Chapter II

Top That.

The music seemed distant. Kibum's body and resonating heat the only thing Kevin consciously registered. It was a shock to his still developing system when the other's lips attached to his neck, soft movements telling Kevin the other was tenderly kissing him. He shivered, and moved closer, tightening his arms around the slightly taller one's neck. A moan resounded in the back of Kibum's throat, sending a tingling feeling down Kevin's spine. He took in a deep breath, catching hold of Kibum's scent once more, and closed his eyes.  Kibum's cheek smoothed across his own, the older's lips grazing the supple skin like it was the natural thing to do—and Kevin's mind went blank. He let his body be pressed closer to the solid one that held him up. He didn't even resist when a large hand combed some stray hairs back behind his ear and gentle caress his cheek, stealthily tilting his chin up so he could drown again into those dark orbs. 

Faces closer than Kevin remembered, he rose on tiptoe, letting Kibum's eyes beckon him closer, and pulled the other down until their lips met. Their lips froze together until one of them moved, starting a whole new dance between them. Kevin moaned wantonly and let Kibum dominate his mouth with his tongue while his hands pressed against the small of his back to bring them closer together. And for the first time in Kevin's life he became desperate. Their lips moved feverishly, matching the music that slowly faded out and leaving just the two of them. He couldn't get closer to the other. Their distance was too far for Kevin’s liking as they kissed, their tongues battling and Kibum winning with each brush of their hips. 

Their bodies molded together; their almost unnoticed s painfully colliding through their restricting jeans. Kevin cursed that tonight had to be the night that he decided to wear boxers. One of Kibum's hands ran down his back, barely grazing where his shirt and jeans met, to the back of his leg. Kevin gasped softly when his knee was bent and his leg was hoisted around Kibum’s waist, the other’s movements falling into their dancing.

Kevin broke away first when he felt a little too spacey and tight chested.  He took in gulps of air, more desperate now to kiss the other male again, but he didn’t get that chance. Kibum placed a breathy peck on his forehead, let his leg slide away, and stepped back, smiling wistfully. Kevin watched, gulping at the sudden loss of contact. Kibum winked and turned, not even looking back as he walked away, leaving a breathless, dazed, Kevin standing in the middle of a crowd of people that he forgot was even there.


“, man, these pictures are hot. Hoon, how’d you manage to sneak a camera in?”

Eli sat on the couch in Kevin’s apartment staring at photographs that their friend, Hoon, had managed to take the night before. Most of them were of the DJ (Kibum), the two dancers (Kiseop and Soohyun), and the two of them (Eli and Hoon). But the heart wrenching squeal came from Kevin when Eli held up a pretty picture of two people making out on the dance floor—one figure distinctly being Kevin and the other being the DJ he had met barely ten minutes before.

“Oh my gosh! When did you take that? Get rid of it!” Kevin’s attempts at reaching and lunging across the sofa for the picture were futile; Eli was too fast and a bit taller than him so the picture was held higher than he could reach. Losing, Kevin sulked on his end of the couch, sending glares full of utter disgust towards his two friends. “I can’t believe you took that…”

Hoon smiled at Kevin devilishly, waving the highly contrasted photo in his right hand and his Nikon D5100 in the other. “Can’t you, though? I’m majoring in photography at school and you have to agree, Kev, this photo it pretty hot. You look so much like a girl, no one would even know it was you after I sepia-tone it.”

“You show that to anyone, I’ll nail your to a board, chop it off, and shove it down your throat; then while you’re gagging, I’ll let you watch me toss your precious toy in the pond out back.”

The older shrugged, winking and smirking at Eli, “Eh. That doesn’t get rid of this treasure. Maybe Kibummie would like to see it, what do you think, Eli?”

“I think it’d be a great Birthday Gift. A card with him and Kevin kissing sounds pretty romantic.”

Kevin pouted, whimpering a little as he slouched into the back of the couch. There couldn’t be anything worse than having your two best friends turn on you in less than twenty-four hours of your own birthday.


“Hey mom. Yeah, I’m okay. I miss you… It’s fine. Deanna and I were on Skype last night, so it’s no big deal. Christmas? That’s a full month away. Okay, maybe. Dad there? Can I speak to him?”

Kevin waited patiently as he heard his mother walking up stairs to get to his father. He tossed his baseball pillow up in the air, catching it with one hand and smiles at the white object. It shouldn’t have surprised him when he opened Dongho’s gift to find the sports cushion with his name engraved with red stitching—sloppily since it was hand-stitched. Dongho acted tough and mature in front of them since he was the youngest and still in high school, but Kevin knew there was a soft, maknae side to him.

“Kevin, that you?”

“Hey Dad, how’s it going? No, Dad, I haven’t gotten a girl pregnant. Because every single one of them look like Mom or Deanna. Yes, that’s why I’m gay. Yes, Dad, I’m still a ,” Kevin chuckled, “Yes, Dad, I love you, too. Goodnight.”

