Chapter 9

Why Me?

"Taehyung you go lay back down in that dang bed, or I'll chain you down myself!"

"Sounds ," he smirked. I shot him my infamous glare, and he immediately slunk back to bed. I continued my route to the kitchen to brew him a cup of tea. I stared at the teacup, and watched as the slight color began to wisp from the tea bag. I hadn't realized I had completely spaced out until I heard Jungkook's voice.

"I'm sorry you're the only one really taking care of hyung, noona." 

"Don't worry about it Kookie. You guys are busy as is. Besides, my boss gave me a few days off," I said throwing him a soft smile.

"Well I know hyung is grateful for you. I don't know about everyone else, but I'd much rather have a pretty girl take care of me then six weird dudes. I'm sure hyung feels the same way." I watched his retreating form walk down the hallway to his room. Did he just? I shook my head. Something seemed quite off about the supposed innocent maknae. 

I finished brewing Tae's tea before carefully walking to our room, trying not to spill the scolding liquid. That pabo. I told him to lay back down, not fall back asleep. I gently shook his shoulder, not wanting to waste the tea I had made him. 

"Snooze," I heard him grumble while he tapped my head. 

"Girlfriends don't have snooze buttons Tae," I smirked. 

"Maybe they should. Can we make that a law? All girlfriends must come with a snooze button." I lightly slapped his arm. "Jagi, I was just kidding," he whined.

"No you weren't."

"Ok maybe I wasn't, but that doesn't mean I don't love you." 

"Oh, I must be so lucky!" I exclaimed with sarcasm as I set his tea on the bedside table. I watched his face contort into a slight scowl before I burst into laughter. He soon joined me. "Tae, I love you, I really do," I managed between fits of laughter. His laughter suddenly stopped and he just stared at me. "Tae what's wrong? Do you feel ok? Light headed? Nauseous?" I started panicking. I was silenced by a soft, but meaningful kiss.

"That's the first time you've ever said 'I love you' to me Jagi." My eyes widened. I had never told Tae I loved him. Before I could reply, he pulled me into a hug. The tea was completely forgotten at this point. "I love you too, Jagi."


Why Tae? I felt my head drop as I heard the alien himself pronounce his love for Pais. None of us ever had a chance. He had her all to himself from the beginning. It didn't matter if any of us felt the same way he did towards her. I could only . As a friend.

"It's ok Jimin. I feel the same way. But things happen for a reason. She's happy with Tae and that's what truly matters. If you feel that way towards her, wouldn't you just want her to be happy?" I glanced up at Jin. How did he know?

"Hyung it hurts," I said in a strained and hushed voice. It truly did. He pulled me into his arms to comfort my aching heart. 

"I know Jimin. I know..." 

"Do you like her too hyung?" I felt his body stiffen slightly before I heard him sigh. 

"I would be lying if I said no. But not has much as Tae. I believe he loves her more than anyone else." I nodded. He was right. I stepped away from hyung and took one last glance at the closed door.

"But we'll find our own Pais someday. Right hyung?" 

"Yes Jiminie. We'll have our own Jagi someday." I felt satisfied. Jin had cured my broken heart., but I wasn't going to stop messing with her.


Paper ball after paper ball was aimed at the over flowing trashcan in the middle of the room. Nothing was good enough. I decided to take a break before the stress overtook me. I plopped onto the living room couch and began to click through the channels. Nothing to watch on TV. Typical. It was weird to have a weekday off, but because of Tae, PD-nim gave us a few days off. 

"Oh Yoongi. You're in here." I turned around on the couch to see Pais stroll in and head for the pile of blankets in the corner. I watched her pull a blanket from the pile and fold it over her arms.

"That for Tae?"

"Sort of. He didn't have one, so I let him borrow mine. But now I'm cold and want it back." I laughed at how similarly childish the two were. "What?" She pouted. 

"Nothing. You're cute when you pout," I teased. I watched her cheeks turn pick.

"Thank you," she replied hesitatingly before giving me a quick bow and leaving the living room. I turned back towards the TV, and begin channel surfing once more. Tae. That lucky little .


"I just need to get some medicine Kookie." I watched her struggle to get past me. I was in need of some fun so I decided to block her path. "Fine let your friend die." What?! She took my moment of paralysis to push past me and into the kitchen.

"What do you mean die?!" 

"Kookie calm down. I was just saying that to get around you."

"That's not something you can joke about lightly Pais!"

