You're my soulmate

Because she loves you

A/N: Hi readers. Second of my newest Seulrene one shots. This was written because we all know Joohyun is very possessive about her bear lol. This is meant to be mostly funny so please enjoy ^^


For as long as Kang Seulgi has known her friend, Bae Joohyun. The slightly older woman has always been very possessive over her. Every time anyone ever tried to ask her out. Joohyun would be there scaring them away, somehow. Even from the time they were small children. Joohyun would be keeping a watchful eye. Making sure they were always together for all activities. So they couldn’t be paired with anybody else. She made sure they were seen holding hands, or she’d cling tight to her. In an effort to keep Seulgi from leaving. If anyone had tried to give her a confession note, Joohyun would rip it to shreds. Despite, how very pretty she was Bae Joohyun was very terrifying. Tired of not being able to go out on a date. The now 23 year old calls an emergency meetiing with her bff Son Seungwan, and their evil maknae friends, Park Joy and Kim Yerim.


“Unnie. What’s the emergency? Joy plops down in the seat besides Yeri ,across from her and Seungwan.


“Yea, are you and Joohyun-unnie finally getting married.” Yeri teases in a sing-song voice.


Seulgi frowns then hushes her. “Be quiet. You all know Joohyun-unnie is somehow always lurking around. Now the reason why I called all of you out here is…”


“ there’s Joohyun-unnie.” Joy points and shouts.


“Everybody duck.” Seulgi dives under the table first. But quickly realizes that it was a joke, when the evil duo start cackling.


“Seul, get up. They’re kidding.” Seungwan helps her up. Thank god for her best buddy, Seungwan, always there to help her out. Not like these ungrateful kids Joy and Yeri.


“Okay. Seriously why the meeting unnie?”


“Alright. So I’m going out with Jisoo tomorrow.” All 3 of them look stunned, surprised, and are all praying for their friend. Joohyun would not accept this at all.


"I need you all to distract Joohyun-unnie. So, she doesn’t ruin this date too.”


“Unnie, are you stupid? Joohyun-unnie hates when you get asked out.”


“She’ll annihilate, Jisoo.” Joy agrees. “You remember what she did to Yooa, Mijoo-unnie and Yura-unnie, don’t you? Hell, I still don’t think Yooa got the full use of her arm back yet.”


Seulgi flinches in remembrance at how Joohyun had crashed each date, or stopped them from happening altogether. Somehow, before she could meet up with Yooa. The younger girl had an “accident” on the stairs and broke her arm. Mijoo was stopped by Joohyun flashing a fake ring, and passionately kissing the poor, stunned bear. Telling, no warning Mijoo to stay the hell away from her wife. With Yura, at the restaurant Joohyun came in with a fake pregnancy belly, crying her eyes out saying that Seulgi should not be leaving her, or their twins. Safe to say Yura never spoke to Seulgi again at all after that.


“Seul. As your best friend I am warning you not to attempt this. Joohyun-unnie always finds out, and she won’t be happy. She hated my guts when she first met me, remember?”


Seungwan was only interested in being Seulgi’s friend. But that didn’t stop her from getting the evil eye or being threatened. Joohyun kept any and all threats away from her ber. Real or imagined. They were dealt with accordingly.


“Oh, sorry about what she did to your car." Seulgi remembers the dents and scrapes, as well as slashed tires left behind.


“Yea. Well at least I wasn’t in it. I think she cut my breaks.”


“Unnie.” Yeri begins. “Joohyun-unnie is crazy about you. Emphasis on the crazy part. You’ll never get away with this.”


“That’s why I have you guys to help me.”


‘I’m not sure, Seulgi-unnie. It seems too risky.”


“Please I like Jisoo, she’s nice.”


“Do you want her to die? Joohyun-unnie will figure out you’re up to something.”


“We’ll help, Seul. But don’t blame us if this goes wrong, which it definitely will.”


She shares her apartment with Joohyun. So it makes it doubly hard to sneak out, especially as Joohyun is a notorious homebody. Seulgi prepares for her date, trying not to make it look obvious. She is in a cute, simple yellow shirt and dark skinny jeans.


