
19 Summers



That was the year I learnt that people don’t really keep their promises.


Mother promised to attend the PTA. She didn’t. Some guests wanted to host a dinner party and she had to make sure the food was ready.


My oldest sister promised to help me with my science paper. She didn’t. She had to go to work for Mr Seo the grocer after school.


My second sister promised to play with me when she was done with her homework. She didn’t. She had friends to hang out with.


I understood why they couldn’t keep their promises, but it still hurt. I resolved then never to promise anything to anyone, because life was cruel and even with the best of intentions, promises just set the recipient up for heartbreak.


Summer came but you didn’t.

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zialabell #1
Chapter 13: Omg it’s been a whileee.

Jongin ahh, why are you doing this to yourself ㅠㅠ
Oh, I thought you updated 1 ch only BUT 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU<333333
Chapter 13: thank you for updating!
i hope to see more on how you'd write in the future, also on how taekai's relationship will developed. i'll cheer on you, fighting!
Chapter 9: even though the length of each ch is pretty small, they are deep. I really want to know what happens next
I want to read more!
Chapter 9: 1. I love the timeline stories!!!
2. It's so light and easy to read
3. I am sure they are going to have a beautiful bond & love story!
Well done author-nim!!! xxx

You are the best!
zialabell #7
Chapter 9: Urhhhhhhhhhhhhh the painnnnnn. Hellllllllll. How is it even possible with so minimal sentences you make me FEEL SO MUCH MORE than a lot of long fanfic does. GOSH I LOVE U, and hate younat the same time.

I hate how their relationship is becoming like this, but growing is really a cruel thing. Reality always hurt in some was or another, so does all the people you decide to trust ....?
Chapter 9: :((( if jongin keep this act toward my baby taeminnie how they gonna end up tgt ;___;
the short chapters really fit and im v curious at what will happen next</3
Omg Jongin changed so much.../:
Chapter 6: Ahh this hurts my little heart. All of Jongin's anxiety.
Their relationship is so pure and platonic, it's beautiful ;;;
Can't wait for another chapters!