Autumn rain

Autumn rain

A shivering cold autumn night; the rain was falling without mercy for about an hour already. The stars were hidden behind black clouds losing thousands of rain drops and people were bustling into their houses or other shelters that would keep them dry. Except for one.

A lonely figure sat on a bench in a dark park, one single lamp standing a few metres away from him. His head hung low, his jet black hair being drenched with each rain drop as were his clothes. A sad smile lay on his reddish plump lips, his tears mixing with the rain falling down on him.

'He won't come,' he thought sadly to himself. He was waiting for his date; his boyfriend of a year to be exact. It had been an hour ago that they wanted to meet and yet his boyfriend hadn't showed up nor called. His heart was aching. He couldn't take it anymore, couldn't bear the pain coursing through his entire being. He loved him so much, but he didn't want to go on like this. Not when he didn't know if the other even felt the same way.

He sighed deeply when he stood up. He had enough of waiting. His damp clothes were clinging to his chilled skin, his wet hair dripping.

'I can't even hate him for always disappointing me. I still love him so much,' he thought sadly to himself, a mirthless smile on his lips when he slowly walked over the wet ground under his feet, crying to himself like he did so often in lonely nights.

“Jae!” he suddenly heard that familiar voice shouting, but he didn't care. He just didn't want to hear any more excuses, didn't want to fall again for those warm brown eyes staring so lovingly at him. He just kept on walking through the rain to the exit of the park. Little did he know that the other was dumbfounded and followed him.

“JaeJoong!” the other exclaimed again, but he still didn't listen instead he fastened his steps. 'Don't, YunHo. Don't follow me,' he desperately thought, tears still streaming down his cheeks when he just hoped that the other would give up. He didn't want to get hurt any more. But it was to no avail. YunHo grasped his wrist and a shudder went through JaeJoong's chilled figure. 'Why is he always so warm; so gentle?' he thought, already getting weak again. He tried everything to suppress this yearning deep inside of him; this craving just to forget about it and be held by his lover.

“Jae,” YunHo said softly, turning JaeJoong around to face him but the latter kept his head low. He didn't want to show YunHo that he was crying but most of all he didn't want to look YunHo in the eye. He knew he would get weak immediately.

“You're late,” he mumbled softly, the rain suddenly stopping to drench him when YunHo held an umbrella over both their heads. The rain drops were dropping onto the black fabric, rolling slowly down until they hit the ground around their feet. JaeJoong slowly lifted his head, glaring at YunHo who immediately noticed that his boyfriend had been crying; his eyes puffy, red and wet from tears and not just the rain.

“What's your explanation this time, Jung?” he asked reproachful, his voice hoarse from all the crying. The words were emotionless, only pain inside of JaeJoong's heart. He wanted to give up.

YunHo bit his bottom lip whilst looking away, taking his eyes off of JaeJoong's glaring back at him with such anger and hurt. “W-well, I was,” he stuttered but was unable to express himself without spoiling everything.

“Well?” JaeJoong inquired irritated. He didn't want to hear any more excuses. He had enough of it. “Say something, Jung.”

Every word made YunHo flinch. He hated the way JaeJoong treated him like a stranger and not like his boyfriend of a year. He knew the other was deeply hurt for that he kept him waiting for over an hour but he didn't know that it would take him so long.

“I was stuck in a flower shop to buy you some flowers, okay?” YunHo responded angrily. He lied, and he knew JaeJoong knew that he did.

“Are you serious?” the smaller responded, anger amidst his cracked voice.

“I am,” YunHo replied nervously, handing JaeJoong the bouquet of white lilies he had bought in the flower shop. But that was not the reason why YunHo was late in the first place. JaeJoong examined the white flowers closely, his hands trembling with the rage boiling inside of him. His eyebrows were furrowed in anger, his entire form shivering when he slapped the flowers into YunHo's face. White petals were falling onto the ground, followed by the umbrella YunHo had been holding.

“What do you think I am!? An idiot? I know you're lying!” JaeJoong yelled at YunHo with every new slap, more and more of the white petals falling onto the wet ground, surrounding them. The rain kept falling and falling, drenching the two young men even more.

