TINA:  What does yunjae represent to you?
NISA:  Life.

TINA:  Why are we obsessed with Yunjae?
NISA:  Because we need someone to ship XD.

TINA:  Why is that Yunjae in stories can do anything and we support them?(Ex: affair, , home wrecker)
NISA:  Because their appearance and personality can be match with almost everything.

TINA:  Tomorrow headlines Jaejoong confirms he is in a relationship with a girl. How do you feel?
NISA:  oh wow. That proves I was wrong. Then going on a panic mode 5 minutes later.

TINA:  Asian celebrities often get married in secret and hide the fact they are indeed married..So one member of TVXQ is in that married status. How do you feel?
NISA:  idols are humans too. They want to get married and have a family like us. I’m okay with it.

TINA:  How real is Yunjae and how much is in fact Fan service?
NISA:  I think back before the lawsuit, it really looks like a fan service. H

TINA:  Do you think Jaejoong is gay?
NISA:  With his anttics, yeah kind of.

TINA:  When Yunjae comes out publicly……..
NISA:  the best day of my life.

TINA:  Does yunho look gayer than Jaejoong?
NISA:  sometimes :p

TINA:  Do you think they meet secretly and still friends or even lovers?
NISA:  yes. I believe they meet secretly.

TINA:  I heard Jaejoong song Nine is for Yunho even though he denied it?What do you think?
NISA:  I think it’s for someone who has been beside him for a long time. It can be Yunho or someone else entirely.

TINA:  What is about Yunjae that makes you sacrifice your time and energy upon writing fictions..
NISA:  Don’t know why I really drawn to them.

TINA:  Your future plans for fanfics?
NISA:  I want to make more if I have time.

TINA:  Thoughts on homouality?
NISA:  some people like the opposite . Some like the same . Some like both. It’s a matter of preference.

TINA:  What do you think of people who think homo uality is a sin and a disease which can be cured?
NISA:  I live in a world where people still think about that. I respect their opinions but what someone does is not your problems. If it’s a sin, it’s not you who’s going to judge them. it’s their problems not yours.

TINA: What do you think we should do to make the world accept homouality?
NISA:  I don’t think everyone can accept it.

TINA:  In the future your kid comes out to you. What will you do?
NISA:  I feel bad for myself because I can’t make them straight but what can I do. It happens. I can’t do anything about it.

TINA:  Pride or love?
NISA:  love.

TINA:  Love to me is…………
NISA:  when you can’t stop thinking about someone not in a ual way or because of their appereance.

TINA:  Do you believe in love at first sight?
NISA:  yes.

TINA:  What are your views on Yoochun scandal?
NISA:  I do believe they’re not  's but I don’t believe they capable of doing that shameful accusations

TINA:  Since junsu has been in a relation with a girl has yoosu ship sunk?
NISA:  for me yes. Because I don’t really see yoosu as a pair.

TINA:  How did you react to the news of “Yoochuns” upcoming marriage?
NISA:  OMG! Finally one of them is going to married. Followed by panic for a moment and back to happy then forgot about it one hour later

TINA:  I have read somewhere that Jae and chun are looking more like lovers than friends..what do you think?
NISA:  Don’t know why writers get the idea of it. I see them just as best friends.

TINA:  Are we deluding ourselves by making these OTP’s?
NISA:  I think we got bored and they don’t have any significant others that we know of yet.


TINA:  Opinions on plastic surgery?
NISA:  if it’s not for health concern, why do you do it?

TINA:  Do you think jaejoong’s in famous beauty had help from the plastic surgeon?
NISA:  like other celebrities, I do believe they had help from plastic surgeon. Even if it’s just a little tweak

TINA:  Why should we be obsessed with pop idols when they don’t even know we exist?
NISA:  it’s something we escape to when we have stressful work. I don’t care if they don’t even know that don’t exist.


To read Nissan's fanfic visit her AFF account NISSAN.

Dearest Nisa,
Its been a pleasure getting to know you. Thank you for doing this interview and thank you for the wonderful stories.Wish you a very best in your future and we will be looking forward to read more of your fanfics..
                                            With lots of love,


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LimeLite #1
Chapter 3: It's been long since the last fic completed. Hope Authornim Nissan will continue writing yunjae fic
Thank you for this!!♡