“Alright, just got to get to the door.”


She quietly gets to the living room and to the foor. When she hears Joohyun call out from the kitchen.


“Where are you going, Seulgi?”


“Going? Who’s going anywhere unnie.” She laughs nervously.


"Why do you look so nervous sweetie?”


“I’m not… just going to meet up with, Wannie.”


“Oh with Seungwan, you say?”


“Yep, Wannie.” Seulgi smiles.


“The same Seungwan sitting on our couch.”


“What?” Seulgi looks over to see Seungwan is indeed on the couch. The best friends stare at one another. Then begin communicating telepathically.


“Wan, what are you doing here?”


“Hey. I’m supposed to be distracting Joohyun-unnie for you. Joy’s coming in a few. I brought her a carrot cake to stop her from hunting you down.”


“Well what do I do now, Wan? The same Wan I am supposed to be hanging out with!”


“Make something up.”


They end their connection. “Um, did I say Wannie. I meant Yerimie. Our beloved Yerimie. Wan and Yeri look so much alike. I mistook them for each other.”


Joohyun looks very skeptical. “They look so much alike?” She repeats.


"Yep. Now I really should be going.”


“Hold on.” Joohyun comes closer, eyeing her suspiciously.” You’re not leaving me to spend time with another woman are you?”


Seulgi laughs all high-pitched, and Seungwan facepalms. ‘She’s doomed.”


“No, Hyunnie, of course not. What would give you that idea. Now, I need to help Yeri with her art homework, bye okay.” She runs out the door. Something is certainly up for sure.


“Seungwan, do you know anything?”


“I know many things, unnie. You’re going to have to be more specific.”


"You know what I mean.” Joohyun frowns. “Where’s Seulgi going really?”


“To help Yeri.”


“I see.” Joohyun doesn’t really buy it. “You know I don’t like it when she tries to cheat on me."


It takes everything in Seungwan to not die of laughing. Kind of hard to cheat on someone who isn’t your girlfriend. But in Joohyun’s mind Seulgi was always hers.


“Uh, unnie. I don’t think Seulgi realizes you’re actually serious about her.”


“What do you mean? I keep all those thirsty girls away from her left and right. I tell her that she’s my soulmate all the time.”


“And your wife, your lover, mother of your future children.”


“Yes exactly! How can she not think that I’m serious.”


“You are very playful, unnie.”


Joohyun looks scandalized. “I would never play with my Seulgi’s feelings. She’s mine you know.”


“Oh, she is unnie. Too bad she doesn’t get that, though.”


Seulgi makes it safely to the restaurant where Jisoo is waiting. The pretty purple haired girl looks so cute and Seulgi is equally grateful she made it here in one piece. Joohyun would not take this well. She never does. Maybe if she’s lucky. She will complete a date tonight.


“Hi, Jisoo.” she smiles warmly reaching their table.


“Hi, Seulgi. I’m glad that you made it.”


“Me too, you have no idea.”


Now all they had to do was sit and have a nice dinner. Maybe go for some ice cream later and maybe, just maybe Seulgi would get a goodnight kiss. Nothing could possibly go wrong, right? Oh of course it would.


Joy does come but so does Yeri. Seungwan immediately tries to push Yeri out into the hall. “Yah, unnie what’re….” but Seungwan covers .


“For the love of god be quiet. You shouldn’t be here. Joohyun-unnie thinks you're with Seulgi right now.”


“W-What, why does she think that?”


“Seungwan, what is going on here. Oh, hi Joy and Yeri.” she smiles.


“Oh , now we’re all going to die.” Joy sighs.


Joohyun doesn’t even have to speak. She just points to the couch. They all sit down with heads bowed low.


“Now, tell me where my Seulgi is!”


“We don’t know!” Joy screams. “We have no idea where Seulgi-unnie is, no idea at all.”


“I don’t believe you. One of you know something. Is it you maknae.” She says in Yeri’s ear but maknae isn’t fazed.