Kevin closed his cell phone and smiled to himself. Not everyone could say that both their parents backed them up on everything they did, but he could. Ever since he was small, he told his parents he would marry a guy that would make him happy and support him, just like Mommy did, they just didn’t know he was serious until he brought home his fist boyfriend in middle school. Sure, they were surprised, but they figured he was happy and as long as they didn’t become grandparents too early, they were cheerful for him.

He laid there on his side, tracing the stitching of his name on the baseball pillow, for the first time realizing how lonely it really was in Korea. He didn’t have family in the country, everyone had moved to California after his parents got married so they could still see one another easily. He also realized how little friends he actually had.  There was Dongho, a boy that was still in middle school that didn’t have a mother, so he had grown up trying to be like his father. Then there was Eli, a guy that had finished high school, moved out, and dropped all contact with his family after moving overseas due to their disappointment in his decisions in life. Last, but not least, were Hoon and Alexander, both closer than any cousins Kevin had ever seen—they were more like brothers. Alexander was the motherly friend that Kevin always thanks God for giving him—if it weren’t for Alexander, Kevin would probably have died over the winter when he came down with pneumonia. Hoon was the fatherly friend, but with a fun side to him. He was a playboy, but at least he admitted it.

Kevin, on the other hand, was shy with a cute face. He got sick easily. Constantly worried about his looks and looking into mirrors. And most of all, he let people do things for him. When he wanted to break up with someone, he had a friend do it. If he ever wanted to talk to someone, he got someone to introduce them. Even now, in Korea, he let people talk and act for him. Kissing Kibum had probably been the only thing he had ever done on his own accord, with a small push from the other male.

“Ah!” Kevin flushed crimson, shaking his head at the memory of him and the DJ in the club and the photograph that Hoon had decided, unwillingly, to leave with him. Of course he and Eli had rummaged through some unopened boxes of Kevin’s to find an empty picture frame to put it in and set it on his bed stand so that when he would wake up it would be the first thing he’d see. But right now, with a pout on his lips, Kevin stared at the photograph.

It didn’t necessarily show any features to indicate that he was a boy or girl in the photo, or who the other person was, you could just barely make out that the taller one was male. The contrast was higher, bringing out the neon lights that had been flashing and circling around them, making their bodies almost complete silhouettes. It was a fond, crazy, memory Kevin knew he would never be able to forget about.

The next afternoon Alexander called his apartment phone, shocking Kevin with his drunken state.

“Kebin! Come over… Hoony, Eli, and I misses you! Comober, please… We have a surprise for yewww.” Alexander sang each word, slurring most of them together to the point where Kevin could barely make the pleas out.

Kevin chuckled, glancing over his microwave where his noodles sat into the mirror to fix his hair. He frowned slightly when he saw that he needed to touch up the blonde and get rid of his too-dark of roots. “Yeah, I’ll come over.” Before he hung up he heard someone in the background telling Alexander to sit down and put the drink away. The voice wasn’t Dongho’s, Hoon’s, nor Eli’s, and he found the overwhelming curiosity to be too much as he ran out of the elevator and called for a cab, quickly jumping in and giving him the coordinates to Alexander’s and Hoon’s condo.

When the cab pulled up to the large building, Kevin tossed the driver enough money to pay for the drive and small tip, too anxious to  find out who the random guy was to even pay attention to the amount of money he threw to the man. Knowing that his friends were drunk, Kevin didn’t bother knocking on the door or calling them when he reached the entry to their condo. He pushed the door open and let his mouth drop:

Alexander laid sprawled out on the couch and Eli at the table where the kitchen was. Hoon was nowhere to be seen, but there was a brunette dabbing at Alexander’s forehead; and from the length of the hair, Kevin knew it wasn’t Dongho. He didn’t rush his steps since he wasn’t one to really drink like his older friends, but he did clear his throat. The brunette stopped his ministrations and looked up, his bangs moving away from his face, revealing the familiar face of Kibum, the DJ at the club.

Kevin’s heart leapt and skipped a beat, revving back up to pound harshly against his chest. He couldn’t find the words to speak; to ask Kibum why he was there. He sighed softly when the other chuckled and took that responsibility from him.

“Hey, Kevin,” Kibum stood up straight and scratched the back of his head, “Sorry that you had to walk in on something like this. Alexander had started drinking before I got here, and that was way over an hour ago. Eli, I guess he’s been drinking just as long.”

Kevin closed the door and stepped further inside, “And Hoon?”

“Oh, right!” Kibum pointed up, “He went upstairs to bed when he started to feel tipsy.”

“Hoon was always the most responsible one.”

“Next to you, right?”

