

Bbh/Pcy drabbles




My drabbles will vary. It will not be consistent but if I choose to continue a certain chapter, I will.

There is no specific genre I will be focusing on either. 

The stories will be based off my feelings the day I write them.   

Some chapters might be a character focus and others might include the pair together. Not all will contain the two in a daiting or in an intimate relationship. 

Hopefully this will become a goldmine of forwards so in the future, I wont have to brainstorm to many ideas on new fics! haha:) 


***I will mark chapters with their genre when i upload.




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Wonderfulday #1
Chapter 2: Ouh? Chan take care baek after the accident, then they married? After that, they divorce because chan only use baek for money? Thats what i understand..
Thanks for the update ^_^