"He has a cold, Kookie. He's not going to die." I glared at her back with my arms crossed. She was reaching for the bottle on the top shelf, but with her short self, she couldn't reach it. I could tell she was getting frustrated, and she wasn't going to ask for my help. To help her, or watch her struggle? I sauntered over to the cabinet and reached over her head, and past her hand, to grab the medicine she was desperately reaching for. She really was short. I never realized how much I towered over her.

"How tall are you Pais?"

"160 cm," she mumbled. 

"Short girls are cute," I smirked. She snatched the bottle out of my hand, a slight blush creeping up her cheeks. I watched her dash out of the kitchen. Doesn't hurt to be honest sometimes.


I had almost finished cleaning the room when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I watched the door open and a timid Paisley walk into my room. "What's up Paislinator?" Her face had a slight tinge of pink to it and she was clutching something in her hand. 

"I know Korean pretty well, but I wanted to check to make sure I understood the directions for this medicine. I'd rather not overdose Tae, if you get me." I smiled at her kindness. She loved Tae. It was so obvious. I explained the instructions and she beamed at me.

"What are you so happy about?"

"I was right!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down like a little girl. She was so excited that she got such a little thing right, I almost called her cute. But she was Tae's girl. I watched her happily thank me and leave the room. Nothing says I can't think it though.


I love night showers. Feeling all of the day's sweat and dirt wash off felt amazing. I had a towel over my head and face, drying my hair. Woah. I felt a thump against my stomach and heard something fall on the ground. I pulled the towel down to see what had run into me. A flustered Paisley was sitting on the ground. 

"I'm sorry hyung! I wasn't paying any attention. I didn't mean to run into you!" She was looking anywhere but me. It was irritating at first until I remembered I only had a towel around my waist. 

"Yaaa, just be careful next time," I said with a smile. I bent over to give her a hand. She still wouldn't look at me, but she accepted my hand. She bowed and went on her way again. If only she weren't so devoted to Tae. That could've been a much more fun experience. I smirked. It's not every day a woman gets to run into a half and wet Hoseok.


The second I stepped out of the room I heard a crash and a yelp. That was too high to be one of the guys. Pais. I dashed to their room and barged in. I was met with a crying Pais, a cooing Taehyung, and a broken teacup on the hard wood floor. 

"Tae get her out of the room. If one of you steps on the glass you could get hurt." 

"Too late," I heard someone mumble from behind. I turned around to see the other members behind me. As Tae rushed Pais over to the door, I could see the blood coming from her hand. 

"Get her in the car. We're taking her to the ER," I ordered. This was turning out to be an interesting night.


It was all my fault. I was just teasing her and then she tripped and the teacup went flying. I should've never let her try and clean up the mess. If I wasn't sick, I never would've even let her near it. But she insisted she do it. I was to stay in bed. And then she went and cut herself on the glass fragments. I was in the front seat of the car, cradling her in my arms. The huge gash in her hand wasn't going to stop bleeding anytime soon. Jin wrapped it up in a towel and ordered me to put slight pressure on it. But 15 minutes later and the towel was useless. He parked the car in the parking lot and all of the members jumped out of the car and ran inside the hospital, Paisley in my arms. The weakness I had from being sick was completely gone with the adrenaline. I knew I would feel it later, but it didn't matter. She mattered the most. She was immediately taken into the Emergency Room, and we were all forced to sit outside and wait. I collapsed into the chair, exhausted. I felt the headache begin to pound in my head, and the fatigue of my muscles. But it didn't matter. I got her here. She was fine. It was just one cut. 

The doctor walked out and I immediately stood up. 

"She's fine, but she lost a lot of blood. We're keeping her here for a day to make sure all of the bleeding has completely stopped."

"Has it not stopped yet?! Why can't you stop it?!" Jin laid a hand on my shoulder. A sign telling me I needed to calm down."

"Mr. Kim, I assure you we are trying our best. It's a lot harder to stop blood when a patient has Hemophilia."

"She has Hemophilia?!" Namjoon exclaimed. I didn't know what that meant, but Namjoon didn't make it seem like something good.

"Yes, her blood doesn't clot like normal. It's rare, but definitely preventable. It's a good thing you got her here so quickly. Any later and it could've been fatal." I almost lost it. Any later and I could've lost her. Again. All because of a teacup. She was almost taken away from me for the second time. And it would be the last. There would be no third time. I would never almost lose her again.

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