Chapter 11

Why Me?

"Paisley... Taehyung... What is that?" The members welcomed us at the door, but they weren't ready for the surprise we had.

"It's a puppy!" I squealed.

"PD-nim said we're not allowed to have pets in the dorm," Jungkook said.

"He said you guys can't have pets. But I'm not under a contract, so I'm allowed to," I smirked. "I already ran it by him though, and he was ok with it. I was pretty persuasive."

"I swear she can get him to do anything. It's so unfair." I laughed at Taehyung's childish attitude.

"He probably sees her as the daughter he never had." I guess that made sense. I looked down at the sleeping puppy in my arms. The border collie had been left in an abandoned home, and was rescued by the animal shelter two weeks ago. She had just been released to the public when we got there, and both Taehyung and I feel in love instantly. Her bright blue eyes and multicolored coat made her so unique. Of course, Tae didn't inform me of PD-nim's rule until after we adopted her, so Arra the dog and I decided to pay him a little visit. Obviously it went well. I have much pride in my persuasion skills. I wasn't in debate for no reason.

"What's her name?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Jin's question.

"Oh, Arra. I think that's what I want to call her. It's..." Tae cut me off.

"It's from the star Arrakis, but Arra for short." I gave Tae a very surprised look. "What? Did you think I had zoned out when you went on and on about names for her?"

"Well yeah, I figured you were bored."

"I never get tired of hearing you speak Jagi." My cheeks flushed, but I was saved by Arra as she began to squirm in my arms. I let her down, and she took off running. You have a new family now, Arra. One that will shower you with love and never abandon you. I felt Tae wrap his arms around my waist, and rest his chin on my head. "We'll be the best parents ever. I know it." He kissed my head before running after the Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jimin, who all ran after Arra.

"I think that is what everyone here needed. An adorable, fluffy, addition to the family." I glanced up at the pretty boy standing next to me. He was watching the boys playing with the puppy in the living room. His face was glowing. He was right.

Someone suddenly grabbed my wrist, and was forcefully pulling me down the hallway. He opened the door to my room and pulled me inside before slamming the door behind him. The lights were off and I could hear him feeling the wall for the lightswitch

"What are you...?! Jungkook? I thought you were playing in the living room." The maknae's form was made clear as the lights suddenly came on. "Don't scare me like that. I thought you were Jimin."

"You didn't think I was Tae?"

"I can tell Tae from a mile away. I definitely knew it wasn't him. He has skinnier fingers, and his nails are more rough because he has a habit of biting them when he's bored. Anyways, there has to be reason for you to drag me to my room alone." I watched him fidget under my stare.

"Your sister... Is she ever coming back to Korea? You know, to visit you, of course." He was looking down and shuffling his foot along the floor. My sister? Jaycee? He wasn't serious, was he? What did I miss while I was in the hospital? I knew who I was giving a call tonight.

"I'm not sure. She always hated it when I talked about going to Korea. She's still in school though. I'm amazed she even came here while I was in the hospital."

"Are you guys not close?" Good question Kookie. I honestly wasn't sure of the answer myself. She didn't come see me off at the airport when I left America. I never knew why. She never showed interest in anything I did. I was always me cheering her on in all of her soccer games, clapping the loudest at her school choir concerts, and spending hours going over a math concept she didn't understand. I never minded it, I loved supporting my sister, but it would be nice if she could show a little gratitude. Kookie would be the one to break her out of her shell.

"Not really. She wasn't really close with anyone before I left. I'm not really sure if she is now."

"She was pretty open to me when I met her."

"Ah Kookie. Maybe she thinks you're cute," I teased. "But in my opinion the feelings are mutual." I watched his face grow bright red.

"Noona! I don't think she's cute one bit."

"Ouch a bit harsh don't you think Kookie? You are talking to her sister, and they do look pretty similar." I smirked as I saw Jin standing in the door frame. He walked past Kookie to stand next to me, and began torturing the poor maknae.

"Are you saying you don't think I'm cute Kookie?" I feigned hurt.

"No noona! You are cute!" I watched Tae come up behind the maknae and bonk his head.

"Yah, don't be calling my Jagi cute. She's mine."

"That's not what I meant! Noona, you're great, and I can't say I wasn't attracted to you when I first saw you, but I don't like you like that!"

"Well isn't someone a little flustered. Thinking about Jaycee again?" Jimin stood next to the poor maknae, propping his arm on Kookie's shoulder.

"No! And get off of me," he said pushing Jimin's arm off.


"I don't like her like that!"

"Even if I told you she liked you?" We all turned around to face Namjoon standing in the doorframe.

"She doesn't though. Just ask Pais. She doesn't get close to people."

"And what makes you think there can't be exceptions?" Kookie's eyes widened. "Now how do you really feel about her?" Kookie sighed as the remaining members crowded behind Namjoon in the hallway to hear him.

"I just met her, but there was just something about her that made me want to get to know her. Even though we didn't speak the same language, we have similar taste in music, and that's what brought us together. That doesn't mean she likes me though. That's a bit of a stretch. She could have any guy she wanted, so I don't see why she would choose me. I don't care if my feelings are reciprocated, just as long as she's happy." I was moved by Kookie's feelings toward my sister, but grew suspicious as Namjoon lifted his phone to his ear.

"There you go Jaycee, that's how he feels."

Kookie lost all color in his face, and his body stiffened. Who could blame him? Even I didn't think Namjoon would go that far. But there was no way she understood what Kookie said. It was all in Korean. I watched Kookie's shaking hands, but they came to a sudden halt as a familiar voice spoke through the phone.