“I hate you! I hate you!” he cried, tears streaming down his cheeks and sobs audible. The bouquet of flowers fell lifelessly out of his trembling hands, green shafts dented and white petals completely gone. They were surrounding YunHo glued to his point and a crying JaeJoong, both drenched by the rain.

JaeJoong looked one last time with his teary eyes at YunHo before he his heels and started to walk away. He was broken yet he still loved YunHo so much. He whined weakly when YunHo once again grabbed his wrist, this time even gentler.

“Jae, I'm sorry,” YunHo said, not caring about the rain dampening his clothes. All he cared about was JaeJoong in front of him, the latter's back facing him and trembling with his sobs. He glanced at his watch; seconds were ticking by.

“I-I can't take this any longer,” JaeJoong sobbed, his heart aching with his own words even more. He didn't dare to look at YunHo, knowing that he wouldn't be able to take this step when he did. “Let's- Let's just break up,” he said with a choking voice, his head hanging even lower when he tried to hold back his tears. YunHo's eyes were still trained on his watch; it was about time. He did notice JaeJoong's words yet they went through his mind like a train and left his ears again.

“Come with me,” he said as if JaeJoong just didn't end their relationship. But he didn't care.

“What the- YunHo, let me go,” JaeJoong whined when YunHo dragged him to a hidden corner in the park, struggling to free himself. “I-I don't want to come with you. We're through,” he cried, tears still mixing with the rain pouring down on them.

“Please, JaeJoong. Just come with me,” YunHo pleaded with his puppy eyes and JaeJoong turned his head away, avoiding those eyes he never could resist.

“No, I wanna go home,” he whined, sniffing while crying as he still tried to pry YunHo's warm hand away from him. He failed miserably.

“Please, Jae,” YunHo pleaded, knowing that this was the last chance he had when he wanted to stay together with JaeJoong. “How about, you come with me now and when you don't like it you can go home. I won't hold you back,” he said, his heart aching with the possible loss of JaeJoong. But he prayed that everything would go well.

“Okay,” JaeJoong mumbled, missing the smile that crept into YunHo's face who got hold of his umbrella before he guided JaeJoong towards his surprise; the reason why he had been late in the first place.

“YunHo, is that really necessary?” JaeJoong whined when YunHo told him to close his eyes. He still did it in the end when YunHo whispered into his ear, “It's a surprise.” Anticipation slowly overtook JaeJoong's senses, drowning the sadness from earlier with every step he took with YunHo's help.

“Aren't we there yet?” he asked nervously. His tears had stopped but the rain still hadn't. It just lost its strength slowly. They halted in the middle of an area surrounded by trees with a fountain in the middle and a pavilion to its right.

“You can open your eyes now,” YunHo whispered into JaeJoong's ear, making the other's body shudder and a blush creeping into his face. JaeJoong ever so slowly did what he was told, prying his eyes open to take in the view YunHo wanted to show him. It was amazingly beautiful.

A dining table was set with two dishes in the middle of the pavilion, candles shining brightly. The fountain in the middle of the separated area was enlightened with lights YunHo's friends had installed. White and red petals of roses and lilies were creating a path for JaeJoong and YunHo to follow, leading from the spot they were standing at towards the pavilion.

The rain drops were slowly subsiding yet still pouring down onto the two young men standing under an umbrella. JaeJoong was completely speechless, looking at YunHo and the display by turns.

“Do you like it?” YunHo asked hopefully, nervous as hell of what JaeJoong's reaction would be.

“Yun, what is this?” JaeJoong asked slowly, still amazed of the dazzling sight in front of his eyes. YunHo smiled softly before he replied, “What do you think it is?”

“Do you see that?” he asked JaeJoong, his chin resting on JaeJoong's shoulder when he pointed to the fountain earning a nod from the smaller one. JaeJoong's eyes were locked to the water coming out of some fixture and forming illuminated signs.

“Hold this for me,” YunHo remarked, handing JaeJoong the umbrella that kept them a little bit dry. “Look carefully at the fountain,” he mumbled next to JaeJoong's ear when he walked beside him, JaeJoong blushing faintly.

“Why?” JaeJoong asked, turning to his right to look at YunHo. His puffy eyes were locking with YunHo's brown pair, the gentle smile on YunHo's lips making him weak. No, he never could leave this man without losing his heart. He just loved him too much.

