of a distressed JaeJoong and his calm best friend.

“Is there something we can do for you?” MiKyung asked over JaeJoong's shoulder, said one facing YunHo with his back and rubbed at his eyes to wipe away the spilled tears of frustration.

“I-I found this at the library,” YunHo voiced out, voice as soft as a whisper and meek but it somehow still reached the two across from him. His hand was shaking when he held up JaeJoong's missed and searched for diary. It was MiKyung who reacted immediately, “JaeJoong, look!”

YunHo gulped when JaeJoong turned around, facing him, at the spoken words. The latter's eyes widened immediately, lips parted when his teary eyes landed on the dark-blue book in YunHo's trembling hands.

“Oh my god, you found it!” he exclaimed and just a second later YunHo had a handful of the shorter male around his neck, crushing him with an embrace. YunHo's eyes were wide and he didn't know what to do. JaeJoong felt warm against him and the smell of vanilla reached his nose. Just a second later JaeJoong's warmth was gone and he felt warm fingers brushing against his own when the book was taken out of his hands. His lips parted in awe, crimson colouring his cheeks when YunHo looked into JaeJoong's face. The latter's eyes were shining, a smile he assumed must be beautiful hidden behind the book when JaeJoong buried his face relieved into it.

“You-you didn't read it, or?” JaeJoong asked him with worry, biting his bottom lip. YunHo shook his head as he was unable to form a word. His heart skipped a beat at the smile spreading over JaeJoong's lips in relief before the latter leaned in and planted a soft and chaste kiss onto YunHo's right cheek.

“Thanks,” JaeJoong said before he turned to his friend with a wide silly grin on his lips. Stunned and dazed YunHo left the classroom, not noticing any of his surroundings. His face was flushed, hand brushing against the warmth emanating from the spot JaeJoong's lips had touched. With a foolish and lovestruck grin YunHo wandered off into the library, spending his time there like so often. This time filled with thoughts of a certain boy instead of an old book.


Over the next two days YunHo found himself in an emotional turmoil. Whenever he met JaeJoong in the hallway the latter would flash him this beautiful smile, even talk a bit to him but probably giving up since YunHo wasn't the best partner for a conversation in the first place. On the other emotional side, YunHo received notes of a secret admirer. It were lovely and sweet notes, yet he couldn't suppress the worry that it was all just a joke. He didn't even know whom the notes came from. No signature or hint given whatsoever except for that it was from YunHo's secret admirer. He didn't even know if the person was female or male.

It was someone who had watched him secretly, who knew that he was shy and that it was cute in the person's eyes. YunHo didn't know what to do nor to feel. 'It must be a bad joke,' he thought and read once again over the last note he had received during the lunch break. It said that his secret admirer wanted to meet him in the library, at the shelves filled with history books. It was the section close to the place YunHo was always sitting at when he read a book. Time of the meeting was set to once school was over and students strolled one by one home.

It was the last lesson and YunHo contemplated whether to go or not. He was excited and scared at the same time. 'I shouldn't go. If it's a joke then I'll be their target even more than now. But what if .... No, I won't go,' he battled with himself and nodded when he decided not to go. It would be the best for his own good. He needed to protect himself from more mocking even though he was damn curious. With the ringing of the bell, he got up and packed his bag, his shoulder constantly pushed when a student brushed by and made his or her way out of the classroom. YunHo was used to it and didn't bother to care.

Dwelling on his thoughts YunHo left the classroom, his feet shuffling over the ground whilst eyes were downcast. Without even registering it he walked over to the library and not the exit which he just noticed when he almost ran into the wooden door. He blinked his eyes in confusion when he stood in front of the library, wondering why he went there when he actually wanted to go home. He bit his lips in thought when he remembered that his so-called secret admirer wanted to meet him now, rather a few minutes ago. 'Bet he or she isn't there any longer,' he thought but still opened the door and stepped inside, 'Won't harm me if I take a look.'

With hesitant steps YunHo walked over to the history section that was hidden in the very far right of the bookshelves. He gulped when he reached the place and heard someone rummaging around, taking books into their hand and placing them back. Light fell through the windows, throwing shadows when it hit the bookshelves and made it easy for YunHo to find his way. His eyes widened when he saw who was waiting for him. 'No, this must be a coincidence,' he thought when he approached JaeJoong who seemed to be in search of a specific book.

“J-jaeJoong,” he addressed the latter who jumped a little at his approach and turned to face him. A small smile played on his lips, YunHo's heart skipping a beat.