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook! Don't think so lowly of yourself! Be proud that you're the only guy I've ever found myself attracted to." That was Korean. My sister was speaking Korean.


I took a step towards the phone, not believing what she had just said.

"You're attracted to me?" She giggled.

"Jungkook, I like you." My face burned red. She liked me. "Wait a year for me, ok? Once I finish school I'll come to Korea." Namjoon handed me the phone, and I switched it off of speaker before lifting it to my ear.

"I'll wait as long as I have to Jaycee."

"I'll be expecting to see you there in a year, so don't you go off and do something without me." I laughed.

"I won't, I promise. I'll wait until you get here to go build a secret house under the sea."

"You better. I have to go. Talk to you later?"

"Sure." Thankfully she couldn't see my beaming face through the phone. We said our goodbyes before hanging up. My mind was in such turmoil from what had just happened. Was I dreaming?

A week later


Sooner than I had hoped, Tae was off on another tour, but only for two weeks. I once again busied myself with miscellaneous projects and work, trying to make the time pass quicker. I hung out with my editor friend a few times, and taught Arra how to sit, but it wasn't enough. All I could think about was how much I missed him. He would text me every second he could, and we would FaceTime at night if he wasn't too tired, but the warmth of his presence was gone. The scent on the shirt he left me had faded, and I could no longer hear the ringing of his laughter through the dorm. I needed to get out and take a walk. I threw on my coat, put Arra on a leash, and headed out with no true destination in mind. The crisp, cold air immediately began to attack the exposed parts of my body, my nose and fingers quickly growing numb. But it was exactly what I needed. Something to take my mind off of the loneliness.

After walking for almost 30 minutes, I decided to rest at a small cafe and allow myself to defrost. I sat at a small table in the back, securing Arra's leash to the chair, and drank my tea, ignoring the fact that I was the only person sitting alone. I wasn't alone, I had Arra, so take that haters that are currently staring at me weirdly. I played on my phone, exchanged a few messages with Tae before he had to return to rehearsal, and was actually enjoying the calm music playing softly throughout the cafe. The gentle aroma of coffee filling my nose whenever I took a deep breath.

"You sure look lonely." Disrupted from my calm state, I turned my head towards the voice, prepared to shoot them an annoyed look. I was met with a pair of warm brown eyes, and a soft smile. My mind immediately thought of Tae, but my heart dropped slightly when I realized it wasn't him. He was a foreigner.

"Nope, just immersing myself in the magical wonders of this here coffee shop. With my dog." He lightly chuckled at my answer.

"Well then do you mind if I sit with you? Wouldn't want to disturb your meditation."

"No go ahead. I suppose I can take a break from discovering the mysteries of the world." He was attractive no doubt, but in my eyes, he was nothing compared to Tae.

"Derrik." He held out his hand across the table.

"Paisley," I replied lightly shaking his hand.

"So what brings you here, Paisley? Besides these wonders you speak of."

"I was just taking a walk and wanted to rest, so I stopped here." His eyebrows raised.

"You were a taking a walk when it's like 20 degrees?" Guess that's not really normal is it.

"I needed fresh air to clear my mind off of some things. Nothing works better than cold air whipping you in the face." He laughed. He had a nice laugh that was truly genuine. Like Tae's. You felt your heart clench.

"I'll have to try that someday," He said with a smile. "Now I'm afraid that it if I don't leave now, I will be late for a meeting. It was nice meeting you Paisley." I watched him scribble something on a napkin. He handed me the napkin and I saw that a number was written, most likely his cell phone number. "Anytime you want someone to disturb your wondrous discovers, just call me." He waved to me as he walked away, a smile on his face. I was once again left alone in the corner of the cafe. I looked at my watch and decided it was time to head home.

Half way through my journey back home, my phone rang. My heart fluttered when I saw Tae's name and picture pop up on the screen.


"Jagi." Why did he sound so monotonous?

"Tae what's wrong? Have you been sleeping alright? Eating enough food?"

"Oh I'm fine Jagi." He almost sounded bitter.

"No Tae something is up. Please tell me."

"Are you sure you love me?"

"What the heck, Tae? What kind of question is that? Of course I do! All I can think about is how much I miss you."

"Only me?"

"Are you accusing me of cheating on you?" Does he not trust me?

"Well I'm hoping what I saw isn't true, and you're not. But I honestly don't know."

"And with who would I be cheating on you with?"

"Some guy that you hung out with."

"Well seeing as I've only hung with two guys since you've left, one being gay and the other I talked to for like 5 minutes, I don't see how I've cheated on you."

"I'm sorry Jagi... I trust you I really do. This tour is really taking a toll on me, and I wasn't thinking right. I'm just so stressed and I miss you so much. Please... Where are you?"

"I'm taking a walk."

"A walk?!" I winced. Probably shouldn't have told him that. "Jagi! You'll catch a cold! It's 23 degrees outside! What in the world made you think it was a good idea to take a walk?!"

"I knew the cold would make me numb. I was trying to cover the pain of missing you, but apparently I don't love you."

"Jagi... No... It was a mistake, I'm sorry. Please get somewhere warm so you don't get sick." I sighed. I was being a bit harsh on him.

"I will..."


"I promise."

"Thank you Jagi. I love you! I have to go now, but I'll see you very soon!"

"I love you too Tae. So so much. Be safe and stay healthy." I stared at the blank screen after he hung up. What did he see that made him think I cheated on him? 

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