“How should I know what Seulgi-unnie does. Besides eating pringles and praying to her Beyonce figurine.”


“Hm, what about you Seungwan? She’s your best friend. You must know what she’s doing? Who she’s with?”


“I really don't, unnie. Seul is a free spirit. She does her own things.”


“Hm, a likely story.” Joohyun has to break them down one by one. She has to find the weakest link. “Joy, you wouldn’t lie to me right?”


“Of course not, unnie.”


“So if I say, offer you this really delicious fried chicken I made.”


Joy’s eyes helplessly fall onto the plate of beautiful, perfect fried chicken. She’s a goner.


“No, unnie. Don’t fall for it. It’s a trap. Joohyun-unnie hates chicken. It’s probably tofu or something.”


“But it’s so golden.” Joy leans forward inhaling the scent.


“Yes, so if you tell me where my wife is. You can have this entire plate.”


“All of it?”




“No Joy.” Seungwan tries. “Don’t fall for it. Remember what we promised.”


“Sorry, Wan-unnie, it’s chicken my most treasured. Seulgi-unnie is on a date with Jisoo.”


Joohyun is livid, furious, practically everyone could see the steam out of her ears.


“I will kill all of you. If anything happens to my Seulgi. Now, where the hell are they.”


Seungwan pulls out her phone. “Abort bear. Abort the mission, it’s a fail.” She texts her best friend. Joy takes a bite of the chicken, wiping a tear. Then tells Joohyun where they are.


“Drive me there, now!” She demands and everyone scrambles to leave. Joy with chicken in hand leading the way.


Seulgi feels a cold shiver pass through her as she’s eating her noodles. But Jisoo’s funny jokes are helping to distract her. This is the longest that she’s ever been out with someone, anyone really.


“Seulgi. I’m really glad we’re out together. I was kind of worried to be honest.”


“Oh, why?”


“Well there are a lot of rumors at school that, Joohyun-sunbae is your girlfriend, and she scares everyone away from you.”


Seulgi paused mid bite. Naturally, everyone knows about that, it’s legend. Joohyun who doesn’t even go to their university anymore. But it is still spoken, and follows Seulgi around like the plague.


“Don’t worry. I’m single.”


“Well, that’s good to know.”


Jisoo reaches over and squeezes her hand.


“Is she really crazy, though?”


“Joohyun-unnie is…” She thinks back to all the times Joohyun has been there for her, by her side. Drying her tears when she cried, or encouraging her to pursue her artistic dreams. She would always replace her supplies whenever she ran out. Joohyun would always make sure she had food, and clothes ironed. Just doing things like that naturally for her. Always taking care of her, and vice versa. Seulgi remembers always holding her while she was terrified of thunderstorms. Despite her being the younger of them. It isn’t lost on her how Joohyun would cling to her, or seek her out more than anyone else.


“She’s a great person, honestly. I’m her best friend. So I think she’s worried to lose that. But she’s very kind, nice and….” Seulgi looks up to see very familiar chocolate brown eyes staring at her from the window. Joohyun looks absolutely murderous.


“She’s absolutely ing crazy.” Seulgi stands up, drops money on the table, and takes Jisoo hands. “Let’s go out the back.”


“Seulgi!” Joohyun shouts. “How dare you hold some woman’s hand? Run all you like. I’ll find you sweetie.”


Seulgi and Jisoo flee for the purple-haired girls car first. She needs to make sure Jisoo gets out alive. This is all her fault, anyway. She doesn’t want another, Yooa situation.


“Jisoo, you’ve got to leave now. You’re not safe here.”


“But what about you?”


“I’ll be fine. Just drive. I did have a nice time.”


“Me too.” She leans forward to kiss Seulgi’s cheek and Seulgi hears a familiar shout.


“Yah, Kang Seulgi!”


“Go, go.” She tells Jisoo. Then makes a run for her own car. Not stopping at all, even when she hears Joohyun continuously call out for her. She makes it safe to her car and breathes. “I’m safe, thank you pringles gods.”


