
Love? Bull.
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hi, the author speaking here.

first of all, i'm sorry for not updating when i said i'd be updating weekly. i haven't really been feeling like myself lately. just one of those moods again, i guess. secondly, i won't be updating for a while due to upcoming exams and projects. i'll try my best to, but i can't promise that i definitely will. i've also been having some health problems, so honestly speaking, i can barely pick up my phone.

i'm sorry for being a horrible author and not being able to update weekly like i promised to.

as an apology, here's a small part of the third chapter:



Several months have passed. Taeyong's phone vibrated on the nightstand, spammed with notifications; an incoming call. The said male glances at the clock next to it-- 01:27 am.

He glanced at the dimly lit screen. Why was Yuta calling him this late? The boy knew how much his best friend loved his sleep. He picked up and answered groggily, still slightly sleeping. The booming club music played in the background, slurs that escaped past Yuta's lips following afterwards. Taeyong was almost tempted to yell at him, but he knew how sensitive a drunk Yuta was.

"T-Ten-ahhhh....what d-do I d-do?"

Yuta thought Taeyong was Ten--somehow that bothered the oldest. Just as he was about to tell him off and say that he wasn't the Thai boy, Yuta's next words made him freeze, almost dropping his phone on the floor in shock. His words caught u

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Chapter 4: Heyy!! It's ok!! Don't be sorry!! We all can understand!! You have life outside fanfics and I wish u all the best and good lucks!! Take how much time u need!! And abt this little chapter!! So Tae loved him too?? Aaaghh my poor heart?? I hope they can solve all the problems and have a happy end!! <3 Thank u for your hard work!!.. <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: Aaaghh it hurts soo much!! I can't blame Tae cause he doesn't have clue abt Yuta's feelings but still fight to your friend cause your girlfriend is Big No No for me! I just hope he will soon realise everything and they end up happily together!!! ❤️
Chapter 2: Urgh. Taeyong is such an . Poor Yuta has to deal this broken heart. </3
khimomo #4
Chapter 2: I don't like Taeyong here. It's not nice to behave like that with your bestfriends. If it's the true him or he doesn't change, it's better for Yuta to be with someone else. I honesly don't understand why Yuta loves him from the beginning though. Luckily it's just fiction because I can't imagine Taeyong like that in real life. ? Still, thanks for your story. :)
Chapter 1: This is too much for me to handle. My hearteu! <\3
weirdtou #6
Oh God, it looks interesting. Damn I am craving for angst. Thank you for writing this