“You will see something being formed in it,” YunHo explained whilst looking at JaeJoong and then at the fountain. JaeJoong followed his eyes, curious as to what it might be YunHo wanted to show him. YunHo on the other hand took a deep breath and fumbled for something hidden in the pocket of his sweater, slowly kneeling down onto the wet grass under his feet when he got into position. He slowly opened the lid of the dark-red box, revealing a silver shining ring before he looked up to JaeJoong who just turned his head towards him once again.

“Y-yun, what are you doing?” JaeJoong asked, his voice trembling at the sight of YunHo and the item he held in his hands. YunHo smiled warmly.

“I told you to look at the fountain closely,” YunHo replied, chuckling nervously before he once again brought JaeJoong to look at the fountain; it was time.

“Look,” he mumbled and once JaeJoong turned around he couldn't believe his eyes. He felt tears forming in his eyes once again, not of anger or hurt though but of happiness and love. Unable to handle the formed words immediately he kept silent, his hand covering his trembling lips.

“What's your answer, Jae?” YunHo asked softly, slowly getting up to face JaeJoong eye to eye. JaeJoong was dumbstruck, awed and just speechless. The formed words of Will you marry me, Kim JaeJoong? still not fully registered.

“Jae, please don't cry,” YunHo mumbled whilst thumbing away JaeJoong's tears, caressing over his chilled cheeks gently. “I need your answer,” he breathed softly, JaeJoong's eyes falling shut when he took a deep breath.

“I will,” he whispered, the words carried away by a soft autumn breeze and the umbrella shaking due to his trembling hand holding onto it. “I will,” he said once again with a warm smile whilst looking into YunHo's eyes, the latter pecking his cheek lightly. His left hand was trembling from anticipation and coldness when YunHo grabbed it gently. He smiled shyly, a blush colouring his cheeks when YunHo slipped the silver band over his ring finger. It fit just perfectly.

It was just a second later that the umbrella fell ungracefully onto the ground, abandoned by JaeJoong's palm that now was clinging onto YunHo's back when they shared a loving kiss. The rain kept pouring down on them, streaming down their faces when their lips brushed against one another.

“The fountain has more to say,” YunHo breathed against JaeJoong's lips when they pulled apart, his eyes locked with JaeJoong's dark-brown pair. JaeJoong leaned his head against YunHo's warm shoulder, eyes trained on the fountain while YunHo was embracing him. His eyes widened at the words displayed and he felt the tears gathering in them. It was the first time YunHo used these words just for him.

I love you

YunHo tightened his arms around JaeJoong's figure, kissing the top of his head when words were displayed he was carrying on his heart every time it happened. JaeJoong buried his face into YunHo's chest, spilling his tears silently.

I'm sorry that I always make you cry

JaeJoong didn't see the last words displayed in the fountain, but he didn't need to see them as they were whispered so softly and lovingly into his ear, “I love you from the bottom of my heart.”

He was gently forced to look up, YunHo's finger slowly lifting his chin from his chest. His teary eyes were locked with YunHo's staring lovingly back at him, a smile formed on his lips when he whispered the words again, “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” JaeJoong mumbled back, his cold fingers gently caressing over YunHo's cheek when he added in a soft whisper, “so much.”

YunHo held JaeJoong's palm tightly when he sealed his reddish plump lips with his own, the kiss emotional and affectionate.

The rain had slowly stopped.

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How sweet
Chapter 1: wow thats so simple sweeeettttt n.n
yo_yunjae #3
Chapter 1: So bitter sweet.. but happy ending for yunjae.. ^^
Chapter 1: Would have been nice if Jae declined the proposal since he was set to break up with him since it seems like he had enough of Yunho's hahahahah

Sorry, I'm an angst lover hahahah XD Yun should make up for making Jae wait all the time and propose after courting him again keke
Kattan69 #5
Chapter 1: I do wonder what did Yunho do that Jae said it is enough and he wants to break up with him....mmm.....but the proposal sure saved him this time. Congrats, Yunjae!
Neng2ovid #6
Chapter 1: Nice proposal for yunho. Good save
Chapter 1: Oh! I don't think I've read this one before in your LJ. It's a shame that I didn't since this is a lovely fic. Bittersweet but with heartwarming ending!
Elle1501 #8
Chapter 1: Sweet ending ! Yay!