First Kiss? [ONESHOT]


You were best friends, but was that really all that you were? And what's up with saying you already got your first kiss?



Two friends were sitting on a bench in the park. It was a sunny day, but it wasn't all to crowded which was weird for a perfect weather like this. You shrugged. 'Maybe there was some flue or something getting to the people.' You crossed your bare legs and allowed your head to tilt back a little to enjoy the sun hitting your elegant face. You turned your head and squeezed your eyes a little from the sunlight and looked at your companion sitting next to you. He was enjoying the warmth of the sun along with your. His thin, brown leather jacket looked a little too warm for him though. You slowly reached your hand towards him and tugged at his jacket. He opened his eyes and looked at you. Once he looked into your eyes, you lost what you was trying to say. Sure you knew you had some kind of feeling for him, but you never knew to what extend. Sure he did a lot of things, like hugging your for no reason. You always thought it was a normal thing because you had known each other for nearly a year now and it was common sense for you two to hug their friends, but you wasn't sure about the thing where he would just hug your out of nowhere. Especially when you were alone. There was a time that you wasn't sure what had happened..


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sazuka #1
Chapter 1: This is so cute!
kwangx #2
Although it's short, but you had made a beautiful fic.. Good job author ssi..
Chapter 1: Extremely cute :D
Aigooooooo....... Sooooooooooo cute.........
cute ending! :D
AJ <3333333<br />
Thanks for this nice oneshot !! It's rare to find fics with AJ ^^