Then there’s knocking on her door. “,” Seulgi jumps. “Screw you pringles gods! How could you allow this to happen.” She sees Joohyun staring holes into her.


“Seulgi. Open the door.”


“No, you’ll kill me.”


“Don’t be ridiculous, baby. You know I would never hurt you. That girl, though. She’s very lucky she got away for now. Now, open the door I just want to talk to you.”


“No. I’ll see you at home in a week or so. Bye unnie.” She can’t drive off  because Joohyun looks like she's about to cry. She knows that Seulgi hates to see her cry.


“Come on, don’t leave me all alone out here. I can’t get home if you leave me, Seulgi-yah.”


“Okay, but don’t hit me.”


“I won’t.”


So, of course when Joohyun gets in the passenger's seat. She hits her immediately. Then takes out a napkin and wipes the lipstick off of Seulgi’s cheek.


“How dare she put her lips on your face. Who knows where they’ve been, you’ll need to scrub your face when we get home.”




“How could you go out on a date! You know it bothers me, Seulgi.”




“Just drive us home. I am so angry right now, Seul.”


Seulgi does drive them back home. Joohyun is pissed. The brunette is kind of afraid she might be murdered in her sleep tonight, for sure.


“Um, Hyunnie…” Seulgi tries to talk to her at home.


“You know what you did wrong, don’t you?”




“You went behind my back, getting Yeri, Joy and Seungwan to help cover for you, very poorly I might add. For what, to go on a date?”


“I’ve never been on a complete date, Joohyun-unnie. You always ruin them for me.”


Joohyun looks hurt. “Seulgi-yah, do you really want to be away from that badly?”


“Unnie, it’s not that. It’s just that I don’t understand why you’re like this.” She sighs. “I’m going to shower and go to bed. I’m sorry if I made you upset earlier.”


“I’m like this because you’re my soulmate, and I love you so much.” She whispers to Seulgi’s retreating form.


Seulgi calls another emergency meeting the next day. Yeri and Joy both look super exhausted as they sit down. Then they look surprised to see Seulgi sitting there for real.


“Unnie, you’re not dead?”


“Thank god.” Joy breathes out in relief. “We thought Joohyun-unnie was going to kill you.”


“I nearly was dead. Okay, who was the weakest link? Who cracked first.”


Everyone points straight to Joy. “Joy-unnie!” Yeri says loudly.


“Hey, don’t rat me out.”


“Joy, how could you?”


“I’m sorry unnie. But she had fried chicken. I was weak.”


Seulgi sighs. “You are weak." She agrees. “Joohyun-unnie was pissed yesterday.”


“To be fair. We told you it was going to fail.”


Seulgi covers her face with her hands. "Ugh, I’m going to live as a nun for the rest of my life.”


“Um, Seulgi. You know the reason why Joohyun-unnie is like this, is because she loves you.”


Seulgi looks confused. “She’s my friend. She’s just protective of our friendship.”


Joy takes the time to reach over and hit her upside the head. “Unnie, you’re so stupid! She’s been acting like your girlfriend since you two were kids. She is so in love with you.”


“Unnie. Joohyun-unnie has a wedding scrapbook with notes, and pictures of everything she wants for her wedding.”


“So, what’s the problem with that?”


“It’s for your wedding to her, unnie.” Yeri exclaims.


“Seulgi, when Joohyun-unnie first met me. She basically threatened me to stay away from you, and every time I was too close to you. She’d be right there just staring, always holding some type of weapon in her hand. She loves you!”


“Guys, really. That is absurd. I’m going home now, since I can’t count on any of you whatsoever.”


“You idiot! She is in love with you.”


But Seulgi is already gone. “She’s doomed!” They all say together.


Seulgi doesn’t try to go out on another date. But one evening as she does prepare to leave to meet up with her good friend, Byulyi. Joohyun is laying on the couch, teary eyed.


“Hyunnie, what’s wrong?”


“Are you going out again? I won’t try to stop your date this time. I promise.”


