When it smells of cedar

When it smells of cedar

Slowly the sun was slipping towards the horizon, setting as the day was soon to end and wrapped a little village surrounded by hills in a yellowish-orange glow. Shadows were playing their tricks on the villagers, old and young of age. They believed an outstretched shadow forming a creature with long and sharp teeth would absorb their souls, only the rising sun and shed light of their fire places their rescue.

It was no wonder then that with the setting sun parents shooed their children into their huts, followed by the older people as well. During the night time it were only the bravest men leaving their huts to go for hunting. It was necessary as at around this time several animals left their hideouts. Sometimes they were successful, sometimes one of them didn't return.

A young man of tall stature left his hut, the clay-built home of his dark and empty as he was known to be not married even so he was already 25 of age. The villagers tried in vain to marry one of the young women with him. He refused.

His heart was stolen, the villagers knowing and praying for his soul for years already. He was known to be different, odd and wondrous at times. Sometimes they even feared him. They just offered him a wife as it was their tradition to build a family at a young age, normally as tender as 16 or 17.

Of all the young males leaving the village in the night he was the only one to always return safely with a bunch of meat that would sate him for days but he gave it to the people poorer than him. Everyone knew why he was successful and always unharmed. It was the same reason as to why they feared him.

With confident steps the brown haired walked through the dark forest resting behind the village and graced a few of the hills. He knew his way around well, knew where to find does and rabbits likewise as well as the stream less of the villagers knew of.

A smile played on his bow-shaped lips when the subtle scent of cedar reached his nostrils, mixed with fresh water, the clear air of the night and scent of flowers. A breeze was fanning over his legs, his form just clad into a white gown that reached his knees. The moon stood full on the starry sky, shining down on him and through the thick branches of a cedar he was walking to. The big tree was tall in stature and old in age, the fresh and calming scent emanating from the needles what he loved. He held his spear close and tight to himself when a branch lying on the ground cracked under a weight from behind him. He swayed around, brown eyes landing on the figure coming closer to him. With a soft smile he let his spear sink to his side, eyes trained on the ghost-like appearance.

“You're always so armed, YunHo-yah,” a soft and gentle voice flew along with the air, leaving a pouty pair of red lips. Fair skin was shining under the moonlight, a slim figure wrapped in a silky chiton coming closer to the man called YunHo. Deep brown eyes were trained on the brown haired, light-brown hair shining golden in the latter's lovestruck eyes.

“JaeJoong,” YunHo breathed in awe, his heart falling for the graceful creature in front of him again with just the simplest words and gestures.

“Missed me?” the fair skinned man breathed with pursed lips and a cocked head, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight.

“Every time I lie down on my bed for the night,” YunHo replied, heart beating a notch faster when JaeJoong gave him a beautiful smile.

“I wish I could lie down together with you,” JaeJoong voiced out, eyes downcast when his fingers glided gently over YunHo's strong arms.

“You can't leave your cedar for too long, my dearest,” YunHo mumbled, cupping JaeJoong's cheek gently with his right hand. The fair skin of JaeJoong's cheek glowed reddish under the soft touch.

“I know,” JaeJoong sighed, closing his eyes when he embraced YunHo and nuzzled his nose into his neck. “I wish I was born a human then I could lie in your arms whenever I wish to,” he breathed against his neck, arms wounding around YunHo's middle whilst hugging him close to himself.

“And I wish I could be a dryad along with you,” YunHo voiced out, streaking his fingers through JaeJoong's light-brown hair whilst holding him close. “All I can do is protect your tree.”

“You're always so cheesy,” JaeJoong mumbled, head resting against YunHo's shoulder whilst his eyes were focused on his loved one. YunHo smiled softly at JaeJoong, his head cocked to the left to look at the dryad in his arms before he leaned in.

Shielded by the thick branches of JaeJoong's cedar they shared a simple and loving kiss. Soft giggles were resounding through the night before the couple broke apart, branches cracking softly when feet shuffled gracefully over the ground. One by one fair skinned female dryads appeared, leaning against the trees surrounding the tall and old cedar. With sheepish smiles and reddened cheeks the couple moved into the hollow carved into the thick bark of the old cedar that had given JaeJoong his life. It was their home and hideout whenever YunHo came in the safe time of the night to visit him.

“Stop scowling, YunHo-yah,” JaeJoong giggled, his smile hidden behind his hand.

“It could have been someone,” YunHo replied, wounding his arm around JaeJoong's waist when the entrance to their hollow was shielded with branches of oaks and maple trees.

“No harm is done. You know how they are,” JaeJoong voiced out, cuddling close to YunHo.

“Your sisters are just looking out for us, I know,” YunHo mumbled against the shell of JaeJoong's right ear, the tree nymph's figure resting against him in a warm embrace.

“They just want to protect us,” JaeJoong replied, snuggling his face deeper into YunHo's chest when the warmth emanating from YunHo enveloped his heart even more.

Over the few hours YunHo and JaeJoong spent together, a doe came by the shielded cedar, walking past it towards the fresh water of the stream. The old rabbit foundering by wasn't as lucky. It fell into a deep slumber the seed of JaeJoong's cedar brought upon it and wouldn't wake up any more. It was the reason why YunHo was always successful during the hunt. It was the reason why most of the villagers feared him.

It was a dangerous love that bound YunHo to JaeJoong and JaeJoong to YunHo. Gods and humans were watching them likewise with attentive eyes, only the dryads related to JaeJoong protecting them.

It was a pure love, and everyone knew.

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TinaYunho7 #1
Chapter 1: So simple so sweet and beautiful !
Kattan69 #2
Chapter 1: Awww....so sweet their love.
Neng2ovid #3
Chapter 1: So beautiful. I hope the gods allowed them to be together
Fladahh #4
Chapter 1: Beautiful :)