Kibum’s teasing tone and mischievous wink caused Kevin to blush, “Yeah…”

“Why don’t you loosen up a little and have a beer with me out on the balcony?” When Kevin didn’t answer, Kibum laughed, “I don’t bite, really.” He bent down next to the couch and pulled out two beers from the cooler that Alexander always dragged out when he wanted to get drunk, “How ‘bout it?”

Kevin ended up giving into Kibum’s pleas, but what really got him was when the other pouted and whimpered, drawing an uncontrollable laugh from Kevin. Now they were sitting on the balcony of the condo, sipping at their beers and just talking while the heat of the November sun shone on them, the cool wind brushing softly over their skin.

“I had just turned eighteen that day.”

Kibum moved his bottle from his mouth and stared wide eyed at Kevin, completely in awe, “What? You’re only eighteen?”

Kevin nodded, smiling and sipping his beer again.

“Wow… By the way Eli and Hoon talked about you I thought you were older.”

“How old did they make me sound to be?”

“Not too old, maybe older than me.”

Kevin was silent for a moment, slightly afraid that Kibum was older than Alexander, “And how old are you?”

“I’ll be nineteen next month on the twenty-ninth.”

“What?” Kevin shot forward and stared incredulously at Kibum, mouth agape and mind not believing as he looked the older one up and down. “You’re not much older than me and you’re a DJ at a dance club?”

“Hey, get it right, I’m the main DJ at a dance club.”

Kevin rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair, “Fine, the main DJ at a dance club. Want a cookie?”

“No, I want a date with you.”

“Excuse me?” Kevin shot his eyes towards Kibum, not knowing whether to believe his statement or not from his nonchalant tone he used. “You want to go on a date with me?”

Kibum nodded, a little too laid-back for Kevin to consider it. “I told you at the club, I thought you were cute. I don’t go around making out with people without knowing them unless I find them likeable.”

“And you chose me? You can’t like someone you just met.”

“Oh contraire, Mr. Woo, I’ve known Eli and Hoon since high school, which means every chance I got to see them in the past few years, I’ve learned something about you.”

“Oh, really?” Kevin challenged, setting his now empty bottle down and turning in his chair to look at Kibum, “Like what?”

“You’re favorite color is blue and you love to swim. You’re from San Francisco but both of your parents met here in Korea. You graduated high school early and your first friend here was Dongho, a boy that was in middle school when you met him. You live alone but you always seem to find yourself having one of your four friends over, even if one of them is constantly drunk and annoying.”

He took it all in, unable to shake his head at anything Kibum had said because it was all true. “Alexander is annoying when he’s drunk, huh?”

“Yeah, he really is. I thought I was going to die before he fell asleep.”

They both laughed in unison, smiling at one another when their laughter died down.

“So how about it, Kevin? Go on a date with me. If it’s really that bad, you can tell me and I’ll never pursue you again.”

With a soft sigh a mocking expression of agitation, Kevin gave in, “Fine, but after the date you can’t kiss me and vice-versa.”


And as they sat on the balcony, joking around and learning about one another, Kevin took back what he told himself earlier—there was nothing worse than having your heart dance to the beat of a mysterious dj.

A/N: Oh, chapter two, why were you so fun to write? :D

Why is it up so early? You can thnk fishykevinwoo for that. Haha~ I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter as much as chapter one. And I must say, thank you to all my new subscribers and to everyone that commented! <3 I love y'all.

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Chapter 5: HAHAHAHA.
They probably didn't rofl. I mean if Kibum's not drunk, there's no way that man will let Kevin top him, and if Kevin doesn't feel off sorts, then THEY DIDN'T.
It's so cute that Kevin feels so awkward in fancy restaurants. And Kibum's so mean to choose such a place :P
Le reads while forgetting about mountains of homework to do.~
Chapter 5: Uh-Oh! Kevin shoudn't have drank that much. Now he's all confused. =/ I'm dying to know what happens next.
Kibum dates people fast xD Or maybe.. only Kevin? :P
Oh my gosh! I really like where this is going.
I'm excited that I didn't have to proof read this and i didn't find any mistakes. :D YAY
Why does it feel so short ;~;
Omg, he totally left him hanging!
After every date is a kiss omg that's tradition!!!!
And why is having your heart dancing to the beat of a DJ a bad thing? It's such a sweet thing :3
Oh and I love the want a cookie? No, I want a date thing it's so cute asdffgjskcje
Thank you for this chapter but honestly! Y SO SHORTTTTT?
kemaru1437 #7
I love Kemaru moments here... YAY for Kibum asking Kevin to date him!! lol~ xDD
I wonder what's going to happen later.. update soon~ ^^
OHMYGOSH! KEVIN AND KIBUM'S MAKING OUT SESSION! :D (Y) I've been waiting for that! xD /hyperventilate/
winterflowr #9
That was so cute! Holla molla! They're so funny when teasing Kevin