Seulgi kneels before her and takes her hand. “Hey, don’t cry. I’m not going on anymore dates. I know they bother you.”


Joohyun sits up. “Do you know why they bother me?”


“Because, we’ve been friends for so long.”


Joohyun sighs. “You’re so stupid. That’s not why.”


“Why then?”


“Because Seulgi. I love you, very, very much.  I hate when girls try to take you away, because you’re my soulmate, and you should be with me. Only with me.”


“You do?”


“Ugh, of course I do, silly bear. I’m not running around chasing girls away because I’ve got nothing better to do. You just don’t realize how much I really do love you, and that we’ve always belonged together, like a perfect match.”


Seulgi has had everyone say that Joohyun loves her. But she didn’t take it too seriously. Only right now with Joohyun saying it to her it seems so different.


‘Hyunnie, you like to play around a lot. I didn’t think you were in love with me for real.”


“I would never play around with you. My feelings for you are real. I’ve known that you should be with me since we were kids.”


Joohyun isn’t wrong. They’ve been together since they were kids, and always had a strong presence in each other’s lives. Seulgi honestly could not imagine life without her. Perhaps there was a very simple reason why none of her dates ever worked out.


“You’re beautiful, Hyunnie, nice, and you always treat me well. I can’t imagine life without you. I just am surprised by this.”


Joohyun responds by pulling Seulgi into a passionate, intense kiss. All of her years of wanting, desires and loving, Seulgi was being poured into this kiss. It surprises the brunette, but she finds herself effortlessly leaning back into her kiss. When she breaks away first. Joohyun lets out an annoyed whine.


“No...don’t stop.”


“Hyunnie, wait, what’re we doing?”


“Kissing, duh.” She tries to kiss her some more.


“Wait, I mean what do we do now?”


“Date me, you’re already my soulmate. Give me a chance. We could be so happy as a couple. We already live together, and you know that I’m never going to let you date anybody else.” She smiles.


“But, you said…”


“Shh, details, details, baby. You’re already know you're mine.” She pulls Seulgi back into another kiss. Seulgi doesn’t fight it at all. Joohyun’s lips feel and fit nicely with hers. Maybe there is no reason to fight this or Joohyun. She always wins anyway. So the younger wraps her arms around Joohyun’s waist, and deepens their kiss.


“Mine.” The older whispers and nibbles gently on one of Seulgi’s round ears.


“I think I was always yours.”


“Finally!” Joohyun sighs. “It took you long enough to just accept your fate. Now, give me your phone. So I can curse out all those thirsty girls who still want you.”


“Hyunnie, really?”


“Kidding, I’m kidding.” She hugs her. But eyes the cellphone behind the brunette’s back. “I’ll do it while she sleeps. They all know by now to stay away from my Seulgi.”


So in the end Bae Joohyun got her girl through head work, dedication and most importantly staking her claim and keeping any and all possible threats away from what was always hers.


A/N: Done, this was fun to write. Hope it was enjoyed ^^




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254 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha this was hilarious!!! Joohyun craziness was so cute and so damn funny. And Seulgi being her adorable and oblivious bear. Great combination! I really enjoy this kind of stories. Thank you author! 🧡
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 1: If I were irene I will go out of seulgi life because I want seulgi to realize her feelings to realize how hard her life without irene 😂🤍
Yoonchoding07 #3
Chapter 1: while reading through this, I can't help but picture all those moments Irene was being overly possesive of Seulgi for real. like there's a lot of fmvs created about it. lol!

this is just so cute. Seulgi ever being so oblivious to Irene's feelings. Well, Irene still managed to claim her girl.
279 streak #4
Chapter 1: Awww so cute ❤️
Chapter 1: rene chile- anyways so
Chapter 1: Those stunts are hilarious XD
Oof slashing tires and cutting breaks, she didn’t half things huh XD
Chapter 1: xD
Chapter 1: so glad I live alone because the sounds I made while reading this xD I love this kind of fic, the crazy gf plot never gets old. thank you for writing and sharing!
Chapter 1: How scary to have a crazy girlfriend like Joohyun