“Oh, hey YunHo,” JaeJoong chirped, placing the book back to where he got it from.

“A-are you searching for something?” YunHo asked, voice soft and trembling. It earned him a hum from JaeJoong.

“You could say so,” he replied, voice gentle and a bit dreamy.

“I-I can help you,” YunHo stuttered, JaeJoong turning towards him with a raised eyebrow. “I-if you want.”

“Sure,” JaeJoong agreed, smiling and YunHo, lost in JaeJoong's brown eyes, strode over into the history section.

“What are you searching for?” he asked, grabbing a book to distract himself. He could hear his own heart racing.

“Actually, I already found what I've been looking for,” JaeJoong said, biting his bottom lip before he turned to YunHo who was facing him with his back. “Took you long enough to come here.”

YunHo's eyes widened at the spoken words and he turned around, faced with JaeJoong standing across from him and sporting an adorable pout on his lips. His lips trembled when he tried to open his mouth but he just closed it again without saying anything.

“You didn't want to come, right?” JaeJoong said, hurt audible in his voice as he lowered his gaze, “You probably thought it was a joke.”

Realization hit YunHo there and then; the notes, his secret admirer. “T-that was you?” he asked, the last note clenched in his hands when he stared wide-eyed and in disbelief at JaeJoong. His lips parted, blush creeping into his face when JaeJoong nodded, cheeks coloured a glowing red and bottom lip between his teeth in nervousness.

“W-why?” YunHo couldn't help but ask as he couldn't understand why the most popular kid of the school would want something from someone like him. He took a step back when JaeJoong came closer, back hitting the shelf when he was almost face to face.

“I like you a lot, you know,” JaeJoong breathed with a soft smile, YunHo's eyes fixed on JaeJoong's warm brown ones. JaeJoong bit his bottom lip before he leaned in, brushing his lips softly against YunHo's who was stunned, to say the least. JaeJoong planted another soft kiss upon YunHo's lips before the latter reacted, kissing hesitatingly back. YunHo's hands found their way around JaeJoong's middle whilst their lips were moulded in a gentle kiss, JaeJoong's hands placed on YunHo's shoulders.

With a soft smack they parted, eyes hooded and slowly opening with their cheeks glowing bright red. A gentle smile lay on JaeJoong's lips when he caressed YunHo's cheek with his finger. “You're my shy boy,” he whispered, nuzzling YunHo's nose with his whilst embracing him.

“W-why me?” YunHo breathed back, still believing that everything was just a dream.

“You're different,” JaeJoong said, eyes downcast and hand placed upon YunHo's heart. “When I see you, you always treat me normally and look into my eyes and I feel as if you can really see me. You don't look at me for the money of my father,” JaeJoong confessed, looking up into YunHo's eyes. It were the eyes he fell in love with, “You look at me for me.”

It was YunHo this time who leaned in and softly kissed JaeJoong's lips who closed his eyes in response and just enjoyed the gentle touch between his and YunHo's lips.

“I could say the same about you,” YunHo mumbled against JaeJoong's lips, who smiled wide in return before he pecked YunHo's lips once more.

It was ten minutes later that the newly found couple left the school building, hand in hand with foolish grins on their faces and cheeks flushed.

A figure was standing by the entrance, waiting. “Ah, that's MiKyung,” JaeJoong exclaimed once his eyes fell onto his best friend. He turned towards YunHo, pecking his cheek before he flashed a smile, “Don't forget about tomorrow. You promised.”

“I-I won't,” YunHo breathed back, face as red as a tomato when he looked down at their entwined hands.

“You're so cute,” JaeJoong voiced out which caused YunHo to look up and before he even could register it, JaeJoong's lips were once more atop his own. The warmth and sweet taste were something he could indeed get addicted to. “See you tomorrow, my shy boyfriend,” JaeJoong whispered against YunHo's lips, pecking them once more before he left together with his best friend.

Dazed and on cloud nine with his thoughts YunHo went home, a foolish grin on his lips and mind a mushy form of goo. Everything was circling around JaeJoong, his very first kiss shared with him and their first date that was lying ahead of them. How he managed to win JaeJoong's heart as the shy boy he was he didn't know, but he was happy that the latter returned his feelings.

A new and exciting aspect of his life was lying ahead of him and he was glad he could experience it together with his first love JaeJoong.

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bonsai0911 #1
Chapter 1: This is so sweet and cute!
Kattan69 #2
Chapter 1: Awwww....that was so so sweet.
Chapter 1: Man, this story is amazing /waving yunjae flag/